I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:04 PM

Author: Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Yu Li, Li Zheng, Wang Ying

After 21 days of ups and downs, I rushed to Los Angeles just to show my "China" on the Olympic field. The experience of Liu Changchun, a student of Northeastern University and the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympic Games, condensed the century long history of Northeastern University - patriotic struggle.

On April 26, 2023, facing the first ray of dawn, in the magnificent "March of the Volunteers", a brand new five-star red flag slowly rose in Tiananmen Square. In September 2023, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Northeastern University, the national flag numbered 2023-0116 was officially gifted to Northeastern University. This is the most precious birthday gift given by the motherland to the "loyal and patriotic" Dongren.

On April 26, 1923, the famous patriotic general Zhang Xueliang, who had served as the president of Northeastern University, raised a banner of "promoting education and cultural salvation".

The scene of Northeastern University students walking at the forefront of the December 9th petition parade. Except for the signature, all images in this group are provided by the respondents

This is China's first university in exile. In Beiping, they were at the forefront of the December 9th parade; In Xi'an, they took to the streets, petitioning for an end to the civil war and gun violence; On the battlefield of resistance against Japan, they joined the army with their pen and fought bravely.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

This is a university that is willing to contribute to the needs of our country. 106 students have voluntarily applied for "transferring departments for the country", and the "54 coal" spirit of "passionate youth, dedication to mining, hard work, and dedication to the country" still inspires thousands of students to this day.

The emblem of Northeastern University in 1929.

Professor Lin Huiyin, a renowned architect, taught at Northeastern University for 3 years. In 1929, when the nation was in peril, 25-year-old Lin Hui designed the first emblem for Northeastern University. On both sides of the white mountains and black waters were painted a wolf and a bear, surrounded by bears and wolves, expressing the young architecture professor's deep concern for the turbulent motherland.

In 1949, Lin Huiyin participated in the design of the national emblem of New China, with Tiananmen Square illuminated by five stars in the middle and ears of grain and gears around. The gold and red colors expressed her joy for the Chinese people standing up from then on.

The century old East University has always been closely linked to the fate of our motherland.

The main entrance of Nanhu Campus of Northeastern University.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

Gou Yu's conscience is still alive, and his blood is still flowing

How can we forget our motherland and work as horses and cows for the puppet puppet country

The lonely figure remains on the Olympic field, and the words "China" on the white mountains and black waters battle robe are forever frozen by history.

Liu Changchun, the first student of the Physical Education Department at Northeastern University, participated in the men's 100m sprint preliminary round of the 10th Olympic Games held in Los Angeles, USA in 1932. Ten thousand miles away, his hometown of Northeast China had already fallen under the iron hooves of the Japanese invaders, and his alma mater was on the road of exile.

At that time, the newspaper wrote, "I, a Chinese athlete, am going to the conference alone. With thousands of miles across the mountains, the national fortune is difficult at this moment. May all of you bravely move forward, and may future generations like us stay away from such hardships!"

Liu Changchun took a photo after the Olympics.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

Liu Changchun's Olympic journey was a patriotic journey and a struggle against Japanese imperialism.

In February and March 1932, the Japanese invaders repeatedly tempted Liu Changchun to represent the puppet Manchukuo in the Olympic Games held in July of the same year, offering high officials and high salaries. Liu Changchun, who is currently in exile with teachers and students from Northeastern University, publicly issued a statement: "Gou Yu's conscience is still alive, and his blood is still flowing. How can he forget his motherland and become a horse ox for the puppet puppet puppet country?" Liu Changchun contacted the president Zhang Xueliang and requested to represent China in the Olympics. With Zhang Xueliang's support, Liu Changchun alone competed in the Olympics and became the first person in China's Olympics.

The legendary history of Liu Changchun is like a surging wave in the century long history of Northeastern University. Northeastern University, established during the national crisis, has been committed to promoting education and saving the country through culture since its inception. It has made a strong voice in the era of cultivating talents and resisting aggression in the midst of mountains and rivers.

In the early days of the establishment of Northeastern University, Japan adopted colonial and cultural aggression against Northeast China, aiming to undermine the national fighting spirit of the people of Northeast China from the perspective of ideology and culture, and lay the foundation for its permanent occupation of Northeast China. The Japanese Consul General in Fengtian openly opposed the establishment of Northeastern University: "If you want to study science and engineering, we already have the 'Lushun Engineering'; if you want to study medicine, we already have the 'Nanman Medical School'; if you are willing to study humanities and law, you can also send international students to study at Imperial University. The Japanese government will give preferential treatment and provide official subsidies. Why do you go beyond your means, seek your own troubles, and choose to run your own university?"

The opposition of the Japanese has further strengthened the determination of the Chinese people to run their own schools. "Our country is culturally backward and our country is in danger, and we are willing to catch up quickly. We must double our efforts and speed up." Zhang Xueliang, who also served as the principal in 1928, advocated for the responsibility of "building the Northeast and being vigilant against imperialist aggression," laying the foundation for the school's century long patriotic foundation.

Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin conducted surveying and mapping in Beiling, Shenyang.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

In August 1928, 27 year old Liang Sicheng, who had returned from Europe, was appointed as the head of the Department of Architecture at Northeastern University. In March of the following year, his wife Lin Huiyin was also appointed as a professor, and their classmates studying abroad also came to Northeastern University one after another. A group of young people under the age of 30 supported China's first vibrant university architecture department.

Northeastern University is like a dazzling pearl, attracting scholars from all walks of life at home and abroad. By the eve of the September 18 Incident in 1931, Northeastern University had established 6 colleges, 24 departments, and 8 specialized subjects, with more than 300 professors and over 3000 students. Among the teachers were famous figures such as Zhang Boling, Jin Yufu, Zhang Shizhao, Liu Xianzhou, and Liang Shuming. The school was known as the "prosperity of Northeastern University, which could be compared to any other university at that time.".

In March 1931, the school formulated an ambitious five-year plan, including expanding the Agricultural College, expanding the Northeastern University factory, expanding the library, and so on. However, only half a year later, the sound of Japanese invaders completely shattered Northeastern University's cultural salvation dream.

On September 19th, the then acting president Ning Encheng made a generous oath to all the teachers and students of the school amidst the sound of gunfire: "The ancients said, 'Scholars repay national kindness.' Today, when the country is in crisis, we are all good warriors of one country... If any danger occurs, we should abide by the creed of 'Scholars repay national kindness' and be fearless and fearless."

A few days later, a large number of precious books, archives, teaching instruments and equipment of the school fell into the hands of the Japanese invaders, and the once bustling campus became a breeding ground for the Japanese invaders.

After the September 18 Incident, Northeastern University became the first anti Japanese university in China to be in exile for 15 years.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

The score for "May Flowers".

Our oppressed nation must rise up and resist

Northeast youth should be the vanguard of national youth! "

"The flowers of May bloomed throughout the wilderness, covering the blood of the martyrs. In order to save this endangered nation, they persevered in the resistance war..." This exciting lyrics comes from a famous anti Japanese war song "Flowers of May", which was written by Yan Shushi, a music teacher at Northeastern University at the time.

The author of the song "May Flowers" is Yan Shushi.

After the Japanese aggressors occupied Northeast China, Yan Shushi, who was less than 30 years old, devoted himself to the creation of anti Japanese patriotic songs. He taught his students songs, cultivated their patriotism, sparked hatred towards Japanese imperialism, and educated them not to forget their compatriots who died in hardship, but to always remember their motherland.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

On December 9, 1935, the world-renowned December 9 Movement broke out in Beiping. While students from Tsinghua University, Yanjing University, and other universities were blocked on campus, more than 300 patriotic students from Northeastern University served as the only main force of the West Route Column of the parade. Led by Song Li, a member of the Communist Party and a member of the East University, they raised a big flag and rushed out of the school gate blocked by the military and police. Faced with whips, wooden sticks, and gunshots, the East University students faced death and charged forward.

On December 16th, students launched a larger scale demonstration, and Yan Shushi actively participated in rescuing students. He witnessed the tragic scene of his students being massacred by the military and police, filled with grief and indignation. When the student asked him to compose the song with the lyrics of "May Flowers", the tragic and passionate lyrics immediately resonated with him, singing repeatedly with tears in his eyes. This anti Japanese and national salvation song, born during the December 9th Movement, quickly spread throughout China and has been passed down to this day.

Northeastern University's Exile Roadmap.

In the history museum of Northeastern University, you can see a yellowed "Northeastern University Exile Education Roadmap". From leaving Shenyang in 1931 to moving back in 1946, for 15 years, Dongda students fled from Yanshi and moved to Kaifeng, Xi'an, and Sichuan Santai. On the way to exile, they never stopped fighting and always rushed to the front line of anti Japanese salvation.

In December 1936, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the December 9th Movement, tens of thousands of students in Xi'an took to the streets, calling for an end to the civil war and unity against Japan. At this moment, Dongdaozi, who had already traveled to Xi'an, once again stood at the forefront of the parade, bravely facing the gunshots of the military and police. Upon hearing the news, the old principal Zhang Xueliang arrived and promised the students, in his capacity as principal, to "respond with facts within a week.". Just three days later, the shocking Xi'an Incident broke out, which led to the establishment of the anti Japanese national united front.

On August 1, 2017, the official account of Northeastern University once released "the veterans of Dongfeng University should not be forgotten", which reminds people of those Dongfeng University students who joined the army and fought for their country.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

After graduating from Northeastern University in 1932, Miao Kexiu devoted himself to the anti Japanese battlefield. In 1934, he served as the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Youth Iron and Blood Army, galloping on the Liaonan battlefield and fiercely attacking the Japanese army. In 1935, he was injured and captured, and after writing an oath to sweep away the Xiongnu, he generously died at the age of only 29; Tong Yanbo, who was admitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Northeastern University in 1928, gave up the opportunity to further his studies abroad in 1933 and aspired to contribute to the country's resistance against Japanese aggression. On May 19, 1938, he and his comrades flew an expedition to Japan to conduct bombings, dropping over one million flyers. Zhou Enlai, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, presented a banner with the words "combining virtue and power, possessing both intelligence and courage"; After the September 18 Incident, Cong Dezi, who was studying at Northeastern University, devoted himself to the anti Japanese salvation movement led by the Party. He was arrested inside the enemy and was killed in prison in 1942 at the age of only 32; In 1950, a martyr's family certificate signed by Chairman Mao was issued to the family of Cong Dezi. This is the martyr's family certificate with the new China number 00001, in memory of the murdered student from Northeast University

"Our oppressed nation must rise up to resist, and the youth of Northeast China must be the vanguard of the youth of the whole country!" From standing up in the December 9th Movement, to shouting loudly on the streets of Xi'an, and then to sacrificing their lives for the country on the battlefield of resistance against Japan, the people of East China have regained their patriotism on the road of resistance against Japan and salvation, and demonstrated their patriotism in the test of blood and fire.

Bird's-eye view of Nanhu Campus of Northeastern University. Provided by the interviewed unit

"The needs of national construction are the direction of our research"

In 1950, Lin Yunmei, who was only 17 years old, responded to the national call and came alone from Shanghai to study at Northeast Institute of Technology. Just as she was yearning for how to pursue her favorite civil engineering department and envision a better future, the school began mobilizing party members and members of the Youth League to transfer to the mining department - the country was in a state of great waste waiting to be revitalized, and geology and mining took the lead.

Lin Yunmei and her classmates take a group photo.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

Later on, Lin Yunmei, who became a professor at Northeastern University and a renowned expert in rock mechanics and was the first person to introduce the discipline of rock mechanics to China, recalled the scene where her classmates had a fierce ideological struggle - Zhuan, who didn't know the danger of coal mining. Coal mines are commonly known as "four stones sandwiched with flesh," and the fragmentation and roof collapse of surrounding rocks pose a threat to life safety; Without turning around, the Party and the country need us at this time. How can we only think about ourselves and not the country?

Love your country more than love your major. Lin Yunmei and 105 other classmates took the initiative to apply for a transfer program for their country. In 1954, they graduated from Dongfeng University and went to various parts of the country, earning this glorious collective the nickname "54 Coal". The "54 Coal" spirit of passionate youth, dedication to mining, hard work, and dedication to the country still inspires the students of Dongda University to this day.

The female students of Class "54 Coal" are mining underground.

If we say that the initial "transformation for the country" was based on a patriotic enthusiasm, and in the subsequent continuous learning and practice, it has added their firm belief in bringing glory to the country. In the summer of 1951, they interned at the Jixi Coal Mine. The person in charge of the Mining Bureau talked about how after the Japanese surrendered, we could only keep some Japanese people because we didn't have our own engineers. They were so arrogant that they dared to pat our heads and say, "Your Chinese heads are really useless.". "You are college students trained in New China, and our country looks forward to you!" There were no big slogans, no exciting scenes, and no oath taking ceremony. However, upon hearing these words, the students clenched their fists, gritted their teeth, and silently issued an indelible oath in their hearts: "We will spare no effort to build our country."

Over the years, this glorious group has produced one CAE Member, 30 university professors, and more than 60 chief engineers, who have made great contributions to the development of the national coal mining industry.

In 2011, when Feng Xiating, a student of Lin Yunmei, was elected as the President of the International Society of Rock Mechanics, Lin Yunmei excitedly said, "This is the first scholar from a developing country with black hair and yellow skin to sit in the position of head of the society in more than half a century since its establishment." At this time, Lin Yunmei's mind came to the unforgettable scene of 60 years ago at the Jixi Mining Bureau.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

Keketo Haidong, who has formed a "double wall" with "54 coal" at Northeastern University, is an unknown collective for many years and a legend of dedicating one's life to the motherland.

The poignant and melancholic song "The Shepherd of Keketuohai" has made people familiar with this small town located 48 kilometers northeast of Fuyun County in northern Xinjiang. "Keketuohai Dongren" has created one miracle after another for China's rare metal industry in this small town, and has made immortal historical contributions to "Two Bombs and One Satellite".

On January 4, 1969, before dawn, 25 East Asian university students set off from Urumqi, wearing shameless old sheepskin coats and felt boots. They boarded a large bus with relatively intact windows and headed north, bumping all the way for three days to reach Keketuohai. The climate in the small town is cold, sparsely populated, and the natural conditions are harsh. In winter, the lowest temperature is minus 50 degrees Celsius. College students start by weeding, logging, carrying burlap bags, digging coal, and cleaning outdoor toilets.

Here, some of them push mining carts into waste rock piles at night; Some repair diesel engines, and the blowtorch explodes and burns their faces and hands, leaving an indelible mark; Some people ride bicycles after night shift and fall off the bridge into the cold and turbulent Ertix River, climbing onto the shore in the darkness; Some people are poisoned by painting their rocking beds with raw lacquer, and their faces are surprisingly swollen; Some female classmates are a few months pregnant and are still moving stones on the reservoir dam like male classmates

The alumni of Tohoku University who had worked in Koktohai donated local ore specimens to their alma mater. Photo by Yu Li, Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter

These people from the east of Coco Lake work tirelessly day after day, year after year, with one goal: to find the rare metals that our country urgently needs.

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

From 1952 to 1982, 45 graduates from Dongfeng University went to Keketuohai, hiding their names and silently dedicating themselves. Rare metal ores are continuously sent from Keketuohai to various parts of the country, laying the foundation for the rise of China's cutting-edge industry and melting into the Keketuohai spirit of "hard work, hard struggle, selfless dedication, and bringing glory to the country".

In 1950, Chairman Mao Zedong issued an instruction on Northeast Industry: "Ansteel produces steel, but also talents." The new China's desire for industrial talents entrusted the school with responsibility and mission. At that time, the Ministry of Industry of the Northeast People's Government quickly took action and merged several universities into the first higher education institution in New China specifically for cultivating metallurgical technology talents, Northeast Institute of Technology. The campus was located in Nanhu, Shenyang, and has since become a place where generations of East Asian people dream of setting sail. As the cradle of metallurgical talents in the Republic, Northeastern University has trained a large number of outstanding talents in disciplines such as metallurgy, information, mining, and materials for the construction of the industrial system in New China.

Jin Shuliang, the first dean of Northeast Institute of Technology.

Jin Shuliang, one of the pioneers and founders of steel and metallurgy in New China, was the first dean of Northeast Institute of Technology after the founding of the People's Republic of China. He edited the first textbook for ironmaking courses, Modern Ironmaking. He took the lead in shouting that "the needs of our country are the direction of our research", led the team to overcome the world problem of furnace hearth accumulation in vanadium titanium magnetite smelting, and made outstanding contributions to the resumption of production at Chenggang and the initial construction of Panzhihua Iron and Steel.

Academician Lu Zhongwu, the founder of the discipline of metallurgical thermal energy engineering in China, founded China's first metallurgical furnace major at Northeast Institute of Technology. He recalled, "Since then, I have made up my mind to contribute to the construction of New China and strive for a lifetime."

Li Huatian, the developer of China's first analog electronic computer, came to Northeast Institute of Technology to teach after graduating from Harvard University. At that time, analog computers from countries such as the United States and the Soviet Union had already been introduced. He said, "Since foreigners can make it, can't we?"

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

During the construction period of the People's Republic of China, Northeastern University shone with stars: Academician Qiu Zhuxian, the leader of China's first aluminum smelting experiment and the leader of the restoration and construction of China's first aluminum plant, wrote China's first aluminum electrolysis textbook; Professor Lang Shijun, one of the pioneers of industrial automation education in China, founded the first batch of industrial electrification automation majors in China and proposed a new idea of open loop control; Professor Wang Guodong, known as the "father of super steel" in China, led the research and development of super steel, achieving four consecutive firsts in international competition

"Wei Xiaoguang, a graduate of the" 54 Coal "class, wrote in his poem" Coal ":" I! Just wait for the call, jump into the furnace, open my chest. Hold out the rising fire, the rushing electricity... turn into wisps of smoke, shattered ash... just for the sake of yo, I have been looking forward to the wish of dedicating myself to the light for millions of years. ""

This poem about coal is a true portrayal of the loyalty of teachers and students at Northeastern University to serve the country.

Feng Xiating, the president of Northeastern University, gave a lecture on the first lesson of the school year - "The needs of the country are the direction we strive for.".

"Patrol, exploration, and diving into the sea have entered a new era, and Dongda has consciously shouldered the mission of building a high-level technological power."

On August 31, 2023, Feng Xiating, an academician of the CAE Member and president of Northeastern University, delivered a speech at the "First Class" jointly organized by relevant departments in Liaoning Province, with the theme: "National needs are the direction of our efforts!"! "Looking back at the past, for a hundred years, Dongda has always walked in the same direction as the country's development and national rejuvenation, entering a new era. Dongda is writing a new chapter of patriotic struggle. The Baihetan Hydropower Station, the Sichuan Tibet Railway, the Long March series of carrier rockets, the Shenzhou spacecraft, the new generation of warships, nuclear submarines, and other super projects and major weapons have all left the mark of Dongda's patriotism and national service."

I have been writing two words all along, Lin Huiyin designed the first version of the school emblem... This university has gone through a hundred years and is the alma mater of Northeast University, the first person to participate in the Chinese Olympics. | Source | China Olympics

On the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, known as one of the "least suitable places for human habitation", with the excavation of railway tunnels, the originally dense rock has been removed, with one side suspended and the other still connected to the original rock mass. The accumulated energy erupts in an instant, causing rock blocks to form flakes and splatter everywhere... Rock burst is one of the main safety hazards faced by tunnel construction, directly threatening the safety of personnel and equipment. The main work of the Northeastern University Major Railway Rock Burst Technology Research Group is to conduct safety monitoring and on-site experimental research on the engineering site, and use technology support to ensure the safe and efficient construction of the project.

The Sichuan Tibet rock burst team installed sensors on site.

Professor He Guoguo, the on-site technical leader of the group, introduced that there is often rainwater like water flowing out of the tunnel, which is too high

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