Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:59 PM

On September 8th, the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games was launched at the Yongjin Park Square by the West Lake. The picture shows the first torchbearer, Luo Xuejuan, running. Photo by journalist Pan Haisong

This is a wonderful combination——

A flame collected from the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park, a torch overflowing with colors of "Dan Gui Jin" and "Hong Yun Zi", along with extension materials such as flame lamps and pots, constitute one of the main characters of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay, known as "firewood".

This is a touching journey——

On September 8th, "Huohuo" set sail from the shimmering West Lake in Hangzhou, passing through Huzhou, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Zhoushan, Taizhou, Wenzhou, Lishui, Jinhua, and Quzhou in sequence. On September 20th, it returned to Hangzhou and completed its final relay by the bustling Qiantang River. On the Internet, the digital torch relay was carried out synchronously and lit up the world.

On September 20th, the final stop of the torch relay for the Hangzhou Asian Games was held in Hangzhou. After passing the second baton, Shi Yigong and the third baton, Guo Jingjing competed in a forward running posture. Photo by journalist Yao Yingkang and Ni Yanqiang

Along the way, we met over 2000 torchbearers. Among them, there are athletes, entrepreneurs, teachers and doctors, and craftsmen and farmers. Running forward time and time again is like a relentless struggle on the path of life. Hand in hand, passing on the endless human dreams.

Along the way, we met "Poetry, Painting, Jiangnan, and Vibrant Zhejiang". From the Taihu Lake Lake, the beautiful South Lake, Lu Xun's hometown, Chuzhou City, Oujiang New City and Ningbo Zhoushan Port, there are natural charm, humanistic spirit and development beauty everywhere.

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Along the way, we met countless citizens and netizens. Offline follow-up, online relay, ignite passion for grand events, let the spirit of the Asian Games dance in the real world and digital world, and also send the most sincere call to the world - "Welcome to the Hangzhou Asian Games".

According to legend, "firewood" carries the glory of 5000 years of civilization and illuminates the light of the Asian Games in the new era.

A Heart to Heart Transmission

The Meishan Port Area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port is vast and spectacular with a gentle sea breeze.

When he took over the torch he had participated in manufacturing, Yu Yu found it difficult to suppress his inner pride. As the technical leader of the Asian Games Torch Project, he witnessed every step of the "firewood" from production to delivery. "From material research and development to process design, we have broken through multiple technological bottlenecks, making the ancient civilization's flame shine brightly in modern technology."

How well this aligns with the connotation of the torch relay! According to legend, before the opening of the ancient Athens Olympics, messengers would hold olive branches and run around the city states to announce their intentions. The torch relay derived from this is a signal of the start of a grand event, a symbol of peace and friendship, and an inspiration for the spirit of all athletes, just like the courage of Prometheus to bring out the spark of light for humanity.

Over two thousand years later, modern large-scale comprehensive sports events have inherited this tradition. The Asian Games' flame, derived from the roots of Chinese civilization, shines with the Olympic flame originating from Greece. In the transmission between hands, connect history and the future, connect hearts and minds, and convey the belief of "faster, higher, stronger - more unity".

On September 9th, the torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games was passed on in Huzhou. Olympic champion Zhou Suhong started the torch relay as the first leg. Reporter Zhu Haiwei, Lv Zhiyao, Pan Haisong, photographed

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Please remember these exciting moments——

Holding the torch high with one hand and spiking in the void with the other, this is a carefully designed handover move by the first torchbearer and Olympic champion Zhou Suhong at the Huzhou Station. The transmission route was not long, but this former volleyball female player sincerely sighed, "It's like going back to the years of passionate struggle on the field."

On September 16th, "Wind Chasing Youth" Wu Luyi ran into the scene of the closing ceremony as the last torchbearer at the Lishui Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay. Reporter Zhu Haiwei, Lv Zhiyao, Pan Haisong, photographed

In the drizzly Lishui, the first torchbearer Zhu Xueying took the lead in running. "The goal at the Hangzhou Asian Games is to raise the national flag and play the national anthem," she said to the camera, as she made a strong comeback with a divine leap on the world stage and won the trampoline championship at the Tokyo Olympics

The spring water of a river flows through the city, and infinite charm grows on both sides. On the day of the end of the torch relay, "Diving Queen" Guo Jingjing, as the third torchbearer of the Hangzhou Station, completed the relay on the city balcony of Hangzhou. She said, "Sports have taught me how to persist, how to struggle, and how to see light in adversity. I hope everyone supports the Hangzhou Asian Games and cheers all athletes together!"

Luo Xuejuan, Chen Yufei, Yang Qian... In this ceremony of crossing the river and earth, many familiar names appeared. Looking at the bright flames, we recall the glory of them standing on the highest podium, and see their tenacious and never giving up figures. And this will undoubtedly inspire more than 12000 athletes from 45 countries and regions in Asia to participate in the grand event and achieve outstanding results.

Please remember these touching encounters——

On September 11th, at the Shaoxing Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay, the first torchbearer Yu Juemin ran from Lu Xun's hometown. Photo by journalist Zhu Haiwei and Lv Zhiyao

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

At Huzhou Station, Li Haiqing, the 69th torchbearer and senior coach of volleyball at Changxing County Children's Amateur Sports School, was the enlightenment coach of Zhou Suhong; Before the Shaoxing Olympic Sports Center, Wang Shunfa, who trained the national outstanding sprinter Xie Zhenye, served as the 163rd torchbearer; The first leg of the Wenzhou station was the first Olympic champion in local history, Zhu Qinan. The last leg was passed to the young torchbearer and post-2000 Chinese track and field athlete Fang Yuting

According to legend, "firewood" never stops, and there is no more vivid interpretation than this. Passion for sports, love for the country, transcending time, crossing mountains and seas, surging in the blood of generation after generation.

Some people say that the more there are wage collectors, the farther the place illuminated by the fire. The torch relay is a shot of the champion's departure and a resounding horn of national participation.

Tan Qixiao, an 86 year old Hangzhou resident who took thousands of photos of the "Big Lotus", is constantly pressing the shutter button. In recent shots, he has captured the new appearance of the Hangzhou Asian Games Museum and the Asian Games Village; At the west gate of Lu Xun's hometown in Shaoxing, 74 year old Lin Laida and his lover arrived by bus for an hour to watch the start ceremony and cheer for the Asian Games; Chen Xiangyu, a citizen of Taizhou, rushed to the relay route early in the morning with his son and watched as the torchbearer approached. He raised the national flag in his hand and said, "This is a grand occasion, it's not a worthwhile trip!"

Looking at these, we can't help but think of the scene where the torch relay of the 1990 Beijing Asian Games arrived in Zhejiang, and citizens crowded the roads. Today, the torch has changed, the torchbearer has changed, and people's aspirations remain unchanged. Wherever the torch goes, it spreads vitality and stimulates enthusiasm.

Listening to these, we cannot help but feel that the Asian Games have already surpassed sports itself. It is a grand event, a culture, a carnival, and a symbol of people's infinite longing for a better life.

Heart to heart integration, "Poetry and painting in Jiangnan, vibrant Zhejiang" has opened up its embrace.

A relay between cities

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

On September 10th, at the Jiaxing Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay, badminton Olympic champion Wang Yilu ran his first leg from the Zicheng Ruins Park. Photo by journalist Pan Haisong and Lv Zhiyao

In September, Jiaxing, the sky is like washing, with thick shade covering the ground.

When the national flag and the flag of the Asian Olympic Council were raised, the first torchbearer and Olympic champion Wang Yilu from Jiaxing Station lit the torch. He departed from the Square of Zicheng Ruins Park. Looking back, the mottled city walls leave a mark of a thousand years of history; From a distance, the beautiful smoke and rain of South Lake and the modern urban landscape are within reach.

At a glance, we can already see another intention of the torch relay activity. "Zhejiang has the beauty of nature without being painted pink and black, and the beauty of humanity with hardness and softness. Although the torch relay route is simple, it has its own characteristics and highlights. It condenses the essence landmarks and growth tracks of each city, fully highlighting the 'Zhejiang flavor' and 'cultural and tourism flavor'." Du Zuofeng, deputy commander of the torch relay command center of the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee, said.

Green mountains write lyrics, green waters compose music, and write beautiful exclamation marks. The endpoint of Lishui Station is chosen at Binshui Park. This was originally a flood control embankment, and the local ecological concept was adopted during construction. A blank space was left between the river and the road, connecting wetlands, city walls, museums, etc. The embankment became a scenic spot. When Wu Luyi, born in the 2000s, took the torch and ran along the riverside greenway, people admired the charm of ecological cities and green Zhejiang with him.

On September 15th, volunteers from the Red Sun Pavilion welcomed the Asian Games torch to Wenzhou. Photo by journalist Pan Haisong and Zhu Haiwei

History is the ruler, art is the soul, and it spreads the roots of culture. "Ding ding dang, outside the foot of the mountain..." In front of the ancient theater on Park Road in Wenzhou, Chi Jun, a first-class screenwriter at the National Peking Opera Theatre, sang the Wenzhou folk song "Ding ding dang" after completing the torch relay. In the touching singing, one can feel the cultural charm of the Oujiang River rushing towards them.

Moreover, according to legend, "firewood" is a window for showcasing "poetry and painting in Jiangnan", and also a bridge for spreading "vitality in Zhejiang".

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

"Dida" is the sound of sweat dripping from the dark face; "Pa Da" is the sound of neat and powerful running; "Hoo hoo" is the sound of burning flames... Zhu Shijie, the last torchbearer of Ningbo Station and the driver of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Crane, remembered that 15 years ago at the Beijing Olympics, he, as the first torchbearer of Ningbo City, ran through the Beilun Chuanshan Port area. That year, the container throughput of Ningbo Zhoushan Port exceeded 10 million TEUs, ranking among the top three in the country.

This time, he ran briskly, measuring the Meishan Port area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port together with the "firewood". From the first leg to the last leg, his identity changed, and his workplace also achieved a leap from "big" to "strong": in 2015, Ningbo Zhoushan Port achieved substantial integration; Nowadays, Ningbo Zhoushan Port has become the world's largest port with an annual throughput of over 1 billion tons and more than 2 berths of over 10000 tons.

In Hangzhou, torchbearers ran from the West Lake to the Qiantang River, witnessing the development and changes from the "West Lake era" to the "Qiantang River era"; In Shaoxing, the "firewood" travels through the ancient city of Shaoxing and the new city of Jinghu, a city with a thousand years of history and cultural heritage, writing a modern chapter with determination; In Wenzhou, Zhang Huamei, the "number one individual entrepreneur in China," served as the 10th torchbearer, witnessing how the private economy went from being scattered to shining like a river of stars

From the old port to the new port, from the old city to the new city, the integration of the new and the old, and the city to city relay, convey the expectations of the people of Zhejiang "from history to the future", and also let the whole China, Asia, and the world see the picture of Chinese path to modernization in Zhejiang.

On September 14th, at the Taizhou Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay, citizens cheered and cheered for the torchbearers. Reporter Zhu Haiwei, Lv Zhiyao, Pan Haisong, photographed

What's even more special is that when offline torchbearers run through 11 cities in Zhejiang, digital torchbearers have also traveled through countless mountains and rivers. Netizens from over 130 countries and regions around the world, including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, waved their phones, lit fires online, and passed the torch, sending their blessings for the Asian Games.

Wei Ying, who crossed over 1000 kilometers from Beijing to Jiaxing, never dreamed that she could become a torchbearer through online selection. "I don't have any earth shattering stories, only my fervent anticipation for the Asian Games," she said

The French, who settled in Hangzhou, lit a torch in the clouds and completed a relay with a Chinese netizen. He said he is delighted to participate in the Asian Games and the torch relay in this unique way.

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

According to statistics, since the successful collection of sparks on June 15th, the online torch relay activity has been launched simultaneously. As of now, the total number of participants has exceeded 100 million, and the relay has spread to more than 40 cities both domestically and internationally. This urban relay in the digital world breaks through time and space limitations, crosses language and cultural boundaries, and makes the hearts of people around the world beat at the same frequency.

@In the future, the expectations and dreams of countless people have become clear and tangible.

A Dream and a Journey to the Era

33 years have passed, and Zhang Yu, who worked in the Hangzhou transportation administrative law enforcement team, still remembers clearly: at the age of 11, he was selected as a torchbearer for the Beijing Asian Games as a student of Shengli Elementary School and one of the top ten young Westerners in the city. He completed the torch relay in Sudi. "33 years later, I served at my doorstep to ensure the Asian Games," he said.

The face of the youth has been stained with the wind and frost of time. But the warm and powerful "Asian Games light" always guides the path of life upward. It changes a city and deeply influences a generation.

Ultimately, grand events are achieved by people, cities are made by people, and an era is built by countless dreams and actions. This time, the drums are beating in Zhejiang. Who will be moved by this time?

Pan Meier from the Provincial Dermatology Hospital won the Nightingale Award for her outstanding performance in caring for leprosy patients over the years. When she took over the "torch" of the Asian Games, she said, "This is an honor, and it is also a spur. In the future, we must walk more firmly in the nursing industry."

On September 17th, at the Jinhua Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay, citizens cheered and cheered for the torchbearers. Reporter Zhu Haiwei, Lv Zhiyao, Pan Haisong, Jin Sicheng, photographed

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Zhu Xiangxiang, a teacher of Pujiang Zhengzhai Town Central Primary School who volunteered to take root in the countryside, has traveled all over Xizang, Xinjiang, Guizhou and other places in recent years. After completing the third torch relay at Jinhua Station, she struggled to calm down for a long time: "I hope to use myself to light up the aspirations of more rural teachers, and thus light up the dreams of millions of rural children."

By sorting out the names of over 2000 torchbearers, we have come up with a surprising number: over 60% of them are frontline representatives at the grassroots level. They have different ages, professions, and experiences, but their stories are surprisingly consistent - no matter how ordinary their positions are, as long as they work hard, their lives can also shine and their dreams can come true.

On September 13th, the torch relay passed through the Zhoushan Island Bridge. Reporter Zhu Haiwei, Lv Zhiyao, Pan Haisong, photographed

On the new journey of Chinese path to modernization, there will inevitably be arduous tasks, difficulties, obstacles and even rough seas. Lighting this torch is to light up one shining life after another, and it will also inspire every fighter to pursue and fulfill their dreams. As Ma Ruilin, a 14-year-old torchbearer and a junior high school student in Hangzhou, said, "The baton of the times has been handed over to me."

Traveling through 11 districts and cities, amidst the legendary scenery of "firewood", we also encountered more surprising faces.

This is a group of people with great love in their hearts——

Using both hands to catch the "most beautiful mother" Wu Juping of a child falling from a building, the "knife blocking girl" Cui Yi who saved her classmates from being stabbed 8 times, and the delivery guy Peng Qinglin who jumped off a bridge over 10 meters high to save people... With their ordinary bodies and brilliant hearts, they use love and kindness to support the warmth that is worth living in the world. This sacred torch is a commendation given to them by the times, and also a spiritual monument erected high by a city and a country.

On September 12th, the torch relay event at the Ningbo Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games was held. The third torchbearer, a national moral model, and the translation of "Knife blocking Girl" by Cui were included in the torch relay. Photo by journalist Zhu Haiwei, Lv Zhiyao, and He Yuankai

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

This is a group of people who bravely stand at the forefront——

The 50 meter torch relay route condenses the legendary life of Nan Cunhui. For over 40 years, he started from a small electrical appliance counter and transformed Chint Group into a top 100 Chinese private enterprise with a revenue of over 100 billion yuan; Xie Rudong, a representative and torchbearer in the field of digital economy, seizes the trend of the times and creates a leading enterprise in live streaming e-commerce; Yan Ying, the chief scientist of Ant Chain, is responsible for the first digital licensed product in the history of the Asian Games. The digital torch on the blockchain allows countless people to obtain immutable memories of the Asian Games

What is vitality? Where does vitality come from? The results created and the confidence conveyed by these entrepreneurial innovators are the best answers.

The process of hosting the Asian Games 33 years and 3 times, from Beijing to Guangzhou and then to Hangzhou, corresponds to the increasingly calm path of national rejuvenation and the change in mindset from "I see the world" to "the world sees me". In the current era of accelerated evolution of unprecedented changes in the world, hundreds of entrepreneurs and scientists are holding high the torch, which not only inspires themselves but also inspires the world to further pursue a path of unity, cooperation, and openness.

On September 19th, during the torch relay at the Quzhou Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games, torchbearers passed through the Shuiting Gate. Reporter Zhu Haiwei, Lv Zhiyao, Pan Haisong, photographed

Oh, there's such an unknown group of people——

Performers of cultural and artistic activities, volunteers at Asian Games venues, urban operation guarantee personnel, 12 million Hangzhou residents, 65 million Zhejiang residents... Perhaps no specific names have appeared, but their common identities are prominent and dazzling. It is the selfless efforts and silent tolerance of countless people that make the torch relay brilliant and colorful, and make the city of the Asian Games flourishing.

Just like the theme song "Burning" of the torch relay sings:

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

I, who is hot blooded and restless,

Standing silently waiting amidst cheers;

With a fixed gaze on me,

To ignite dreams and guard with life

At this moment, the "firewood" is quietly waiting - two days later, at the highly anticipated opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, it will once again ignite, shine brightly, and amaze the world.

[Reporter's Notes]

Torch Relay, Love Across the River and Earth

He Dongjian

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

When chatting with torchbearers, I always ask them a question: What are the differences in Zhejiang during the Asian Games?

"The city has become beautiful!" Zhou Guohua, the 29th torchbearer at Quzhou Station, said happily. As a bus driver who has dedicated 28 years of youth, she is familiar with the torch relay route. "Along the way, the atmosphere of the Asian Games has become stronger and stronger."

"People's spiritual outlook is different!" said Lv Yicong, the second torchbearer at Taizhou Station. He grew from a frontline assembly apprentice to a "great country craftsman", grateful for the opportunities given by the times and enterprises. "We frontline workers have more and more opportunities and platforms to showcase ourselves."

Along the way, slogans wishing Hangzhou and the Asian Games often stretch for several kilometers. People ignore the scorching sun in order to witness the torch relay with their own eyes. The slogans of "Go Hangzhou" and "Go Asian Games" are constantly heard, and every day there are heartfelt stories that move people.

On September 11th, a father and daughter audience on the streets of Shaoxing caught my attention. "Dad, Dad, a little taller!" The four or five year old child rode on his father's neck, with a five-star red flag pattern on his small face, holding his hands to watch the torch relay. The father, who was not tall, tiptoed up to barely let his child show his head in the crowd.

On September 13th, the torch passed through Zhoushan, and in an instant, it was touching: the 61st torchbearer, He Yunfei, knelt down on one knee and passed the "firewood" to Zhang Haibin, who was sitting in a wheelchair. The two of them faced forward and gave thumbs up at the same time. Applause and cheers suddenly rang out from the onlookers.

On September 17th, during the torch relay at Jinhua Station, an elderly man in his 60s carried a long gun and short cannon, and his bulging vest filled the camera. The enthusiastic crowd blocked his view, and he stomped his feet and asked the person in front, "Has the torchbearer come? Has the torchbearer come?" An anxious and excited expression lit up his wrinkled face.

The torch relay has illuminated the 5000 year civilization of China, showcasing the charm and enthusiasm of the Chinese nation.

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Wherever the torch goes, people will welcome it in a unique way: in Huzhou, a unique dance of the fusion of landscape and Asian Games elements can be seen; In Lishui, the She ethnic group's compatriots are dressed in formal attire, painted with phoenix makeup, and play the She ethnic standing drum; At Zhoushan Port in Ningbo, the torchbearer held the torch high and ran past the huge gantry crane; In Quzhou, the holy land of Southern Confucius, performers welcome the torch with the highest ceremonial dance of ancient China, the Eight Yi Dance... The vast and profound Chinese culture is presented to the world.

The torch relay has long gone beyond the scope of sports, bringing us infinite humanistic and spiritual nourishment.

Pointing back 12 days ago, as the blazing "firewood" torch set off from Hangzhou Yongjin Park Square, we were filled with joy and anticipation in this Asian Games city filled with poetic and picturesque charm of Jiangnan.

In fact, the West Lake World Heritage Site sculpture next to Yongjin Park Square bears witness to Hangzhou's 8-year wait. On September 16, 2015, the good news of Hangzhou, China winning the hosting rights of the 2022 Asian Games was uploaded from the plenary session of the Asian Olympic Council. The people of Hangzhou took to the streets and flocked to the shores of Xizi Lake, waving their joy here.

Today, filled with glory and dreams, the Asian Games torch has passed through 11 districts and cities in Zhejiang, and has been passed on by more than 2000 torchbearers. The melody of "love, share, and share together" is singing on the land of Zhijiang.

No matter how long you wait, you will eventually arrive. We believe that a sports event with Chinese characteristics, Asian style, and splendid diversity will surely bloom brilliantly.

"Please indicate the source when reprinting"

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