Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:54 PM

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Person of the Year - unveiled. Eleven exemplary individual, including Zhao Dongyuan, Luo Lijun, Yan Bing, Shi Dehua, Hu Chuanshuo, Zhang Junping, Lan Yunke, Cheng Meihua, the development team of the Mengtian experimental module of the China Space Station, the test operation department of the Civil Aircraft Test Flight Center of COMAC, and the "Xinshang" service studio of the Shanghai Railway Station, won the honor of "2023 Moves Shanghai People of the Year".

Eleven exemplary individual, including Lu Kexiao, Chen Mingqing, Yang Xulei, Zhu Huijuan, Qin Haiyang, Pan Azuo, Gu Xiaofen, Lu Xuefeng, the "Eye" Yiqiujing Guard Bright Team, Shanghai Pudong New Area Sanqi Retired Soldiers Emergency Rescue Support Volunteer Service Team, and Shanghai Zhang Zhiyong Public Service Agency, won the nomination award of "2023 Moves Shanghai People of the Year".

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Introduction to the 2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Academician Bu Bag

Zhao Dongyuan, male, Han nationality, born in June 1963, is a member of the Communist Party of China, an academician of the CAS Member, a professor of Fudan University, and the dean of the School of Chemistry and Materials. He has long been engaged in research in the fields of basic chemical theory and chemical applications, leading a team to invent more than 20 mesoporous materials named after Fudan University, and has won multiple heavyweight academic awards at home and abroad. His research results have also been transformed into mesoporous carbon supercapacitors, palladium mesoporous carbon catalysts, copper manganese mesoporous carbon catalysts, and other products, which have been used in scenarios such as the Beijing Olympic Village and the Shanghai World Expo. In addition to scientific research, he insists on teaching undergraduate students the basic course "General Chemistry", cultivating young research talents. Over the past 30 years of teaching, he has taken moral education as the fundamental principle, adhered to teaching according to individual needs and innovation, and has spread his knowledge throughout the world. Has won the National Innovation Award, First Prize in National Natural Science, and Shanghai Science and Technology Merit Award.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

New era breeders

Luo Lijun, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1961, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the chief scientist of the Shanghai Agricultural Biology Gene Center. He has been engaged in research on rice genetic resources for a long time, innovatively cultivating water-saving and drought resistant rice, solving the technical problem of balancing high yield, high quality, and water-saving and drought resistance in rice. He has established a protection and utilization system for rice genetic resources in China, invented a new breeding technology of "two-way selection" to integrate drought resistance and yield, and established a green cultivation technology system of "drought direct seeding and drought management". He has achieved a 50% water saving and a 90% reduction in carbon emissions in paddy field production. He actively engaged in the popularization of science and technology, and promoted the water-saving and drought resistant rice and its supporting production technology, which played an important role in rural revitalization and technological poverty alleviation. Has won the National Innovation Excellence Award, National Outstanding Professional and Technical Talent, and led the way in winning one National Science and Technology Progress First Prize and one National Technology Invention Second Prize.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

The Dream Chaser of a Maritime Power

Yan Bing, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1969, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the Deputy Chief Engineer of Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. He has been deeply involved in the research and independent innovation of marine equipment technology for 30 years, leading the "Yan Bing Floating Crane Innovation Studio" to overcome difficulties, independently developing multiple largest floating cranes in Asia and the world, and assisting in the construction of many "century projects" such as the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge. In 2022, a series of new models, including the largest 2000 ton offshore platform crane produced domestically, were developed. Participate in the drafting of relevant industry standards, cultivate a new generation of talents for China's marine engineering equipment industry, and continue to stay at the forefront of innovation in the world's marine equipment industry. Has won the National May Day Labor Medal, the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, and Shanghai Outstanding Engineer.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Xinyi Veteran

Shi Dehua, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1944, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a resident of the Ouxiang Community in Anting Town, Jiading District. He served in the Navy Aviation Corps of the People's Liberation Army of China and rushed to the front line in the early 1967's to carry out border military tasks. His squadron had 26 officers and soldiers who sacrificed their precious lives. In order to fulfill the earnest instructions given by the sacrificial squad leader during his lifetime, he went through hardships and spent most of his life traveling throughout the country, searching for the relatives of 26 martyrs, sending them precious information about their lives, and offering sincere condolences and high respect. He completed the book "The Beacon Brigade" as the chief editor, documenting the heroic deeds of the soldiers in the army, in order to commemorate the comrades who sacrificed heroically in the war. Has won the National Moral Model Nomination Award, the National "Integrity Star", and the "Most Beautiful Retired Soldier" in Shanghai.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Ship Craftsman

Hu Chuanshuo, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1983, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the head of the final assembly team at Jiangnan Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. With his perseverance and pursuit of excellence in his work, he has grown into an outstanding fitter skilled leader in the domestic shipbuilding industry. He has participated in the construction of multiple types of national key strategic high-tech products and key engineering projects, and completed the construction of high-tech and high value-added ship products such as the "Yuanwang" space measurement series ship, large liquefied gas ship, self unloading ship, chemical ship, etc. Among the 16 ship specific tooling independently developed by him, 3 have obtained national patents, filling the technical gap through various innovative processes and making outstanding contributions. He has won the National May Day Labor Medal, National Technical Expert, model worker of Shanghai, etc.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

The Big Butler of the Small Town

Zhang Junping, female, Han ethnicity, born in December 1977, is a member of the Communist Party of China. She is a full-time deputy secretary and deputy director of the Kangcheng Community Party Committee in Xinzhuang Town, Minhang District, and a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. She is the "big butler" of Shanghai Kangcheng, the largest open community with 40000 people in Shanghai. Over the past 10 years, she has used the spirit of "embroidery needles" to refine and refine community governance. Play the role of a "bridge and link", listen to the voices of the people, relieve their worries, gather their wisdom, guide the general public to participate in community governance, and become a "partner" and "family member" of a beautiful community. During the epidemic, we rushed to the front line and organized more than 2600 volunteers to work together to safeguard the safety of the community. Continuously exploring effective paths for managing super large communities, and contributing to the construction of a social governance community where everyone is responsible, responsible, and enjoyable. He has won the National Outstanding Communist Party Member, National exemplary individual in the fight against the COVID-19, National March 8th Red Flag bearer, etc.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Rong Yao Pioneer

Lan Yunke, male, She ethnic group, born in September 1973, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the General Manager and Chairman of Shanghai Caizhong Catering Management Co., Ltd. He actively carried out charitable and public welfare activities, persisted in supporting the cause and education, established the "Lanyunke Special Scholarship", persisted in paired assistance, paired disabled veterans in revolutionary old areas, donated more than 37.6 million yuan in total, supported the military and gave preferential treatment to families, and arranged employment opportunities for more than 4200 people. During the epidemic in Wuhan, we donated over 5 million yuan and epidemic prevention materials, and led 7 retired military volunteers to settle in Jinyintan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital for 87 days. When the COVID-19 situation in Shanghai was severe in 2022, he organized a volunteer team mainly composed of retired soldiers, totaling more than 3600 people to participate in volunteer activities. He has won the title of "The Most Beautiful Volunteer in China", "exemplary individual Learning from Lei Feng in China", and "Entrepreneurship Model for Retired Soldiers in China".

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Intangible Cultural Heritage 'Guardian Artist'

Cheng Meihua, female, Han ethnicity, born in October 1954, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the chief designer of Shanghai Meihua Silk Carpet Creative Studio. 50 years ago, I entered the field of silk carpet weaving and became a technical backbone with diligence and talent, lifting the beam of inheritance and innovation. Continuously breaking through in new technologies, new processes, new materials, and new designs, the artistic style is unique on the international stage. The works have been collected and displayed in important museums such as the United Nations Children's Fund, the National Museum of China, the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Shanghai World Expo, and the National Museum of Art of the United States. The Jinshan Silk Carpet has been transformed into a shining traditional Chinese cultural card. In 2016, "Jinshan Silk Carpet Weaving Technique" was selected as a project for the protection of intangible cultural heritage in Shanghai, and she became a municipal level inheritor of intangible cultural heritage. Has won national March 8th Red Flag Bearer, Shanghai Craftsman, and Shanghai May 1st Labor Medal, among others.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Aerospace Dream Builder

The development team of the China Space Station Mengtian Experimental Module was established in 2011 and is affiliated with the Shanghai Institute of Aerospace Technology. They are responsible for the overall development of the China Space Station Mengtian Experimental Module. As the first manned spacecraft developed by Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the Mengtian experimental module developed by the team successfully launched its mission in November 2022, and successfully completed rendezvous and docking as well as segment rotation, achieving a perfect conclusion to the in orbit assembly of the basic T-shaped configuration of the Chinese space station. The Mengtian experimental module created by the team supports the space station in conducting larger scale research experiments, and is a "dream workshop" for space technology application research, making outstanding contributions to promoting China's space science research and application to the world's leading level. Has won the National March 8th Red Flag Collective, National Worker Pioneer, and the Chinese Youth May Fourth Medal Collective.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Changkong Warrior

The Test Flight Operations Department of COMAC Civil Aircraft Test Center was established in 2014, mainly responsible for the implementation, organization, design support, health monitoring, and safety management of domestic civil aircraft test flights. The department strives to pursue the goals of "safe test flight" and "efficient test flight", and fully guarantees the delivery of ARJ21 batches exceeding 100 aircraft, C919 certification, and the delivery of the first aircraft. As of now, 3308 flight tests have been organized and completed, with a cumulative test time of 9901 hours. While completing the test flight mission, the department continuously improves its business capabilities and enhances cohesion, creating a collective of "political pioneers, cultural pioneers, technological pioneers, and combat pioneers". Has won titles such as National Worker Pioneer, China Youth May Fourth Medal Collective, and Shanghai Model Collective.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

"Thoughtful People" for Passengers

The "Xinshang" Service Studio at Shanghai Railway Station was established in 2015, located at Shanghai Railway Station, Shanghai South Station, and Shanghai Hongqiao Station. It is a team dedicated to providing warm assistance to passengers, providing daily inquiries and answers, key services for the elderly, children, sick and disabled, quick search for lost items, free rental of wheelchairs and stretchers, and other convenient services. In the defense of Greater Shanghai, team members persisted for more than 70 days, doing a good job in the transportation of medical personnel and materials, serving a total of 40 batches and 17000 people of medical teams, assisting in the transportation of 24 batches and 29000 tons of medical supplies, as well as 12 batches and 1.312 million copies of nucleic acid samples. Nowadays, the team has become a red cultural battlefield that upholds its original aspiration and mission, a stage that showcases the spiritual style of workers in the new era, and a window filled with new social civilization trends. Has won the National May Day Women's Model Post, the National User Satisfaction Service Star Team, the "Locomotive Trophy" from the All China Railway Federation of Trade Unions, and the Shanghai Worker Pioneer.

Glory and Strength -2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures Revealed! Let's see what Pudong has

Official WeChat from Pudong

Need firm ideals and beliefs, micro videos | passionate youth spirit | thoughts | youth
Need firm ideals and beliefs, micro videos | passionate youth spirit | thoughts | youth

The fiery youth requires firm ideals and beliefs——The CPC

Minister of Ukraine called it "unbelievable", foreign media: nearly half of Kiev's air defense tunnels cannot be used for time | inspection | Kiev
Minister of Ukraine called it "unbelievable", foreign media: nearly half of Kiev's air defense tunnels cannot be used for time | inspection | Kiev

According to the report on the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao on June 5, a preliminary inspection conducted by the Ukrainian government showed that nearly half of the air raid shelters in the capital Kiev were closed or did not meet the use standards. Ukrainian Minister of Strategic Industry, Kameshen, called this "unbelievable". According to reports, on June 4th local time, Cameron stated that out of the 1078 air defense facilities visited on the first day of inspection, 359 were not ready, 122 were locked, and only 597 were operational. He said on social media "Telegram", "The fact that only half is open and ready is unbelievable to me. When we and the Mayor of Kiev selectively inspected the air raid shelters in the Obolon district, the vast majority of them were closed." The report stated that Cameron said the inspection work would continue. On June 1st,

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Taiwan media pays close attention to the "Incense Gathering": Taiwan related issues and speeches by the defense ministers of China and the United States are the focus of attention. China | Minister of National Defense | Incense Gathering

The 2023 Shangri La Dialogue will conclude in Singapore today, with representatives and scholars from more than 40 national defense departments, including Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu and US Defense Secretary Austin, attending the dialogue to explore ways to maintain peace and stability in the region. The speeches of the defense ministers of China and the United States and their movements at the conference have attracted attention from all parties, and the focus of Taiwan media has been on the Taiwan Strait issue. Taiwan media has been closely following the "Incense Gathering". Several Taiwanese media outlets have continued to report on the event, and Taiwan's United Daily News has focused on China's Defense Minister Li Shangfu's speech titled "China's New Security Initiative". The article cites the speech content and emphasizes that if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will not hesitate at all and will not fear any opponents. No matter how much the cost is, they will resolutely uphold it

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What kind of grievance does the United States pretend to be?, Xiake Island | Termination: The defense ministers of China and the United States did not fulfill their request. US | China US | United States

The United States has been wronged again. Recently, the US Department of Defense has been complaining everywhere, saying that China has rejected the US request for a meeting between the US and China defense ministers. Subsequently, American media intervened and claimed that the US had made several weeks of efforts to ensure this meeting, Barbara... At first glance, it seems that China is not giving the US the opportunity and face, but since it is the US who is complaining, the matter needs to be pondered. At present, the 20th Shangri La Dialogue is being held in Singapore, with Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu invited to attend. The proposed "China US Defense Ministers Meeting" by the US aims to have US Defense Ministers Austin and Lee Sang fu meet in Singapore. Originally, the debut of the newly appointed Chinese Defense Minister's "Xianghui" was highly anticipated. But the Chinese side hasn't said much yet, and the United States has taken advantage of the heat first - on May 30th, the United States

Four Questions on the US Debt Crisis Observation | Xinhua News Agency | Crisis
Four Questions on the US Debt Crisis Observation | Xinhua News Agency | Crisis

Beijing, June 2 (Xinhua) - The United States Senate voted on the 1st to pass a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, which will take effect after being signed by President Biden. Although this round of US debt ceiling crisis has temporarily eased, the outside world has increasingly questioned the origin, capital flow, sustainability and huge risks of the huge US debt. These issues are intertwined with issues such as US dollar hegemony, US party struggles, and US corruption, becoming a "gray rhinoceros" that threatens global economic and financial security. In response to the four major concerns about the US debt crisis, which have been highly concerned by the outside world, Xinhua News Agency reporters have traced the root cause and clarified its origins. On June 1, pedestrians walked past the "treasury bond Clock" in New York. "Treasury bond clock" is a large counter, which is more real-time

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