Friends and family members collude for corruption, according to a report by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Behind the fall of the former Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: clinging to the "tiger" and making repeated mistakes

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:02 PM

Wang Jinjiang, male, born in March 1966, joined the CPC in March 1987 and started work in July 1987. Formerly served as an assistant engineer in the mechanical repair workshop of the Casting Branch of Guizhou Diesel Engine Factory; Worker of the Communist Youth League Committee of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province; Secretary of the General Office of the Guiyang Municipal Government, Deputy Director of the Information Department, and Assistant Researcher; Deputy Secretary and Chief Secretary of the General Office of the Guizhou Provincial Government; Deputy Secretary and District Mayor of Honghuagang District Committee, Zunyi City; Secretary of the Honghuagang District Committee; Vice Chairman of the Zunyi Municipal Political Consultative Conference and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee; Deputy Director of the General Office of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference and member of the Party Group of the organization; Deputy Secretary General of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of the General Office, and member of the Party Group of the government.

In April 2022, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision initiated a review and investigation into Wang Jinjiang's suspected serious violations of discipline and law, and implemented detention measures. In July 2022, Wang Jinjiang was expelled from the Party and dismissed from public office; The suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution, and the property involved was transferred along with the case.

At the age of 32, Wang Jinjiang is at the deputy department level and at the age of 35, he is considered a top performer in his career. However, Wang Jinjiang failed to live up to the cultivation and trust of the organization, was infatuated with power, believed in the erroneous concept of "judging the success of a politician from the size of his official position", and was enthusiastic about finding ways and building relationships. He wanted to become a high-ranking official and make a fortune, ultimately deviating from the correct direction and falling into the abyss of crime, which is regrettable.

Indulging in eating, drinking, and enjoying oneself, transforming and deteriorating from wind and decay

Ideals and beliefs are the "main switch" of worldview, outlook on life, and values, but beliefs and original intentions are not innate, nor are they formed overnight and will never fade. Wang Jinjiang once solemnly swore under the party flag that he would strive for communism for life. At the beginning of his work, he fulfilled his duties and responsibilities, but with the passage of time and relaxation of his ideological transformation, the original aspirations of young people gradually transformed and distorted.

Wang Jinjiang was born into an ordinary working family. His father passed away due to illness in his early years, and the family's conditions were relatively difficult. To support his family, Wang Jinjiang used to feed pigs with pig grass, work as a laborer, and weave grass bags when he was young, just to earn some pocket money to ease the burden on his family. In 1987, after graduating from university, he was assigned to work at the Casting Branch of Guizhou Diesel Engine Factory. Later, he passed the exam and entered a direct unit in Guiyang. Wang Jinjiang's career was smooth sailing thereafter.

"I have had more contact with people from all walks of life, and gradually fell in love with eating, drinking, and playing. I feel a bit carefree." With the promotion of my position, people often come to visit Wang Jinjiang, invite him to eat and drink, and when he goes out, there are people driving to pick him up and provide thoughtful services. He enjoys this feeling very much. The frog like "hunting" in warm water has made him start from extravagance and enjoyment, and step by step he has violated laws and regulations.

The first time Wang Jinjiang violated the rules by accepting a cash gift of 3000 yuan from his high school classmate Luo. At that time, Wang Jinjiang was uneasy, but in the end, his greed prevailed and he gave up his principles. With the first bribe, there will be the second and third... After serving as the district chief of Honghuagang District, Wang Jinjiang received his first large bribe of 300000 yuan, and the amount he received continued to increase. "Receiving bank cards is afraid of being exposed and discovered by organizations and the public, so we adopt the method of receiving cash," Wang Jinjiang explained.

From the initial nervousness of receiving gifts during festivals, to the later acceptance of all sizes and refusal to accept them, Wang Jinjiang gradually became numb and accustomed to it. Eventually, he became tempted by greed and willingly became a slave to money. After investigation, it was found that in the past twenty years, Wang Jinjiang has used his position to seek benefits for others and received a particularly large amount of money and property from others. Among them, more than half of the bribes he received occurred after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is a typical example of not restraining, not stopping, and not stopping.

If a person lacks ideals and beliefs, and their ideals and beliefs are not firm, they will suffer from "calcium deficiency" in their mental state and suffer from "osteoporosis". "I have given up on studying, relaxed the transformation of my worldview, outlook on life, and values, relaxed my ideological vigilance, and did not pay attention to strengthening my party spirit and integrity education." Wang Jinjiang believes that the fundamental reason why he has gone further and deeper on the path of violating discipline and law, and fallen deeper into the quagmire of corruption, is that he has given up on ideological transformation, leading to problems with the "main switch" and gradually deteriorating his original intention.

Distorted view of power, seeking both support and personal gain

Some party members and leading cadres who seriously violate discipline and laws engage in political attachment and gang building, in order to achieve their dream of promotion and wealth, they establish connections, seek support, and run for official positions; At the same time, using one's power to engage in power and money transactions to satisfy personal desires. Wang Jinjiang is such a typical example.

The distortion of power view is a prominent feature of Wang Jinjiang's serious violations of discipline and law. Wang Jinjiang went from a provincial department to a temporary position in Honghuagang District, Zunyi City, and later served as the main leader of the party and government in Honghuagang District. After achieving some results in his work, he was focused on demanding organizational rewards. "In provincial meetings, I long to be praised, and in district meetings, I try to show my 'abilities' in front of cadres and the masses, satisfying my vanity." He regarded his level and position as his "dignity" and "face", and only wanted to be promoted, forgetting his civil servant nature.

Wang Jinjiang, who was obsessed with power, worked at the county level position for more than ten years. When he saw others being promoted while he was still "standing still", his mentality became increasingly unbalanced. Therefore, he had the wrong idea of "not only bowing down to do things, but also finding ways to find relationships".

Driven by this erroneous ideology, through the introduction of a business owner, Wang Jinjiang met Wang Fuyu, the then Deputy Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee. "After I met him, I wanted to climb up to him and use him as my own support, relying on him to recommend and support myself. In order to please this so-called" support ", Wang Jinjiang used his power to provide assistance to the business owners introduced by Wang Fuyu when undertaking projects and disbursing project funds. He also accepted their bribes from them, turning the power granted by the Party and the people into a tool for climbing up to superiors and obtaining personal benefits.".

In order to cover up his violation of regulations in helping the business owner undertake projects, Wang Jinjiang has repeatedly found relevant personnel to collude and agreed that if the organization comes to investigate, they will claim that the business owner introduced by Wang Fuyu was from investment promotion without anyone greeting. He believes that as long as everyone doesn't slack off, everything will be seamless. "I had many opportunities to surrender to the organization, but I wanted to get by and thought that the organization had not actually grasped my own problems." Feeling lucky, Wang Jinjiang missed the organization's rescue several times.

When providing assistance to the businessman boss introduced by Wang Fuyu, Wang Jinjiang himself also engaged in interest exchange and power and money transactions. He took advantage of his position to seek political identity for his businessman friend You Moumou and trained him into his own "money bag".

In order to make You wear a beautiful "coat" and facilitate his contracting of engineering projects in Honghuagang District, Wang Jinjiang used his identity as the Secretary of the Honghuagang District Committee to illegally greet and arrange for You to be elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the District Political Consultative Conference during the term change. And the two agreed that Wang Jinjiang would take advantage of his position to greet the relevant departments, and You would operate specifically to help others undertake the project. After receiving the "benefit fee", the two would share it equally. Over the years, You has given Wang Jinjiang 3.4 million yuan in gratitude and multiple properties.

Violation of discipline and law in the face of the wind, leading to the pollution of the local atmosphere by cadres

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Wang Jinjiang, as the "leader", not only failed to take the lead in integrity and self-discipline, but also violated laws and regulations, damaged the political ecology, and polluted the atmosphere of the region.

"When heading towards the path of corruption, there were originally many warnings and lessons to be learned, but due to a sense of luck, he ultimately failed to manage himself well." At the end of 2002, Wang Jinjiang's former leader was investigated by the organization for violating discipline and law, and he was also required to cooperate with the investigation. But this experience did not make Wang Jinjiang remember the lessons learned by his old leader, and instead, he went further and further on the path of corruption.

Friends and family members collude for corruption, according to a report by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Behind the fall of the former Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: clinging to the "tiger" and making repeated mistakes

To cover up his corrupt and corrupt behavior, Wang Jinjiang painstakingly portrayed himself as "diligent in serving the public". He often tells party members and cadres in Honghuagang District, "What we do today must withstand the test of history in the future, and one day we will settle accounts after autumn." Moreover, he has set himself the so-called "principles" of not playing mahjong, not gambling, not interacting with people randomly, and not accepting gifts casually. "I believe this approach is very deceptive," Wang Jinjiang said during his confession, feeling a sense of luck that led him to make repeated mistakes and fall into the abyss.

Wang Jinjiang has been working in Honghuagang District for 12 years, serving as Acting District Mayor, District Mayor, and District Party Secretary. As the main leader, he engaged in power and money transactions, and the then members of the Honghuagang District Committee Standing Committee and Deputy District Mayor Zhong Zhengmeng, who worked with him, also followed suit. He repeatedly provided illegal assistance to business owners in contracting projects, land planning, and other aspects, and sought personal gain from it, disrupting the normal economic order. Due to his abandonment of integrity and improper work style, Wang Jinjiang dared not strictly manage cadres. Many district level units and township leaders in Honghuagang District, including party members and cadres promoted by Wang Jinjiang, have been investigated and even imprisoned for serious violations of discipline and law.

"I did not serve as a good class monitor in the unit, and instead acted as a 'double faced person', deceiving the party, the organization, and the masses," Wang Jinjiang wrote in his confession.

Confusion between public and private, reversal of righteousness and profit, friends and family "huddled together for corruption"

Seeing some leading cadres indulging their friends and family for personal gain, Wang Jinjiang also wanted to follow suit. Therefore, he searched for suitable candidates from his classmates and friends around him, preparing to support them to become bigger and stronger, so that he could benefit and profit from it.

As the "leader" of Honghuagang District, in order to support his friends, Wang Jinjiang used his power to intervene in land planning and engineering projects within his jurisdiction, and boldly helped his "friend" companies in project acceptance, project payment, and other aspects, benefiting himself from it.

With the increasing number of engineering projects in his jurisdiction, Wang Jinjiang gradually developed several businessmen into "connections", using his position to continuously expand his "circle of friends", helping them do business while also profiting greatly from it. "I helped them, sought personal gain, and felt that accepting their bribes was more reliable. The organization and the public couldn't detect it, and they thought they were all classmates and friends, and they wouldn't say anything about it. However, Wang Jinjiang's belief in" reliability ", a" friendship "built on power and money transactions, ultimately collapsed and disappeared.".

Outside, Wang Jinjiang was bound by the interests of unscrupulous businessmen, colluding in corruption, and turning "friendship" into a "chain" of collusion between officials and businessmen; At home, Wang Jinjiang not only failed to set an example for his family, but also led them to engage in corruption, turning the "family bond chain" into a "benefit delivery chain" and claiming to "improve living conditions" for his family.

Influenced by Wang Jinjiang's erroneous beliefs, his wife usually does not care about whether his income source is legitimate, overly concerned about material things, obsessed with money, and colluded with Wang Jinjiang to handle the procedures for the multiple houses he received, and registered these properties under the name of relatives to be held in their name. In addition to his wife, Wang Jinjiang also dragged his younger brother out of the quagmire and, taking advantage of his position, jointly received millions of yuan in property from multiple merchants with his younger brother.

The confusion between public and private, the reversal of righteousness and benefit, and the mismatch between emotions and laws have distorted Wang Jinjiang's views on family and friendship. The indistinguishable circle of friends and the neglected family have become the "booster" for Wang Jinjiang's violation of discipline and law, not only harming himself but also his family and friends.

"If he had awakened earlier, he wouldn't have ended up like this, to where he is today." Wang Jinjiang, who had only awakened after being detained, knew that it was too late. When he used "promotion and wealth" as a measure of his life's value, it was destined that the outcome would only be empty handed.

Wang Jinjiang's Confession Record

During the detention period, the comrades in the task force helped and saved me, and my original party spirit was awakened. I confessed to my violations of discipline and law over the years. For many years, I have used the convenience of my position to seek benefits for others and accept their property. Now, I deeply realize that my behavior is using power for personal gain, trading power for money, and has become a crime of bribery. Now, I am deeply regretful and heartbroken.

Looking back on my own life journey, from being admitted to university at the age of 17 in 1983, to graduating from university, working in factories and government agencies, to now, in nearly 40 years, I have grown from a passionate youth, under the care and training of the party organization, to a department level leadership cadre, and later degenerated into a criminal and corrupt element. I have struggled for 40 years and put myself in prison.

After reflection, the reason why I embarked on the path of serious violations of discipline and law is mainly due to the decline of my thoughts, the expansion of greed, the distortion of my worldview, outlook on life, values, and views on power, the loss of ideal beliefs, and the problem with the "main switch" of ideal beliefs, deviating from the direction of progress, walking off the path, and falling into the abyss, which is why I have made so many mistakes.

I originally had lofty ideals and goals to strive for. As I got to know more people, I became more and more relaxed in my studies, relaxed in my worldview, outlook on life, and values. I began to learn how to eat, drink, and play, accept gifts and gifts, and my greed grew from a young age, becoming the opposite of the Party and the people.

After working in Honghuagang District from a provincial department, I gained the power to directly intervene in land planning and engineering projects within my jurisdiction. Seeing some leaders taking care of their families for profit, my psychology became more imbalanced and my thoughts gradually declined. I wanted to emulate and support my friends and businessmen to develop, and I also made money. After retirement, a large family had money to spend. Therefore, I had the idea of supporting and growing my friend You, hoping to cultivate You into my own "money bag". During my tenure in Honghuagang District, I was not thinking about how to do a good job in actual work, but more about how to achieve results in work in person and become a stepping stone for promotion and promotion. I feel that power is the bargaining chip I use to make transactions, the tool I use to climb up to my superiors and gain benefits. I have forgotten that the surname of public power is public, and it was originally meant to serve the people. I have caused losses to the country. I apologize to the cadres and people of Honghuagang District. I am very ashamed and regretful.

On my path towards corruption, there were originally many warnings and lessons to be learned. When my old leader was investigated by the organization for violating discipline and law, I actively cooperated and assisted in the investigation. With the care, love, and trust of the organization, I returned to Honghuagang District to continue serving as the district leader. With this experience, I am very careful in my work, just afraid of accidents. But in a few years, I gradually forgot the old leader's lesson from the past, and my courage grew again. I saw some cadres supporting and helping their business friends to make money under the pretext of developing non-public enterprises. I began to feel that it was okay for me to do so, just be careful. I have a lucky heart, sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of corruption. In order to conceal my true face of corruption, I work hard and often hold meetings in the evening or on Saturdays and Sundays. In emergency and disaster relief efforts such as anti freezing and drought, I go deep into the front line and take the lead, establishing a dedicated and dedicated image for the cadres and people around me. At the same time, on my private side, I committed serious violations of discipline and law, using my power to help business owners seek personal gain and accept their money.

Now, I have lost my personal freedom. Not to mention being filial to my mother, I don't even have the opportunity to have a meal with my family. I have seriously violated laws and regulations, which has disappointed my mother. I hate myself for being disloyal and unfilial. I have come to this day because of my own fault. I have fallen into the abyss of serious violations of discipline and law. I am willing to speak up and the alarm bell will ring, so that more party members and cadres can learn from me and not repeat my mistakes!

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