Forever Remembering, Xinhua News Review: Echoes of History

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:42 PM

On September 18th every year, air defense alerts are sounded throughout the entire city of Shenyang. The alarm roared and shook people's hearts. This is an echo of history, a country and a nation's recognition and remembrance of the history of suffering, and a commitment to peace and justice.

September 18, 1931 was a dark and shameful page in the modern history of the Chinese nation. On that night, the Japanese army, who had been planning for a long time, bombed a section of the Liutiaohu Railway, falsely accusing the Chinese army of its actions, and then shelled Beidaying and captured Shenyang City. The shocking "September 18 Incident" broke out, and the arduous 14 year Anti Japanese War of the Chinese nation began from then on.

92 years have passed, and the smoke of gunpowder has long dissipated. Will it be remembered forever or slowly forgotten? Is it "forget the pain after getting rid of the scar" or is the alarm bell ringing for safety? The sound of the alarm echoing through Shenyang gave a loud and resolute answer. In this city, on September 18th, no one uses any puns or auspicious images to hold celebrations or weddings; Whenever the alarm rings, vehicles on the nine and eighteen streets of Shenyang will stop driving and honk together, joining this solemn memory project.

September 18 is a scar in the heart of the Chinese nation. Wounds can heal, memories cannot be erased. History tells us that if we fall behind, we will be beaten, and if we are afraid of being beaten, we will also be beaten. The September 18 Incident was a bloody lesson. To embark on a new journey, we must learn from history, carry forward the great spirit of the War of Resistance, work hard to turn patriotism into a move to become a powerful country, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

History tells us that relying on force for external aggression and expansion ultimately leads to failure. On this land of Shenyang, it not only experienced the crazy September 18 Incident of the aggressors, but also witnessed the pride and glory of the New China's trial of Japanese war criminals. History shines on the future with this cycle of reincarnation: justice is invincible, the people are invincible!

The enlightenment and lessons of history are the common spiritual wealth of humanity. The September 18 Incident opened the prelude to the Second World War, marking the beginning of an unprecedented catastrophe in human history. Whether the perpetrators or victims of war, forgetting history means betrayal. Only by keeping in mind the lessons learned from the past can we avoid falling behind. Only by not forgetting the past can we walk the path of the future well. This is a historical responsibility that the younger generation of China and Japan must shoulder.

History moves forward with great momentum, and the times are surging endlessly. The Chinese people, who have gone through hardships, have not learned from history the logic of the bandits of the jungle, but have become even more determined to pursue the path of peaceful development. In the new era, China is working hand in hand with other countries on the path of building a community with a shared future for mankind. This will bring more stability, warmth, and hope to the ever-changing world, and make new and greater contributions to humanity.

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