Exploring the Way for Symbiosis - Exploring the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, Looking Forward to Governance Chronicles | Chasing "Green" and Pursuing "Blue" Protection | City | Yancheng, Jiangsu Province

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:30 PM

◇ Full regional protection, full process prevention and control, and full form governance. Yancheng adheres to systematic thinking, achieves more systematic and comprehensive protection with more scientific and accurate governance, and reshapes new development momentum and advantages.

◇ Energy carbon reduction, industrial zero carbon, and ecological carbon sequestration. Under the triple drive of energy, technology, and industry, Yancheng strives to transform its rare development momentum into an irreplaceable competitive energy.

The ecological environment is related to people's well-being. The ecological answer sheets one by one are a response to the people's pursuit of better quality of life, and also a driving force to guide the people towards a green lifestyle.

◇ Ensuring "coexistence" through top-level design, achieving "co governance" through collaborative efficiency, consolidating "consensus" to promote self-awareness, and building an international platform to promote "co learning" is a microcosm of Yancheng's exploration of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and also outlines the reality of the "path of coexistence".

At the turn of summer and autumn, the spoon billed sandpiper with the code "EJ" arrived at Tiaozini in the east of Yancheng as scheduled. For five consecutive years, this "old friend" will leave the Chukotka Peninsula in Russia and fly to Southeast Asia for winter, with a flight distance of up to 8000 to 9000 kilometers. Despite being only the size of a palm and weighing 30-40 grams, with Tiaozi Mud as a "supply station", the brave "EJ" chose the largest "flow" route among the world's nine major migratory bird routes, which is the East Asia Australia route that passes through China.

Yancheng is the only city in China with two international business cards, "World Natural Heritage" and "International Wetland City"; After Ali and Naqu in Xizang, there is Wild Deer Pond, China's third night sky protection area; The Yellow Sea Wetland, covering an area of over 4550 square kilometers, is home to nearly 1200 species of animals, including the dancing of red crowned cranes, the chirping of elk, and the leisurely habitat of the critically endangered species, the spoon billed sandpiper; The three auspicious treasures that rival nature, including green energy, power batteries, and vehicle manufacturing, are also thriving; In 2022, Yancheng's GDP growth rate ranked first in Jiangsu Province, with a permanent population of approximately 6.7 million.

The 2023 Global Coastal Forum, with the theme of "Green and Low Carbon Development and Shared Ecological Coastal Area," will be held in Yancheng from September 25th to 27th this year. Yancheng, which pursues "green" and "blue" on the road of high-quality development, is about to show the reality of coexistence and coexistence of people and animals, coexistence and prosperity of coastal wetlands and developed urban economy to the world. It is expected to provide experience for densely populated and economically developed cities to carry out natural conservation, provide a demonstration for the protection of world natural heritage and sustainable development, and share the "symbiotic way" of Chinese path to modernization with the world.

Wild Elk in the Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve of Yancheng City, photographed by Yang Lei/This magazine

Fulfilling protection commitments

"Chen Jiagang can see the blue sea and sky now." Xu Shouwei, who has lived here for most of his life, has feelings for this sea. The Chenjiagang Chemical Park here once gathered dozens of chemical enterprises, but now the park has closed, ecological scars have been repaired, and it has transformed into a blue coast. At high tide, the sea is vast and birds gather in abundance; When the tide recedes, shellfish and mollusks are left everywhere, and birds occasionally dive to carry food.

Chenjiagang drives more than 200 kilometers southeast. Tourists from all over the world "rush to the sea" in the Tiaozini mudflat experience area. The "bold" black headed gulls shuttle through the crowd from time to time. Ecological photographer Li Dongming has been taking photos of birds here for over a decade, witnessing the changes from "birds have all returned" to "more rare species" and then to "birds living more comfortably around us". "Shooting birds is a very tiring thing because it's a long distance to not be disturbed, and I'm glad that the distance is getting shorter."

The narrowing of the safe distance between birds and humans reflects the changing relationship between a city, its people, and nature.

In July 2019, the Yellow Sea migratory bird habitat in China became the 54th World Heritage Site in China. Wu Qijiang, director of the Yancheng Wetland and World Natural Heritage Protection and Management Center, who participated in the entire process of applying for World Heritage, still remembers that since 2014, some people have been questioning whether Yancheng, located in the economically developed and densely populated Yangtze River Delta region, is it possible to achieve scientific and dynamic protection of wetlands while balancing the relationship between development and protection, and not to follow the old path of development at the cost of damaging the environment?

Exploring the Way for Symbiosis - Exploring the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, Looking Forward to Governance Chronicles | Chasing "Green" and Pursuing "Blue" Protection | City | Yancheng, Jiangsu Province

"I'm afraid of being criticized for inadequate protection, and I'm also afraid that my fellow villagers won't be satisfied with the slow development," Wu Qijiang admitted.

In addition to warnings about human pollution, there are also warnings from nature. In the late 1970s, due to its strong beach fixing ability, Spartina alterniflora was introduced to China. However, this wild grass excluded indigenous plants, inhibited the growth of benthic organisms, invaded bird habitats, and was costly and difficult to cure. The original goal was to build the "Green Great Wall" and become a "green desert" that would destroy the ecology.

All of these are prompting Yancheng to reflect more deeply: whether it's protecting the ecological environment or controlling pollution, it's not enough to treat headaches and feet with pain. We must adhere to systematic thinking, achieve more systematic and comprehensive protection with more scientific and accurate governance, and reshape new driving forces and advantages for development.

Ideas are the guide of action. In recent years, Yancheng, which combines three major ecosystems: wetlands, oceans, and forests, has two national wetland nature reserves, two internationally important wetlands, and one world natural heritage site. Efforts have been made to explore promoting high-quality development through high-level protection.

Protect the entire region and coordinate the delineation of "three zones and three lines". "Not less than 5767.564 square kilometers!" In the approved "Yancheng City Land and Space Overall Plan" this year, the ecological red line area accounts for 18.15% of the local land area. In the Jiangsu Provincial Land and Space Plan, the ecological red line area of Yancheng City accounts for about one-third of the total ecological red line area in the province. "The ecological red line is a 'protective umbrella', and the mandatory strict division of protected areas is the bottom line and lifeline for ensuring and maintaining ecological security," said Qi Tailong, Director of the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Yancheng City.

We will continue to carry out pollution prevention and control throughout the entire process. Launch a battle to defend the blue sky through pollution control at the source; Adhere to the principle of treating both water and shore, and strengthen the remediation of black and odorous water bodies; Strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution at the source, and carry out pollution remediation for key areas and plots. The people of Old Yancheng see these changes in their eyes: the water has become clear and odorless, green has become a standard feature when opening windows, and not seeing the blue sky has become a rare thing

Comprehensive governance and active implementation of ecological restoration projects. In order to provide a habitat and foraging place for waterfowl during high tide, 720 acres of fish ponds have been rented locally for ecological restoration, serving as a high tide habitat for sandpipers. Li Dongming was delighted to find that tens of thousands of birds came to rest when the tide was rising a few days ago. Creating natural habitats and restoring wetland ecological functions is a microcosm of Yancheng's commitment to integrating ecological protection and restoration. In recent years, Yancheng has been determined to implement the "One Forest" project and wetland and coastline restoration project to build a green barrier for the coastal areas and the Yangtze River Delta. The city's forest coverage area has reached 5.37 million mu, and the natural wetland protection rate and natural coastline retention rate rank first in the province. The latest bird survey data shows that the number of endangered species, the little green footed sandpiper, has reached 1560, making it the highest population recorded globally so far.

In August of this year, the "Yancheng City Ecosystem Gross Domestic Product Accounting Project" was reviewed and accepted. The achievements of green development are reflected in GEP, as green mountains and clear waters are priced with just one click. The accounting results show that the ecological environment in Yancheng continues to improve, and the value of ecological assets and potential services is increasing year by year.

"Protecting nature is the process of increasing natural value and natural capital," Wu Qijiang said with satisfaction. This is also the first time that Yancheng has calculated the ecological service value of a natural heritage site, which is expected to provide a demonstration for the second phase of the application for the heritage site. "It has been four years since the successful application for the World Heritage Site, and the promise made earlier has been fulfilled one by one."

Activate ecological production capacity

Germany's agricultural machinery, the Netherlands' water conservancy technology, the framework of Japanese companies, cotton seeds from the United States and India, and six salt cultivation companies recruited 21606 households and 128453 immigrants... Dafeng Salt Reclamation Company still preserves more than 3000 original archives of the company around 1918, documenting Zhang Jian's process of "revitalizing agriculture through waste stoves" in the coastal areas of northern Jiangsu, and demonstrating the cutting-edge scientific and technological power of transforming natural ecology at that time.

Driving along the coastline, clusters of wind turbines rotate with the wind, and new energy related central enterprises such as National Energy, Huadian, Guodian Investment, Huaneng, and Datang gather. The once saline alkali land has grown into a new highland of the new energy industry.

Over the course of a century, the relationship between Yancheng Witnesses and nature has gradually shifted towards symbiosis, win-win, and mutual prosperity.

"Symbiosis is not about superficial peace, the key lies in the complete transformation of production methods and production relations." Lv Yonggang, Deputy Director of the Economic Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences, believes that for Jiangsu, which has less land and more people, and high development intensity, taking the high-quality development path of ecological priority and green development is a necessary choice.

111.5 meters! The offshore wind turbine blades recently shipped from Sheyang Port to the first phase of Guodian Investment's U site on the Shandong Peninsula are the longest blade type currently produced by Times New Materials. The annual average wind speed at a height of 100 meters in the nearshore exceeds 7.6 meters per second, while in the far sea it approaches 8 meters per second. Yancheng is one of the regions with the best conditions for offshore wind power development and construction in Jiangsu and even in the country.

"Wind power is shifting from land to sea, extending from near sea to far sea, and the requirements for wind turbine manufacturing are becoming higher and higher." Zhang Wenlong, the head of the manufacturing department at Sheyang Yuanjing Energy Technology Co., Ltd., who has been in the industry for more than ten years, witnessed the changes. "From the initial 4-5MW main battlefield to the current 8-11MW, at this development rate, it can reach 25-30MW in two to three years."

Exploring the Way for Symbiosis - Exploring the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, Looking Forward to Governance Chronicles | Chasing "Green" and Pursuing "Blue" Protection | City | Yancheng, Jiangsu Province

Chasing the wind has created a wind power industry, and creating a billion dollar scale industry day by day. Yancheng has excellent lighting conditions and abundant new energy resources, attracting a group of leading enterprises such as Trina Solar, Atlas, and GCL to settle down. The production capacity of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and modules ranks first in the country. Runyang New Energy is a unicorn enterprise, with a core team consisting of PhDs and senior industry experts studying in Germany and the United States. R&D personnel account for 20% of the total workforce. According to Wang Zhen, Vice President of the company, after relocating from Suzhou to Yancheng, the company has grown rapidly, and the sales of solar panels have ranked third in the country for nearly three years.

Using natural resources as a medium, a large number of leading enterprises, research institutions, and high-end talents related to new energy gather. The Jiangsu Coastal Renewable Energy Technology Innovation Center focuses on key areas such as offshore wind power coupled hydrogen production, high-power offshore wind power, and offshore floating photovoltaics; Relying on enterprises with strong technological research and development capabilities such as Goldwind and Huaneng, we will establish Huaneng Offshore Wind Power Technology Research and Development Center and Goldwind Technology's National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Large Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Offshore Wind Turbine Testing Technology; The "Yellow Sea Pearl Talent Plan" has attracted over 70000 talents of various types... The industry has been integrated into the world industrial division of labor chain, and independent research and development has continuously marked innovation highlands. The "Yancheng coordinates" on the new energy industry map have become increasingly clear.

As the first 10 million kilowatt new energy power generation city in the Yangtze River Delta region, as of the end of 2022, the city's new energy power generation is equivalent to saving nearly 7.7 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon emissions by 20 million tons annually compared to thermal power generation of the same scale. In the first quarter of this year, the proportion of new energy generation in the city to the total social electricity consumption increased to 66.9%. "It means that for every 100 kilowatt hours of electricity used, nearly 70 kilowatt hours come from new energy. This is most suitable for high-quality projects that have a strong demand for 'green electricity', high technological content, and strong carbon tax competitiveness," said Wei Xiangdong, Director of the Yancheng Science and Technology Bureau.

Those who take advantage of the situation move forward, and those who promote the situation succeed. Under the triple drive of energy, technology, and industry, Yancheng is striving to transform its rare development momentum into an irreplaceable competitive energy.

Entering the Sheyang Port Low Carbon Industrial Park, a huge electronic screen beats with data, displaying the four major indicators of energy consumption, carbon emissions, energy intensity, and carbon emissions intensity in the park, covering six major scenarios: energy, industry, construction, transportation, residential life, and zero carbon.

In the Shanghai Suzhou Dafeng Industrial Linkage Agglomeration Zone, the first phase of the Chint New Energy Yancheng Base factory has completed all green certification procedures and officially obtained the zero carbon factory certification certificate issued by T Ü V Rheinland in Germany. This is the first zero carbon factory of Chint New Energy and also the world's first zero carbon factory certified by T Ü V Rheinland in the photovoltaic industry. "Carbon footprint tracing has become a passport for zero carbon products to enter broader markets such as the European Union," said Deng Haifeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Sheyang Port Economic Development Zone.

Energy carbon reduction, industrial zero carbon, and ecological carbon sequestration. In August 2022, the first wetland restoration blue carbon sink forward pledge loan of 10 million yuan in Jiangsu Province was landed, specifically for the restoration and protection of wetlands in Dafeng District; Focusing on rural revitalization, we will launch the province's first innovative carbon finance products, including "Ocean Blue Carbon Loan - Seaweed Loan" and "Forest and Fruit Tree Carbon Loan - Pear Garden Loan"; Coastal Dual Carbon Industry Development Co., Ltd. implements carbon sink monitoring with 360000 acres of coastal ecological national reserve forests as carriers, striving to achieve forestry carbon sink trading within the year

Yancheng Mayor Zhang Mingkang stated that taking "green" as the main line of Yancheng's development is not just about ecological development, but about seizing the opportunity of "dual carbon" and using "pursuing green" as the key to solving the problem, exploring the path of green and low-carbon development that serves the national strategic overall situation, helps Jiangsu's future development, and demonstrates Yancheng's unique advantages, achieving a win-win situation of economic and ecological development.

"Scenery and fishery" complementary industrial base in the coastal mudflat comprehensive development demonstration area of Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province Photographed by Yang Lei/This Journal

Sharing a green lifestyle

This summer, Xiao Zhao from Shanghai went on vacation to Huanghai National Forest Park, feeling the joy of looking up at the starry sky. "The natural oxygen bar is well deserved, and running here has become light and lively. What's even more rare is being able to see the Milky Way!"

Lying in a wooden cabin in the forest, watching the stars, chasing birds in Tiaozi Mud, and watching performances in Huaiju Town... This summer, the national tourism heat has exploded, and Yancheng has become one of the preferred ecological tourism destinations in the Yangtze River Delta region, with unique explosive points.

"The cultural and tourism products we can provide are much richer than we imagine," said Yuan Guoping, Director of the Yancheng Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism. "The beauty and satisfaction that outsiders see in tourism all come from the green and livable nature of this city."

Yancheng, also known as the City of Hundred Rivers, has dense waterways within its borders. The Chuanchang River, excavated during the Tang and Song dynasties, has a total length of over 200 kilometers and crosses two-thirds of the city's territory. This ancient salt transportation river, which used to connect the north and south salt fields, is now lined with green trees and beautiful scenery on both sides. Pocket parks of all sizes decorate it, making it not only a paradise for birds but also a good place for daily life of Yancheng residents.

The ecological environment is related to people's well-being. The ecological answer sheets one by one are a response to the people's pursuit of better quality of life, and also a driving force to guide the people towards a green lifestyle.

Pan Yongxiang, a 56 year old resident of Hongdong Village, has developed the habit of taking a walk by the ecological lake in the Yancheng Venous Industrial Park. The park is bustling with traffic along the way. Trucks loaded with garbage come from all over the city every day, incinerating household waste for power generation, converting construction waste into standard bricks, and using kitchen waste for harmless treatment and resource utilization... The urban ecosystem enters a virtuous cycle here. "We are all experts in garbage sorting now, and we are still benefiting ourselves," said Pan Yongxiang.

Exploring the Way for Symbiosis - Exploring the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, Looking Forward to Governance Chronicles | Chasing "Green" and Pursuing "Blue" Protection | City | Yancheng, Jiangsu Province

Protecting the ecological environment is protecting productivity, and improving the ecological environment is developing productivity. The annual average concentration of PM2.5 continues to decline, and the GDP growth rate in 2022 ranks first in Jiangsu. People in Yancheng have tasted the sweetness of green development.

From selling seafood to selling sea views, Badou Village in Dongtai City has finally achieved ecological "golden rice bowl" by integrating sea conservation, fishing, and tourism; Da Zong Lake, which used to be densely packed with cages and smelly in the wind, has transformed into a national wetland park by returning fish to the lake. Crab farmer Chen Xiuhong and her family got off their living boat, bought a new house with subsidies, and worked in a tourist resort, no longer relying on the weather for a living.

From calling for green mountains and rivers to maintaining them, Yancheng people not only form a consensus on protection, but also take it as their responsibility to promote the concept of nature education, starting from their own small matters such as garbage classification and green transportation.

A number of natural education main positions have been established in Yancheng, using protected areas and museums as carriers. More than 1000 precious specimens opened an animal science enlightenment class, more than 400 birds lingering in Yancheng held a "concert", the 4D animated film "The Salt Spoon is Not a Rookie" takes people into the secret garden of "little spoons", and into the Yellow Sea Wetland Museum, it is as if opening a multimedia encyclopedia; In rare bird and elk conservation areas, rich and diverse research and learning activities have attracted more and more children to visit and understand wetlands, planting seeds of ecological protection concepts; Nowadays, in Yancheng, no one knows the spoon billed sandpiper. "Xiao Shao Zi" embodies the image of the city and has gained popularity under the name "Salt Xiao Shao".

"Red sunset" creates a sunrise industry. Building a "high-end health and wellness cluster in the Yangtze River Delta" based on scenic areas such as the Yellow Sea National Forest Park, Tiaozini Wetland, Dutch Flower Sea, and Jiulongkou; Amplify the brand effect of "Yellow pointed Chrysanthemum" and "Hexiang Chrysanthemum Sea", cultivate the chrysanthemum industry into a characteristic industry of agricultural tourism and health care... Currently, Yancheng has launched 10 tourism and health care routes, 10 tourism and health care bases, and 10 tourism and health care stations, and signed off-site tourism and health care agreements with 100 cities inside and outside the province, forming an ecological health care adsorption effect.

Green food increases people's well-being. Every four pounds of rice in Shanghai comes from Sheyang County, and the soilless cultivation of tomatoes in the Dadi Jiufeng Agricultural Expo Park in Xiangshui County supplies tens of thousands of pounds to the Shanghai market every day. As the only city in the 27 central areas of the Yangtze River Delta with a total agricultural output value exceeding 100 billion yuan, Yancheng is known as the "East Coastal Granary", "Ecological Food Supermarket", and "Leisure Agriculture Garden". Ecological foundation, a large number of geographical indication agricultural products and organic and green foods have won the market and established a good reputation.

"From the one-way spillover of industries from cities such as Shanghai, Nanjing, and southern Jiangsu, to the mutual assistance of ecology, tourism, health care, and agricultural and sideline products, the green lifestyle of Yancheng people has gone global, and good ecology has become our most distinctive urban IP," said Yuan Guoping.

Trainers from the National Nature Reserve of Yancheng Wetland Rare Birds in Jiangsu Province conduct wild release training for artificially bred red crowned cranes. Photo by Yang Lei/This magazine

Exploring the Way of Symbiosis

On the afternoon of August 4th, researchers from the East Asia Australia Migratory Bird Research Center of Beijing Forestry University went to the habitat of migratory birds at the high tide of Tiaozini 720 to conduct the first bird survey for autumn migration in 2023. The results showed that the total number of waterbirds reached a new high, reaching 113000.

Associate Professor Jia Yifei from the School of Ecology and Nature Conservation at Beijing Forestry University has not only studied birds in recent years, but also studied their "recipes". Through the coupling relationship between over 50 species of benthic organisms such as sandworms, shrimp, and shellfish, as well as rare species such as spoon billed sandpipers and small green footed sandpipers, he was pleasantly surprised to discover the correlation between benthic organisms and bird populations. "In short, birds rely on benthic organisms, benthic organisms rely on microorganisms, and microorganisms depend on the condition of the entire ecosystem."

Lv Hongtao, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Dongtai City and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Coastal Economic Zone, also talked endlessly about migratory birds. He, who has been engaged in investment promotion work for many years, exclaimed with emotion, "Investment promotion requires a good business environment, and creating a good ecology is also the same."

All things receive their own harmony for life, and each receives their own nourishment for completion. At the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2021, the "Yancheng Yellow Sea Wetland Heritage Site Ecological Restoration Case" with the goal of restoring bird habitats as a natural solution became one of the "100+Global Special Recommended Cases for Biodiversity".

The solution that combines cutting-edge technology and Eastern wisdom stands out, which is a microcosm of Yancheng's exploration of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and also outlines the reality of the "path of coexistence".

——Ensure "coexistence" through top-level design. The various elements of an ecosystem have their own inherent structures, functions, and patterns of change, as well as their mutual coupling and influence with other elements. In recent years, Yancheng, which also has three major ecosystems: wetlands, oceans, and forests, has taken the lead in revising and completing the "Ecological Civilization Construction Plan of Yancheng City" in the province. The plan includes "implementing natural based solutions and effectively strengthening the coordinated governance of mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, and grasslands" in the Party Congress report, and implementing the "Opinions of the Provincial Party Committee and Government on Supporting the Construction of a Green and Low Carbon Development Demonstration Zone in Yancheng". In strengthening top-level design, high-level protection and high-quality development are coordinated and promoted.

——To achieve "co governance" through collaborative efficiency enhancement. At the same time as carrying out rectification actions in prominent problems and key areas, the "Four Green" action plans will be introduced, namely innovating governance concepts, models, and means to build a green ecological city; Promote quality change, efficiency change, and power change, and build a city of green manufacturing; Layout large-scale clean coal-fired power projects, build LNG reserve bases, explore integrated development of "wind, solar, fire, gas, and hydrogen", and build a green energy city; Optimizing spatial layout, promoting green and low-carbon development, creating a high-quality, green and happy life, and building a green and livable city... Yancheng is guided by the principle of "green", leading the transformation from key rectification to systematic governance.

Exploring the Way for Symbiosis - Exploring the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, Looking Forward to Governance Chronicles | Chasing "Green" and Pursuing "Blue" Protection | City | Yancheng, Jiangsu Province

——Consolidate consensus and promote self-awareness. Consensus includes institutions, and it cannot be separated from the trend of habit. From clarifying the "Bird Lover Week" as a regulatory system, to building a wetland protection model that integrates "nature science popularization ecology", from saying no to "waste on the tongue", to contributing more and more to energy conservation and carbon reduction, from protecting the beautiful "scenery" in front of us, to awakening the spiritual "environment" of protecting nature... Yancheng strives to popularize knowledge of ecological civilization, cultivate ecological culture, and stimulate the internal driving force of the whole society to jointly care for the ecological environment.

——Building an international platform to promote mutual learning. From assisting in the migration and protection of migratory birds, hosting global coastal forum meetings, to promoting the series of applications for world natural heritage in the Yellow Sea region, and establishing the Global Coastal Wetland City Alliance, Yancheng's "ecological circle of friends" continues to expand, promoting ecological mutual assistance, development exchange, and cultural mutual learning.

Modern geographical research shows that the mudflat wetland in front of the Yellow Sea was once carved along the sea, land, river and river. Looking down from the satellite at the seaside of Yancheng, the long sandbars stretch out like giant dragons, with towering sand ridges arranged in a huge fan shape, gradually sinking into the rolling waves of the Yellow Sea.

It connects history, and the sand found on the shore of the Yellow Sea today may have originated from the Tanggula Mountains 10000 years ago;

It connects the world as the largest, longest, and most migratory bird route among the 9 global migration routes, connecting 22 countries and regions including Russia, China, and South Korea;

It inspires the future that by 2012, maintaining the global level of modernization would already require approximately 1.5 Earths of resources to support it, and by 2030, two Earths of resources would be needed. What kind of modernization do we need to coexist with the Earth?

"I strongly agree with a Chinese idiom - 'A hundred rivers return to the sea'," said Bruno Oberler, former Director General of the World Conservation Union. "This means we are all moving towards a common goal, which is to protect our natural world."

"If all efforts are made together, it is not enough." Zhou Bin, Secretary of Yancheng Municipal Party Committee, said that Yancheng will continue to devote all efforts and wisdom to the protection, restoration and value transformation of natural heritage sites, widely gather the global consensus on wetland protection with the "ecological circle of friends", draw a new picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and strive to write a new chapter of Chinese path to modernization Yancheng.

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