Deeply Grasping the Philosophical Connotation of the Unique Difficulties of the Great Party | History | The Great Party

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:42 PM

Author: Wang Binglin; Huang Jianjun

To deeply grasp the unique difficulties of the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to understand its inevitability, uniqueness, and systematic approach through historical thinking, dialectical thinking, and systematic thinking, enhance historical initiative and action consciousness, and always maintain the advanced nature and vitality of the Party on the new path of catching up, so as to make the Party's foundation evergreen.

1. Deeply grasping the inevitability of the unique difficulties faced by the major party with historical thinking

The difficulties faced by any political party do not arise out of thin air, but are the result of specific historical conditions, historical tasks, and complex characteristics of the times working together. To deeply grasp the unique difficulties of the big party, it is necessary to grasp the historical tasks within the laws of history, and deepen the understanding of the inevitability of the unique difficulties of the big party through historical thinking.

The unique problem of the big party is the result of the interweaving of historical environment changes and era changes. History often moves forward with leaps and turns. The development of social history often does not follow the established and pure general pattern, but has a jumping and tortuous nature. The complexity and variability of social and historical development determine that the specific social environment of each historical period also has diversity and complexity. This diversity and complexity always lead to various contradictions and conflicts in the development of social history, forming the main chain of contradictions and problem areas of historical development. The specific development of these overall contradictions and problems constitutes the difficulties faced by a country or political party. The unique challenges faced by the big party are precisely the ones that arise from the changes and tests in the international and domestic environment in which our party operates. From an international perspective, the world is currently undergoing unprecedented changes, accelerating the evolution of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. The impact of the century long pandemic is far-reaching, and the trend of anti globalization is on the rise. Unilateralism and protectionism are clearly on the rise. The world economy is recovering weakly, with frequent local conflicts and turbulence. Global problems are intensifying, and the world is entering a new period of turbulence and transformation. From a domestic perspective, China's development environment is also undergoing profound changes and is currently in a critical period of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The closer we approach national rejuvenation, the less smooth it will be, the more risky and challenging it will be, and even the more turbulent it will be. The rapid changes in the situation and environment, the heavy responsibility of reform, development and stability, the numerous contradictions and risks, and the greater the test of our party's governance are unprecedented.

The unique challenges faced by major parties are jointly determined by the original aspiration and mission of proletarian political parties, as well as the important responsibilities of the times they shoulder. The proletarian political party is a new type of political party that is completely different from all old political parties. Its ultimate goal is to overthrow the rule of capital logic over people, eliminate private ownership, and achieve communism. This historical responsibility determines that proletarian political parties will inevitably face many historical challenges such as "how to eliminate private ownership", "how to govern for a long time", and "how to continue to struggle for the realization of communism". These challenges are also the important tasks of the times that proletarian political parties must shoulder. Looking back over a hundred years of history, the CPC, since its inception, has always regarded working for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its original mission, always adhered to the communist ideal and socialist belief, united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to strive for national independence, people's liberation, and the realization of national prosperity and people's happiness, constantly completed a number of historical tasks, and solved a number of historical problems, so that the Chinese nation ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong. In the century long process of fulfilling its original mission and shouldering historical responsibilities, it has evolved from a small party with only over 50 members to the world's largest party with over 98 million members; From a political party that leads the people to fight bloody battles and seize political power, to a political party that has long held state power; From a political party ruling under planned economy and relatively closed conditions to a political party ruling for a long time under market economy and reform and opening up conditions, our party will inevitably face unique challenges in the process of governing the country due to its unique party situation, complex governance situation, and leapfrog development speed.

2. Deeply grasp the uniqueness of the unique challenges faced by the Communist Party of China through dialectical thinking

The unique difficulties of the big party are not only the inevitable result of historical development, but also have historical inevitability; It is also the unique test faced by the CPC in the new era and new journey, with particularity and uniqueness. From the perspective of the "great party and country" of the new era and new journey, it is necessary to adhere to dialectical thinking and comprehensively and profoundly grasp the unique difficulties and challenges that our party is facing.

"The big picture" and "the big difficulty". The unique difficulty of a big party lies first in its size, and secondly in its difficulty due to its size.It profoundly demonstrates the progressiveness nature of the party's attributes, the arduous nature of its mission and tasks, and the grandeur of its organizational scale, which determine that our party must consolidate its position in power for a long time. It must have unique difficulties different from other parties. To grasp the unique difficulties of a big party, we need to adhere to the dialectical logic of "big" and "difficult". We should not only see the size of the party's team, but also the difficulty of managing and governing the party, and deeply understand the "uniqueness" of the unique problems of a big party from the relationship between "big" and "difficult".

Unique advantages and unique challenges. The CPC has accumulated and formed comprehensive and unique advantages in its century long struggle, mainly including theoretical advantages, political advantages, organizational advantages, institutional advantages, etc. To grasp the unique challenges faced by the big party, we need to adhere to the dialectical unity of "unique advantages" and "unique challenges". We should not only recognize the many unique advantages of the party, but also recognize the difficulties faced by the party's unique challenges, and insist on starting from the unique advantages to solve the unique challenges faced by the big party. Looking back at history, our party has leveraged its unique advantages and achieved historic and pioneering achievements. Looking towards the future, we must focus on solving the "unique challenges" mainly manifested in the "six how to always". Solving these difficult problems is a hurdle that the Party must overcome in order to achieve its mission and tasks in the new era and new journey. It is a hard nut to crack to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party and adapt to the new situation and requirements. Only by seeing both the "unique advantages" and the "unique difficulties" and solving them with advantages can we push forward our self revolution with more firm historical confidence and historical initiative.

Goal oriented and problem oriented.To deeply grasp the unique difficulties of the Communist Party of China, we must adhere to a "problem oriented" approach to finding "problems" and also adhere to a "goal oriented" approach to solving "problems". At the same time, grasping the unique difficulties of the Party also requires adhering to the unity of the "two point theory" and the "key point theory". We should not only focus on the key issues, but also not ignore the secondary issues. On the basis of distinguishing between primary and secondary contradictions and the primary and secondary aspects of contradictions, we should not only focus on solving new problems that arise, but also pay attention to solving deep-seated problems that exist, ensuring that the Party never deteriorates, changes color, and remains unchanged.

3. Deeply understanding the long-term, arduous, and systematic nature of solving the unique problems of the big party with a systemic perspective

Dialectical materialism holds that the entire world is an interconnected whole, "a picture endlessly intertwined by various connections and interactions.". This dialectical thinking requires us to establish a systematic concept and enhance the systematic approach to problem-solving.We should adhere to a systematic concept and have a profound understanding of the long-term, arduous, and systematic nature of solving the unique problems of the big party.

Adhere to a systematic concept, fully understand the long-term, arduous, and systematic nature of self revolution, and always persistently and consistently promote self revolution. The first step in solving the unique difficulties faced by the major party is to consistently and steadfastly promote the party's self revolution. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has steadfastly promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, solved many prominent problems within the party, and found the second answer to self revolution, which breaks away from the historical cycle of prosperity and decline in governance. However, the historical mission of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has put forward unprecedented new requirements for our party. The factors that affect the progressiveness of the Party and weaken the purity of the Party still exist. The governance test, reform and opening up test, market economy test and external environment test that the Party faces will exist for a long time. The danger of spiritual laziness, insufficient ability, separation from the masses, and negative corruption will exist for a long time. This requires adhering to a systematic concept, adhering to the long-term, continuous, and systematic nature of managing and governing the Party.Fully understanding the long-term, arduous, and systematic nature of self revolution means adhering to the principle that the Party's self revolution is always on the way, ensuring that the Party always stays at the forefront of the times and becomes a strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Adhere to a systematic concept, avoid falling into a situation where it is easy to change someone's life, but difficult to change one's own life. Always remember your original intention and keep your mission in mind. To deeply understand and grasp the unique difficulties of the Party, we must recognize our own shortcomings, attach importance to our own problems, and always carry forward the spirit of thorough self revolution.This requires establishing a systematic concept, persistently examining oneself with systematic thinking, persistently nourishing the original intention and leading the mission with the Party's innovative theory, growing, developing, and strengthening in self revolution, constantly self correcting, self innovating, and self transcending.

Adhere to a systematic concept and always maintain a clear and firm determination to solve the unique problems of the Party. It is impossible to solve the unique difficulties of a large party overnight, nor can it achieve the same result in one battle. Instead, we must always maintain a clear and firm understanding of the comprehensiveness and systematicity of this problem with a systematic perspective, adhere to gradual progress, and strive for long-term success.

In a word, as the largest Marxist ruling party in the world, we should always remain sober and firm in solving the unique problems of the big party, adhere to historical thinking, dialectical thinking and systematic concept, keep in mind that comprehensive and strict governance of the party is always on the way, fully understand and comprehensively grasp the various factors that affect the progressiveness and purity of the party, with an indomitable attitude of struggle and never slacken spirit, create a new historical cause of the hundred year old big party, and write a new magnificent chapter of the hundred year old big party.

Guangming Daily


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