Cultivate the fertile soil of Chinese culture to make the world understand the Chinese path to modernization world | Modernization | China

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:08 PM

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "enhance the influence of the dissemination of Chinese civilization" and made comprehensive arrangements for it. The key to enhancing the dissemination and influence of Chinese civilization lies in increasing the audience's understanding of Chinese culture and enhancing their identification with it.Telling a good story of Chinese path to modernization will effectively enhance the communication, influence and appeal of Chinese civilization, and improve the international communication efficiency of Chinese civilization.

1. Spread the broad and extensive cultural concepts of the Chinese nation well

The Chinese plan has been provided to promote the development of human civilization, advance the process of human modernization, and build a community with a shared future for mankind. Chinese civilization has been known for its openness and inclusiveness since ancient times, constantly radiating new vitality through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations. It is the basis for the world to better understand Chinese path to modernization to emphasize the civilization concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness, and to show the world the value pursuit of Chinese path to modernization to better maintain world peace and development with its own development.

Diversity is the fundamental form of civilization. The world is rich and colorful, and civilizations are diverse. Each ethnic group has a unique culture that sets it apart from other ethnic groups. The ancient Chinese people said, "The unevenness of things leads to their emotions." "All things receive their harmony for life, and each receives their nourishment for success." "All things are nurtured together without harming each other, and the Tao runs parallel without contradicting each other.". This tells us that it is reasonable for things to have differences, that all things in the world can develop together without harming each other, and that various reasonable behavioral norms can be carried out simultaneously without contradicting each other. There has never been or can be a single culture and civilization with universal significance in the world, and human history cannot end in a certain pattern. The coexistence of diversity is the basic pattern. The globalization of capital cannot smooth out the cultural differences among countries and ethnic groups.Respecting the historical, cultural, social systems, and development models of various countries, acknowledging the reality of world diversity, and promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning are important driving forces for promoting the progress of human civilization and world peace and development.

Chinese civilization has outstanding inclusiveness. Through the ages, the Chinese civilization has adhered to the tradition of "harmony without uniformity", constantly accepted and integrated different ethnic and cultural traditions, constantly digested and absorbed the essence of foreign civilizations, constantly developed and expanded in the process of multi-ethnic cultural integration and the convergence of Chinese and foreign cultures, and converged into a common culture with multiple cultures. It is precisely because of this spirit of magnanimity, openness, and inclusiveness that Chinese civilization is constantly revitalized through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations. Throughout history, from the spread of Buddhism to the East and the integration of Yiru, to the spread of Western learning and the New Culture Movement in modern times, the introduction of Marxist and socialist ideas to China, and then to the comprehensive opening up to the outside world since the reform and opening up, Chinese civilization and other civilizations in the world have exchanged and learned from each other, and have been constantly evolving through inclusiveness. History has proven that only with inclusiveness and openness can human civilization develop and prosper. Only by strengthening dialogue and mutual learning can human civilization shine.

Chinese path to modernization is a modernization that promotes the common values of all mankind. Chinese path to modernization adheres to peaceful development, seeks its own development in the firm maintenance of world peace and development, and better maintains world peace and development with its own development to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.In today's diversified world, we must continue to maintain the open mind of Chinese culture to embrace the world's civilization, always pay attention to the future and destiny of mankind from a global perspective, and in the context of the great trend of human development, the great pattern of world change, and China's development history, we must speak well of the adherence and promotion of Chinese path to modernization to the common values of all mankind, promote the beauty and common beauty of different civilizations with Chinese path to modernization, promote exchanges and integration of different civilizations, learn from each other, promote mutual understanding and trust among countries in the world, and work together to promote the progress of human civilization.

2. Telling the Extraordinary Development Course of Chinese Civilization

The reality of culture is the continuation of history. As the oldest civilization that has never been interrupted, Chinese civilization has lasted for five thousand years and has a unique and rich heritage. However, since modern times, with the impact of several waves of economic globalization, Chinese civilization has gone through multiple rounds of pains. Today, more than a hundred years later, China, with its strong economic strength and international influence, is increasingly approaching the center of the world stage, closer than ever before to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only a comprehensive and in-depth account of the development of Chinese civilization can clarify the relationship between the construction of the Chinese nation's modern civilization and Chinese path to modernization, so that the world can better understand the civilized significance of Chinese path to modernization.

Grasp the prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization. The extraordinary development process of Chinese civilization, which has been plagued by numerous troubles and has never declined, has shaped the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization.Among them, continuity contains the historical and practical logic of the ancient country with a civilization history of more than 5000 years, which has never declined; Innovation is a true portrayal of the enterprising spirit and fearless character of the Chinese nation; Unification clearly reflects the cohesion and integration of Chinese civilization; Inclusion determines that we can embrace world civilization with a more open mind; The peaceful nature determines that China continuously pursues cultural exchange and mutual learning without engaging in cultural hegemony, and will not impose its own values and political system on others in the spirit of peace. These five prominent characteristics are a profound revelation of the development laws of Chinese civilization, highlighting the distinct characteristics that history has endowed Chinese civilization with that are different from other civilizations, demonstrating the outstanding advantages of the Chinese nation in standing firm in the world cultural turmoil, and also the fundamental principle for building modern Chinese civilization in the new era and new journey.

Tell the glorious achievements of cultural construction in the new era.Telling these brilliant achievements can make people more deeply realize that maintaining the value foundation of a country is the ideological, cultural, and ethical spirit; Economic and military strength alone is not enough to support the rise of a great country. Without high cultural confidence and the prosperity of cultural construction, there can be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Continue to promote the "second combination". The second combination is a profound summary of our party's historical experience in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, a profound grasp of the development laws of Chinese civilization, and another ideological liberation, indicating that our party's consciousness in promoting cultural innovation in inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture has reached a new height. Continue to promote the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of China and the excellent traditional culture of China, and work hard to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional culture of China, so that Marxism can become China's, the excellent traditional culture of China can become modern, and the new culture formed through "combination" can become the cultural form of Chinese path to modernization, which will certainly make the Chinese civilization glow with new vitality and show new style in the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization.

3. Elaborate on the long-standing and unique values and concepts of Chinese culture

The external dissemination of a civilization is a process of allowing other civilizations to "understand" themselves, "understand" themselves, and "accept" themselves. The key to "understanding" and "accepting" lies in whether they can obtain core cultural identity. Core cultural identity is often associated with different ethnic groups, histories, and traditions, presented in the conceptual system, where worldviews, outlooks on life, and values constitute the main content of the conceptual system. The excellent traditional culture of China has a long history, is broad and profound, and is the wisdom crystallization of Chinese civilization. Its ideas, such as the idea that the world is public, the people are the foundation of the country, the government is moral, the reform of the old and the innovation of the new, the appointment of people on merit, the unity of heaven and man, self-improvement, virtue, good faith, good neighborliness, etc., are important manifestations of the cosmology, world outlook, social outlook, and moral outlook that the Chinese nation has accumulated in the long-term production and life, and have laid a deep cultural foundation for Chinese path to modernization.

Putting the people first and putting the people first is a traditional Chinese governing philosophy. The concepts and propositions of "the people are the foundation of the country, the foundation is solid and the country is peaceful", "benevolent people love others", "the worries of the world first, and the happiness of the world later" reflect the ancient sages' sentiment of caring for the people and conforming to their hearts, playing an important role in constructing, stabilizing, and correcting society. In the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization, the CPC adheres to the guidance of Marxism, inherits the reasonable core of the traditional people-oriented thought, and carries out creative transformation and innovative development, forming the value pursuit of "adhering to the people first", which provides rich cultural nourishment and a solid theoretical basis for adhering to the people as the center to promote "modernization with a huge population".

"Universal Harmony" embodies the ideal of the Chinese nation for a better future society. "The people also work hard to achieve a moderately prosperous society" and "The way of governing a country starts with enriching the people" express our ancestors' aspirations for a strong country and prosperous people. The modernization of common prosperity for all people is the sublimation of this concept. It can be said that common prosperity is the social ideal of the Chinese nation since ancient times, and also the goal of the CPC. As a Marxist party, our party has always regarded the realization of the people's aspiration for a better life as the starting point and foothold of the modernization drive, and unswervingly promoted the common prosperity of all people with Chinese path to modernization.

The relationship between material civilization and spiritual civilization is revealed by the fact that the granary is solid but knows etiquette, and the clothing and food are sufficient but knows honor and disgrace. Chinese civilization has always attached great importance to human spiritual life, pursuing both abundant clothing and food, as well as personal dignity, emphasizing benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust, hoping for social harmony, and yearning for a world of material fulfillment, noble moral realm, and social fairness and justice. Chinese path to modernization is a "modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated", which just fits this cultural tradition.

"The unity of heaven and humanity" expresses an understanding of the relationship between humans and nature. Chinese culture emphasizes the unity of heaven and man. Mencius proposed that "without violating the agricultural season, grains cannot surpass food; without entering the pond, fish and turtles cannot surpass food; with an axe and a pound, they can enter the mountains and forests at the right time, and wood cannot surpass food." This is a simple expression of the idea of unity of heaven and man in the pre Qin period. Dong Zhongshu of the Han Dynasty, who clearly proposed the idea of the unity of heaven and humanity, believed that "heaven also has the energy of joy and anger, the heart of sorrow and joy, and is complementary to humans, in order to merge with humans, and the unity of heaven and humanity." These concepts reflect the profound understanding of the Chinese nation that humans and nature are a community of life, as well as the yearning and pursuit of a peaceful scene of smooth weather, clear rivers and smooth seas, and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. These ideas have laid the cultural foundation for Chinese path to modernization to establish the value concept of green development and the sustainable development path of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

China does not have a cultural gene for hegemony. The Chinese people have always adhered to the spirit of honesty, harmony, kindness, and good neighborliness, which embodies the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind. Chinese path to modernization regards the progress of mankind and the common goal of the world as an important goal, and contains the idea that the world is for the common good and kind-hearted neighbors accumulated in the cultural gene and blood of the Chinese nation. Chinese path to modernization is "modernization along the path of peaceful development", which is the natural continuation of this spirit.

Guangming Daily


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