China Cambodia issues a joint communiqu é

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:25 PM

Joint Communique between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia

At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Prince Hun Manai, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, will make an official visit to the People's Republic of China from September 14 to 16, 2023.Premier Li Qiang held talks with Prime Minister Hong Manai, and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhao Leji met with Prime Minister Hong Manai.

1、 Both sides highly evaluate the significant development of China Cambodia relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations 65 years ago, and believe that the "iron rod" friendship between China and Cambodia, carefully cultivated by the leaders of the two countries, has remained strong. They emphasize that no matter how the international situation changes, China Cambodia will steadfastly develop intergenerational friendship, deepen mutual benefit cooperation, and work together to build a high-quality, high-level, and high standard new era China Cambodia community with a shared future, setting an example for building a community with a shared future for mankind. Both sides positively evaluate the effectiveness of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cambodia and the series of celebrations for the "China Cambodia Friendship Year", and are willing to further promote the traditional friendship between China and Cambodia, so that the friendship between China and Cambodia can be passed down from generation to generation.

2、 Both sides reiterated their respect and support for each other's chosen development path based on their respective national conditions. The Cambodian side spoke highly of the great development achievements of China in the decade of the new era, believed that Chinese path to modernization provides a new path for mankind to achieve modernization and brings new opportunities to Cambodia, and believed that China will comprehensively build itself into a powerful socialist modernization country, achieve the second centennial goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. The Chinese side highly praises Cambodia's achievements in economic and social development, and believes that under the protection of King Sihamoni, the new Cambodian government led by Prime Minister Hunmani will lead the country to achieve greater development, improve people's lives, and play a more important role in maintaining regional and even global peace and prosperity.

3、 China reiterates its firm support for Cambodia to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and firmly opposes external interference in Cambodia's internal affairs.

Both sides firmly oppose the politicization and double standards of human rights issues, and firmly oppose any country interfering in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of human rights and democracy. Both sides will strengthen cooperation in the fields of anti interference and prevention of "color revolution".

4、 Both sides agreed to maintain high-level strategic communication and strengthen coordination and cooperation on China Cambodia relations and major issues of common concern. Both sides agree to fully leverage the coordinating role of the China Cambodia Intergovernmental Coordination Committee and implement the Action Plan of the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Cambodia on Building a Community with a Shared Future for China and Cambodia in the New Era. The two sides will give full play to the role of the National People's Congress of China, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Cambodian Parliament, the Senate, inter party and other channels, implement the Memorandum of Understanding on Communication and Cooperation between the CPC and the Cambodian People's Party, deepen exchanges and close cooperation in governance and governance, and enrich the connotation of the China Cambodia community of common destiny in the new era.

5、 The two sides agreed to promote the docking of the "the Belt and Road" initiative with Cambodia's "Five Corners Strategy", deepen the China Cambodia comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership around the China Cambodia "Diamond Six Sides" cooperation framework, and achieve high-quality and sustainable common development of the two countries.

——Fully leverage the production capacity and investment cooperation mechanism between China and Cambodia, focus on the vision of building a multifunctional economic demonstration zone in Sihanouk Province, and jointly carry out research on Cambodia's "Industrial Development Corridor". Relying on projects such as the Sihanouk Port Economic Zone and the Phnom Penh West Port Expressway, we aim to attract more powerful Chinese enterprises to increase their investment in Cambodia. Encourage enterprises from both countries to strengthen cooperation in fields such as agricultural industry, transportation infrastructure, electricity, energy, and manufacturing. The Chinese side supports the construction of the Cambodian railway, jointly carries out the preliminary planning, design, and economic and technical feasibility study of the domestic railway in Cambodia, promotes the construction of supporting infrastructure such as highways and sewage treatment, and strengthens cooperation in electricity and power grids.

——Accelerate the joint construction of the "Fish and Rice Corridor", focusing on fisheries, rice, tropical fruits and vegetables, and agricultural inputs, and expanding agricultural product trade between the two countries. To achieve the goal of the "Fish and Rice Corridor", emphasis should be placed on cooperation in aquaculture, agricultural product processing, ecological agriculture, agricultural machinery, agricultural technology, and human resources. Explore the construction of modern agriculture demonstration zones in Cambodia and carry out digital agriculture exchange and cooperation.

Deepen cooperation in inspection and quarantine between the two countries, explore and promote cross-border information exchange through a "single window", deepen cooperation in animal and plant quarantine and food safety supervision, and accelerate the signing of the Cambodia advantageous agricultural and food product quarantine access protocol to China.

——Give full play to the guiding role of the economic and trade cooperation committees of the two governments, and support enterprises of the two countries to carry out mutually beneficial trade and investment cooperation. We will implement the China Cambodia Free Trade Agreement, fully tap the potential and enhance the competitiveness of Cambodian goods in China through the bilateral e-commerce cooperation mechanism and platforms such as the China International Import Expo, the China Import and Export Commodities Fair, the China International Consumer Goods Expo, the Global Digital Trade Expo, and the China ASEAN Expo. Implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with high quality and promote negotiations on the 3.0 version of the China ASEAN Free Trade Area. Cambodia supports Hong Kong's accession to RCEP.

——Strengthen cooperation in clean energy such as hydropower and photovoltaics, and explore green, stable, and reliable energy cooperation solutions. Promote the construction of a low-carbon demonstration zone in Sihanouk Province for South South cooperation between China and Cambodia in addressing climate change, and carry out policy dialogue, joint research, and capacity building cooperation around areas such as climate change, pollution control, and circular economy. Cooperate on comprehensive water resource management, flood and drought disaster prevention, and safe drinking water in rural areas of mutual concern.

——Maintain high-level exchanges between the two armies, expand exchanges between relevant business departments and branches of the military, deepen practical cooperation in education and training, joint exercises and training, medical and health services, mine clearance, and other fields, and strengthen multilateral coordination and cooperation.

We will continue to deepen practical cooperation and capacity building between the two countries' national and local police in combating cross-border gambling, telecommunications fraud and other law enforcement areas, and carry out security cooperation on major projects along the the Belt and Road.

——China is willing to continue to support Cambodia's economic development and improvement of people's livelihoods, promote the implementation and effectiveness of global development initiatives in Cambodia, and implement projects such as rural roads, bridges, water supply, schools, and healthcare in Cambodia. The Cambodian side appreciates the strong support provided by the Chinese side.

Cambodia reiterates its warm welcome to Chinese tourists and guarantees to provide high-quality services and safety. Both sides agree to strengthen communication between the cultural and tourism authorities of the two countries, promote the implementation of the China Cambodia Cultural Cooperation Implementation Plan, encourage tourism enterprises of the two countries to jointly create tourism products, develop human resources, and support each other in promoting the tourism market and mechanism construction. Continue to carry out the protection and restoration project of the Angkor Monument Royal Palace Site in Cambodia, and promote cooperation in the protection and restoration of the Preah Vihear Temple and other cultural heritage. Support both air transport companies to increase flights between China and Cambodia according to market demand, providing convenience for bilateral economic and trade cooperation and personnel exchanges.

Continue to support outstanding Cambodian youth to come to China for further education. Play the role of the Cambodian China Friendship Youth Home as a platform to enhance youth exchanges and strengthen talent cultivation cooperation between China and Cambodia. Promote the construction of Confucius Institutes in Cambodia and the high-quality development of Chinese language teaching in Cambodia. Under the framework of the China Cambodia Vocational Education Cooperation Alliance, we will promote vocational education cooperation and mutual recognition of vocational skill level standards. China will continue to provide Chinese government scholarships to Cambodian students.

Deepen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional medicine, accelerate the construction of the China Cambodia Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, and China will dispatch a Chinese medical team to Cambodia in the long term.

Both sides actively support various forms of civil exchanges, promote the deepening of cultural exchange and people's livelihood project cooperation between civil organizations of the two countries, and effectively enhance people to people communication.

6、 Both sides are willing to jointly uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. They oppose hegemonism and power politics, all forms of unilateralism, and exclusive small circles targeting specific countries. Both sides will be committed to building a new type of international relations and work together to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Both sides are willing to jointly uphold the basic principles and core values of the World Trade Organization, support necessary reforms of the organization, and especially restore the normal operation of the two-level and binding dispute resolution mechanism. As developing countries, both sides are willing to strengthen cooperation within the framework of the World Trade Organization, jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing members, and promote the better functioning of the World Trade Organization.

Both sides agree to uphold true multilateralism, and Cambodia appreciates China's important and constructive role in promoting global peace and development. It is willing to actively participate in global development initiative cooperation and accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Cambodia supports the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and is willing to work with China to carry out global security governance, achieve common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and promote the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind.

Both sides reaffirm their commitment to open regionalism, work together to build the "Five Homelands" of peace, tranquility, prosperity, beauty, and friendship, deepen the China ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership, and build a closer China ASEAN community with a shared future. Agree to strengthen Lancang Mekong cooperation and promote the construction of a closer Lancang Mekong community with a shared future.

7、 Both sides believe that with the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the overall situation in the South China Sea remains stable. They call on all relevant parties to continue to fully and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of All Parties in the South China Sea, deepen maritime cooperation, and reach a substantive and effective "Code of Conduct for the South China Sea" as soon as possible on the basis of consensus. The South China Sea will be built into a sea of peace, friendship, and cooperation. Any attempt to use the South China Sea issue to undermine regional peace and mutual trust is doomed to fail.

8、 Both sides expressed satisfaction with the results of Prime Minister Hun Manai's visit to China. Prime Minister Hun Manai sincerely thanks the Chinese leaders and people for their warm and friendly reception, and invites Chinese leaders to visit Cambodia in a timely manner.

During the visit, both sides signed the Action Plan for Building a Community of Shared Future between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Cambodia in the New Era, as well as multiple cooperation documents, covering areas such as the Industrial Development Corridor, the Fish and Rice Corridor, infrastructure, digital economy, green development, inspection and quarantine, forestry and wildlife, and development cooperation.

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