Brazil officially takes over as the new rotating presidency of the G20

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:38 PM

On September 10th, the 18th Summit of G20 Leaders concluded in New Delhi, India.

At noon local time on the 10th, the 18th G20 Leaders Summit held its closing meeting, with leaders of G20 members, guest countries, and relevant international organization leaders attending. This summit lasted for two days and held three stages of meetings around the theme of "One Earth, One Home, One Future". The New Delhi Summit Declaration of G20 Leaders was adopted at the summit. The declaration reaffirms the commitment of the G20 Leaders Summit as the main forum for international economic cooperation. In the future, it will continue to operate in the spirit of multilateralism and based on consensus, with all members participating equally in all activities, including the summit, actively taking action to address the challenges facing the world.

At the closing meeting of the summit, Brazil officially took over as the new rotating presidency of the G20. The next summit of G20 leaders will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the second half of 2024.

Declaration of the New Delhi Summit of G20 Leaders

New Delhi, September 10th (Xinhua) - Declaration of the New Delhi Summit of G20 Leaders

We, the leaders of the G20, will hold a meeting in New Delhi from September 9th to 10th, 2023, with the theme of "One Earth, One Home, One Future". We are gathered at a moment of historical importance, and the decisions we make now will affect the future of our people and the planet. We are committed to taking practical actions to address global challenges based on the concept of harmonious coexistence with the ecosystem.

The unfavorable factors for global economic growth and stability still exist, and the endless challenges and crises have reversed the process of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Our development model will support sustainable, inclusive, and just global transformation, leaving no one behind.

The G20 is the main forum for international economic cooperation. The leaders of the G20 are determined to advance concrete actions through partnerships and commit to accelerating strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth, fully and effectively implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, pursuing a path of low-temperature greenhouse gas/low-carbon emissions, climate resilience, and environmental sustainability, promoting sustainable lifestyles, and protecting biodiversity, forests, and oceans. Through these actions, we strive to build a system that can better assist countries in addressing global challenges, putting people first, and bringing prosperity and well-being to humanity.

Deeply concerned about the enormous suffering and negative impact brought to people by wars and conflicts around the world.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, reviewing the discussions in Bali, reiterating their respective national positions and resolutions adopted at the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly, emphasizing that all countries must act in a manner that fully complies with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. According to the United Nations Charter, all countries must avoid the use or threat of use of force to seek territorial acquisition and undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and political independence of any country. The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is not allowed.

Reiterating that the G20 is the main forum for international economic cooperation and acknowledging that it is not a platform for addressing geopolitical and security issues, but recognizing that these issues may have significant impacts on the global economy.

Emphasizing the human suffering and additional negative impacts caused by the war in Ukraine on global food and energy security, supply chains, macroeconomic stability, inflation, and growth, this complicates the policy environment for countries, especially developing and least developed countries. There are different views and evaluations of the situation among all parties.

Appreciates the efforts of the Istanbul Agreement mediated by Türkiye and the United Nations, and calls for the full, timely and effective implementation of these agreements to ensure the immediate and unimpeded delivery of grain, food and fertilizer/inputs from the Russian Federation and Ukraine. This is necessary to meet the needs of developing and least developed countries, especially African countries. Emphasize the importance of maintaining global food and energy security, and call for an end to military destruction or other attacks on related infrastructure. We are deeply concerned about the adverse effects of conflicts on the safety of civilians, which exacerbate existing socio-economic vulnerabilities and weaknesses, and hinder effective humanitarian responses.

Call on all countries to uphold the principles of international law and international humanitarian law, including territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as to maintain a multilateral system of peace and stability. Peaceful resolution of conflicts, all efforts conducive to crisis resolution, as well as diplomacy and dialogue, are important. The G20 will unite and work together to eliminate the negative impact of this war on the global economy. We welcome all constructive initiatives supporting the achievement of a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine, which should adhere to territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as other purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and promote peaceful, friendly, and neighborly relations among countries in the spirit of "one Earth, one home, one future". The current era should not be a time of war.

Recalling the Declaration on Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of the United Nations, reaffirming the need to address challenges through the revitalization of multilateralism, reform, and international cooperation. Ensure that developing countries have greater representation and voice in the decision-making process of international economic and financial institutions.

Reiterating the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization as its core, opposing protectionism, and creating a favorable trade and investment environment for all parties. Promote the reform of the World Trade Organization and establish a well functioning dispute resolution mechanism by 2024. Ensure mutual support between trade policies and environmental policies, in accordance with the World Trade Organization and multilateral environmental agreements.

Call on developed countries to fulfill their official development assistance commitments. Welcome the Sustainable Development Goals stimulus plan proposed by the United Nations Secretary General, and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Summit in 2023. Implement the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Promise to strengthen environmentally friendly waste management.

Implement energy transformation, promote an open and non discriminatory international energy market, and support the establishment of a global hydrogen energy ecosystem. Support sustainable and responsible supply chains for key raw materials, semiconductors, and technologies. Countries that choose to use civilian nuclear energy will responsibly manage radioactive waste to promote global nuclear safety. Condemns all acts of terrorism targeting critical infrastructure, including critical energy facilities, and other vulnerable targets. Strongly condemn all acts of religious hatred, including those against holy books.

Reiterating the principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities, and respective capabilities in addressing climate change, and considering different national conditions. Developed country contracting parties should continue to take the lead in striving to achieve absolute emission reduction targets across the entire economy. Developing country contracting parties should continue to strengthen their mitigation efforts and encourage them to gradually shift towards economic wide emission reduction or limitation targets based on different national conditions. Note that the report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is based on hypothesis modeling and predicts that global greenhouse gas emissions will peak before 2025, but this does not mean that all countries will peak during that time period. Developed countries will jointly mobilize $100 billion in climate funding annually by 2020 and extend the annual target to 2025. Call for a collective quantitative target of no less than $100 billion per year for new climate financing by 2024. Urge developed countries to increase the collective adaptation funding to at least twice the level of 2019 by 2025.

Encourage strengthened research cooperation on climate resilient nutrient grains such as millet, quinoa, and sorghum, as well as other traditional crops such as rice, wheat, and corn. Support developing countries in addressing food security challenges. According to the rules of the World Trade Organization, promote open and fair trade in agriculture, food, and fertilizers.

Building a healthcare system, with a focus on strengthening primary healthcare and healthcare human resources, improving basic healthcare services and healthcare systems, ideally surpassing pre pandemic levels within the next 2 to 3 years. Addressing the issue of antibiotic resistance. We look forward to the intergovernmental negotiating body developing an international instrument on WHO pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Looking forward to the second fundraising of the G20 Pandemic Fund. Carry out international drug control cooperation without restrictions.

Building an inclusive, open, and non discriminatory digital economy. Putting people first, realizing the goodness of artificial intelligence and serving all humanity. Digital public infrastructure, as a constantly evolving concept, will encompass a range of shared digital systems built and utilized by both public and private sectors, based on secure and resilient infrastructure that can be built on open standards, specifications, and open source software.

Reiterating the commitment to zero tolerance for corruption, approving the high-level principles of the G20 on strengthening international cooperation and information sharing in anti-corruption law enforcement, strengthening mechanisms for returning corrupt assets, and promoting the integrity of anti-corruption institutions. Encourage students, scholars, researchers, and scientists to move around. Agree to establish a new women's empowerment working group. Continue to cooperate in fields such as employment, tourism, and culture.

Continue to strengthen macro policy cooperation. Note the recent banking turmoil in some developed economies. Implement macro prudential policies when necessary to prevent economic downturn risks. Fiscal policy will maintain the sustainability of medium-term finance. The central bank's monetary policy is committed to achieving price stability and will clearly convey its policy stance to help limit negative spillover effects. Note the multilateral activities in other international financial framework areas such as the New Global Financing Compact Summit. Looking forward to the World Bank's equity review in 2025 and completing the International Monetary Fund's overall share inspection by December 15, 2023. Welcome to discuss the impact of central bank digital currency on cross-border payments and the international monetary and financial system. Take action to expand sustainable finance. Establish a modern international tax system and quickly implement the "dual pillar plan" for international taxation. Pay attention to the risks of rapid development in the cryptocurrency asset ecosystem. Cooperate in financial regulation, anti money laundering, and other areas.

Effectively, comprehensively, and systematically address the debt vulnerability issues of low - and middle-income countries. Implement the Common Framework for Subsequent Debt Handling under the G20 Debt Relief Initiative. Welcome the progress on the debt issues in Zambia and Ghana, and quickly carry out debt processing in Ethiopia. Beyond the Common Framework, Sri Lanka is welcome to promptly address its debt situation. Welcome the African Union to become a permanent member of the G20 and continue to support Africa through initiatives such as the G20 Support for Africa and Least Developed Countries Industrialization Initiative. Explore deepening cooperation between the G20 and other regional partners.

Reaffirm that the G20 is the main forum for international economic cooperation, operating in a spirit of multilateralism and based on consensus, with all members participating equally in all activities, including the summit. Looking forward to meeting again in Brazil in 2024, South Africa in 2025, and the United States in 2026. Welcome Saudi Arabia's ambition of early rotation as the Chairman of the G20. Looking forward to the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics.

Looking back at the collective actions taken in the past to contain global crises, the leaders of the G20 are determined to lead the world in overcoming current challenges and building a safer, stronger, resilient, inclusive, and healthier future for people and the planet.

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