At the age of 41, undergoing a review and investigation, "80s generation" cadres take up leadership positions at the age of 31

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:07 PM

Disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions are an important means for disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies to fulfill their supervisory responsibilities, an important lever for deepening and solidly investigating and handling cases in the latter half of the article, and an effective method for deepening both root and root causes and promoting the "three non corruption" in one. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels shall implement the deployment of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and propose disciplinary inspection or supervision suggestions to relevant party organizations or units in response to prominent problems found in supervision and discipline enforcement, promoting the formation of a good effect of investigating and punishing one case, issuing one book, warning one area, and governing one area. The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily and the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission have launched a column titled "Effectively Using Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Suggestions as Powerful Weapons", showcasing the vivid practices of various regions in making good use of disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions and promoting high-quality development of disciplinary inspection and supervision work in the new era and new journey.

"This is the last document I can write to the organization as a party member." "2021 is the year I have been eagerly anticipating for a new term, and the appointment notice for the county party and government leadership that I have been waiting for did not arrive as scheduled. However, on the second to last day of this year, I received a notice of detention." "I went out of the grassroots and, under the care and cultivation of the party, was admitted to university and step by step entered a leadership position, but unfortunately, I lost my freedom." Recently, Tuanfeng County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province organized young cadres from all over the county to attend a warning education conference. The former party secretary and chairman of Hubei Qi'an State owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., Yi Liheng, wrote a confession letter. "The attendees were deeply shocked and educated.

Iliheng, born in the 1980s, was once one of the youngest county-level leading cadres in Huanggang. Despite serving in multiple important positions, he was left behind due to corruption issues, becoming a typical example of serious violations of discipline and law in the city in recent years. In response to the problems exposed by the case, especially the tendency problems that are prone to occur among young cadres, the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has issued disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions to three relevant units, proposing targeted suggestions on strengthening education, management and supervision of young cadres, and strengthening the prevention and control of corruption risks in state-owned enterprises, urging relevant units to identify the root causes of the problems and promote reform and governance through cases.

Cadres born in the 1980s took up leadership positions at the age of 31 and underwent review and investigation at the age of 41

At the age of 31, Yi Liheng stepped onto a leadership position and underwent a review and investigation at the age of 41. When he signed for the disciplinary decision, tears welled up in his eyes and he was filled with regret.

On December 30, 2021, Yiliheng was investigated by the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. In April 2022, Yiliheng was expelled from the party and public office, and his suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution.

Iliheng was born into an ordinary family, and his parents set up tents on the street to provide for their children. Hard experiences were originally valuable assets for striving upwards in life, but Iliheng, who pursued the value of "becoming an official and getting rich", had impure intentions and deviated from the correct direction in life.

In his confession, Iliheng admitted that his "original intention was impure, his foundation was empty, and his beliefs were never firm." He wrote, "One of my relatives was a leading cadre, and every Chinese New Year or holiday, they would respectfully wait for him when they met. That feeling made me even more determined in my life direction, which is to become a cadre."

In July 2004, Iliheng, who graduated from university, became an elective student at the grassroots level in Huanggang. In June 2011, Iliheng was publicly selected to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Tuanfeng County Committee and the Secretary of the Party Committee of Huilongshan Town. In his confession, Iliheng said, "This position should be a good platform for experience, but I place too much emphasis on the prestige of being a standing committee member of the county party committee. I can't get down to it, and I'm used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, pushing things to the mayor, and focusing on building relationships in all aspects myself..."

"From the beginning, Yiliheng has been wholeheartedly seeking personal promotion, which is in line with some people with ulterior motives," said a colleague from the Yiliheng case team.

Chen, the owner of a construction engineering company in Hubei, often visits the office of Yiliheng to inquire about his whereabouts. Whenever Iliheng has free time, he immediately appears. Whenever Iliheng has food, drink, and entertainment activities, he pays the bill on time. During this time, Chen never made any requests, and in the end, Iliheng felt embarrassed if he didn't help. Afterwards, when preparing for the construction of an infection building with additional floors in a certain hospital, Iliheng took the initiative to help Chen win the bid, taking advantage of his position influence. Soon, upon hearing that Iliheng was planning to purchase a garage, Chen once again took the initiative to pay for it.

In July 2016, Ili Hengsheng was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Organization of the Macheng City Committee. He only thought about "greater power", but did not realize that "the risk of being 'hunted' is also higher". During this period, businessman Yang deliberately told Iliheng that as a leader, you need to have a leadership style. Wearing shabby clothes when going out is not in line with your leadership identity. Yang started by delivering clothes to Iliheng and gradually developed into delivering mobile phones, alcohol, and cash. In 2018, Yang gave large amounts of cash to Iliheng in two installments, thanking him for his help in the implementation of a certain project. These are the two largest cash transactions received by Yiliheng.

In June 2019, Iliheng was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Qi'an Guotou. In his confession, he admitted that facing the initial stage of the company's establishment, he clearly felt "inadequate, lacking in morality, and not suitable for the job.". Due to its indifferent concept of purpose, inadequate work performance, and serious lack of supervision, a certain park construction project has encountered problems such as a large number of subcontracting, substandard quality, widespread death of green plants and trees, and inadequate convenience facilities. In pursuit of a smooth career, he also hired a "master" to set the direction for his office.

Officials from the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Huanggang City told reporters that Iliheng has held important positions in Tuanfeng, Macheng, and Qi'an Guotou, but has grown and been corrupt all the way. This indicates that strengthening the education, management, and supervision of leading cadres, especially young cadres, is extremely important and urgent; Iliheng has obvious characteristics of wind and corruption, as well as wind and corruption. It forms a "mahjong circle", "fishing circle", and "dinner circle" to eat, drink, play, and accept bribes, deeply trapped in it and unable to extricate itself; The case also exposed issues such as insufficient internal supervision by local state-owned investment companies, insufficient comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and multiple points of corruption risk. In order to promote the "three no corruption" as a whole, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision adopted a "office group land" linkage model to conduct in-depth analysis of the Iliheng case. In response to the prominent problems exposed, disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions were issued to three units.

Incorporate anti-corruption education into the training of newly hired cadres, improve supervision and management mechanisms, strictly respond to Party conduct and anti-corruption opinions, and prevent the "golden period" of growth from becoming a "dangerous period" of corruption

On May 11, 2022, the Youth League County Committee received the "Suggestions on Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China Youth League County Committee" issued by the Huanggang City Commission for Discipline Inspection. The next day, Tuanfeng County held a standing committee of the county party committee to deliver and study typical cases of violations of discipline and law by Yiliheng, as well as the "Suggestions on Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China's Tuanfeng County Committee". Based on the actual situation of the county, a comprehensive review was conducted on the main responsibility of tightening and consolidating the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, strengthening the self construction of township party committees, and educating and managing young cadres, identifying loopholes and drawing lessons from others.

Suggestions point out that there is a lack of education, management, and supervision of young cadres in important positions in Tuanfeng County. In response to this issue, the county has established a sound curriculum system for anti-corruption education for young cadres. Through comprehensive case analysis and discussion, organizing anti-corruption lectures for young cadres, and organizing research activities on the culture of red integrity, the county aims to educate and guide young cadres to build a strong "firewall" against corruption and change.

In August 2022, Tuanfeng County organized a warning education activity for 58 young cadres who were appointed as "top leaders", newly promoted and reused, and had high discretionary power in key positions, to collectively learn about the case report of Yiliheng. The main responsible comrades of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision analyzed the main causes and trends of young cadres violating discipline and law based on cases, and made clear requirements for the attending cadres.

Make anti-corruption education a compulsory course for training active party members and new cadres. In March of this year, during the initial training class for newly recruited civil servants in Tuanfeng County, 101 young cadres gave the "first lesson of clean governance". They comprehensively analyzed typical cases of young cadres violating discipline and law, analyzed the party discipline and national laws that they are prone to violate, and guided everyone to respect, be cautious, and keep the bottom line.

The education, management, and supervision of young cadres is a systematic project, and the Party Committee, Discipline Inspection Commission, Party Secretary, and team members all have important responsibilities. They must work together and form a joint force. After receiving suggestions, Tuanfeng County tightened its main responsibility and implemented detailed supervision responsibilities. In terms of ideological understanding, policy guidance, responsibility goals, and methods, it emphasized overall coordination and linkage, focusing on strengthening ideals and beliefs, deepening discipline and law education, strict daily management, strengthening supervision and inspection, precise discipline and accountability, and strengthening responsibility implementation. It established regular reporting, collaborative linkage, tracking and promotion, and work meetings to build a work cycle of knowing responsibilities, fulfilling responsibilities, and accountability.

Promote the supervision and defense line to move forward from the middle to the front. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Tuanfeng County have improved the supervision and management mechanism for young cadres, regularly held joint meetings for cadre supervision, improved the monthly reporting system for cadre supervision information, timely submitted information related to key positions of cadres, achieved timely sharing of supervision information, timely communication in special situations, and implemented supervision in a practical and detailed manner. At the same time, efforts should be made to prevent young cadres from indulging in online games, gambling, luxury goods, and other violations of discipline and laws. If any signs are found, they should be promptly reminded and corrected, and disciplinary violations should be dealt with seriously. Early detection, reminder, correction, and investigation should be carried out.

Strictly respond to the opinions on Party conduct and clean governance, and assist the Party Committee in selecting and nurturing seedlings. Tuanfeng County pays attention to strengthening the construction of clean government archives, timely summarizing and updating relevant information of young cadres, providing important references for daily analysis, judgment, and handling of problem clues. It focuses on preventing cadres from being promoted due to illness in daily life, laying a foundation for ensuring the political and clean governance of cadres.

In addition, the county has introduced the "Interim Measures for Frontline Inspection and Identification of Cadres in Tuanfeng County" to strengthen the training and use of young cadres, highlighting practical and grassroots guidance, selecting young cadres with excellent quality to exercise in project construction, rural revitalization, and other frontlines, continuously stimulating the enthusiasm and initiative of young cadres to root in the grassroots.

Carry out special governance on Party members and cadres who illegally receive gifts and gifts, and illegally accept management services from customers for meals, in order to eradicate the breeding ground of corruption

Using gift money as a "small gesture" for interpersonal communication and a "lubricant" for connecting emotions, during his tenure in Macheng, Yi Liheng became an important node in receiving gift money, from collecting local specialties to collecting cigarettes and alcohol, from receiving mobile phones to receiving red envelopes, from receiving cash to receiving diamonds. He has also visited a high-end villa in a certain scenic area multiple times to accept private invitations from his boss, and illegally arranged for his subordinates to receive his private guests, causing adverse effects. In response to the issues exposed in the case, the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has requested in the "Suggestions on Disciplinary Inspection of the Communist Party of China's Macheng Municipal Committee" that "we solidly carry out special governance on party members and cadres who illegally receive gifts and gifts, and those who illegally accept management services to eat and treat".

To this end, the main responsible comrades of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Macheng City had a "one-on-one" conversation with several party members and leading cadres who gave gifts to Iliheng, pointing out problems face-to-face and helping to correct them. At the same time, the city grasps the characteristic that misconduct and corruption are both external and internal, and share the same root and source. It further improves the mechanism for investigating corruption, closely monitors "key minorities", "key nodes", and "hidden mutations", conducts regular supervision and inspection, and continuously corrects "four winds" and cultivates new trends.

In response to the persistent problem of improper eating and drinking practices exposed in the case, Macheng City has launched a special campaign to crack down on illegal eating and drinking. A reminder letter has been sent to audit, public security, finance and other departments to transfer problem clues. The departments have collaborated to screen 85 problem clues and thoroughly investigate the corruption and work style issues behind illegal eating and drinking. In response to the issue of individual cadres transferring illegal food and drink expenses to their subordinate units exposed in the case, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Finance have issued the "Negative List of Party and Government Organ Business Reception Illegal Food and Drink" and "Negative List of Municipal Enterprise Leaders Illegal Food and Drink", further standardizing financial management and strengthening source control.

As a leading cadre, Iliheng has repeatedly used his power to provide assistance to others in work transfers, job promotions, project coordination, and accepting gifts from others, exposing problems such as mechanism deficiencies and management loopholes in the operation of power in a few units. The Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection suggests establishing and improving an internal control mechanism for the exercise of power, strictly implementing the collective decision-making system for "three major and one major" matters, and the system of "four non direct responsibilities" for "top leaders".

In response to the problem of inadequate implementation of rules and regulations by a small number of "top leaders", Macheng City has revised and improved documents such as the work rules and decision-making rules of the Municipal Party Committee, standardized the responsibilities, organizational principles, deliberation and decision-making, supervision and accountability of the Municipal Party Committee, and continuously improved the strict implementation of democratic centralism, collective decision-making on "three important and one large" matters, "last position statement", and the entire process of recording major decision-making, forming a practical and effective work mechanism that manages according to the system, acts according to the system, and manages people through the system.

Identify and manage the risk points of integrity, and resolutely prevent and control corruption risks in areas such as project bidding, engineering construction, and financing loans

During his work at Qi'an Guotou, in order to ensure that a certain company must win the bid, Yiliheng instructed the staff to adopt covert measures such as adding specific conditions for participating in bidding or adding points, intentionally leaking the bid price, etc., ultimately allowing the company to win the bid smoothly, seriously damaging the fair and just market order.

In response to this issue, in the "Supervision Suggestions on Huanggang State owned Capital Investment and Operation Co., Ltd.", the Huanggang Municipal Supervision Commission proposed that state-owned investment platforms should resolutely prevent and control corruption risks in areas such as project bidding, engineering construction, and financing loans.

"In response to the non-standard bidding issues exposed by the Iliheng case, we have carried out a special rectification of bidding and tendering, urging various departments to sort out and investigate weak links and institutional loopholes in their work, optimize the norms and processes of bidding, tendering, opening, evaluation, and winning bids, establish and activate an administrative supervision platform for bidding and tendering, and promote the implementation of full process electronic bidding and tendering. According to the relevant person in charge of Huanggang Guotou, electronic bidding and tendering can effectively prevent illegal activities such as" tailoring "for specific bidders, setting discriminatory clauses in bidding documents, and tampering with process results.".

"Strengthen the supervision of the entire bidding process, comprehensively promote remote evaluation and electronic bidding in different locations. Strengthen the supervision of bidding agencies, and crack down on behaviors such as affiliation and transfer of agency qualification certificates by bidding agencies. Strengthen the supervision of evaluation experts, and if any violations are found, their qualifications will be cancelled and dealt with seriously. Strengthen the supervision of whether project managers, technical leaders, and other personnel are registered and registered personnel of the enterprise, as well as the flow of funds. If any problems are found, they will be promptly transferred to relevant authorities for processing." According to the relevant person in charge of Huanggang Guotou, based on in-depth research, Huanggang Guotou also proposed the "5432" work method with 5 reminders, 4 supervision, 3 transfers, and 2 systems, which has initially formed. "A work mechanism combining pre warning reminders, full process supervision during the bidding process, post accountability, comprehensive supervision, and industry supervision has been established in the field of engineering bidding.

In addition, the Iliheng case also exposed many problems such as unreasonable corporate governance structure, unclear development strategy, and non-standard personnel management, resulting in slow development of the company since its establishment.

"Previously, people didn't know the direction and goals, were hesitant or unwilling to do it, lacked energy and enthusiasm," said the person in charge of Huanggang Guotou. After the incident, the company made timely rectification and adjustment in accordance with the requirements of the competent department and supervisory suggestions, consolidated its responsibility for managing and governing the party, clarified its development positioning, standardized management systems, strengthened internal supervision, and motivated cadres to take on responsibilities, gradually putting the company's development on the right track.

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