Arrested last week! The former subordinate voluntarily surrendered over the weekend and was dismissed by the State Council on the day of his arrest, known as the "tiger"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:42 PM

In the past week, Shang Liguang, Deputy Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, and Zheng Xuelin, former member of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court and former presiding judge of the First Division of the Civil Trial, were arrested. Shang Liguang and Zheng Xuelin are respectively the 33rd and 34th tigers to fall from grace this year. Last week, one tiger each was sentenced, tried, and arrested.

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, multiple officials were also investigated last week.

The number of fallen tigers since the beginning of this year has exceeded that of the entire year last year

Last Tuesday, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Shang Liguang, Deputy Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. Shang Liguang is the 33rd "tiger" to fall from office this year, and the first deputy secretary of the provincial party committee to fall from office. With the fall of Shang Liguang, the number of fallen tigers has exceeded that of last year.

According to the open resume, Shang Liguang, male, Han nationality, was born in Julu, Hebei Province in November 1963, joined the CPC in June 1984, and started working in September 1981. Shang Liguang has served in Hebei Province for a long time, serving as a member and Secretary General of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Deputy Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Mayor of Qinhuangdao City, Secretary of the Cangzhou Municipal Party Committee, member and Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, Secretary General of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, and Secretary of the Provincial Government Work Committee. In June 2017, Shang Liguang was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Shanxi Province across provinces. Later, in October 2021, he became the Deputy Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Affairs Committee. One month later, he became the Deputy Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee.

On April 9, 2021, Liu Xinyun, former Vice Governor of Shanxi Province and former Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, was arrested. According to a report by Shanxi Daily on April 11, 2021, on the evening of April 9, the Shanxi Provincial Public Security Department held an expanded meeting of the Party Committee. At the meeting, it was announced that Shang Liguang had presided over the comprehensive work of the provincial public security department.

Last Thursday evening, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once again laid the 34th "tiger" of the year. On that day, Zheng Xuelin, former member of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court and former presiding judge of the First Division of the Civil Trial, fell from his horse. According to the public resume, Zheng Xuelin, male, born in August 1962, is from Shenqiu, Henan Province. He graduated from the Law Department of China University of Political Science and Law with a Doctor of Law degree. Zheng Xuelin, who has been serving in the Supreme Court for a long time, has served as the President of the Environmental Resources Trial Court, Deputy President of the Second Circuit Court, President of the Environmental Resources Trial Court, President of the Filing Court, and President of the First Civil Trial Court.

Shangguanhe noticed that on July 16, 2021, Meng Xiang, former member of the Judicial Committee and former director of the Executive Bureau of the Supreme People's Court, had been dismissed. On April 11th this year, Meng Xiang, who had bribed over 20 million yuan, was sentenced to 12 years in the first trial.

On March 21, last year, Shen Deyong, former member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee, fell from his horse. Shen Deyong has served as a member and vice president of the Supreme People's Congress Party Group, as well as deputy secretary and vice president of the Supreme People's Congress Party Group. On August 4th, Shen Deyong was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first trial. Public reports show that the Ningbo Intermediate People's Court believes that although Shen Deyong truthfully confessed all the facts of his crime after arriving at the case, voluntarily confessed to the majority of the bribery facts that the supervisory authorities had not yet mastered, confessed and repented, and most of the stolen funds and goods had been recovered, and exposed others for committing crimes, he has made significant contributions. However, considering that he has long held important positions in the Supreme People's Court, violated the law, illegally intervened in judicial activities, seriously damaged the judicial image, undermined judicial credibility, and intervened in the promotion and adjustment of cadres and personnel, causing a negative social impact, it is not enough to be punished lightly according to law.

Last week, one tiger each was sentenced, tried, and arrested.

Last Monday, the Supreme People's Procuratorate announced that Cui Maohu, former deputy minister of the Central United Front Work Department and former director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs, was suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation by the National Supervisory Commission has been concluded and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made an arrest decision against Cui Maohu on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed.

Cui Maohu, who fell from power on March 17th this year, has served as the Secretary of the Lijiang Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Governor of Yunnan Province, Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, and Director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs. On August 30th, Cui Maohu was "double opened". It is accused of not being resolute in implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, illegally occupying farmland to carry out political performance projects, failing to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and deliberately opposing organizational review; Dingfeng violates the spirit of the central eight point regulations, indulges in extravagance and pleasure, and accepts long-term arrangements for banquets, tourism, and other activities that may affect the fair execution of official duties. Shangguanhe noticed that on the day Cui Maohu was arrested, the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced that the State Council had appointed and dismissed state officials. Dismiss Cui Maohu from his position as Director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs.

Last Tuesday, the Intermediate People's Court of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province publicly sentenced Chen Jiadong, former director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, to bribery, corruption, and abuse of power. Chen Jiadong, who illegally received 94.15 million yuan in property and caused losses of 190 million yuan in state-owned property, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance.

The court found that from 2000 to 2022, Chen Jiadong, taking advantage of his position as Deputy Secretary of Linzhi Prefecture Committee of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Executive Deputy Commissioner of the Regional Administrative Office, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Ningde Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Forestry Department of Fujian Province, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, and Secretary and Director of the Standing Committee of Xiamen Municipal People's Congress, provided assistance to relevant units and individuals in forest land approval, project contracting and other matters, and illegally received property amounting to more than 94.15 million yuan; From 2015 to 2017, Chen Jiadong took advantage of his position as the Secretary of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee and colluded with others to embezzle more than 3.41 million yuan of state-owned property; From 2013 to 2014, during his tenure as the Secretary of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Chen Jiadong engaged in personal gain, abuse of power, and illegally overpaid the developer for the project, resulting in a loss of over 190 million yuan in state-owned property.

According to the public resume, Chen Jiadong, who fell from grace on February 25th last year, was later released on August 30th last year. Chen Jiadong was accused of seeking personal promotion, using public power to serve interest groups, failing to fulfill the responsibilities of "leading the party" in governing the party, seriously polluting the political ecology, resisting organizational censorship, and engaging in superstitious activities; Violating the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government, engaging in "image projects" and "achievements projects" that harm the people and their finances. Chen Jiadong is the first "tiger" to be reported for using public power to serve interest groups.

Last Thursday, the first "tiger" to fall from grace last year was put on trial. On the same day, the first instance of the Intermediate People's Court of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, held a public hearing to hear the case of Zhang Yongze, the former member of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the People's Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region, taking bribes. The People's Procuratorate of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province sued and accused that from 2003 to 2021, Zhang Yongze used his position as Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Environmental Protection Department of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Deputy Secretary and Executive Commissioner of Shannan Prefecture Party Committee, Secretary of Shannan Prefecture Party Committee, Secretary of Shannan Municipal Party Committee, member and Vice Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of the People's Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region, and other positions, as well as the convenient conditions for the formation of authority and status, to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in engineering contracting, environmental assessment approval, job promotion and other matters, and illegally received property directly or through others, which amounted to 51.81 million yuan in total. The procuratorial organs have requested that Zhang Yongze be held criminally responsible for the crime of bribery.

Zhang Yongze, who fell from grace on January 8th last year, was later released on July 7th last year. Zhang Yongze has been accused of seriously distorting his views on political achievements, not being resolute in implementing the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, being at a discount, engaging in calculations, running away from official positions, seriously damaging the political ecology of his region and unit, resisting organizational censorship, and engaging in superstitious activities.

Multiple officials were investigated

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, multiple officials were also investigated last week.

In the first three days of last week, Wang Xiuming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Rao Yong, former Deputy Inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, Yang Xucheng, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd., Wang Yong, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Beijing Shanghai High Speed Railway Co., Ltd., Chen Derong, former Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Wuxi Municipal People's Congress in Jiangsu Province, and Wu Yueping, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Natural Resources, were investigated.

Last Thursday and Friday, Liu Weimin, former Deputy Mayor of Nanning Municipal People's Government in Guangxi, Sun Zengyou, former Deputy Inspector of the Transport Bureau of the Ministry of Railways, Zhu Hongjun, former First level Inspector of the Ningxia Department of Industry and Information Technology, Wu Yunming, Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of Ningde Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China in Fujian Province, Tang Yong, Party Secretary and Chairman of Shudao Investment Group Co., Ltd., and Chen Qixue, Chief Engineer of Shudao Investment Group Co., Ltd. were investigated.

According to his public resume, Wu Yunming served as the county magistrate and county party secretary of Pingnan County, Ningde City. Chen Hui, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Fujian Provincial Health Commission, who was investigated on June 26th this year, also served as the County Magistrate and County Party Secretary of Pingnan County.

Just over the weekend, Jin Guangshan, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, and Zheng Yuanping, former Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, were investigated.

According to the public resume, Jin Guangshan, who voluntarily surrendered, was once a subordinate of Cui Maohu, former Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and former Director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs. Cui Maohu served as the Secretary of the Lijiang Municipal Party Committee from 2017 to 2021. At that time, Jin Guangshan served as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Lijiang Municipal Committee.

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