Americans cannot eavesdrop, Venezuelan President: My Huawei phone is very user-friendly

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:00 PM

·Nicholas Maduro.

Since his visit to China on September 8th, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has brought out one hot search after another.

A few days before departure, he responded to Huawei's launch of a new phone on the Venezuelan TV program "Together with Maduro" and congratulated Huawei, saying, "I have a Huawei phone that works really well! This phone is very good, and foreigners can't eavesdrop on it."

Before leaving, he said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters, "The relationship between Venezuela and China is built on the basis of sincere mutual trust and fruitful common development, and is a model of relations between countries in the 21st century."

Upon arriving at the first stop of his visit to China, Shenzhen, his golden phrase spread again: "When you come to China, you come to the future."

"A historic visit"

This is Maduro's fifth visit to China as President and his first visit to China since 2018. After arriving in Shenzhen, he wrote on his personal social media account, "This visit to China is a historic one that will seek to strengthen bilateral cooperation, build a new global geopolitics, and bring good news to the Venezuelan people."

That night, Maduro and his team came to Shenzhen Talent Park Starlight Bridge and enjoyed a drone performance. In the clear night sky, 1500 drones successively displayed bilingual words such as "Welcome" and "China Venezuela Friendship Ends Forever" in Chinese and Western languages, followed by patterns symbolizing China Venezuela friendship and Shenzhen's innovative spirit such as the Eagle, the Globe, and new energy vehicles.

Americans cannot eavesdrop, Venezuelan President: My Huawei phone is very user-friendly

Maduro said that the most profound impression China has left on him is the progress and development of technology. "For those who are looking for the source of development, technology, and new inventions, Shenzhen is an important place, so this is a good starting point."

Xu Shicheng, a researcher at the Latin American Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Global Times that Maduro's visit to China was large-scale, long-lasting, and of high rank among accompanying officials, which reflects Maduro's emphasis on China Venezuela relations. In recent years, China Venezuela relations have developed rapidly, and the two countries have reached cooperation agreements in important areas such as joint lunar exploration and big data, indicating that mutual trust between the two countries has reached a high level. Through this visit, the friendly cooperation between the two countries will also reach a new level.

Xu Shicheng believes that Maduro's decision to visit Shenzhen as his first stop reflects his attention to China's economic development experience. "In 2022, Venezuela promulgated the" Organic Law of Special Economic Zones "and established four special economic zones. Maduro also referred to special economic zones as Venezuela's" development engine "in his speech. Similar to Shenzhen, Venezuela's special economic zones also hope to attract investment and technology through preferential policies, thereby promoting economic development. Shenzhen's successful experience has strong reference significance for Venezuela."

While watching the "the Pearl River Rising from the Spring Tide - the 40th Anniversary Exhibition of Guangdong's Reform and Opening up", Maduro stopped at several content exhibition offices such as financial reform and land reform, asked about the specific reform practices at that time, and wrote on the guestbook: "We spent a special day in Shenzhen and learned about the successful experience of Shenzhen." He also witnessed the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the State Administration of Special Economic Zones of the CPC and the China Center for Special Economic Zones Research of Shenzhen University. This memorandum aims to formulate strategies for cooperation, development, and modernization of special economic zones.

During this visit to China, Maduro's emphasis on economic issues can also be seen from the accompanying personnel. "Before Maduro's arrival in China, Venezuelan Vice President Rodriguez had already led a delegation to China in advance. Rodriguez's other identity was Venezuela's Minister of Finance, responsible for the country's economy and foreign trade work." Xu Shicheng said, "In addition, Venezuela's Minister of Oil, Minister of Science and Technology, and other important officials also visited China, indicating that Venezuela plans to engage in dialogue with China in multiple important economic fields during this visit."

On September 10th, Maduro visited Zhangjiang Artificial Intelligence Island and Fenglin Life Science Park in Shanghai, highly praising China's achievements in artificial intelligence and other fields, and praising China as a pioneer in the development of high-tech fields worldwide. "China gathers a large number of advanced medical equipment and talents, and Venezuela will also give priority to the development of the technology industry, with broad prospects for cooperation between the two countries."

Maduro also stated that Shanghai and Venezuela have enormous potential for cooperation. Venezuela is about to open a business office in Shanghai, and I hope to establish a friendly city relationship with Shanghai in the near future in the state of Carapopo. Cabello Port, located in the state of Carapopo, is one of the four newly built economic zones in Venezuela.

Xu Shicheng said, "Since 2015, Venezuela has been subjected to illegal and unethical unilateral sanctions by the United States and its allies, which have dealt a huge blow to its economy and people's livelihoods. However, since 2021, Venezuela's national economy has gradually achieved restorative growth, and the diplomatic environment has also significantly improved. In this situation, cooperation between China and Venezuela can provide new impetus for Venezuela's economic recovery."

Americans cannot eavesdrop, Venezuelan President: My Huawei phone is very user-friendly

"An approachable leader"

As the author of Chavez Biography, Xu Shicheng has had multiple encounters with Maduro. "In my eyes, Maduro is a very approachable leader, which may be related to his early years as a driver and organizing workers' movements."

·Nicholas Maduro.

In 1962, Maduro was born into a working-class family in the capital city of Caracas, Venezuela. His father is a union leader. Influenced by his family, Maduro showed an early interest in political movements and joined student organizations in high school. At the age of 15, Maduro was disciplined by the school for organizing student protests and had to transfer to complete his studies.

According to his classmates, Maduro was lively and eager to learn in high school, and was one of the members of the local socialist study group. In addition to joining student organizations, Maduro is also a member of the local youth baseball team and serves as the most important pitcher on the team. Until today, Maduro still takes pride in his experience. In 2020, he proudly posted a 40 year old clip on social media, showcasing himself as a teammate with baseball star Oswaldo Cream.

After graduating from high school, Maduro did not continue his studies in university, but joined the "working army" and became a bus driver. Despite his busy work schedule, he has always been very concerned about society and politics. In 1986, he went to Cuba to study for one year. After returning to China, he actively participated in the workers' movement and became a representative of the Caracas City Bus Drivers Union.

At this time, Venezuela is on the eve of change. In 1989, Venezuela, which was deeply mired in a debt crisis, began a large-scale economic privatization at the request of the International Fund. A large amount of state-owned assets were sold at a low price, and the unemployment rate continued to rise, leading to growing public dissatisfaction.

In 1992, young military officer Chavez launched a coup in an attempt to overthrow then President Perez. Although the coup failed and Chavez was imprisoned, he became a hero in the eyes of middle and lower class people who opposed corruption and pursued social justice. In 1993, Maduro met Chavez, who was still serving his sentence. This meeting changed Maduro's life trajectory, making him one of Chavez's most passionate followers.

Americans cannot eavesdrop, Venezuelan President: My Huawei phone is very user-friendly

L ü Yang, a Latin American expert at the China Institute of Modern International Relations, said that Maduro's early work experience shaped his character of hard work, perseverance, bravery, and perseverance, and cultivated his deep feelings for the people, which became his invincible political "trick". After joining the left-wing movement led by Chavez, Maduro was mentally and theoretically armed, ultimately making him a left-wing political leader with both practical experience and firm beliefs.

After Chavez's release from prison, Maduro quickly joined the political party he founded, the Fifth Republic Movement, and grew into Chavez's right-hand man. In 1998, Chavez won the general election and became the first left-wing president in Venezuelan history, known as the Bolivar Revolution.

Lv Yang believes that the reason why Chavez's "Bolivar Revolution" was successful is because it responded to the social problems that occurred in Venezuela under the "neoliberalism" economic trend. In the 1990s, there was a wave of privatization in Venezuela, and the oil sector, which is the lifeline of the country's economy, also accelerated privatization, leading to its oil resources gradually being controlled by multinational oil companies, making it difficult for the public to benefit from the export of oil resources. This has exacerbated the wealth gap within the country, causing a decline in the living standards of the middle and lower classes, and providing a social foundation for Chavez's rise.

After his election, Chavez made bold reforms, including amending the constitution, promoting nationalization, and strengthening social welfare. Maduro also entered the core decision-making level of the country and was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2006. In October 2012, he was appointed as Vice President by Chavez and was officially confirmed as his successor by Chavez two months later.

In March 2013, Chavez passed away due to cancer, and Maduro immediately became the acting president. More than a month later, Maduro won the presidential election and officially became the President of Venezuela.

At this point, Maduro has finally realized his wish to inherit Chavez's career, and can showcase his skills and explore the development path that belongs to Venezuela. However, soon he faced significant challenges that would determine the future of the country.

Persist until "breaking through"

As the successor of Chavez, Maduro has been practicing Chavez's theory of "21st century socialism" and has therefore become a thorn in the eyes of the US government.

Americans cannot eavesdrop, Venezuelan President: My Huawei phone is very user-friendly

After taking office in 2013, Maduro faced extremely complex domestic and international situations. Affected by US sanctions and low crude oil prices, the pillar industry of Venezuela's economy, the oil export industry, has suffered a significant blow, leading to an economic recession and an increasingly complex domestic political situation. The United States took the opportunity to interfere in Venezuela's internal and foreign affairs.

In 2018, Venezuela held a new general election and Maduro won re-election. But domestic opposition, the United States, and many Western countries claim "election fraud" and do not recognize the election results. The then chairman of the parliament, Guaido, declared himself elected and assumed the position of interim president of the parliament. After failing to win the support of the Venezuelan army, Guaido went into exile in the United States. Subsequently, the United States announced an increase in sanctions against Venezuela.

In January 2019, the United States announced that it would provide over $20 million in financial support to Guaido, and his "presidential" status was recognized by more than 50 countries at one point. Maduro faces dual pressures of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation from the United States and the West.

Xu Shicheng stated that the economic sanctions imposed by the United States have had a serious negative impact on the Venezuelan economy. "In President Maduro's own words, the US sanctions have led to a 95% decrease in the income of every Venezuelan person. Venezuela's oil production has also significantly decreased." However, in such difficult circumstances, Maduro still took the lead in withstanding the pressure and persevered until the day of the breakout.

Xu Shicheng told Global People that Venezuela's "diplomatic breakthrough" began with a collective "left turn" in Latin American politics in recent years. He said that the Lima Group, which was officially established with the support of the United States, had set the goal of "helping" Venezuela solve its political and economic crisis, but Venezuela believes that the group "seriously interferes in Venezuela's internal affairs.". "Since 2018, South American countries such as Mexico, Argentina, and Peru have successively elected left-wing leaders, which has led to multiple member countries within the 'Lima Group' deciding to recognize the Maduro government. Many European countries have also chosen to engage in dialogue with the Maduro government."

At the same time, Venezuela's economy has also begun to improve, with a significant decrease in inflation rate and a stabilization of the domestic market. Xu Shicheng believes that in recent years, the Maduro government has adopted some flexible economic policies, including canceling import taxes on some essential goods to stabilize the domestic market. The rise in international oil prices has also improved Venezuela's balance of payments.

Lv Yang believes that despite the severe sanctions imposed on Venezuela, Maduro still spends more than 70% of the government's finances every year to ensure people's livelihoods, making every effort to ensure the basic livelihood of the people. The opposition, represented by Guaido, openly incited the United States to increase sanctions against Venezuela in order to seize power, which was difficult to gain support from the domestic public.

After the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in 2022, the Biden administration of the United States began to contact the Venezuelan government and expressed its willingness to reduce the sanctions on it in a limited way. Xu Shicheng believes that "the motivation behind the US's move is, on the one hand, to ensure its own energy security, and on the other hand, to want to separate the relationship between Venezuela and Russia. Although Maduro has contacted the US for economic reasons, he is also aware that the Biden administration cannot completely lift sanctions against Venezuela." Emerging economies represented by China and Brazil have provided a new path of cooperation for Venezuela's economic development.

Americans cannot eavesdrop, Venezuelan President: My Huawei phone is very user-friendly

In Lv Yang's view, Maduro's visit to China this time is expected to inject new impetus into Venezuela's national development by further expanding cooperation between China and Venezuela. At present, Venezuela has entered a new historical period of development. The United States has continuously failed to impose sanctions and blockades on Venezuela for many years, resulting in a significant improvement in the country's economic situation, a gradual restoration of social order and stability. Politically, Venezuela has also gradually overcome the turbulent situation of previous years. How to make good use of the current favorable situation to promote national development has become Maduro's top concern, and his trip to China is expected to help him find the answer.

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