Let's go watch "Bull Sword Battle" together. This Saturday, Su River will perform the "Boating" performance again

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:17 PM

On the evening of September 14th, the 2023 Shanghai Rowing Open press conference was held at the starting point of Chinese rowing, the Shanghai Rowing Association. The 2023 Shanghai Rowing Open will be held from September 16th to 17th in the Suzhou River area of the mother river in Shanghai.

This year's competition has been upgraded and expanded, with the addition of elite and youth competitions in addition to the university and club groups, further enhancing professionalism. After the process of direct communication and drawing lots, a total of 51 eight person rowing teams, 10 four person rowing teams, and 14 lists of rowing athletes participated in the competition, with a total of nearly 700 people.

Oxford Brooks University Rowing Team Debut Press Conference

"Boat" Power Tide, Witnessing the Race Boat Setting Sail Again

In early autumn September, the Shanghai Rowing Open and Suzhou River met again. The slogan of this competition is "Boat Power Tide", which means that rowers from all over the world gather on the Mother River of Shanghai, leading the trend in the name of rowing, promoting the popularization of rowing culture, and helping Shanghai build a world-renowned sports city and enhance its global influence.

Shanghai was built and prospered by the water, and there is an inseparable bond between it and rowing for over a hundred years. In 1905, China's first rowing club, the Rowing Club, was established on the banks of the Suzhou River. This "red brick small building" has undergone the baptism of the times and historical changes, and rowing sports have also sailed from here to Shanghai and entered China. More than 100 years later, "One River, One River" has become a representative space and iconic carrier for Shanghai to build a socialist modern international metropolis with global influence. Boarding the boat, the world's attention is focused on the Suzhou River, becoming an important window for Shanghai to showcase its urban image, character, and spirit to the world, vividly interpreting the important concept of "people's city, people's building, people's city for the people".

Let's go watch "Bull Sword Battle" together. This Saturday, Su River will perform the "Boating" performance again


"Boat" Li Su River, Interpreting the Strongest Sound of Rowing

"Boat" Li Su River, Interpreting the Strongest Sound of Rowing


It is understood that the elite team consists of top international rowing experts such as the Cambridge University Rowing Team, Oxford Brooks University Rowing Team, and the Australian National Rowing Team, as well as strong domestic teams such as Shanghai, Shandong, and Jiangsu with some national team members; 14 Chinese university teams, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, East China Normal University, Sun Yat sen University, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Lixin University of Finance, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and South China University of Technology, participated in the university group competition; In terms of club groups, the Nanjing Rowing Club team, Jinjiang International Rowing Team, Jiangxi Deep Diving Rowing Club, and Shenyang Qingquan Shengjing Rowing Club, which have obtained direct access to the 2023 Shanghai Rowing Open, will all participate again.

This year, the Shanghai Rowing Open will take the first step in deepening its international influence, enhancing the global attention of the event through the participation of top international athletes. It also provides opportunities for domestic rowing teams to experience different rowing culture, allowing more rowing enthusiasts around the world to see, follow, and fall in love with rowing, thus further understanding Shanghai.

Let's go watch "Bull Sword Battle" together. This Saturday, Su River will perform the "Boating" performance again

"Boat" Power International, Spreading Rowing Fun Culture

This year, the Shanghai Rowing Open will take the first step in deepening its international influence, enhancing the global attention of the event through the participation of top international athletes. It also provides opportunities for domestic rowing teams to experience different rowing culture, allowing more rowing enthusiasts around the world to see, follow, and fall in love with rowing, thus further understanding Shanghai.

The world-renowned Oxford Cambridge Rowing Challenge has a long history, conveying a century old rowing culture and spirit. This year, the "Bull Sword Challenge" will be launched at the Shanghai Rowing Open. The University of Cambridge will send the active rowing team of the School Rowing Club to participate, while Oxford Brooks University's competitors include the winner of this year's Henry Royal Rowing Competition. The school's rowing team has won gold medals in the Henry Royal Rowing Competition as many as 36 times in history. At that time, Shanghai citizens will see the world's top rowing teams showcase their skills on the Suzhou River, and this showdown will continue the influence of traditional overseas rowing events, amplify the internationalization of rowing events, spread Shanghai's local culture, and share diverse dissemination power.

On September 11th, all international athletes, including the Cambridge University Rowing Team, Oxford Brooks University Rowing Team, and the Australian National Rowing Team, successfully arrived in Shanghai and began their daily training at the Shanghai Aquatic Sports Center. On the afternoon of September 12th, the athletes participated in a "Cultural China Tour" event. These world-class rowers went to landmark buildings along the "One River, One River" route to check in, taste local specialty snacks in Shanghai, learn to write calligraphy, walk into the pear orchard, learn Shanghai dialect, experience Kunqu opera, participate in calligraphy and other traditional Chinese cultural experiences, and feel the cultural charm of Shanghai.

On the afternoon of September 14th, the Cambridge University Rowing Team and the Oxford Brooks University Rowing Team also had a casual conversation with Chinese universities such as Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, and Shanghai University of Science and Technology about diverse rowing cultures, exchanging different rowing cultures from each country, exploring the stories behind each rowing boat, and precipitating a unique culture with rowing DNA.


Let's go watch "Bull Sword Battle" together. This Saturday, Su River will perform the "Boating" performance again

The "Cultural China Tour" event is centered around rowing events, and various derivative activities are carried out simultaneously to create a deep Chinese cultural tour that starts with rowing but goes beyond it. It provides a platform for dialogue and collision of rowing culture and spirit in various regions around the world, and also allows the domestic and foreign public to have a multi perspective understanding of the development of rowing in Shanghai, showcasing the international image of high-quality development in Shanghai.

At the same time, the 2023 Shanghai Rowing Open is also focusing on cultivating a youth rowing culture. The "Rowing New Force" plan will be launched, inviting rowing teams from five high schools, including Shanghai Middle School, Shanghai Shiwai Middle School, Shanghai Pinghe School, Shanghai Baoyugang Experimental School, and Vanke Bilingual School, to come to the event site. Through the form of a youth group 500 meter urban sprint race, support and encouragement will be provided for youth rowing sports, allowing children to have the opportunity to experience international competition standards firsthand, experience the competition atmosphere from a young age, and inherit rowing culture.

Under the guidance of the Municipal Health Commission, the organizing committee of the competition has formulated a medical security plan for the competition, established a medical security working group, identified designated hospitals, opened a medical green channel, set up medical points at the starting and ending points of the competition, equipped with professional medical security teams, automatic external defibrillators, insulation blankets, and necessary medical rescue equipment and drugs, to provide medical security for participants and spectators. In addition, the organizing committee of the event has also hired a professional water rescue team, and Jinjiang Group will continue to provide official hotels for participating athletes and competition officials to help the event be successfully held.

"Boat" strength guarantee, helping to make rowing safer


In order to ensure the safety of participating athletes, this year's competition area will be divided into controlled areas, restricted access areas, and non controlled areas according to competition needs. The personnel on the competition site will be classified and managed, with different access permissions granted, and the entry and exit flow lines will be independent; Set up 5 security checkpoints in the main venue area of the competition and control the pedestrian walkway on the east side of Zhapu Road Bridge as a dedicated area for athletes to ensure the safety and orderly flow of personnel.

Let's go watch "Bull Sword Battle" together. This Saturday, Su River will perform the "Boating" performance again

Under the guidance of the Municipal Health Commission, the organizing committee of the competition has formulated a medical security plan for the competition, established a medical security working group, identified designated hospitals, opened a medical green channel, set up medical points at the starting and ending points of the competition, equipped with professional medical security teams, automatic external defibrillators, insulation blankets, and necessary medical rescue equipment and drugs, to provide medical security for participants and spectators. In addition, the organizing committee of the event has also hired a professional water rescue team, and Jinjiang Group will continue to provide official hotels for participating athletes and competition officials to help the event be successfully held.

Considering the lightning and rainstorm weather that may occur in Shanghai during the event, the event organizing committee has prepared an emergency plan in advance. It will cooperate with the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau before and during the event to continuously monitor meteorological data and make preparations for wind, rain and high temperature. During the game, the on-site rescue command center will provide unified command, strengthen communication and interaction between referees and medical personnel, and respond and dispose of the situation in a timely manner. When the weather is thunderbolt, heavy to rainstorm or other extreme weather, the Organizing Committee will study and judge in time and launch the emergency response plan. In mid September, which coincides with the flood season in Shanghai, the water level of the Suzhou River may rise. In response to this, the organizing committee will also prepare contingency plans for issues such as pumping station drainage and water gate opening and diversion after the water level rises.

The viewing area will feature many unique services, including photo check-in, land-based rowing experience, ice cream bikes, etc., to enhance the atmosphere of the competition and increase the fun of watching. Citizens who are unable to attend the scene in person can also experience the charm of Shanghai and rowing through TV broadcasts. This year, the competition will still be live streamed on platforms such as Dongfang TV, Wuxing Sports, Sina Weibo, and other channels. Shanghai Telecom IPTV will also support live streaming and review of the competition.

"Boating" empowers citizens and promotes rowing to be more people-oriented

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