Rule of law

What signal to release, anti-corruption highlights for a week: Three tigers being "beaten" at the same time! These cadres were reported and re employed by Zhou Jiankun | Party Group | Highlights
What signal to release, anti-corruption highlights for a week: Three tigers being "beaten" at the same time! These cadres were reported and re employed by Zhou Jiankun | Party Group | Highlights

In the past week, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has reported a total of 22 people being investigated and 13 people being punished. At the same time, it has also reported 4 cases of corruption around the masses, 5 typical cases of party members and cadres damaging the business environment, and 6 cases of violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations. On the afternoon of June 9th, three former central management cadres were simultaneously dealt with: Zhou Jiankun, former deputy secretary and vice chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Fan Yifei, former party committee member and vice president of the People's Bank of China, were expelled from the party and held public office; Chen Rugui, former member of the Party group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, has been prosecuted by the procuratorial organs. Two people were "double opened", both of whom were typical examples of "five poisons complete". On the same day, Zhou Jiankun and Fan Yifei, who were notified of the "double opening", were both central management cadres who were arrested after the closing of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Among them, Fan Yifei was the first person to undergo review and investigation after the closing of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Shanghai Court Explores Online Arbitration Property Preservation Mechanism, Freezing 1.23 Million Bank Deposits and Property on the Day of Acceptance | Arbitration | Preservation
Shanghai Court Explores Online Arbitration Property Preservation Mechanism, Freezing 1.23 Million Bank Deposits and Property on the Day of Acceptance | Arbitration | Preservation

The Shanghai Higher People's Court revealed yesterday that the first online arbitration property preservation case in Shanghai has been accepted and completed by the Xuhui Court. The Shanghai International Arbitration Center transmitted the applicant's property preservation application online through the arbitration preservation online filing port of the Shanghai Court Litigation Service Network. After examination, the Xuhui Court froze the respondent's bank deposits as soon as possible. The applicant of this case is an industrial company in Hebei, which has a dispute with an Internet company in Shanghai due to supply cooperation. According to the arbitration clause agreed in the agreement, the industrial company applied to Shanghai International Arbitration Center for arbitration, and submitted an application for property preservation and related materials. In order to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and improve the efficiency of arbitration preservation, the Shanghai International Arbitration Center applies for property preservation and arbitration cases through the arbitration preservation online filing port of the Shanghai Court Litigation Service Network

Why has Thailand's pregnant woman who fell off a cliff been unable to get divorced?, Pushed off a cliff by her husband for 4 years, document | Husband | Thailand
Why has Thailand's pregnant woman who fell off a cliff been unable to get divorced?, Pushed off a cliff by her husband for 4 years, document | Husband | Thailand

On June 9, 2019, Wang Nuannuan, who was 3 and a half months pregnant, was pushed off a 34 meter high cliff by her husband Yu Moudong in Paden National Park, Ubun Prefecture, Thailand. She suffered 17 fractures throughout her body and miraculously survived 8 days after being rescued in the ICU, becoming the only survivor of numerous wife murders in recent years. It has been a full four years since the case occurred, and Wang Nuannuan has been working hard to get out of the shadow of this matter. She has tried to register for a blind date website, but without exception, she was rejected because she is still Yu Moudong's wife in law. She said, "A marriage that does not live up to its name is bound by a marriage certificate. I am like a bird locked in a cage. When can I soar freely?" Many people are still puzzled by the existence of their marriage relationship. Wang Nuannuan explained on social media that she "is not, not..."

Vice Governor of the People's Bank of China has been double opened, "relying on finance to eat finance" and "making money with money". Construction Bank | General Manager | President
Vice Governor of the People's Bank of China has been double opened, "relying on finance to eat finance" and "making money with money". Construction Bank | General Manager | President

On June 9th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection hit two tigers in a row. According to a report released by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, Zhou Jiankun, former Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Fan Yifei, former Party Committee member and Vice President of the People's Bank of China, have been expelled from the Party and held public office. Among them, Fan Yifei was the "first tiger" after the closing of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He was arrested on November 5th last year and has been working in the financial system for a long time. He was born in 1964 and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Renmin University of China and a Master's degree in International Economics from Columbia University in the United States. Fan Yifei has been working in the China Construction Bank system for more than 20 years since 1982. He has served as the Assistant General Manager and Manager of the Finance and Accounting Department of China Construction Bank Trust Investment Company, Deputy Director of the Fund Planning Department, General Manager of the Finance and Accounting Department, and General Manager of the Planning and Finance Department of China Construction Bank. In 2000, at the age of 36, Fan Yifei was appointed as the assistant to the President of China Construction Bank, with a total of 200

Multiple expressions of disciplinary violations are rare, and the "tiger" who once worked with 400 million "huge greed" has been appointed as the chairman of the Double Opening Committee | Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference | huge greed
Multiple expressions of disciplinary violations are rare, and the "tiger" who once worked with 400 million "huge greed" has been appointed as the chairman of the Double Opening Committee | Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference | huge greed

On June 9th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Zhou Jiankun, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, had been expelled from the Party and held public office. According to the report, Zhou Jiankun seriously violated the political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline, and life discipline of the Party, which can be described as having all five poisons. He has been accused of engaging in multiple violations of discipline and law, including losing his ideals and beliefs, losing his people's position, abandoning his duties and missions, failing to implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on poverty alleviation and consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, using poverty alleviation projects for personal gain, seriously damaging the interests of the Party and the people, failing to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, implementing the "Seven Haves" policy, and resisting organizational review; Ignoring the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation, vigorously promoting formalism and bureaucracy, enthusiastic about creating public opinion, and illegally accepting gifts

The former mayor of Shenzhen, who concealed himself behind the scenes and collected money, has been prosecuted for his corruption from his first few years in office to the highest level of corruption. Chen Rugui is the mayor of Shenzhen
The former mayor of Shenzhen, who concealed himself behind the scenes and collected money, has been prosecuted for his corruption from his first few years in office to the highest level of corruption. Chen Rugui is the mayor of Shenzhen

According to the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Chen Rugui, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, is suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation by the National Supervisory Commission has been concluded, and he has been designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate in accordance with the law to be reviewed and prosecuted by the Nanning Procuratorate. Recently, the Nanning Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution with the Nanning Intermediate Court. The prosecution accuses Chen Rugui of taking advantage of his position as the former Director and Secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Construction Commission, a member and Secretary General of the Guangzhou Municipal Government Party Group, a member and Deputy Mayor of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, and a member and Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Party Group, as well as the convenience of his power and position, to seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in engineering contracting, project promotion, enterprise operation, etc., and illegally accepting other people's property, with an amount of money

How to resolve a dispute that lasts for 3 years?, The prosecutor ran to the community to hold a hearing on women's assistance
How to resolve a dispute that lasts for 3 years?, The prosecutor ran to the community to hold a hearing on women's assistance

We are prosecutors from the Fifth Prosecutor's Department of the Second Branch of the Shanghai People's Procuratorate. Today, we held a simple on-site hearing in accordance with the law regarding the case where Cheng refused to accept the court's civil judgment and applied for supervision to this court. Recently, a public hearing on a case of excluding obstruction disputes was held in a residential community. Through the efforts of the prosecutor, Cheng was helped to solve the long-standing problem.In 2020, a new homeowner named Cheng planned to install four protruding anti-theft windows in his own window, but was stopped by relevant management personnel when assembly components and materials were transported into the community. So Cheng Mou

Urgently apply for certification for "Madaha"... Shanghai Public Security fully escorts the college entrance examination and adds temporary parking spaces for vehicles | Candidate | Madaha
Urgently apply for certification for "Madaha"... Shanghai Public Security fully escorts the college entrance examination and adds temporary parking spaces for vehicles | Candidate | Madaha

The autumn college entrance examination in 2023 officially kicked off, and Shanghai Public Security fully escorted the candidates. Today, the public security departments in the city have carefully formulated security measures for more than 100 examination centers in accordance with the principle of "one point, one plan", and deployed more than 3000 police auxiliary security forces to provide support and services for more than 50000 candidates. Opening up temporary parking spaces to meet the demand for sending exams. The first day of the college entrance examination coincides with a working day, and with the addition of morning rush hour, the pressure of traffic congestion and smooth flow has intensified. At the exam center of Shixi Middle School in Jing'an District, just after 7:30 in the morning, many parents drove the candidates to arrive. Yuyuan Road itself has a narrow road width, and vehicles delivering exams tend to arrive and stop, which can easily create traffic congestion. At the previous intersection, the on-site police began to guide the delivery vehicles to park, stop, and walk according to regulations, and timely guided social vehicles to wait during peak traffic hours

Multiple officials have been disciplined, and the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has reported 4 cases of corruption issues around the masses. The masses | Gong Zhujun | Corruption issues
Multiple officials have been disciplined, and the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has reported 4 cases of corruption issues around the masses. The masses | Gong Zhujun | Corruption issues

In order to continuously deepen the rectification of corruption and work style issues around the masses, further enforce discipline and rules, and strengthen warning education, the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision recently publicly announced four corruption issues around the masses: 1 The issue of Pan Chenggang, former party branch secretary of Jianhe Jiayuan residential area in Beixinjing Street, Changning District, and He Xiaoying, former director of the neighborhood committee, illegally embezzle relevant funds from the neighborhood committee to distribute bonuses. From April to November 2019, Pan Chenggang and He Xiaoying decided to participate in the embezzlement of more than 20000 yuan from the neighborhood committee's related funds for the illegal distribution of bonuses. Pan Chenggang and He Xiaoying were warned and punished within the party, and their disciplinary gains were confiscated. 2. Xu Jianzhong, former trainee deputy general manager of Baoshan Grain and Oil Company, as well as village branch manager and former party branch secretary and manager of Shanghai Baoliang Military Grain Supply Station, illegally profited from family and friends. two thousand and nineteen

Interpretation of Shanghai's new entry and exit policy: What situations can I apply for a foreign visa at a port online? How to break through the wall when applying for student certificates? Platform | Entry Exit | Foreigners
Interpretation of Shanghai's new entry and exit policy: What situations can I apply for a foreign visa at a port online? How to break through the wall when applying for student certificates? Platform | Entry Exit | Foreigners

This morning, the Exit Entry Administration Bureau of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau launched five measures to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises, including opening a special night session for minor students to handle exit and entry certificates, simplifying the certification materials required by registered residence students from other provinces and cities who are studying in full-time colleges and universities in Shanghai to handle exit and entry certificates, optimizing the exit and entry government services on the "One Network" platform, expanding the scope of government services of the "single window for foreigners to work and stay", and launching online pre acceptance of individual visas for foreigners at ports. What is the background for the implementation of these measures? What conditions need to be met for applying policies? The municipal public security exit and entry management department provides authoritative answers. Question: The first two of the five measures are targeted measures to serve students in obtaining entry and exit permits. What are the considerations? Answer: Since the orderly resumption of entry and exit document processing, the number of entry and exit document processing in this city has been increasing rapidly and continuously

Shanghai promotes 5 convenient measures for entry and exit management: night time special sessions for student visa application, and online application for foreign visas at ports | entry and exit | students
Shanghai promotes 5 convenient measures for entry and exit management: night time special sessions for student visa application, and online application for foreign visas at ports | entry and exit | students

The reporter learned from the Exit Entry Management Bureau of the Municipal Public Security Bureau today that based on the overall situation since the orderly resumption of exit and entry document processing in the city, and combined with the characteristics of recent exit and entry document processing needs, the exit and entry management department has launched five measures to optimize exit and entry convenience and enterprise certificate processing services. 1、 Set up a night time special session for underage students to apply for entry and exit documents. The Exit and Entry Management Bureau's Minsheng Road Certification Hall will open a night time special session for underage students to apply for entry and exit documents before the summer vacation. The specific schedule of the session is as follows: The first session is from 17:00 to 20:00 on June 9th; Session 2: June 16th from 17:00 to 20:00; The third session: June 21st from 17:00 to 20:00. 2、 Simplify the requirements for students with registered residence from other provinces and cities who are studying in full-time colleges and universities in Shanghai to apply for exit and entry certificates

A forest in Chongming has turned into a slaughterhouse? The procuratorate issues prosecutorial suggestions to administrative organs | forest land | administrative organs
A forest in Chongming has turned into a slaughterhouse? The procuratorate issues prosecutorial suggestions to administrative organs | forest land | administrative organs

At the beginning of 2023, some people reported to the People's Procuratorate of Chongming District, Shanghai that there was an environmental pollution problem in a forest land in Chongming, and the garbage in the forest land was everywhere, often emitting thick smoke. After receiving the clues, the public interest litigation department of Chongming Procuratorate immediately went to the scene and surrounding areas to investigate and verify. It was found that the contracted operator of the forest not only lived and lived in the forest, but also built simple sheds for breeding, slaughtering and other activities, and did not take any pollution prevention and control measures. There are obvious signs of slaughtering and outdoor burning on site, with a large amount of animal fur, feces and other pollutants piled up on the walls and floors of the shed. The forest is littered with randomly discarded agricultural and forestry waste, kitchen waste, plastic bags, and a large amount of household waste floating on the water surface of the river next to the forest. The forest has turned into a slaughterhouse, as mentioned above in the forest and river channels

Since last year, 6 people have been investigated, and executives from companies worth billions of yuan have been densely arrested by the Supervisory Commission | Deputy General Manager | Enterprises
Since last year, 6 people have been investigated, and executives from companies worth billions of yuan have been densely arrested by the Supervisory Commission | Deputy General Manager | Enterprises

After the former general manager was ousted last Friday, the former deputy general manager of this company was also ousted today. On June 6th, according to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission stationed at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as well as the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Wu Yi, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd., accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation. Wu Yi was born in Kunming, Yunnan in 1962. After graduating from Yunnan University with a major in chemistry in 1983 and starting work, she has been working in the tobacco system for a long time. She has served as the Party Secretary, President, and Chairman of Hongyun Honghe Group, as well as a member of the Party Group and Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd. She retired in 2022. Wu Yi's former leader, Zhu Shaoming, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and General Manager of Yunnan Tobacco, was investigated on June 2nd. Zhu Shaoming was born in 1958 in Yuxi, Yunnan, in 2021

This provincial capital city has had 5 deputy mayors arrested in 3 years, and they were still attending an event last Friday. During their tenure as deputy mayor, they were investigated by Wang Qinghua | Mayor | Event
This provincial capital city has had 5 deputy mayors arrested in 3 years, and they were still attending an event last Friday. During their tenure as deputy mayor, they were investigated by Wang Qinghua | Mayor | Event

On the afternoon of June 5th, Wang Qinghua, Vice Mayor of Wuhan, was investigated. According to the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Wang Qinghua is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Wang Qinghua was born in June 1972 in Jingmen, Hubei. He is a Ph.D. in engineering and has been working in Wuhan for 25 years. He has served as the Deputy Director and Party Committee Member of the Construction Bureau of Dongxihu District in Wuhan, the Director and Deputy Party Secretary of the Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, the Deputy Dean and Party Committee Member of Wuhan Commercial Service College, the Deputy Director of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee Office, the Director and Party Group Secretary of the Wuhan Price Bureau, the Deputy Secretary and District Mayor of Jiangxia District, and the Party Secretary of Jiangxia District. Last January, Wang Qinghua was elected as the Vice Mayor of Wuhan City, responsible for work in areas such as human resources, agriculture and rural areas, rural revitalization, civil affairs, and cultural tourism.

The Shanghai court ruled that parents jointly compensate the injured 250000 yuan. A 3-year-old child drove a toy car and collided with a passerby, resulting in a comminuted fracture. Zhang | Zhang | comminuted
The Shanghai court ruled that parents jointly compensate the injured 250000 yuan. A 3-year-old child drove a toy car and collided with a passerby, resulting in a comminuted fracture. Zhang | Zhang | comminuted

A three-year-old child driving a toy car downstairs accidentally smashed a pedestrian into a comminuted fracture? Recently, the People's Court of Fengxian District, Shanghai, concluded a case of minors infringing on their right to health and ruled that minors and their guardians jointly compensated the injured with more than 250000 yuan in losses. One day last year, a three-year-old child named Zhang accidentally knocked down a pedestrian named Lin while driving a toy car on a square in a residential area in Fengxian, causing Lin to be injured. After the incident, Lin was sent to the hospital for treatment and was diagnosed with a comminuted fracture of the right femoral neck, requiring hospitalization and surgical treatment. After appraisal, Lin's injury constitutes a level ten disability. Due to the inability to reach a consensus with Zhang's parents regarding compensation matters, Lin sued Zhang, his parents Zhang, and Jiang as defendants in Fengxian Court. The defendant argues that the amount spent on the plaintiff's treatment, appraisal, etc., as well as disability

Should the company bear full liability for compensation?, An elderly man in his seventies unfortunately died from heatstroke while working at 40 degrees Celsius. Work | Qi | High temperature
Should the company bear full liability for compensation?, An elderly man in his seventies unfortunately died from heatstroke while working at 40 degrees Celsius. Work | Qi | High temperature

With the acceleration of the aging process, many retired workers choose to return to work because they cannot sign labor contracts after retirement, and they often encounter difficulties in safeguarding their rights. Recently, the People's Court of Fengxian District, Shanghai, concluded a dispute over the liability of labor service providers. A retired migrant worker died of heatstroke while working, and their family members ultimately received corresponding compensation. After retiring, Qi started working at a vegetable market operated by a certain market company, mainly engaged in cleaning work. On a day in July 2022, 70 year old Qi suddenly fainted and fell into a coma while working. He was later taken to the hospital for treatment and passed away the next day due to ineffective rescue efforts. The diagnosis result and cause of death issued by the hospital are heatstroke. The negotiation between Qi's family and the market company regarding compensation for Qi's death was unsuccessful. Therefore, the dispute over the liability of the labor provider for injury was taken as the basis of the case