In the next two years, the village will disappear, and villagers will receive a large amount of stock in one go. Tongfu Village in Pudong will complete the work of abolishing a village group | assets | stock

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:54 AM

The current urbanization process is accelerating, and after Shanghai issued the "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Demolition of Village Groups," various suburbs have carried out the demolition work in an orderly manner according to the new regulations. Recently, Tongfu Village, located in Beicai Town, Pudong New Area, completed the task of abolishing the 11th Village Group. At this point, the village has achieved the abolition of 10 village groups, which has lasted for more than 30 years since the first village group was abolished in the 1990s. "The remaining tenth group is also planned to be completed during the implementation period of the 'Three Year Action Plan for the Demolition of Village Groups in Pudong New Area', accelerating the acquisition of arable land and the transformation of farmers' identities," said Zhu Baojia, Secretary of the Tongfu Village Party Branch.

Except for the disappearing Tongfu Village, 19 towns including Beicai Town and Caolu Town in Pudong New Area are gradually carrying out the task of deregistration. "The exploration of Tongfu Village this time is also to lay the foundation and accumulate experience for the next step of village restructuring and relocation, ensuring that the relocation work is in line with the immediate interests of the majority of farmers." said Shan Shaojun, Deputy Secretary of the Pudong New Area District Committee and Leader of the District Village Group Relocation Work Leading Group.

Why do we need to abolish the system?

The revocation of village groups is actually the revocation of village groups. According to municipal regulations, to initiate the work of abolishing village groups, two conditions must be met: the collective land of village groups is expropriated or used for public welfare projects or the construction of public service facilities, and the remaining collective land is less than 30% of the original quantity; The collective asset disposal plan has been discussed and approved by the village group meeting, and submitted to the local government and street office for review and approval.

The 11th Village Group of Tongfu Village is a typical case that meets the conditions of deregistration. Tongfu Village is located in the southwest of Beicai Town, with Yanggao South Road and Chuanyang River running through the entire village. Due to its superior geographical environment and resource advantages, as early as the early stage of reform and opening up, the villagers of Tongfu Village accumulated certain collective assets by building factories. However, by 2021, with the completion of the relocation by the last village group, Tongfu Village had disappeared from its physical form. On the land of Tongfu Village, there are now numerous buildings. The earliest completed resettlement house, "Tongxiang Yayuan," was delivered last month.

As the villagers gradually moved into bright new houses, the dismantling of the 11th village group in Tongfu Village was also put on the agenda. Zhu Baojia said that the revocation of the system is closely related to land acquisition work. Currently, the land where the 11th Village Group is located has been requisitioned. It is time to conduct a comprehensive verification and liquidation of the collective assets of the village group, and end the functions of rural autonomous organizations.

In fact, in rural areas of Pudong, there are still many villages that meet the conditions for deregistration and have already started the process of deregistration. Since the launch of the largest "urban village" renovation project in history last year, the regional transformation and development have accelerated in Beicai Town alone. At present, Zhongjie and Yangqiao villages have completed the relocation and acquisition of 3000 acres of land, and soon will also make way for the overall urbanization development of Beicai, moving towards the abolition of village groups. To this end, Beicai Town has issued the "Implementation Plan for the Demolition of Village Groups in Beicai Town" and established a leadership group for the demolition of village groups.

On the location of Tongfu Village, "Tongxiang Yayuan" was delivered last month.

In the next two years, the village will disappear, and villagers will receive a large amount of stock in one go. Tongfu Village in Pudong will complete the work of abolishing a village group | assets | stock

What can villagers get after the system is abolished?

On March 8th this year, the 11th Village Group of Tongfu Village officially launched the "second cleaning" work, which involves a thorough inspection and verification of the collective assets of the team and the agricultural age shares of the cooperative members. After verification, the settlement will be made to the villagers in one lump sum based on the value per share.

Among them, the collective assets of the group include land acquisition funds, compensation funds, and book assets. After a rigorous calculation, the overall collective net assets of the village group are ultimately formed. Subsequently, according to the principle of "whoever invests owns" and the requirements of the withdrawal policy, the funds that can be allocated are clearly defined, and the unit price of distribution per share is calculated.

The age of farming determines the number of shares that a farmer can allocate. This data can be finally determined by accessing the rural registered residence registration data since 1956, checking the information of members of collective economic organizations, collecting and summarizing the labor situation and registered residence registration changes of each member, forming a list of the number of agricultural age shares to be cleared, and then issuing the clearing confirmation sheet after three rounds of publicity. "The money that villagers ultimately receive is their own number of shares multiplied by the unit price allocated per share."

Due to the large amount of collective assets in the past, the unit price per share of this group is higher than that of the villages and groups that were previously deregistered. Xia Lingjuan is the leader of the 11th village group in Tongfu Village. She told reporters that based on her farming years, she can receive a considerable amount of stock capital this time. The largest member in the group can receive 44.5 agricultural age shares, "which is enough for him to renovate the resettlement housing he just received," said Zhu Baojia.

According to statistics, the 11th village group of Tongfu Village involved a total of 51 households and 155 members of collective economic cooperatives. Under the guidance of the town's demolition office, the village's demolition leadership group quickly established a lump sum mechanism, recommending 51 household representatives from the 155 members, and then selecting 5 asset disposal representatives from the household representatives. Each representative was responsible for contacting about 10 household members, and the demolition work began from then on.

The villagers were allocated stock funds.

Agricultural age calculation has become the biggest challenge

In the next two years, the village will disappear, and villagers will receive a large amount of stock in one go. Tongfu Village in Pudong will complete the work of abolishing a village group | assets | stock

Since the start of the deregistration work, defining the number of shares of agricultural age has always been a key difficulty. A village group deregistration is often a total settlement of historical legacy issues from the past fifty or sixty years. The asset issues and allocation standards that were not fully understood in the past have also been put on the table this time.

In the inventory of agricultural age shares, some members had doubts about the number of agricultural age shares. The village leadership group and asset disposal representatives immediately responded, and village staff such as Shen Xiaoli and Pan Xiaoyan also spent a lot of time and energy retrieving relevant proof materials from the social security center, searching for the labor records and social security information of each member, and verifying them one by one; Asset disposal representatives obtain memories of the past year from living elderly villagers through methods such as telephone connections and door-to-door visits, providing strong evidence support for questionable agricultural age data.

Within three months, with the joint efforts of all parties, the 11th Village Group of Tongfu Village successfully passed the "Three Rankings" public announcement after being confirmed by the members themselves regarding various data related to the deregistration. All assets and members' agricultural age in the group's history were confirmed and fixed, and the most difficult "hard bone" in the deregistration work was also overcome.

On the basis of "compliance with laws and regulations, standardized procedures, clear facts, and satisfaction of villagers", Tongfu Village has also explored a new distribution order. According to past standards, those who hold less than three shares are not counted as agricultural age, while Tongfu Village implements "one share counts as one share; less than half a year counts as half a share, and less than a year counts as one share" based on fully soliciting the opinions of household representatives, so that everyone has their own interests to share.

Considering that the first year most members participate in production team labor is in the middle of the year, everyone unanimously agrees to increase the number of agricultural age shares for each member by half. "Even if we have only worked for a month, we will calculate it as half a share." Asset disposal representative Gong Huifang said, "The number of shares of agricultural age is a calculation of the length of time members participate in production labor, and it is also a commemoration of their youth and sweat on this land. Striving for the maximum benefit for everyone under established rules is also the best explanation for Tongfu Village to its members, the past, and the future within its ability."

On June 24th of this year, Tongfu Village held its last household representative meeting, and unanimously voted to pass the Resolution on Agreeing to the Results of the Rural Collective Asset Clearing of the 11th Village Group in Tongfu Village and the Resolution on Agreeing to the Disposal Plan for the Demolition of Collective Assets of the 11th Village Group in Tongfu Village. At this point, the dismantling of the 11th village group in Tongfu Village has been basically completed, and the 11th village group in Tongfu Village has officially withdrawn from the stage of the times.

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