Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:12 AM

"Children, this black and white photo was taken 50 years ago when my grandmother was working as a militia. The location of the photo is now the national AAAA level scenic spot - Jinshanzui Fishing Village. You see, each of us female militia members holds a gun in their hand because the men in the fishing village have to go out to sea to fish, and the responsibility of guarding the sea and protecting our homeland falls on our shoulders as sea girls..."

Recently, at the Community Party and Mass Service Center in Shanyang Town, Jinshan District, 69 year old fishing village villager Wu Yinhua wore a party emblem on his chest and held a microphone. As a "militia grandmother", he told the red stories of the past to primary and secondary school students who came to report during the summer vacation, taking them on a different summer vacation.

Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village

Similarly, 74 year old veteran Party member Wang Yongchong also carefully prepared and brought precious photos and related materials from the former Director of the National Education Commission and Party Secretary Zhu Kaixuan's two inspections of his alma mater, Shanyang Primary School. As a "Party member grandfather", he told the story of Shanyang character Zhu Kaixuan's diligence and dedication to serving the motherland to primary and secondary school students who reported for summer.

History is the best textbook. It is understood that in recent days, in order to enrich the summer life of community youth, the Party Committee of Shanyang Town has carefully organized and fully explored the revolutionary historical and cultural resources and characteristics within the town, innovated the form of theoretical preaching, and carried out the theme activity of "Party Member Grandfathers and Militia Grandmothers Telling Red Stories" under the theme of "Initial Enlightenment", using a real character and story to tell the past and future of Shanyang. This is also another characteristic activity held by the town, following the theme event of "Returning to the Hometown to Study Party History on Saturdays". The aim is to stimulate the simple emotions of community youth in loving the Party, patriotism, society, and hometown, guide them to "fasten the first button in life", illuminate the path of youth growth with the "Silver Xin Light", and let the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China take root at the grassroots level.

Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village

"Classmates, our Jinshanzui Fishing Village has always been a coastal defense stronghold in history. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, our small fishing village once stationed troops from the sea, land, and air. Next to the Qijiadun Coast, which is about 2 kilometers away from the fishing village, is our current Shanyang Women's Militia outpost. Its predecessor was the Jinshanzui Women's Militia Class. At that time, our 15 female militiamen were selected from 127 female militiamen, so they all felt particularly honored." Wu Yinhua spoke in non-standard Mandarin, and the children were completely engrossed, especially when he said, "In live fire training, it is required to complete 40 rounds of rapid firing within 1 minute. Girls," When the children were not afraid of hardship or fatigue, their fingers and arms were worn to the point of blood, but they persisted in practicing and won first place in the county competition, their eyes were filled with admiration.

Zhu Yongrui, a fifth grade student from Haitang Elementary School, listened attentively while taking notes. He said that it is still worth risking the scorching heat to attend classes. He should learn from the spirit of the militia grandmother who dares to work hard and is not afraid of hardship, as well as the love and defense of his hometown. He should study hard and work hard. His father Zhu Jinji also attended the lecture of the militia grandmother and admitted, "As a native of Xinshanyang, I only knew about Jinshanzui Fishing Village before and did not know that there was a women's militia class in the fishing village. Through this study, I not only learned about the history and culture of Shanyang, but also received a red education, which is very meaningful.".

Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village

Yang Zhangqi, who lives in Jinhanyuan Community, Shanyang Town, listened to the story of Zhu Kaixuan told by Wang Yongchong, a party member grandfather, former principal of Shanyang Central Primary School, and editor of Shanyang Daily, accompanied by his grandfather. "I didn't expect Grandpa Zhu to have such good grades and be so humble and eager to learn. He also has a deep affection for his hometown newspaper" Shanyang ", and he has to read it repeatedly, which shows that Grandpa Zhu loves and misses his hometown very much! Being a good person cannot forget his roots. Previously, my classmates and I visited our Yangjiacun Historical Museum and saw my family tree there. As a native of Yangjiacun, I feel particularly proud. I will also work hard to study and bring glory to my hometown..."

It is reported that in addition to setting up "Party member grandpas and militia grandmothers telling stories" at the town community party and mass service center, Shanyang Town has also extended the classroom to scenic spots such as Jinshanzui Fishing Village and Shanyang Countryside, as well as Yangjia Village History Museum and other places, allowing more young people to receive red education, cultivate red genes, supplement spiritual nutrients, and gather a strong force to make contributions to the new era and always follow the party.

Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village

"I have told two stories to the children who came to the fishing village for tourism. Looking back on the glorious years of the past, I also think it is meaningful. I cherish every opportunity, and my Mandarin is not standard. When I spoke in Jinshan dialect, I ran 'barefoot' to the sea at minus 5 degrees Celsius to 'target' after shooting at the beach, and the children asked me what 'barefoot' means. I explained that 'barefoot', and the children all exclaimed 'ah' and asked me 'cold or not'. Thinking back to the past, we were really brave and fearless!" Jiang Shuifang, the grandmother of the militia, who is known as the 'sharpshooter,' recalled before. The scene of giving lectures to the children for a few days, showing a smile.

She recalled that during a training session, a sparrow flew in front of her and a comrade whispered in her ear, "Shui Fang, the sparrow is here. Give it a try, shoot it." Young Jiang Shui Fang also wanted to try her marksmanship, but was hit with one shot. This scene happened to be witnessed by Minister Yin of the Armed Forces Department of the County Party Committee who came to inspect the militia team. She was both nervous and self blaming, after all, at that time a bullet cost sixteen cents, and she thought to herself that she would definitely be criticized. "Unexpectedly, Minister Yin walked towards me and gave me a thumbs up. Later, the Liberation Daily even reported on my story with" Sparrow Flies Over a Shooting Head ". This is truly unforgettable!" At that time, Jiang Shuifang, due to her accurate shooting skills, had represented the county in competitions in the city multiple times and won numerous awards.

Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village

Real stories and vivid explanations have deeply educated and nurtured residents, especially young people. Cao Xianfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanyang Town, stated that Shanyang Town is the birthplace of the "Shanghai Bay Area" urban brand and the core area of the coastal area. Its economic and social development is relatively fast, with an urbanization rate of over 95%. "Currently, young people have diverse thoughts and needs, and we need to do a good job in youth red education. It is necessary to use people around us to talk about things around us, and let the red genes and revolutionary fuel be passed down from generation to generation.".

It is understood that currently, Shanyang Town is also making good use of brand projects such as "Xiangyin Micro Lecture Hall", "Folk Music Party Class", and "Civilized Practice · Xin" preaching. Through a series of rich and colorful, innovative and entertaining theoretical preaching activities, the coverage of publicity is continuously expanded, allowing everyone to draw spiritual nourishment from red education, gather strength for progress, and strive to comprehensively promote the transformation and new development of Jinshan and fully shape the new image of the "Three Bay Area" city.

Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village
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