Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:06 AM

On July 25th, the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of municipal government press conferences were held in Songjiang. The reporter learned at the meeting that Songjiang aims to provide high-level technological innovation with first-class scientific and technological innovation ecological services, strengthen the policy source function, explore the "allocation investment combination" mechanism, support forward-looking, leading, and disruptive early technology projects, cultivate 1500 "specialized, refined, unique, and new" enterprises at or above the city level by 2025, focus on improving the public service level of Songjiang New City, actively explore the integration of education, technology, and talent development, and provide "hard support" for technological innovation with the "soft power" of scientific and technological innovation ecology, stimulating the surging momentum of high-quality development.

Focusing on the entire process innovation from 0 to 10

Songjiang District Party Secretary Cheng Xiangmin introduced that recently, the G60 Brain Science and Technology Innovation Base has achieved leading results in the field of neuroscience, releasing the world's first set of spatial distribution maps of single cells in the cerebral cortex of macaques. Major independent innovation achievements in Songjiang, such as somatic cloning monkeys, large silicon wafers, photoresists, and new aviation engines, continue to emerge.

Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

Behind the high-level scientific and technological achievements is the focus of Songjiang District on the "from 0 to 10" whole process innovation, making good use of the nine city collaborative innovation mechanism of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta, leveraging the institutional advantages of the new national research and development system, enhancing the level of innovation platforms, increasing the layout and introduction of new research and development institutions, and creating a top tier scientific research platform cluster with more agglomeration, creativity, and productivity. At present, the G60 Brain Intelligence Science and Technology Innovation Base Experimental Animal Center has launched trial operation, and the Shanghai low-carbon technology innovation functional platform has successfully entered the ranks of national laboratories. The total number of academician and expert workstations in Songjiang District has reached 81, ranking among the top in the city. The R&D investment intensity in Songjiang is expected to exceed 7% this year, with 88% of the R&D investment coming from market entities.

By promoting technological innovation as the "key variable" and becoming the "maximum increment" of high-quality development, Songjiang is accelerating the opening up of new fields and tracks, creating a low orbit broadband multimedia satellite "G60 satellite chain", and successfully launching and networking experimental satellites. In the future, more than 12000 satellites will be networked. The landing of Tencent G60 Intelligent Computing Center and Shanghai Municipal Computing Power Center projects in Songjiang will accelerate the integration and application of computing power, algorithms, and data, providing strong support for the development of domestic AI big models.

At present, the number of specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises at or above the municipal level in Songjiang District has reached 1056, ranking second in the city, forming an innovative enterprise cluster mainly composed of high-tech enterprises and technology small giant enterprises. Among them, the vast majority of enterprises belong to strategic emerging industries, achieving multiple key areas of "filling gaps", "forging strengths", and "filling gaps". By 2025, Songjiang will cultivate 1500 "specialized, refined, special, and new" enterprises at or above the city level, improve the gradient cultivation system for specialized, refined, special, and new enterprises, leverage the policy superposition effect, tilt financing, land and other resource elements towards "specialized, refined, special, and new" enterprises, and plan industrial land supply strategies based on "one enterprise, one policy".

Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

Optimizing the Business Environment through Institutional Innovation

In recent years, Songjiang District has explored institutional innovation to optimize the business environment, forming a series of innovations. Songjiang District has pioneered the establishment of a "fail to do" reflection window in the city, and has promoted it throughout the district to provide comprehensive services for enterprises and solve complex problems encountered by enterprises and the public in the process of handling affairs.

Zhou Cheng, Deputy District Mayor of Songjiang District, stated that in order to reduce processes, improve convenience, and continuously reduce institutional transaction costs, Songjiang has formed a total of 47 "one matter" handling matters in recent years, with a cumulative processing volume exceeding 800000. Through the "one thing" reform, the average time limit for handling commitments has been shortened by 71.5% compared to before the reform, the average number of application materials has been reduced by 74.5% compared to before the reform, and the average number of trips has been reduced by 77.5% compared to before the reform.

Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

Songjiang has taken the lead in establishing a "one-stop" mechanism for the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta, achieving full coverage of 89 comprehensive service windows in nine cities. The number of cross regional affairs that can be handled has exceeded 178, and the cumulative number of cross regional affairs has exceeded 1 million.

Songjiang District is also the first in the country to implement "double random and one open" supervision based on "cloud monitoring codes". Through the double random law enforcement inspection of "seeing codes is random, and only with codes can spot checks be conducted", digital means are used to empower the optimization of the business environment, making administrative supervision "uninterrupted" and giving enterprises a sense of gain.

In the construction process of Songjiang New City, the approval process for engineering construction has been further accelerated, and all 15 administrative approval matters related to water affairs have been included in the comprehensive window of the Engineering Construction Project Approval and Review Center for centralized acceptance, achieving the overall planning of water area and resource indicators in the early stage. In the early stage of the construction of the Songjiang hub, the construction started ahead of schedule through "water ticket" coordination, saving one and a half years of time in river opening and filling.

Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

A first-class business environment cannot be achieved without financial support. Songjiang pioneered the government led policy financing guarantee batch package business, and established a new mechanism of "government+park+guarantee+bank" four party cooperation. The total amount of policy financing guarantee business in the first half of this year was 2.68 billion yuan, benefiting 772 enterprises. With the strategic support of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta, Songjiang has deepened the implementation of the central bank's "28 financial support policies", empowering the real economy through financial activities in multi-level capital markets. The nine cities have jointly issued 92 science and technology innovation bonds with a total issuance amount of 55.6 billion yuan, and 98 green bonds with a total issuance amount of 79.4 billion yuan, accounting for 1/6 of the total market issuance during the same period, providing high-quality financial services for innovation in the science and technology innovation industry.

The construction of Songjiang New City has entered a new stage

With the implementation of new city introduction functional projects such as Shanghai Science and Technology Network Data Center, G60 Star Chain Super Factory, Shanghai Normal University Affiliated Middle School Songjiang Branch, and Songjiang Hub Yangtze River Delta Multimodal Transport Resource Allocation Center, the construction of Songjiang New City has entered a new stage.

Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

Cheng Xiangmin stated that since the beginning of this year, Songjiang New City has launched 462 investment projects of various types, with a total investment of over 110 billion yuan. In the next stage, we will strengthen the portal function of the "Songjiang Hub" and build a high-quality 23 line high-speed rail passenger and multimodal modern logistics complex hub. At present, the western extension project of Rail Transit Line 12 has started construction, and the Songjiang hub will be completed in November next year. The Shanghai Songjiang Highway Rapid Development Project has also been launched.

Songjiang will provide high-quality urban public services to attract talents from afar. Focusing on optimizing and improving the quality of public services in the new city, Songjiang is accelerating the construction of educational planning resources, and Shangwai Yunjian has been put into use. Hua'er Songjiang Experimental School and Huazheng Affiliated High School have borrowed sites for education, and high-quality educational resources such as Shangshi Songjiang New City Branch, Affiliated School of Visual Arts College, and Aiju School are accelerating their landing; We have increased the supply of health resources and completed the construction of the district dental disease prevention and control center. We have initiated and orderly promoted major health projects such as the second phase of the southern campus of the Municipal First Hospital, the Songjiang Research Institute of Jiaotong University Medical College, the Songjiang Hospital affiliated with Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the district public health center. We have also achieved full coverage of street and town community health service centers. In the next stage, Songjiang will accelerate the expansion and balanced layout of high-quality medical resources, and promote the construction of medical centers and medical consortia.

In order to build a better talent service system and a comfortable living environment for talents, Songjiang has launched the "1+10" talent policy for the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta, establishing a tiered policy mechanism based on the recognition of key enterprises and the evaluation of outstanding talents. Through the "multi policy linkage" of internship practice subsidies, employment rewards, cultivation rewards, living subsidies, talent apartments, rental subsidies, housing purchase subsidies, and economic contribution rewards, it realizes the full cycle service and support for enterprise talents.

Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

Focusing on the talent housing project, Songjiang is promoting the "four in one" talent housing project, which includes talent apartments, rental subsidies, purchase subsidies, and party and mass positions. We have gathered 17000 high-quality talent apartments that have been "checked in", implemented a hierarchical classification and linkage rental subsidy system, and provided talents with monthly rental subsidies ranging from 675 to 4500 yuan, controlling their rental expenses at around 10% of their average social salary.

Cheng Xiangmin stated that Songjiang focuses on the integrated development of education, technology, and talent, adheres to the principle of "bringing in" to build nests and attract talents, continuously promotes the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship carriers such as "G60 Innovation Park" and "Overseas Talent Workstation", builds a high skilled talent training base, and promotes a new model of integrated engineering and education training.

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Why do people choose the suburban park in Shanghai as the "place where dreams start"?, Overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses | Entrepreneurship | Suburban areas

Although only 28 years old, Shandong young man Xue Yunhao is already a "veteran entrepreneur". After graduating from Loughborough University in the UK and returning to China, he has had two entrepreneurial experiences in other provinces and cities. For his third entrepreneurial venture, he set his sights on Qingpu in Shanghai. "The park is big and new, and the office environment is very good!" This is Xue Yunhao's first impression of Shanghai Qingpu Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park. Having settled in the park for just over a month, Shanghai Shike Fun Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., founded by him, has entered the right track of development, and the incubated trendy toy brand is about to face the market. The reporter learned that in September last year, the Qingpu Innovation Park located in the Hongqiao Business District officially opened, and soon became a dream destination for "Xue Yunhao". In less than a year, the park has attracted nearly 50 entrepreneurial enterprises, and among the nearly 200 international students working hard in the park, the vast majority are master's students

It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry
It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry

On June 30th, the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone in Shanghai held a concentrated groundbreaking ceremony for major industrial projects in 2023. Seven manufacturing projects, including Foster, Junjian Junze, and Aohua Endoscopy, began construction simultaneously, involving major equipment, biopharmaceuticals, new materials, fine chemicals, and productive service industries. It is understood that the 7 projects under construction this time have a total investment amount of 1.868 billion yuan, covering a total area of 134.48 acres. Among them, four new land acquisition projects and three existing renovation and expansion projects are expected to increase taxes by about 400 million yuan and increase production value by about 5 billion yuan after production. All 7 projects are in line with Minhang's "4+4" industrial positioning. The Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has started construction on 7 industrial projects in the same area, making manufacturing a key driving force for the park's economic development, while promoting the high-end and intelligent manufacturing industry in Minhang

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In summer, Yang Quan, a delivery rider from Lincang, Yunnan, has once again encountered the toughest delivery season of the year. However, his heart is steadfast: the "Warm New Nest" new employment group service station in front of the Zhaofeng Square in Zhongshan Park is a harbor for him and his colleagues to shelter from wind and rain throughout the year, regardless of the extreme cold or heat. This is one of the many "warm new nests" in Changning District. Yang Quan, born on the banks of the Lancang River and born in the 1990s, did not know that in the bustling city center of Shanghai, many people used to live in shabby houses, some of whom also faced insurmountable difficulties such as serious illness and unemployment. The Huayang Road Street in Changning District, where Zhaofeng Square is located, is one of them. 30 years ago, grassroots cadres in Huayang visited day and night to understand the living conditions of all the disadvantaged groups and helped them solve difficulties one by one. From then on, a person who understands people

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Do young people face three job search dilemmas? Shanghai Jinshan Holds a Theme Day Event for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates | Entrepreneurship | Jinshan

On the afternoon of June 19th, the 2023 "Yangui Jinshan · Employment in the Bay Area" theme day for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in the annuity mountainous area was held at the Haikuo Dong'an Cultural and Creative Industry Park. A series of activities were held on site, including the release of employment brochures, sharing of employment and entrepreneurship experiences, high-quality enterprise roadshows and talent recruitment, display of employment work achievements, comprehensive launch of seedling raising ceremony, and special recruitment activities, attracting a large number of key enterprises, internship bases, and college students to attend. It is worth noting that 52 companies participated in the on-site job fair that day, providing 212 positions and recruiting 570 people, with salaries generally ranging from 7000 yuan to 10000 yuan; Nearly 300 people entered the venue, received 238 resumes, and initially reached employment intentions for 75 people. At the launch ceremony, a skit titled "You and I on the Road to Job Seeking" was performed,

The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum
The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum

On June 13th, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission and the Shanghai Municipal Oceanic Bureau, the "Exploration of Deep Blue: China Ocean Science and Deep Diving Exhibition" jointly organized by the China Maritime Museum and the Shanghai Marine Management Affairs Center was officially launched at the China Maritime Museum. The exhibition will be held in the second temporary exhibition hall of the museum and will last until October 8, 2023. This exhibition is the second exhibition of the "Contemporary China Maritime Equipment Series Exhibition" launched by the China Maritime Museum, following the "Blue Ship Theory". The exhibition is divided into four parts: "Comprehensive Science Examination", "Professional Science Examination", "Special Science Examination", and "Guarding the Blue Ocean". From the perspectives of technology, equipment, and nature, the exhibition focuses on showcasing the brilliant achievements of contemporary China's marine science examination and deep diving industry, explaining the harmonious coexistence between humans and the ocean, strengthening ocean awareness education, and helping to promote marine culture