100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:27 AM

Recently, heavy rainfall has repeatedly raided Shanghai, but this is the last time for residents living in Lane 334, Longhua West Road to worry about the rainstorm in flood season. On July 22nd, the signing of the contract for the renovation and expropriation of Lane 334 on Longhua West Road was officially launched. On the first day, 252 households completed 100% of the signing and housing selection. Residents who are about to move out of their old houses will no longer have to worry about whether the community will be "flooded" in rainstorm days.

From initiating the consultation of residents' wishes, to forming the compensation plan for expropriation and completing the signing and resettlement, Longhua Street completed the old renovation and expropriation of Lane 334, Longhua West Road in just 9 months. Behind the acceleration of the old renovation in the central urban area is a profound investigation and perception of the housing difficulties that have plagued residents for many years. For the residents of Lane 334, Longhua West Road, renovating the old one is a long-awaited "charcoal delivery" to them.

Having lived for over 70 years, there is a strong call for renovation and renovation

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

Lane 334, Longhua West Road leads east to Longhua Middle School and north to Johnson&Johnson Garden. The community is adjacent to Longhua West Road in the southwest direction, with a total of 13 buildings. Among them, 11 buildings are brick and wood structures with 2 to 3 floors, while the remaining 2 buildings are complete sets of six story structures. Most of these houses were built in the 1950s, with the oldest being 72 years old and used by employees of the former Shanghai Cement Factory. From the perspective of property ownership certificates, the average construction area of residential buildings in the community is 37 square meters, of which the smallest housing unit has a usable area of only 4.8 square meters.

The ancient construction of houses and the numerous brick and wood structure buildings have led to an increasing number of safety hazards in the community year by year. Decades ago, the clean and tidy employee dormitories are no longer what they used to be, and the illegal constructions built by several generations in the community have a history of nearly 30 years. The lack of complete sets of coal sanitary facilities and poor living environment have made residents increasingly eager for renovation.

As a major lever for urban renewal, the old renovation is not only related to the core functional layout of the urban area, but also to the vital interests of the people. In recent years, Shanghai has vigorously promoted the implementation of the "two old and one village" renovation. Xuhui District officially launched the housing acquisition project for Lane 334, Longhua West Road in October last year. That month, the team of the second housing expropriation office in Xuhui District moved into the surrounding area to work. When the members of the collection team first stepped into Lane 334, Longhua West Road, everyone had a more intuitive understanding.

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

"Most of the residential buildings in the community were originally two-story small buildings, but now they have been extended to three floors. Different house facades and materials are spliced together in one building, which is somewhat strange. The corridors are narrow and dim, and debris can be seen everywhere. Within a household, seven or eight people are living in a 'cramped' environment, and it is common for several generations to live under the same roof." A staff member of the expropriation team told reporters that although the road surface and technical defense facilities in the community have undergone multiple renovations in recent years, and drainage measures have been taken to address the flood season irrigation caused by low-lying terrain, residents still have many inconveniences living in such an old community that has been over 70 years.

Digital statistics are more intuitive. In late November last year, Xuhui District launched a round of consultations on the willingness of residents to renovate and expropriate Lane 334, Longhua West Road, with a approval rate of 96.89%. "For most residents, this old renovation is a 'charcoal in the snow', not just an 'icing on the cake'," said Zhang Jianci, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Longhua Street.

Understand the bottom line and grasp "non quantitative" information

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

On June 27th this year, Xuhui District officially made a "expropriation decision" on Lane 334, Longhua West Road, and issued a "housing expropriation compensation plan". Longhua Street has previously established a leading group for the collection of old buildings in Lane 334, Longhua West Road. According to the survey, the community has 225 property permits, including 224 certificates for residents and 1 certificate for public facilities. There are 893 registered residence residents in 252 households, including 153 elderly people over 65 years old. The sources of this information include the actual population database of the police station and the Jucun micro platform in Xuhui District, making the "data base" of the collection work more solid and reliable.

Understanding the bottom line is the first and most crucial step. The reporter learned that while conducting door-to-door visits and verifications, the street and collection team also investigated the property rights information, illegal constructions, rental personnel, number of family members, and number of special groups of each household. They also simultaneously sorted out non quantitative information such as household conflicts and difficulties, and established a "one household, one file" system based on this.

Among 252 households, there are 12 people on the property right certificate with the largest registered residence population, and four generations live together in a house with an area of 18.4 square meters. "Behind these data, they reflect real-life issues such as multiple family conflicts and difficult groups," said Yan Tao.

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

To this end, before the formal hearing, the old and renovated land acquisition base of Lane 334 on Longhua West Road innovated its methods and held more than 10 round table meetings in batches and categories. The staff from Xuhui District Housing Management Bureau, District Acquisition Center, District Housing Office, District Second Acquisition Office, and Longhua Street jointly participated in providing policy answers to the most concerned and direct interests of residents.

Some residents have proposed that their kitchen area should be separately recorded in the certificate of use and property fees should be paid every month. Why do some buildings without a dedicated kitchen enjoy the same compensation policy in this expropriation? The representative of Xuhui District Housing Management Bureau responded on site. Originally, the buildings mentioned by residents were all incomplete housing, and the government's subsidy standards for this were consistent. As long as there were no independently used kitchens and bathrooms, regardless of the size, they were supplemented according to the corresponding standards. "The essence of the old renovation is to solve and improve the fundamental problem of people's housing, so this unified replenishment according to standards is also to ensure the living conditions of a wider range of people."

Round table meetings have opened the door for equal dialogue and free exchange between residents and professional departments, enabling residents to empathize with each other and allowing grassroots cadres and residents to exchange their hearts.

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

Innovative ways and methods to benefit residents

"The expropriation of houses may seem like 'reclaiming the land', but it's actually more than that," concluded a staff member of the expropriation team.

On the walls of Lane 334 of Longhua West Road and the old land acquisition work base, you can see a "strategy map" that outlines in detail how to help residents get as much benefits as possible in seeking compensation, and also draws a table showing the relationship between the number of signing certificates and the signing reward fee. A diagram that is clear at a glance, facing the most concerning issue among residents is the distribution of benefits from the old renovation.

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

In this round of land acquisition for the old renovation of Lane 334, Longhua West Road, Xuhui District has also explored new paths to solve the corresponding problems in the old renovation through investigation, research, and in-depth public discovery of new situations.

The demolition of illegal buildings in Lane 334 of Longhua West Road is a priority in the old reform and expropriation, but the proportion of illegal buildings is high and the interests are deeply involved. Not only is the responsibility for construction unclear, but it is also difficult to trace the source of the violations. "blindly demolishing" may bring about "group resistance" among residents. To this end, Longhua Street coordinates with the street urban management team to take the lead in identifying the property attributes and illegal areas, and to understand the number of illegal constructions. At the same time, it encourages party members among the expropriated residents to "show their identity and set an example". Together with the staff of the expropriation team, they help residents understand the expropriation policy and clarify internal family relationships from a legal and professional perspective, and provide targeted compensation plans for each household as much as possible.

More than a decade ago, resident Aunt Tang, like her neighbors, erected illegal buildings in front of her house in order to make her son's marriage more dignified. Two years ago, on a typhoon day, a tree was blown down by the wind and fell on the illegal roof of Aunt Tang's house. Although no one was injured, it still left Aunt Tang's family with lingering fear. This year, we finally look forward to the old tax reform and collection. Aunt Tang and her family discussed and immediately signed and confirmed the compensation form. In her opinion, the illegal construction was built because the house was too cramped and impossible to accommodate, but from a residential perspective, it is indeed unsafe. "The old reform and expropriation is a great thing to help us ordinary people solve housing difficulties, and there is no reason not to support it."

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

After signing the compensation confirmation form, many families began to pack and relocate. As the frequency of moving increases, the amount of discarded items in the community also gradually increases, many of which are flammable. Some small vendors also take the opportunity to "mix" into the community to purchase old items. This poses hidden dangers to the environmental hygiene, fire safety, and residential safety of Lane 334. Faced with constantly emerging new problems, Longhua Street coordinated various forces, led by the local police station and other departments to increase security forces. At the same time, it also increased property and environmental sanitation forces to clear garbage, and relied on the "two network integration" platform to weigh and recycle old materials for residents on site. On the first day, it received over 400 pounds of old books, newspapers, and kitchen and bathroom facilities.

Before the signing was launched, a safety patrol team consisting of 30 aunts and uncles with an average age of about 70 years old had already been on duty. Every afternoon at 6pm, they would ring the bell on time to strengthen the safety inspection of the community. These old neighbors who gathered together temporarily are not only the "lantern burners" of Lane 334, but also each other's "night watchmen", waiting together for everyone to rush to their new homes.

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