Shanghai Week: New Mission of the Yangtze River Delta | Technology | One Week

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:49 PM

Upgraded to the fifth anniversary of national strategy, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has entered a new era journey.

Last week, another symposium on major leaders in the Yangtze River Delta region and a high-level forum on integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta were held in Hefei, Anhui. The theme of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui is "Hand in Hand with High Quality Integration and Strive for Chinese path to modernization". Focusing on self-reliance in high-level science and technology, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system, promoting high-level opening up, deeply implementing the concept of green development, unswervingly improving people's livelihood, promoting coordinated regional development, strengthening institutional reform, innovation and integration, and improving multi-level and multi field promotion mechanisms, in-depth discussions were held to clarify several major issues.

At the meeting, it was clear that the Yangtze River Delta on the new journey should "take the lead in basically realizing modernization, fully reflect the distinctive characteristics of Chinese path to modernization, and be a pilot field for taking the lead in exploring the path and laws of Chinese path to modernization" - for three provinces and one city, this means deeper institutional innovation and collaborative exploration, and achieve substantive results in key areas related to modernization.

At the beginning of becoming a national strategy, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta was seen as the "first move" to cope with the century long changes and promote high-quality development.

The clear signal conveyed is that the Yangtze River Delta region should fully leverage its advantages such as talent enrichment, high technological level, developed manufacturing industry, relatively complete industrial and supply chains, and large market potential, and actively explore the path to form a new development pattern.

In the field of technology and industrial innovation, the Yangtze River Delta is clearly required to become a "pioneer" - "not only to provide high-quality products, but also to provide high-level technology supply to support high-quality development throughout the country.".

Technological innovation occupies a core position in the overall modernization. In today's world, the paradigm of scientific research is undergoing profound changes. In the current era of rapid technological development and increasing competitive pressure, this "pioneer" is undoubtedly the primary connotation of "first mover chess". In recent years, an important task for the three provinces and one city has been to further sort out and activate the innovative elements and resources within the region, integrate advantageous forces, break through bottlenecks, facilitate circulation, and work together to achieve breakthroughs as early as possible in key areas and key links such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence.

Many recent major events related to the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, including the main leadership symposium and high-level forums in the region, have included "collaborative innovation".

Shanghai Week: New Mission of the Yangtze River Delta | Technology | One Week

Two weeks ago, at the conference held in Shanghai to promote the ecological construction of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta, Chen Jining, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, pointed out that in the new journey, the Yangtze River Delta should place the strengthening of regional innovation collaboration in a "prominent position", further strengthen mechanisms, amplify effects, and build a brand. Together, we will build a source of scientific and technological innovation, build world-class industrial clusters, and cultivate an international first-class innovation ecosystem.

As one of the important carriers of innovation synergy in the Yangtze River Delta, the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor is expected to be built into an advanced corridor for China's manufacturing to move towards China's creation, a pilot corridor driven by technological and institutional innovation, and a leading corridor for the integration of industry and city development. Behind the three "corridors", what is revealed is also the adherence to collaborative innovation in the entire region.

Chen Jining stated that we need to seize the layout of hard science and technology, strengthen the coordination of the entire chain, rely on strategic scientific and technological forces, focus on key areas to jointly build innovation platforms, accelerate the exploration of cross regional practice methods for a new national system, and build a closer community of scientific and technological innovation.

He also emphasized that various regions should develop in a staggered manner, jointly forge their strengths, turn their respective advantages into overall advantages, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy; Seize the development opportunities of industrial intelligence, greening, and integration, promote the development of industries in the region towards "specialization, precision, novelty, and high precision", vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and improve the overall supporting capacity of regional industries.

At this high-level forum on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, Chen Jining once again stated that the Yangtze River Delta needs to strengthen high-level innovation collaboration. Shanghai will accelerate the construction of an international science and technology innovation center, deeply explore a new national system, strengthen strategic scientific and technological strength, focus on the three leading industries, and strive to make new breakthroughs in key core technologies. Together with Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui, we will deepen innovation collaboration in the Yangtze River Delta region, jointly build a scientific and technological innovation community, jointly open up new fields and tracks for development, and shape new driving forces and advantages for development.

Undoubtedly, achieving the above goals requires a series of institutional support. The repeated mention of "in-depth exploration of the new national system" and "full chain collaboration" mechanisms is aimed at seeking a smoother, more efficient, more focused, and more dynamic scientific and technological innovation organization through the arrangement of scientific and technological innovation systems based on the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and achieving breakthroughs in key areas and key links.

At the same time, innovation collaboration within the region is also a collaboration within the global innovation network, which means that collaborative innovation in the Yangtze River Delta is always explored in an open state.

At the conference held in late May to promote the ecological construction of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor in the Yangtze River Delta, Chen Jining stated that we must adhere to multiple measures, deepen open cooperation, strengthen regional innovation collaboration, vigorously develop scientific and technological services, further improve the quality and vitality of regional innovation ecology, deeply integrate into the global science and technology innovation network, and enhance the gathering capacity of global innovation resources.

Shanghai Week: New Mission of the Yangtze River Delta | Technology | One Week

Two weeks later, news spread at the symposium of major leaders in the Yangtze River Delta that three provinces and one city will build a high-level National Technology Innovation Center in the Yangtze River Delta and explore pilot reforms in the international science and technology opening and innovation ecosystem. At the high-level forum, Chen Jining further emphasized that the Yangtze River Delta should expand its "leading global perspective", grasp the trend and laws of integrated development, deepen high-level reform and opening up, and continuously enhance the driving force and vitality of modernization construction.

For Shanghai, one of the main principles of "leading by the leaders" is to take the lead in breaking through barriers and expanding opening up to the outside world in high-level opening up. Chen Jining stated that Shanghai will actively compare with international high standard economic and trade agreements, better play a pioneering, demonstrative, and breakthrough role, and work together with Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui to deepen integrated reform, promote institutional opening up, promote coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta Pilot Free Trade Zone, and strive to improve the level and level of opening up.

For the entire Yangtze River Delta integration strategy, emphasizing openness in all aspects is an important guideline. The Yangtze River Delta itself is an open land. Realizing modernization in an open environment and promoting modernization with a higher level of openness is precisely the mission of this national strategy at present.

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