Xi Jinping's trip to Ningxia: Happy neighbors, ethnic unity and family--Visiting the Great Wall Garden Community in Jinfeng District

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 17:28 PM

On the afternoon of the 19th, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected and investigated in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. He came to the Changcheng Garden Community in Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, to learn about the community's role in giving full play to the grassroots party organizations, optimizing services that benefit the people, and promoting exchanges and integration among people of all ethnic groups.

The Changcheng Garden Community in Jinfeng District was established in 2003. It has 19 residential communities, 8,632 households and 18,326 residents, including 1,821 households and 6,963 people from the Hui, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan ethnic groups, accounting for 38% of the total number of residents. The community actively carries out activities to create ethnic unity and progress, and has been awarded the title of National Harmonious Community and Autonomous Region Model Community for Ethnic Unity and Progress.

The community was the first in the district to establish a three-level organizational chain of "community party committee - community party branch - building party group". Nearly 800 party members cover every building in the community, carry out practical activities to serve the people every month, create "one-stop" convenience service points and charity supermarkets and other service bases, introduce various people-friendly service projects, and strive to solve the urgent problems of residents.

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