More showcasing the grandeur of the party

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:43 AM

Author: Xin Ming

2023 is the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC. The CPC has made unremitting efforts for more than 100 years, not only creating great achievements that shine in history, but also forging the largest political party in the world.If you are big, you must have a big appearance. The appearance of this big party was established step by step by the CPC in the unremitting struggle to solve the unique problems of the big party by implementing the original mission.

Always remember your original intention and keep your mission in mind. The most difficult thing for a political party is to have gone through vicissitudes without changing its original intention, to have weathered hardships and remained true to its true colors. From the day of its birth, the CPC has taken it as its original mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and has striven unswervingly for the people's aspirations for a better life. The original intention and mission of the CPC is the concentrated embodiment of the nature, purpose, ideal, belief and goal of the party, which encourages our party to stick to it forever and forge ahead with perseverance. The belief in Marxism, the belief in socialism and communism, is not only the political soul of communists, but also the spiritual pillar for them to withstand any test. The people of the CPC firmly build the foundation of belief, stabilize the rudder of thought, supplement the calcium of spirit, and consciously become firm believers and loyal practitioners of lofty and common ideals. The advanced and excellent political nature of the Marxist party will be more firm, more distinct, and more pure.

Deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two determinations"."Two establishment" is a solemn political choice of the CPC as a mature Marxist party. As long as we deeply understand the decisive significance of the "Two Foundations", enhance the "Four Consciousnesses", strengthen the "Four Confidences", achieve the "Two Safeguards", take the Party's flag as the banner, the Party's will as the will, and the Party's mission as the mission, continuously improve our political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, our world's largest political party can always unify our thoughts, will, and actions, always have strong governance and leadership capabilities, lead the Chinese people to comprehensively build a socialist modernized strong country, and lead the Chinese nation to achieve great rejuvenation.

Maintain a clear and resolute attitude towards rushing for exams. The great Marxist political party is not innate, but forged through long-term social practice and tempered through continuous self revolution. After a hundred years of struggle, especially the new great practice since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has given the second answer to the self revolution, which breaks out of the historical cycle of prosperity and decline in governance. In the world, no political party can take self construction as seriously as the CPC, and promote self revolution in a scientific and systematic manner with such a high degree of consciousness. This is the obvious advantage of the CPC and the way to lead the times. Full and strict governance of the Party will always be on the way, and the Party's self revolution will always be on the way, which can eliminate all factors that affect the progressiveness and purity of the Party, remove all viruses that erode the health of the Party, ensure that the Party will never deteriorate, change color, and maintain its taste, ensure that the Party will always be a strong leadership core in the historical process of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and lead the new great social revolution with the Party's self revolution in the new era.

Guangming Daily


More showcasing the grandeur of the party
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