Strive to grow into a loyal and reliable pillar of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times. Practical work | People | Times

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:44 AM

Strive to grow into a pillar of talent who is loyal and reliable to the Party and the people, and can shoulder the responsibilities of the times

Xi Jinping

Since March 2019, including this class, we have held 6 classes for middle and young students. I always talk about the class opening ceremony. The reason why I attach great importance to this matter is because the healthy growth of young cadres is closely related to the successors of the Party and the people's cause. I have a certain emphasis in my speeches, but my requirements are consistent, which is to hope that young cadres can grow into loyal and reliable pillars of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the important responsibilities of the times. Below, I emphasize a few points.

Firstly, establish a solid foundation of ideals and beliefs. Ideals and beliefs are the foundation for building and revitalizing the Party, as well as the foundation for Party members and cadres to establish themselves. A large number of facts indicate that if a political party loses its ideals and beliefs, it will lose its spiritual bond and become a mob, scattering like birds and beasts in the face of storms; If a party member or cadre loses their ideals and beliefs, they will lose their political soul and be defeated in the face of tests. The most important thing for young cadres to take over the class is to follow Comrade Deng Xiaoping's words, to take over the class that upholds the heroic spirit of adhering to the direction of revolutionary struggle, that is, to take over the class that upholds Marxist beliefs, strives for the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. If the people we cultivate no longer believe in Marxism and communism, and no longer hold the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, there will be tragedies such as the upheaval in Eastern Europe, the collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which are unbearable to look back on!

On March 1, 2022, the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School opened for the spring semester of 2022.Xinhua News Agency reporter Shen Hong/Photo

Overall, after continuous education since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially in the historical achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country in the new era, party members and cadres have strengthened their ideals and beliefs in the more vivid contrast between "rising in the east and falling in the west" and "governing the west in the middle". At the same time, we should also see that under the new situation, the challenges faced by party members and cadres to firmly uphold their ideals and beliefs are not fewer, but more. There are several situations that need to be taken seriously. One is that some people have never truly established the ideals and beliefs of communists, and their worldview, outlook on life, and values are inherently incorrect. Their motivation to join the party is impure. Another approach is to be skeptical and wavering in one's ideals and beliefs. When the wind is smooth and the water is smooth, one's morale is high and confidence is strong. When encountering setbacks and difficulties, one's willpower becomes depressed, pessimistic and disappointed, and even indulges oneself and degenerates. Another type is to have a basic understanding of ideals and beliefs, a simple sentiment towards the Party, but have not reached the level of devout and persistent, sincere and profound faith. It is necessary to strengthen theoretical learning, especially through long-term practical training and testing, and constantly remain firm. Analyzing the reasons for the lack or wavering of ideals and beliefs among some party members and cadres is nothing but a lack of true faith. Some people always believe that Marxism is too old, communism is too far away, socialism is too long, power is hard, money is real, and enjoyment is real. We must resolutely clarify and oppose these erroneous words and actions.

Reporter Ju Peng from Xinhua News Agency/Photo taken

The pursuit of ideals by communists is the pursuit of truth. Li Dazhao said, "The highest ideal in life is to seek truth." It is precisely because he firmly believes that Marxism is "the truth of the universe" and firmly believes that "if we try to see the world in the future, it will be a world of red flags." Generation after generation of Communist Party members are willing to sacrifice their lives, forget their deaths, and keep moving forward. In 1941, He Gongwei, the then Secretary of the Western Hubei Special Committee, was arrested and imprisoned. Faced with the enemy's repeated torture and persuasion, he was fearless and unmoved, singing the Internationale and heroically dying at the age of only 26. In his letter to his father, He Gongwei wrote that his son had devoted himself to the truth and had already made up his mind. Apart from dying generously, there was no other path to follow. He believed in preserving the righteous energy of heaven and earth, and promoting personal integrity. He believed in benevolence and righteousness, which was the right time.

Strive to grow into a loyal and reliable pillar of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times. Practical work | People | Times

Ideals are lofty aspirations. Marx pointed out in his article "The Consideration of Youth in Choosing a Career": "History recognizes that those who work for a common goal and become noble themselves are great figures, and experience praises those who bring happiness to the majority as the happiest people." Party members and cadres must have a broad mind, lofty aspirations, never forget their original mission, integrate their life ideals into the cause of the Party and the people, and regard striving for the happiness of the people as their greatest happiness, in order to have a noble and fulfilling life.

Realizing the ideal of communism is a long process, but it cannot be regarded as an illusory mirage and one should not strive for it. As long as every Communist Party member starts from themselves, starts from the things in front of them, strives step by step, and passes on from generation to generation, "Yingtenxiong Nair" will definitely be achieved. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 1st last year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China solemnly commended 29 recipients of the July 1st Medal. They share a common quality of reflecting their firm ideals and beliefs in their respective positions and implementing them in specific actions. Shi Guangyin, a model of sand control and afforestation, led the masses in an indomitable struggle against barren and alkaline beaches for more than 40 years, and built a "Green Great Wall" over 100 miles long on the southern edge of the Maowusu Desert. People's teacher Zhang Guimei, dragging her sick body, founded the first fully free women's high school in Huaping County, Yunnan Province, China, helping more than 1800 impoverished mountainous girls achieve their dreams of becoming a university. They have set an example for us.

To firmly uphold one's ideals and beliefs, one must prophesy and then believe in them, and believe in them before taking action. Everyone must understand that ideals and beliefs are not used to shout empty slogans, only when seen in action can they be convincing. Everyone should also remember that firm ideals and beliefs are not something that lasts for a while, but a lifetime. We should practice and practice regularly, constantly understand and progress, and remain steadfast in both good and bad times, able to withstand the test of great waves and sand.

Secondly, guard the line of defense against corruption and degeneration. I have repeatedly and frequently discussed this issue. This is because from the reality, it is necessary to make a heavy drumbeat.

Corruption is the most serious problem that can easily lead to political subversion. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has firmly promoted self revolution at the height of breaking out of historical cycles, continued to rectify conduct, discipline, and anti-corruption, and effectively purified the political ecology within the party. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has demonstrated to the whole party and society its strong determination to combat corruption and its unwavering will to zero tolerance. In this situation, if you still want to engage in crooked and unconventional ways, it's like a moth to the fire. The only way is to invite the emperor into the urn! At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, I emphasized that young cadres must always bear in mind the principle that integrity is a blessing and greed is a curse. They should regularly compare the Party's theory, line, principles and policies, the Party Constitution, Party rules and discipline, and their original aspirations and missions. They should see clearly whether they should and can do certain things, and guard against corruption and change. I hope everyone will keep it in mind, always be self reliant and introspective, and strictly abide by laws and regulations.

Defending the line of defense against corruption and degeneration, the most important thing is to hold onto one's inner self. The ancients said, "If one's heart is not in chaos, they must know when it benefits and observe when it harms." The "History of the Yuan Dynasty" records a story of the Neo Confucian scholar Xu Heng: one scorching summer day, Xu Heng went out and saw pedestrians rushing to a pear tree by the roadside to pick pears to quench their thirst, but he did not go to pick them. Someone asked him, now that the war is chaotic, this pear tree no longer has its owner. Why don't you go pick pears and eat them? Xu Heng replied, "Although pear has no owner, I have a owner in my heart." For party members and cadres, only with a clear mind and a sense of morality and self-respect can they not indulge, deviate from rules, or exceed rules at any time and under any circumstances. On the other hand, those officials who violate the law and discipline lack this kind of cultivation and determination, and all of them start from breaking through the defense in their hearts and fall into corruption. Some emphasize comparison, and when they see some bosses spending money like dirt and indulging in extravagance, their mentality becomes imbalanced. Some people are greedy for pleasure and lament that life is short, so it's better to have fun in a timely manner. Some people reciprocate the situation by incorporating the exchange of goods into their performance rights, thinking that it is only natural to act for others and take their money. Some people become self inflated and become complacent when they hold important positions, becoming complacent in flattery, and relaxing their vigilance when boiling frogs in warm water. Some people have a sense of luck and believe that those who are caught are "unlucky". As long as they use clever and covert methods, they can hide everything from the world.

The ancients said, "The difficulty of holding the world is like the heart, and the vulnerability of the world is like the desire." Young cadres must diligently brush off the "dust of thought", think more about the "harm caused by greed", and constantly break through the "thieves in the heart", without thinking recklessly inside to ensure that there is no recklessness outside. I saw a document in which a female cadre under investigation in Xuzhou City calculated "seven accounts" for herself in her confession, including "political accounts, an unforgettable future of self destruction", "economic accounts, regret for losing everything", "reputation accounts, tasting bitter wine after losing fame and reputation", "family accounts, broken dreams of husband and daughter", "family accounts, two vast expanses of betrayal and family", "freedom accounts, trapped in a cage hoping for sunshine", "health accounts, physical and mental exhaustion hating long nights", which is thought-provoking!

Defend the line of defense against corruption and degeneration, starting from small matters. A stitch in time saves nine. A person's transformation often starts with eating, drinking, and playing. Why should the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China start with the eight point regulations to promote the construction of party conduct and clean governance? It is precisely because the "Four Winds" and corruption issues are interrelated and serve as a breeding ground for the growth of corruption. However, despite repeated orders from the Party Central Committee, some people still turn a blind eye and violate discipline in the face of adversity. The Eight Point Regulations are iron rules established by the Party Central Committee and must not be taken lightly. Some people believe that eating and drinking are worldly wisdom and cannot save face. What can't wipe away face? Is compliance with rules and regulations important, or is interpersonal communication important? I can't even think about this question clearly, what else can I do! I said that in implementing the eight point regulations of the central government, discipline should be stricter as we move forward. For newly selected young cadres, any violations must be strictly investigated and punished. If such problems occur, they must be rejected with one vote, and typical cases must be organized and dealt with.

Strive to grow into a loyal and reliable pillar of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times. Practical work | People | Times

On June 19, 2023, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Reporter Ju Peng from Xinhua News Agency/Photo taken

Nowadays, society is very complex, with intertwined interests and various temptations and tests. Cadres need to hold onto the line of defense against corruption and change, not just by setting up one or two checkpoints, but by setting up defenses layer by layer and everywhere. One is to hold onto the political barrier. In the discipline and rules of the Party, political discipline and political rules are the most fundamental and important. We must always maintain a clear political stance and maintain a clear mind and firm stance in the face of major issues of right and wrong, and on issues of political principles. We must never be a two faced person or act like a two faced person, never trade with the Party's principles, and never engage in the "Seven Haves" approach. The second is to hold onto the power barrier. We should understand that power is a double-edged sword, always maintain a sense of awe for power, adhere to fair use of power, lawful use of power, for civilian use, and clean use of power. We should not turn public power into a tool for seeking personal or interest groups, or "small circles" for personal gain, nor become the spokesperson or agent of any interest group, power group, or privileged class. The third is to maintain communication barriers. Cadres do not live in a vacuum, and necessary interpersonal communication is inevitable. However, communication must have principles and rules, install "firewalls" and "filters" on themselves, and constantly purify social circles, life circles, and friend circles. The fourth is to maintain the quality of life. Cultivate a healthy temperament, advocate a simple life, have a determination to be unjust and wealthy, like floating clouds to me, and maintain the true nature of a Communist Party member. The fifth is to maintain the level of family affection. From the cases investigated and dealt with, it can be seen that there are many problems of "family corruption", some of which are due to one's own misconduct, leading to harm to relatives and children; Some are unable to withstand the "pillow side wind" and "knee rain", and are dragged down by their relatives and children. A house that accumulates good will have its aftermath, and a house that accumulates bad will have its aftermath. Party members and cadres must strictly educate their families and conduct themselves, not only leading by example, but also keeping a close eye on their relatives and children and managing them diligently, resolutely preventing them from using their own banner to gain privileges and personal gain, and resolutely preventing them from being "hunted" and exploited.

To resist corruption and prevent change, it is necessary to rely not only on strict self-discipline among young cadres, but also on strict education and management within the organization. The more key cadres are selected, the more important they are to be managed, and the more potential cadres are to be cultivated, the more strict requirements must be placed on them. It is absolutely not advisable to choose one at a time.

Thirdly, establish and practice a correct view of political achievements. As a cadre, one must work hard and create achievements, otherwise they cannot stand firm. To create performance, it is necessary to solve the problems of who creates performance, what kind of performance is created, and how to create performance, that is, to solve the problem of political performance concept.

Ultimately, the party spirit plays a decisive role in establishing and practicing the correct view of political achievements. Only with strong party spirit and the rejection of selfish thoughts and distractions can we ensure that our views on political performance do not deviate. Nowadays, some leading cadres have less pure motives for doing things, bundling their work with personal fame and fortune. Some people, in order to obtain promotion capital, prioritize outstanding achievements over potential achievements, prioritize face over inner strength, and are eager for quick success and instant benefits. Some people, in order to cater to their superiors and win the favor of their leaders, are enthusiastic about creating project projects within the "visible range" of their leaders. They are not afraid of dissatisfaction from the masses or lack of attention from their leaders. Some people, in order to leave a name for themselves and establish a monument for themselves, prefer to "show off" rather than "do things", and are enthusiastic about "creating momentum for a while" rather than "benefiting one party". Some people reach out to the organization to repay their achievements, and if there is no progress in three to five years, they feel that the organization has mistreated them. Everyone must remember that the purpose of creating performance is to seek the interests of the people, and truly focus their thoughts and energy on serving the Party and the people in entrepreneurship.

Communists must remember that serving the people is the greatest achievement. We must adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly when planning to advance our work, adhere to the development concept of putting the people at the center, adhere to the principle of development for the people, rely on the people for development, and share the fruits of development with the people, and bring good deeds to the hearts of the people. What is a good thing in reality should be considered based on the immediate needs of the people, and cannot be subjectively assumed, simplified, or one-sided. When I was working in the local area, I specifically emphasized the need to clarify the concept of good and practical things, support economic development, and help the people become prosperous, in response to the situation where some cadres blindly pursue economic growth while ignoring the actual needs of the masses; Promoting social righteousness, cracking down on "black sheep", enriching the leisure life of the masses, and creating a good social environment are also good and practical things; Solving the suffering of the masses in terms of clothing, food, housing, and transportation, as well as the needs of birth, aging, illness, and death, is a good and practical matter; Even small things like light bulbs and soap that people in remote areas and deep mountains cannot buy can be solved with our care, which is also a good thing. I want to tell everyone that wherever there is a need for the people, good deeds can be done and achievements can be created; Whether the performance is good or not depends on the actual feelings of the masses, and is judged by the masses. At that time, I also emphasized that whether something is a good thing or not should not only be based on the immediate needs of the masses, but also on whether there will be any sequelae and whether it will "solve one problem and leave ten regrets". The viewpoints I have presented are also applicable now.

To achieve the second centenary goal, we must adhere to the Party's basic line and focus on economic construction. However, in the new situation, we cannot wear new shoes and follow the old path of development. We must fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development. Most cadres are able to actively adapt to new development requirements, but there are also some cadres who cannot keep up. Some people believe that development means investing in projects, expanding scale, and even consider "two high" projects as important means to promote economic growth; Some excessively borrow for construction and blindly expand their stalls; Some methods are simple and crude, such as "one size fits all" and sporty "carbon charging", large-scale "power restrictions", which seriously affect enterprise production and people's lives, and so on. The new development concept is a whole, and efforts must be made to fully grasp, accurately understand, and comprehensively implement it.

Party members and cadres must seek truth from facts and be pragmatic in their work and entrepreneurship, without any frivolity. Following the rules and regulations is a principle that Party members and cadres must adhere to. In reality, some cadres have high enthusiasm for their work, but lack scientific spirit and a pragmatic attitude, resulting in not only no performance, but also a bunch of problems. At the end of last year, at the Central Economic Work Conference, I criticized some cadres for not respecting history, culture, and ecology, making illegal decisions, and abusing power. We must adhere to the principle of starting from reality, conducting in-depth investigations and research, strengthening scientific argumentation, and preventing impulsive decision-making and reckless behavior. In August 1941, Comrade Mao Zedong presided over the drafting of the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Investigation and Research", which pointed out that "our party is now a major political party responsible for the great revolutionary task. We must firmly guard against omissions and superficiality, eliminate the subjectivist style, adopt specific measures, and intensify the investigation and research of history, environment, and specific situations both domestically and internationally, within and outside the province, and within and outside the county." This decision also proposed many specific methods for investigation and research, including inviting experienced individuals to hold investigation meetings, individual oral inquiries, and collecting county annals, provincial chronicles, and family genealogies for research. These requirements and methods still hold significant implications to this day.

Strive to grow into a loyal and reliable pillar of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times. Practical work | People | Times

Performance is achieved through hard work, and only by doing it can we truly achieve results. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the reason why we have been able to achieve outstanding results in strengthening the comprehensive leadership of the Party, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, winning the battle against poverty, strengthening scientific and technological research, grasping the leading role of propaganda, ideology and culture, ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, effectively carrying out epidemic prevention and control, strengthening ecological environment governance, promoting major reforms, accelerating the modernization of national defense and the military, promoting Hong Kong's transition from chaos to governance, and achieving overwhelming victories and comprehensive consolidation in the fight against corruption, lies in the spirit of nailing the nail to grasp the deployment, implementation, and supervision. If we do not achieve complete victory, we will not withdraw. In the face of new situations and tasks, Party members and cadres must truly focus on practical work, work pragmatically, employ practical skills, seek practical results, do well and achieve success, and resolutely eliminate the practice of implementing slogans, statements, and packaging. For urgent tasks, we should speak and act promptly, and focus on getting things done quickly. We should not slow down or procrastinate. For long-term tasks, we need to maintain strategic composure and patience, adhere to a blueprint to the end, let every drop pierce the stone, and achieve long-term success. We need to strengthen precise thinking, adhere to the principle of "focusing on the vast while being meticulous", and ensure that when planning, we grasp the overall situation, and when operating, we are meticulous and meticulous, using embroidery skills to do our work solidly and effectively.

Fourthly, cultivate strong skills. The ancients said, "A gentleman should not be disrespected for his position, but should be disrespected for his virtue. He should not be ashamed of his wealth, but should not be ashamed of his wisdom." To become a pillar of talent, young cadres should be both virtuous and talented in their position. As the saying goes, "talent without virtue can lead to bad things, virtue without virtue can lead to mistakes, and virtue and talent can lead to success.".

Now, we have embarked on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and advancing towards the second centenary goal, which puts higher demands on the abilities and qualities of cadres. Many young cadres have taken on new leadership positions. Among them, some have transitioned from professional fields to comprehensive positions. Although their basic qualities are good, their actual leadership abilities still need to be enhanced; Some of them have cross regional exchanges and are not yet familiar with the actual situation in the new place of employment. If you don't hurry up to refuel and charge, don't actively learn and adapt, think big, and blindly become arrogant, you won't be able to do your job well, and sometimes it can even lead to irreversible mistakes.

To be competent in leadership work, there are many skills that need to be mastered. The most fundamental skill is theoretical literacy. The Marxist position, viewpoint, and method are the key skills for doing a good job, and are powerful ideological weapons that guide us to understand and transform the world. Nowadays, the atmosphere of theoretical learning in the whole party is much stronger than in the past, but there are also some comrades who only have a superficial understanding and have not truly learned by hand or by experts. Some are still accustomed to relying on old experience to handle things. Doing a good job requires experience, but one should not fall into empiricism. After all, a person's accumulated experience is limited, and the existing experience cannot be blindly applied. It should be transferred based on changes in work, time, location, and conditions. The situation is constantly evolving, and tasks are also constantly evolving. Many contradictions and problems have not been encountered or addressed by us. If we stick to our past understanding and experience, wait for the rabbit, and carve a boat to find a sword, it will be difficult to adapt to the changing reality and effectively promote work. Party members and cadres must strengthen their theoretical learning and solid theoretical foundation, consciously use the innovative theories of the Party in the new era to observe new situations, study new situations, and solve new problems, so as to promote all work in the correct direction and according to objective laws.

Standing in a hundred lines, putting learning first. For leading cadres, relying on learning to improve their abilities and qualities is the principle that "scholars do not necessarily serve, but those who serve must learn.". Only with a sense of responsibility towards one's career can one have the drive to learn and work hard. In the revolutionary war era, many of our party's cadres and soldiers did not have a high level of education, and some even did not recognize a few big characters. However, in order to adapt to the needs of revolutionary tasks, they were eager to learn and took every opportunity to learn. During the Long March, some Red Army soldiers pasted characters on their backs, and the people behind them recognized the characters while marching. Nowadays, our learning conditions are much better than in the past, and it's hard to justify not studying hard and focusing on our studies.

All practical abilities come from practice. Comrade Mao Zedong became a great military strategist because he was good at summarizing experience, grasping laws, and summarizing them theoretically in the practice of revolutionary warfare. As he himself said, "Learning war from war - this is our main method." We must adhere to the combination of theory and practice, pay attention to learning true knowledge and understanding the essence through practice, and strengthen our training and skills. In this regard, the key is to be humble and attentive, willing to be a "primary school student", asking questions if you don't understand, not ashamed to ask, and avoiding subjective speculation and pretending to understand.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi/Photo

Fifth, promote the spirit of responsibility and struggle. Our party has been able to overcome all powerful enemies, all difficulties and obstacles, and achieve remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, thanks to the courage and heroic struggle of generations of Communist Party members. Today, the enormity of our mission, the severity of the risks and challenges we face, and the complexity of our great struggle are all unprecedented. Only by continuing to carry forward the spirit of responsibility and struggle throughout the Party can we achieve the grand goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Strive to grow into a loyal and reliable pillar of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times. Practical work | People | Times

Responsibility and struggle are a kind of spirit, and what is most needed is selfless character and fearless courage. The selfless are fearless, and only those who are fearless can take on responsibilities and fight. From the founding of the Communist Party of China to the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were over 3.7 million famous martyrs, and countless unknown martyrs. They sacrificed their precious lives to fulfill their heroic responsibilities to the nation and the people. Compared to revolutionary martyrs, our responsibility and struggle are nothing more than doing more work, solving more difficult problems, and offending a few more people. After thinking about these things, what else do we have to fear or dare not take responsibility for?!

Responsibility and struggle are a kind of responsibility, and only those who dare to take responsibility are called true responsibility and true struggle. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a great deal of waste waiting to be revitalized and all industries waiting to be developed. The Chinese people were extremely eager for peace and tranquility, but American imperialism brazenly brought the flames of war to our doorstep. At this critical moment, our party made a historic decision with extraordinary courage and courage to resist the United States and aid Korea, and defend our country. In the movie "Changjin Lake", a platoon instructor said, "If we don't fight this battle, our next generation will fight it. We go through life and death to stop fighting for them." Currently, the task of reform, development, and stability is so heavy that there are too many things to take on and fight. Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, should carry forward the spirit of historical initiative, take the initiative to attack in the face of opportunities, without hesitation or hesitation; Facing difficulties and facing them head-on, without shifting blame or avoiding them; Actively respond to risks without fear or evasion.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren/Photo

Responsibility and struggle are a pattern, and adhering to the principle of local obedience to the overall situation and consciously taking responsibility for the overall situation is more valuable. When I was working in Ningde, the central government carried out governance and rectification against the problem of intensified inflation and serious duplicate construction, which affected the economy of Ningde. Some cadres couldn't understand and complained about this. When deploying work, I said that the eastern part of Fujian can only obey the overall situation of the province and even the whole country; In the current macroeconomic adjustment work, if it is necessary to sacrifice local interests, one should still be willing to bear it. Nowadays, some cadres still have a people-oriented mentality. When dealing with a situation, the first thing that comes to mind is the interests of departments, local areas, and small groups. They play a sideline role in the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, engage in selective execution, and even engage in fraud and false reporting. When we talk about holding the "great interests of the country" in mind, we require leading cadres to think and do things from the perspective of the overall situation and strategy. All work must be based on the implementation of the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, and cannot harm the overall interests for local interests or the fundamental and long-term interests for temporary interests.

When presiding over the drafting of the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I instructed to emphasize the need to prepare for a great struggle with many new historical characteristics. Looking back, it is precisely with such a mindset that

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

Study every day | what's so special about this project personally approved by the General Secretary? Country | Culture | General Secretary of three points
Study every day | what's so special about this project personally approved by the General Secretary? Country | Culture | General Secretary of three points

The National Version Museum of China has undergone three years of construction and was completed on July 23, 2022