Opening the Door to Happiness, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy": Shanhai Urban and Rural Zhejiang | Project | Strategy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:39 AM

In the process of China's reform and opening up, cities and towns are an important pair of relationships for understanding economic and social development. The reality of cities without townships, high cities with low townships, and many cities with few townships destined the task of urban-rural integration to be great and arduous.

Twenty years ago, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, pointed out in the "August 8 Strategy" that "further utilize Zhejiang's advantages in coordinated urban and rural development and accelerate the integration of urban and rural areas".

For a long time, work hard, refine and develop into excellence. Zhejiang has taken the lead in completing the poverty alleviation task nationwide; The per capita disposable income of rural residents has been ranked first in various provinces and regions for 38 consecutive years; Becoming one of the provinces with the smallest income gap between urban and rural residents; Exploring the Way for the National Common Prosperity.

A set of data, honors, and step-by-step exploration all illustrate a fact: coordinated development has become a prominent advantage of Zhejiang.

Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has conscientiously handled the three pairs of relationships: "city and township", "mountain and sea", and "internal and external". It has persistently implemented a series of major measures such as the "Ten Million Project", the mountain sea cooperation project, new urbanization, and targeted support and assistance. One after another, it has been working hard and running hard, steadily advancing towards the goal of common prosperity in coordinated development.

Information and images from Xinhua News Agency

City and Township, No Longer Looking from afar

It is necessary to integrate rural and urban areas as an organic and unified whole, fully leverage the driving role of cities in rural areas and the promoting role of rural areas in cities, and form a system and mechanism that promotes urban-rural interaction and coordinated development through the use of cities to drive rural areas, industry to promote agriculture, and urban-rural interaction.

-- January 7, 2005, Xi Jinping's speech at the provincial rural work conference

On one side are urban high-rise buildings, and on the other side are rural fertile fields.

As one of the first urban and rural public transportation routes in Jiaxing, Bus No. 101 shuttles between them, gradually bringing urban and rural areas closer together.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, 55 year old bus driver Shen Shuigen clenched the steering wheel and drove the 101 bus, bathed in the morning light, with the four words "heading towards happiness" prominently displayed on the body. He has been running this route for 26 years.

19 years ago in the spring, he saw a special group of passengers at the bus departure station.

Nowadays, passengers flock down from Sanxing Village in Fengqiao Town by car. This season, the peach trees in the village are lush and the days are as sweet as peaches. "In the past, rural people used to squeeze buses into the city to sell peaches. Now, urban people take buses to the countryside to pick peaches," said Shen Shuigen.

In many parts of Zhejiang, the geographical boundary between urban and rural areas has long been blurred. As Gu Yikang, the chief expert of Zhejiang Rural Revitalization Research Institute, described, cities and rural areas are indeed a community of life and destiny that no one can do without.

Between urban and rural areas, due to the long-term existence of the binary structure, there are distinct gullies between the two. In response to this, the "88 Strategy" has elevated the overall planning of urban and rural economic and social development to an unprecedented strategic height, opening the prelude to the integrated development of urban and rural areas in Zhejiang——

In 2003, Zhejiang launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project;

Opening the Door to Happiness, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy": Shanhai Urban and Rural Zhejiang | Project | Strategy

In 2010, Zhejiang took the lead in carrying out pilot projects for cultivating small cities nationwide;

In 2015, Zhejiang creatively proposed the construction of characteristic towns;

In 2022, Zhejiang will comprehensively promote the construction of basic units for modernization of common prosperity.

Many changes precipitate over time. From extending urban infrastructure to rural areas, extending public services to rural areas, breaking the previous binary fragmentation pattern, to pledging idle rural property rights, entering the market with collective operating land, revitalizing dormant rural resources, and then using the three basic units of future communities, future villages, and urban-rural landscape model areas as carriers to explore new scenes of a better life

For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has always put the interests of the people first, systematically considered and coordinated, and constructed a new overall development picture of promoting agriculture through industry, promoting rural areas through cities, promoting mutual benefit between industry and agriculture, and integrating urban and rural areas.

The countryside has changed its appearance——

Located in Xiajiang Village in the southwest of Chun'an County, there was a folk song that spread back in the day: "A house made of dirt, half a year's worth of grain, burning charcoal, and not marrying a woman to a Jiang Lang."; Nowadays, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, fragrant vegetables and fruits, and a constant stream of tourists, this place has transformed from a "poor mountain village" to a "green, rich, and beautiful" place.

Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang's rural living environment has ranked among the top in the country. Rural household waste has basically achieved "zero growth" and "zero landfill", with comprehensive coverage of rural sanitary toilets and a forest coverage rate of over 61%.

Farmers bulge their wallets——

Yejiayan Residence, located in Keqiao, Shaoxing, used to have land and vegetable farmers in the village, but the harvest was average. Later, strong village companies were established at the district, town, and village levels to actively develop rural culture and tourism. Last year, the collective economy of the village increased by more than 2.2 million yuan.

Over the past 20 years, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Zhejiang Province has increased from 4940 yuan in 2002 to 37565 yuan in 2022. In 2022, the total assets of village level collectives in Zhejiang Province reached 880 billion yuan, accounting for one tenth of the national total. Administrative villages with annual operating income of collective economy exceeding 500000 yuan accounted for 51.2%.

Wandering on the land of the river, the thriving city and the vast countryside blend together. The city and the countryside are like lotus flowers, blooming in two places, each with its own fragrance.

Information and images from Xinhua News Agency

Mountains and seas, advancing hand in hand

We should recognize the advantages of abundant mountain and sea resources, recite the "Mountain and Sea Classic", and regard the development of underdeveloped areas and marine economy as a new economic growth point in our province.

-- On July 10, 2003, Xi Jinping interjected during his report at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Provincial Party Committee

Not long ago, a 167 meter tall "Lotus City Building" was topped out. The building is located in the Yiwu Financial and Business District, adjacent to the world's largest small commodity market - Yiwu International Trade City, and has brought business to the doorstep of the "World Supermarket".

Opening the Door to Happiness, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy": Shanhai Urban and Rural Zhejiang | Project | Strategy

Many people wonder, "Liandu Building" is not built in Liandu, how can it be built in Yiwu? As one of the 14 scientific and technological innovation enclaves for mountain and sea cooperation in the province, the two regions have continuously deepened cooperation projects, expanded cooperation fields, and improved cooperation levels, demonstrating a strong sense of mountain and sea sentiment.

"Innovation, research and development, and sales are located in Yiwu, while production and manufacturing are located in Liandu." The relevant person in charge of the Liandu Building project said that enterprises that settle in Liandu Building can not only enjoy benefits such as taxation, finance, and talent in both regions, but also enjoy special policies such as free trade pilot zones and mountain sea cooperation enclaves.

Mountains and seas echo from afar.

There used to be a special dividing line in Zhejiang called the "Qingda Line", which starts from Qingliangfeng Town in Lin'an, Hangzhou and ends at Dayu Town in Cangnan, Wenzhou. On the southwest side of the line, with continuous mountains and scarce arable land, it belongs to the underdeveloped area of Zhejiang Province; On the northeast side of the line, the water system is crisscrossing, the soil is fertile, and the overall economic and social development is good.

The contrast between mountains and seas is clearly presented here. How to cross the "Qingda Line"? Liu Ting, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of the Provincial Government Advisory Committee, believes that brotherly districts and cities should complement each other, deepen mountain sea cooperation based on the principles of market economy learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and mutual benefit and win-win, to help underdeveloped areas catch up.

In 2002, Zhejiang implemented the Mountain Sea Cooperation Project to help underdeveloped areas in the province accelerate development, opening up a new exploration of cooperation and win-win cooperation between mountains and seas; In 2018, we worked together to create an upgraded version of the Mountain Sea Cooperation Project, achieving higher quality regional coordinated development

The cooperation between mountains and seas is not simply about helping the poor with the rich, but building a new mechanism for regional coordinated development that is driven by the government, operated by the market, and participated by the whole society——

Entering the Hengzhao Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park of Songyang Yuyao Shanhai Cooperation Industrial Park located in Songyang, rows of brand new and orderly standardized factories come into view. This is an important platform for Songyang to build an automotive parts industry chain and develop advanced manufacturing clusters in the future.

The industries, funds, technology, and markets in developed regions are integrated with the unique, resource, and advantageous industries in remote mountainous areas. The "enclave" dominated by industries, scientific and technological innovation, and thin consumption has emerged, further narrowing regional disparities.

Mountain sea collaboration is not simply about filling gaps, but about fully leveraging comparative advantages and realizing the transformation of existing disadvantages into backward advantages——

Mountain is not only a deep hinterland, but also a space for development. Recently, Jinyun has achieved a "Grand Slam" of Dayu Ding, Ping'an Ding, Science and Technology Innovation Ding, Zhejiang Manufacturing Tiangong Ding, and Shennong Ding. Only three counties in the province have achieved a "Grand Slam", and as a mountainous county, Jinyun has one in three parts of the country.

Since Zhejiang Province launched the construction of a demonstration zone for high-quality development and common prosperity, the innovative implementation of "one county, one policy" has accelerated the transformation of the ecological advantages of 26 mountainous counties into industrial advantages, making the development gap a development space. The sound of jointing and growing in mountainous counties can be heard everywhere.

In 2022, 26 counties in mountainous areas achieved a regional GDP of 740.4 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1% compared to the previous year, with a growth rate 1.0 percentage point higher than that of the entire province.

Information images

Internally and externally, striving for wealth from east to west

We need to increase the support and assistance provided by the eastern region and central units to deeply impoverished areas, strengthen the responsibility of assistance, and ensure that whoever has their child will be held.

-- Xi Jinping talks about governing the country, Volume II, "Intensifying Efforts to Promote Poverty Alleviation in Deeply Poor Areas"

Opening the Door to Happiness, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy": Shanhai Urban and Rural Zhejiang | Project | Strategy

Anji White Tea and White Leaf No.1 have different names, but they share the same root and origin.

In March, the first batch of 750000 "White Leaf No.1" tea seedlings were loaded from the tea garden base in Xilong Township, Anji County, Huzhou City, and traveled to Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, bringing hope for local prosperity.

A white tea seedling, with years of support.Nowadays, these tea seedlings have settled down in many places such as Hubei, Sichuan, and Guizhou.

During his work in Zhejiang, the "mountains" and "sea" in General Secretary Xi Jinping's mind were not limited to Zhejiang, but also included the central and western regions where Zhejiang helped.

Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has extended the concept of "mountain sea cooperation" to participate in and serve the overall coordinated development of the country, promoting the overall development of Zhejiang at a higher level and opening up new spaces for regional coordinated development.

Spanning thousands of miles, Zhejiang merchants are a new force in the corresponding work. Starting from Fuling in Chongqing and Guangyuan in Sichuan, Wahaha has built a large number of factories in the western regions, such as Aksu in Xinjiang, Lhasa in Xizang, Xining in Qinghai, as well as the border and poor areas. Wahaha has solved the employment of tens of thousands of local people and developed into a local leading backbone enterprise and a large profit and tax household.

Wahaha Chairman Zong Qinghou said that following Zhejiang's pace of going global, Wahaha has introduced the best-selling products, first-class technology, most advanced production lines, most complete concepts, and most mature markets to the central and western regions, and has also achieved significant development.

During the three-year poverty alleviation campaign from 2018 to 2020, Zhejiang invested 10.2 billion yuan in financial assistance for poverty alleviation, implemented 3835 assistance projects, and lifted all 80 poverty-stricken counties in Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, and Jilin provinces out of poverty.

In 2021, the central government adjusted and optimized the pairing relationship between the eastern and western regions. Zhejiang no longer paired up to assist Enshi Prefecture in Hubei Province, Qiandongnan Prefecture in Guizhou Province, Qianxinan Prefecture in Guizhou Province, and Yanbian Prefecture in Jilin Province. Following the principle of "one province to one province", Zhejiang Province paired up to assist Sichuan Province. From then on, there has been more active interaction between upstream and downstream provinces that share the same river water: from Jiaxing in Zhejiang to Pingshan in Sichuan, a silk thread connects the cooperation between the East and West industries; From Zhenhai, Zhejiang to Jinyang, Sichuan, a Sichuan pepper cultivates complementary resources between the two regions.

Teaching people to fish is better than teaching them to fish. Zhejiang is well aware that with the continuous deepening of development, the forms and contents of counterpart support, east-west cooperation, and counterpart cooperation must also change in response to the times.

Transforming blood transfusion into hematopoiesis——

In Naqu, Xizang, Zhejiang aided cadres and talents deeply implemented the "first open project" of "sweet potato economy" to improve the capacity and upgrade, strengthened investment attraction, and developed the "enclave economy". Changrong Naxiu Garment Intelligent Manufacturing Factory became the first non mining and non construction enterprise on the scale in Naqu. A large number of investment projects, such as Shenli Times Square, Ecological Boutique Hotel, and Photovoltaic+Energy Storage New Energy Power Project, are about to become major landmark projects in the development of Nagqu. The once "one-way blood transfusion" aid construction model is shifting towards "active blood production".

Development experience output——

In mid June, the Zhejiang Haixi "Digital Zhejiang, Intelligent Asian Games" training and exchange camp successfully concluded. Nearly a hundred officials from Haixi have come to Zhejiang to learn advanced experience in digital technology. Nowadays, Haixi cleverly takes advantage of the "East" wind to fly, fully tapping and leveraging its comparative advantages, and developing rapidly and thriving.

This is a passionate collaboration, and even more so, a two-way journey spanning thousands of miles. Over the years, Zhejiang has continuously assisted other provinces in various aspects such as funding, technology, and talent, allowing the concept of coordinated development to flourish in China.

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