Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 21:01 PM

Once you step into the painting, you will dream back thousands of years. Looking at Bianjing in the Qingming River Scene, you can feel the fireworks in the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty; walk into Kaifeng, a city that recalls the past and renews the new, and experience the romance of the national trend and flowers. According to annual customs, shops are closed on the first day of the Lunar New Year and open for business on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. The fifth day of the first lunar month is also called "Po Wu", which means that if there is no break, there will be no establishment. The sonorous sound of drums ushered in the new atmosphere of the Year of the Dragon.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

"When the drum beats, all businesses prosper." On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, as the opening drum sounds, various shops begin to open for business one after another, indicating a prosperous business in the new year.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

CCTV reporter Jiao Jian: This is Kaifeng City, Henan Province. Through this city gate, you will see the streets and lanes of the Song Dynasty depicted in the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival". Here you not only have the opportunity to recite poetry with Li Qingzhao, but you may also meet Mr. Bao unexpectedly.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

The actor in front of me, Wang Hui, who plays Mr. Bao, is busy writing the character "dragon" in various fonts for each of the opening shops to receive new blessings. Wang Hui, who has studied deeply the culture of the Song Dynasty, has been working in this "Song City" for more than 20 years and has his own understanding of the image and meaning of the dragon.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Wang Hui, a staff member of the Qingming Riverside Garden in Kaifeng City, Henan Province: In calligraphy, no matter how it is written, the dragon character pays attention to a square and balanced way. I think the dragon is the embodiment of justice.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

In "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", there is a scene of an old man weighing something with a large scale. Combined with the historical allusion of Bao Gong and Bao Long Tu being upright and upright, Wang Hui set up the "Fair Scale of the Song Dynasty" in the Qingming Shanghe Garden to allow visitors to immerse themselves in traditional culture in an innovative way.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Moving scenes from ancient paintings to today's Guochao neighborhoods allows more and more young people to experience the charm of traditional culture in a relaxed and humorous way.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

This paper-cut work "Hundred Dragons", which is more than 150 meters long, was finally completed in time for the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon after more than a year of creation thanks to the efforts of local intangible cultural heritage paper-cut inheritor Hu Baoguo. Under the artistic collision of scissors and paper, a hundred dragons with different shapes are lifelike. If you observe carefully, you will find that each dragon's eyes have been specially treated artistically. Through the combination of "yang scissors" and "yin scissors", each dragon's eyes have its own characteristics, showing the different styles of a hundred dragons. Vibrant and spirited.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Hu Baoguo, a member of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association: It happens to be the Year of the Dragon. Our Chinese nation is taking off now. I think we can cut a hundred dragons and take off.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

In the process of creating the Hundred Dragons Picture, Hu Baoguo had unique insights into the meaning of dragons. In his opinion, there is a connection between the head and tail of each dragon on the paper-cut paper, which represents inheritance and continuation, just as the traditional art of paper-cutting develops and is passed on through inheritance. As traditional Chinese culture gradually goes to the world, more and more foreign friends are also fond of Chinese paper-cutting art.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Hu Baoguo, a member of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association: There was an American who wanted to come to China to learn the language. After studying, he exhibited paper-cutting in Beijing. After seeing me, he came to me to learn paper-cutting. There are also people from Singapore and Australia. When they see me, many people say China, China, and chase me. This is a reflection of our culture going global. Beauty belongs to all mankind, and everyone who sees beauty likes it. My confidence because we have the real thing.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

CCTV reporter Jiao Jian: In the Year of the Dragon, how can we not be accompanied by delicious food? As the saying goes, "Food is the first priority for the people." In "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", there are many descriptions of food culture. This Sun Yang Zheng store is one of the "seventy-two Zheng stores" in Bianjing. In ancient times, people only ate two meals a day, but during the Northern Song Dynasty, people gradually developed the habit of three meals a day.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

In the Song Dynasty, Zhengdian refers to a large-scale shop that can cook and make wine. The numerous shops and changes in eating habits also reflected the affluence of life at that time. During the Spring Festival, a must-order dish for tourists visiting Sun Yangzheng Restaurant is Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate. In traditional culture, fish is the incarnation of dragon. After the carp successfully jumped over the dragon gate through unremitting efforts, it became a dragon, symbolizing people's spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and having the courage to fight, as well as their desire to pursue excellence and realize their dreams.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

"The night market lasts until the third watch, and then opens again at the fifth watch. Like a place for fun, it goes on all night long." From the description of the Song Dynasty market in "Tokyo Menghualu", it can be seen that as early as a thousand years ago, this place was a prosperous business synonymous with.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

CCTV reporter Jiao Jian: Nowadays, takeout has brought a lot of convenience to our lives. In fact, there were takeout boys as early as the Song Dynasty. In the picture Along the River During the Qingming Festival, this guy holds two bowls in his left hand and two in his right hand. The man with the pair of chopsticks and an apron in the middle looks like a typical takeaway boy. There was a "Foot Shop" sign hanging on the building next to him. A foot shop was a small shop dedicated to guests to rest during the Northern Song Dynasty. It also sold some food, and this guy was the delivery boy who delivered food to the foot shop.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Peng Hengli, a professor at the School of Culture and Tourism of Henan University: According to the records in "Tokyo Menghualu", the food and drinks in the hotel at that time could be taken home after being purchased. The revenue from the liquor tax in Bianjing City was hundreds of thousands of dollars per day, and the consumption was very large. From this, we can see that the business prosperity at that time reached an incredible level. We are still able to talk to the ancients today and understand what we did in ancient times because of the continuity of this civilization. This Chinese civilization is unique.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

The beauty of the "tide" of the Tang Dynasty spread throughout the world and promoted industry through literature.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Walking out of the downtown fireworks of Kyoto in the Northern Song Dynasty, you turned around and arrived at the glorious Tang Dynasty. The main station's Year of the Dragon Spring Festival Gala, the Shaanxi Xi'an branch's program "Mountains and Rivers Poem Chang'an" brought Xi'an back to Chang'an, and the dragon soul dreamed into the Tang Dynasty. The poetic romance of China blows into the hearts of Chinese people; the drumbeat of national revitalization shakes the souls of the people of Long Chuan. The cultural genes hidden deep in the blood of the Chinese nation, as long as a poem or a dance gesture, will make each other smile and be moved at the same time. Prospering business with literature brings a myriad of things.

Encounter the national trend, blooming flowers and romance. These places are full of "tide" flavor in the Year of the Dragon!

Travel from the bustling market of the Song Dynasty to the prosperous Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty. The trendy streets of the ancient city of Xi'an allow tourists from all over the world to fully experience the traditional cultural atmosphere of Tang Dynasty and Tang Dynasty.

Tourist Ms. Wang: After the children came here, the first thing they asked us to do was to wear Hanfu. Deep down, they feel that this should be our own clothing, reflecting our dignified and confident state.

Tang Tang, a staff member of the Twelve Hours Theme Street in Chang'an, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province: Before entering the street, many tourists will come to us to change into Hanfu and do some styling to get a better immersive experience. During the Spring Festival, we have 60 dressing tables that are full from morning to night. Especially during the Spring Festival this year, clothes with dragon patterns like this one are the most popular.

During the Spring Festival holiday, the entire neighborhood was decorated with dragon elements, which perfectly blended with the Tang-style urban life here. Shadow puppetry, an ancient traditional Chinese folk art, uses unique music, witty lines, and skillful performance skills to attract tourists to take out their mobile phones to record this wonderful moment.

Wei Wenzhu, the inheritor of Huazhou shadow puppetry in Shaanxi Province: The shadow puppetry in our Huazhou County is mainly based on the Wanwan tune. Five people are busy, and I sing here. I also play the Yueqin, the gong, the board, and the drum. , Shengdan Jingmo Chou has to be pronounced by one person.

77-year-old Wei Wenzhu is the inheritor of Huazhou shadow puppets. Among his shadow puppet props, he always treasures a dragon. In his view, dragons can bless all things and are a symbol of protecting the people in traditional Chinese culture.

Wei Wenzhu, the inheritor of Huazhou shadow play in Shaanxi Province: There is a play about a long-term drought. Dragons descend from the sky and heavy rains, and the crops slowly grow. It is precisely because the dragon has benefited the local people that the dragon is respected by everyone.

Xi'an's drums sound, and the sound comes from the Tang Dynasty. Musicians in round-collared robes and ladies in high buns and skirts played the drums, flutes, gongs, and chimes to perform the "Yan Yue of the Tang Dynasty" together. Thirty-seven Chinese dragons such as "Red Mountain Jade Dragon" and "Red Gold Walking Dragon" gathered on the ancient city wall and transformed into various smart and elegant creative lanterns. The Shangyuan Tang Palace Lantern Festival decorated the ancient city of Xi'an especially festive and lively for the New Year. .

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