Undertaking a New Cultural Mission, Shanghai Literature and Art Workers: Adhering to the Construction of "Two Combinations" | Innovation | Culture

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:27 PM

"'it is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point.' General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development aroused a warm response from the cultural circles all over the country. " In an interview with reporters yesterday, Gu Hao, vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Literature and Art, chairman of the Shanghai dramatists Association, and party committee secretary of the Shanghai Opera Art Center, said: "as inheritors and practitioners of excellent Chinese traditional culture, we have strengthened the mission of opera workers in the new era, and only by constantly deepening the regular understanding of cultural construction can we better shoulder the new cultural mission."

Protecting Roots and Veins: Finding a Source of Living Water in Chinese Civilization

It is a consensus among Shanghai literary, artistic, and cultural workers to better shoulder new cultural missions. The Shanghai Opera House is dedicated to creating the national opera "March of the Volunteers" and the dance drama "Nine Years of Yonghe". Xu Zhong, the director of Shanghai Opera House, hopes that the two works can excavate the treasure trove of red culture, Shanghai style culture, and Jiangnan culture, innovate expression methods, and create high-quality works that are aimed at young people and the future.

Undertaking a New Cultural Mission, Shanghai Literature and Art Workers: Adhering to the Construction of "Two Combinations" | Innovation | Culture

"the speech of the General Secretary encourages us not to forget China's history and the roots of Chinese civilization, but also to base ourselves on the present and face the future. This is a spur to us writers and artists. " As a conductor and pianist, Xu Zhong said, "We have been exploring how to tell Chinese stories, spread Chinese voices, and show a credible, lovely and respectable image of China." For example, when acting in Wagner's opera, I often wonder whether I can use the story of the Classic of Mountains and Seas to interpret the Ring of Nieberon Root and the story of Nu Yi to make up the sky to interpret the Goddess of Martial Arts. I hope that through such a collision, carry out deeper exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. "

In recent years, the Shanghai opera industry has adhered to the "two combinations", insisting on writing for the people, expressing emotions for the people, and expressing emotions for the people, promoting creative prosperity, and striving to cultivate talents with both moral and artistic qualities. Deeply exploring the spiritual connotations of red culture, Shanghai style culture, and Jiangnan culture, we will focus on planning and launching a series of high-quality works that adhere to tradition, innovation, and cultivate the soul through Bacon, such as Peking Opera, Kunqu Opera, Shanghai Opera, Yue Opera, Huai Opera, and Pingtan, among other traditional opera troupes in Shanghai. In 2022, with the care and support of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe made every effort to create the complete version of "The Peony Pavilion", becoming the only literary and artistic troupe in the country to fully perform Tang Xianzu's original work "The Peony Pavilion" for 55 times. Experts consider it a "major cultural event of Chinese opera this year". The protagonist of the drama, Luo Chenxue, won the 31st China Drama Plum Blossom Award, and the protagonist, Hu Weilu, won the first place in the Best Actor Award at the 31st Shanghai Magnolia Drama Performance Art Award. One good play bloomed two flowers, and it became a beautiful story.

"The inheritance and development of traditional Chinese opera art can only be achieved by finding a source of vitality in Chinese civilization, guarding the roots and protecting the pulse, and learning from the past and the present. Only by using traditional Chinese opera vocabulary can we construct Chinese narratives, expressions, and values with integrity and innovation, so that the world can see and understand them. This has profound significance for further cultivating cultural confidence and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Gu Haohao sighed," We must adhere to cultural confidence and tell our own stories from the source. The development of traditional Chinese opera is also the source culture. To develop traditional Chinese opera art well, the foundation must be stable, so as to accelerate development and uphold integrity and innovation. Traditional Chinese opera art, inheritance first, has led to the young talents of Shanghai opera in the past two years. "" Hua, the repertoire not only includes new compilations, but also a large number of traditional plays, paying tribute to classics, interpreting classics, creating classics, inheriting classics, and endowing traditional Chinese opera art with new expressions of the times. "

Undertaking a New Cultural Mission, Shanghai Literature and Art Workers: Adhering to the Construction of "Two Combinations" | Innovation | Culture

Cultural Consciousness: Continuing Tradition, Understanding the Present, Imagining the Future

"Even if no one remembers us in the future, this is the only place we are willing to give everything for... When you go to Longhua again, in March or April, when the peach blossoms bloom, report to Enta and take a look at Longhua and Shanghai for me." After the release of the novel "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" written by Sun Ganlu, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Writers Association and famous writer, many readers, especially young readers, were moved. As the leading literary creation project of the Longhua Revolutionary Martyrs series launched in Shanghai, "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" has been reprinted multiple times, achieving the intention of multilingual output. The film and television transformation and adaptation based on the novel's mother text are being fully promoted. The critics believe that "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" is an important literary achievement in writing and promoting the great spirit of building the Party in the new era. It not only adheres to and inherits the tradition of writing red classics, but also makes impressive creative transformation and innovative development.

At the same time, the promotion of nationwide reading and the construction of physical bookstores have become a bright color of Shanghai's urban culture. "Just like the slogan put forward by the Sinan Reading Club, which has become one of the national cultural brands, when it was founded - to continue tradition, understand the present, and imagine the future, whether it is literature, art workers, or Shanghai citizens in Shanghai, there is a conscious and genuine action of this culture."

Undertaking a New Cultural Mission, Shanghai Literature and Art Workers: Adhering to the Construction of "Two Combinations" | Innovation | Culture

Open and Inclusive: Actively Cooperating with International First Class Cultural and Art Institutions

Xu Zhong believes that this is a comprehensive grasp of Chinese civilization and also points out the direction for building modern civilization of the Chinese nation. "Chinese culture has always been inclusive, open and inclusive. Recently, international artists are accelerating their return to the stage of Shanghai, and world-class cultural and artistic institutions are actively cooperating with us, which shows their recognition of Chinese civilization and confidence in Shanghai, a socialist modern international cultural metropolis."

"after the 20th CPC National Congress, we began a new journey of Chinese-style modernization, which is a period of reshaping the self-confidence of Chinese civilization and a new historical era for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization. In the recent thematic educational activities, we read the original works to understand the principles and reviewed the 'two combinations' put forward by the General Secretary in his important speech celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Communist Party of China. That is to say, "persist in combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's concrete reality and with China's excellent traditional culture." Gu said, "Cultural confidence is more basic, broader, deeper, and more fundamental than road confidence, theoretical confidence, and institutional confidence." In the future, the 'two combinations' will continue to encourage and support us to deeply explore the ideological connotations in Chinese traditional culture that are conducive to the current national development and construction, and to take the courage to take the lead, to uphold integrity and innovation, to spread classics, and to interpret classics. to enhance our cultural confidence in continuing the historical context and writing contemporary Chinese chapters! "

Undertaking a New Cultural Mission, Shanghai Literature and Art Workers: Adhering to the Construction of "Two Combinations" | Innovation | Culture

"as a mega-city in China and at the forefront of reform and opening up, Shanghai has always undertaken special missions and requirements. We still have a lot of practical work to do on how to implement and implement the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech in our future work. " Sun Ganlu said.

In Xu Zhong's view, in order for Shanghai to build a socialist modern international cultural metropolis, it is necessary to vigorously promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, maintain firm cultural confidence, and stand at the peak of equal dialogue with the world. "Our job is to make the world understand and appreciate Shanghai through original and exquisite works. The profound and extensive traditional Chinese culture we rely on is our strongest backing on the world stage. We need to find a voice that the whole world can understand and tell our own stories as a nation."

The documentary "Elephant Journey" will be released in 2024, and the migration journey of wild elephants in Yunnan will be brought to IMAX screen company | Production | Elephant Journey
The documentary "Elephant Journey" will be released in 2024, and the migration journey of wild elephants in Yunnan will be brought to IMAX screen company | Production | Elephant Journey

IMAX, Singapore Beach Villa Film Co., Ltd., a production company under Blue Ant Media, and China International Communications Group Interpret China Studio announced on July 3 that they will jointly produce the documentary film "Elephant Journey". This film will document the migration journey of wild Asian elephant herds that began in 2020, presenting the habitat of wild elephant herds - the hidden scenery of Yunnan, China, and revealing the stories and little-known secrets between humans and wild elephants. The documentary film has a duration of approximately 90 minutes and is currently being produced in China using IMAX cameras. It is planned to be released in IMAX theaters in 2024. "Elephant Journey" not only presents the relationship between humans and wild elephants, but also records from a new perspective the well-known departure of 16 wild Asian elephants in March 2020

Exploring new possibilities, not blindly copying dance dramas, dance drama documentary film "Eternal Radio Waves" started filming on July 1st in Shanghai | Documentary | Movie
Exploring new possibilities, not blindly copying dance dramas, dance drama documentary film "Eternal Radio Waves" started filming on July 1st in Shanghai | Documentary | Movie

On the morning of July 1st, the rehearsal hall of Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe was transformed into a movie set. The camera, lighting, track, and rocker arm are in place, and through director Zheng Dasheng's monitor, the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe actors can be seen in high-definition shots, with their bodies dancing and the camera moving in perfect coordination. Zheng Dasheng was wearing a hoodie with four words printed on his back: "Be brave.". Making a popular dance drama into a movie does require courage. During the filming process, it was even more important to be bold and meticulous. A dance scene between "Li Xia" and "Little Tailor" was repeatedly filmed. Director Zheng Dasheng stared closely at the monitor. This was the first day of filming for the dance drama documentary film "Eternal Waves", and the set was busy and orderly. This film was directed by the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and co produced by the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe under SMG and Shangshi Film Industry. It also directed the film "1921"

Supporting the stable growth of the cultural and creative industry, Pudong New Area has launched the "Five Ones" refined service industry | Enterprises | Cultural and Creative
Supporting the stable growth of the cultural and creative industry, Pudong New Area has launched the "Five Ones" refined service industry | Enterprises | Cultural and Creative

The 2023 Key Cultural and Creative Enterprises Stable Growth Service Season in Pudong New Area was launched on June 16th. The event is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Pudong New Area Committee, aiming to integrate comprehensive resources such as government departments, industry experts, entrepreneur representatives, and social institutions, optimize the development ecology of cultural and creative enterprises, and promote higher quality development of the cultural and creative industry. During the activity season, a group of cultural and creative industry stable growth service leading mentors were hired, and at the same time, the "Yiqi Tongxin" service specialist team officially made its debut. In the future, it will create "Five Ones" heartwarming services, namely "one dedicated line", "one email", "one information exchange platform", "one park enterprise interactive WeChat matrix", and "one special coordination specialist team". The team will focus on serving as policy communicators, problem coordinators, and development escorts, continuously optimizing the business environment with down-to-earth and thoughtful services, and enabling enterprises to

A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition Appears at the Magnolia | Xu Jinping | Works Exhibition
A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition Appears at the Magnolia | Xu Jinping | Works Exhibition

The solo exhibition "A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition" by Xu Jinping, a Chinese painter and vice chairman of the Shanxi Artists Association, was held at the Shanghai Xinjinjie Art Space from June 3 to July 10. This exhibition showcases nearly 20 works created by Xu Jinping in recent years with the theme of magnolias. Xu Jinping's flower and bird paintings combine the overall poetic beauty and fresh charm, showing the special charm of the blending of form and spirit. The thousand branches and ten thousand stamens of magnolia flowers in his pen rise up, as if soaking in snow, showcasing a noble temperament against the backdrop of ancient architecture. Xu Jinping uses clever blank space and exquisite techniques to convey the essence and aesthetic taste of traditional Chinese art in his light and natural brushstrokes. The exhibition is under the academic guidance of Mao Shi'an, Vice Chairman of the China Association of Literary Critics. He stated, "Mr. Xu's works..."

Hu Ge: Being caught off guard in the face of life is a worthwhile trip | Liu Jiayin | Hu Ge
Hu Ge: Being caught off guard in the face of life is a worthwhile trip | Liu Jiayin | Hu Ge

"On July 13, 2021, after reading the script sent to me by Teacher Cao Baoping, Hu Ge and the director added us on WeChat. I saw a topic we usually avoid - death - in the script of" Not Void This Journey ". Eastern culture is not very willing to face death, so people are not very prepared and death catches people off guard. I have a similar experience." "Not Void This Journey" was produced by Cao Baoping, written and directed by Liu Jiayin, and led by Hu Ge, starring Wu Lei. Qi Xi starred, with Bai Ke playing a special role. The movie tells the story of an ordinary screenwriter named Wen Shan who falls behind and begins to make a living by writing eulogies. Through his encounters with various ordinary people, Wen Shan comforts others and gains warmth, ultimately finding his own self