Fully promoting the "dual carbon" strategy, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank fulfills its responsible banking principles report | Bank | Principles

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:28 PM

On the eve of World Environment Day on June 5th, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, as the first commercial bank in Shanghai to commit to fulfilling the United Nations Responsible Banking Principles, released the 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report and the first Responsible Banking Principles Report, as well as the 2022 Environmental Information Disclosure Report and TCFD Report. According to the latest ESG rating results released by the international authoritative index agency Mingsheng, the bank was included in the MSCI ESG rating for the first time in 2022 and received the highest A-level rating from domestic listed banks, as well as the A-level rating from Wanda WIND ESG.

In its public disclosure, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank introduced its efforts in deepening inclusive finance, serving the real economy, integrating human and nature, improving corporate governance, and optimizing customer service. Since signing the Responsible Banking Principles in October 2022, the bank has been benchmarking against international standards, steadily strengthening the development of green business, continuously improving the green financial management system, and laying a solid foundation for achieving the "dual carbon" goals.

Increase green investment to support sustainable social development

Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank actively implements the national "dual carbon" strategy, practices the concept of sustainable development, promotes green development with financial power, and vigorously promotes green finance. The bank's green finance related business saw significant growth in 2022, with a green credit balance of 43.567 billion yuan at the end of 2022, a year-on-year increase of 120.32%; At the end of 2022, the balance of green bond investment was 9.034 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 150.94%.

Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank aims to build the most green bank in the Yangtze River Delta, with a focus on developing diversified green financial products and services in green fields such as green agriculture, green buildings, green energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, including ecological loans, carbon emission rights/emission rights pledge loans, contract energy management pledge loans, etc.

Green agriculture, rural areas, and farmers empower common prosperity

The suburban agricultural characteristic town in Shanghai is famous for mushroom cultivation. One of the leading enterprises, a professional mushroom cooperative in Shanghai, has made its annual output the "highest in Shanghai" with its modern agricultural cultivation model. Its unique green circular production model also solves the resource reuse of agricultural waste such as straw and livestock manure in the surrounding areas.

The cooperative continuously explores and connects various links in the industrial chain, driving the technological improvement and income increase of surrounding small and micro cooperatives and farmers, creating a characteristic mushroom town in Jiangnan, and achieving a "three win" model of green and circular development, cooperative cooperation with agriculture, and farmers' income increase and wealth creation.

Based on the business model of the leading cooperative and the funding needs of its upstream and downstream agricultural entities, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank has tailored financial services for the mushroom industry chain, providing credit support for small and micro cooperatives, farmers, and downstream mushroom distributors in the industry chain, using their business and trade data with the leading cooperative as credit enhancement. As of now, it has provided over 30 million yuan in loan funding support to various small and micro cooperatives, farmers, and mushroom distributors in its industrial chain.

The integrated development of the agricultural industry chain is an important way to promote the high-quality development of the agricultural industry. The agricultural industry chain financial model launched by Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank can effectively leverage the empowering effect of finance on rural revitalization, provide effective guarantees for farmers to increase their income, and drive common prosperity for farmers.

Fully promoting the "dual carbon" strategy, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank fulfills its responsible banking principles report | Bank | Principles

"Water saving and Benefiting" Loans Empowering Social Governance

In April 2023, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank signed a special cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Municipal Water Bureau on "water conservation and benefits", and a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Pudong Water Co., Ltd. The intended credit is used to support the deep treatment and renovation of water plants, water supply and drainage network renovation, sewage treatment and other water supply and drainage infrastructure construction in the southern area of Pudong. According to calculations, the leakage rate of pipelines in the Nanhui area will significantly decrease after the water network renovation. The daily water savings are at least 78000 cubic meters, and the annual water savings are at least nearly 29 million cubic meters, equivalent to the water storage capacity of two drip lakes. This business has become the first "water-saving and beneficial" loan for water network renovation in the city, effectively assisting people's livelihood security, practicing green finance, and empowering social governance with financial power.

In 2020, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank provided a "package" credit plan for the renovation of the old water supply network in the southern part of Pudong, with a credit limit of 1.164 billion yuan, fully covering the series of projects with a term of up to 15 years. At the same time, it opened up a green channel and flexibly arranged the withdrawal cycle, injecting strong "source of fresh water" into the completion and implementation of the project. Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank continues to practice green finance, continuously improving its service capabilities, building the lifeline of urban water supply, and helping the city become more beautiful and live better.

Strengthening data empowerment and exploring diversified econometric applications

Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank continuously strengthens the role of data calculation in the management process of green finance. The 2022 Environmental Information Disclosure Report of the bank mentioned the situation of carbon emissions calculation at the investment and financing level and its own operational level: the bank's carbon dioxide emissions from investment and financing activities in 2022 were 6.9677 million tons, and its own operational carbon dioxide emissions were 55800 tons. The carbon accounting results help the bank understand its carbon emission base, provide important reference data for setting goals for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and lay a foundation for exploring innovation in carbon finance products.

The report also mentions the environmental benefits calculation results of full green project loans and on balance sheet green bond investments. Environmental benefits calculation can effectively measure the direct impact of each business on the environment, providing support for the bank to deepen differentiated management and carry out financial product innovation linked to environmental benefits. In addition, the bank has pioneered the quantitative analysis of climate and physical risks for credit bond entities, evaluating the physical risk level that the current geographical region and industry distribution of holding credit bonds will bring. The relevant analysis results can help the bank further analyze the impact of physical risks on credit bond entities and the bank's financial aspects, and explore corresponding risk management measures.

Preliminary Exploration of Carbon Emission Calculation for Investment and Financing

Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank is actively exploring carbon emission measurement for investment and financing. According to the methods for calculating carbon emissions from loans in the carbon accounting financial partnership, carbon emissions are calculated for corporate loans on the balance sheet.

The total carbon emissions of the high carbon industry in 2022 were 889529.38 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, with a carbon emission intensity of 219.05 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent/million yuan, a decrease of 10.39% compared to the carbon emission intensity of high carbon industry loans in 2021. In the future, the bank will continue to conduct carbon emission calculations for investment and financing, maintain dynamic monitoring of loan carbon emissions, and cooperate with the progress of the national dual carbon policy to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Physical risk analysis of credit bond subjects

Fully promoting the "dual carbon" strategy, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank fulfills its responsible banking principles report | Bank | Principles

Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank has pioneered the quantitative analysis of climate physical risks for credit bond entities. For a specific type of climate physical disaster, the physical risk faced by the credit bond subject can be calculated through a professional climate physical risk assessment database based on their region, industry, and company size. The larger a company in the industry, the stronger its ability to withstand disasters compared to other companies in the industry. The vulnerability of different industries to climate disasters also varies, such as the real estate industry being more susceptible to the impact of rising sea levels compared to the financial industry.

The analysis results show that under the background of climate change, the main physical risks faced by the credit bond holders of the bank's holdings are high temperature heatwaves, followed by water scarcity, extreme cold, drought, and floods, with lower risks of ecological environment damage and sea level rise. The relevant analysis will be applied to the risk assessment work of the bank, and as the relevant data continues to accumulate, the overall risk prevention level will be improved.

Practicing energy-saving transformation and promoting carbon neutrality with high gold content

In order to effectively monitor the energy consumption data of the entire bank in a more scientific, accurate, and authentic manner, and provide strong data support for energy consumption levels and energy-saving potential, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank has promoted the construction of an energy monitoring system for all bank branches in recent years. In 2022, the construction of an energy data statistics platform was completed, data reporting was improved, and energy auditing, energy-saving supervision, and energy consumption information disclosure were strengthened.

The upgraded "Xin Engineering" platform can provide real-time feedback and data aggregation for remote monitoring, providing analytical data support for energy use and efficiency improvement.

Zhangjiang Technology Branch Increase Carbon Neutrality and Gold Content

Starting from 2021, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank Zhangjiang Technology Branch will achieve carbon neutrality, becoming the first banking business venue in Shanghai to achieve carbon neutrality. In 2022, Zhangjiang Science and Technology Branch will further tap into the potential for energy conservation, improve equipment operation efficiency, and promote the effective implementation of energy-saving and emission reduction measures. From November 2021 to October 2022, the carbon emissions of Zhangjiang Science and Technology Branch were 86.05 tons, a 44% decrease from November 2020 to October 2021.

On June 5th, which is the annual World Environment Day, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank stated that it will take the signing of the PRB principle as an opportunity to benchmark against advanced industry and international standards, promote dual carbon work with high standards and strict requirements, and strive to become a green finance benchmark in the domestic rural commercial bank field, and strive to become the bank with the most green development background in the Yangtze River Delta.

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