Is it easier to get ashore? Which position has the most competition? , National Examination Expansion

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:15 AM

Registration for the 2024 National Examination ends at 18:00 on October 24.

The enrollment scale for this national examination has been expanded to 39,600, an increase of 6.6% compared to last year, and an increase of 172% compared to 2019 five years ago.

But does the expansion of enrollment mean that it will be easier to get ashore?

Which positions in the national examination are the most competitive this year? Which majors are more popular? What changes have occurred in the national examination recruitment and application situation in various provinces and cities?

Judging from the national examination data in the past five years, there are only updated papers, not the latest papers.

In 2020, the number of people recruited for the national examination plan is 24,100. Although there are 15,000 fewer positions than this year, the application ratio is 1:59.5, which means about 60 people compete for one position.

In the following years, the application ratio increased year by year, reaching 1:70 in 2023, with an average of 10 more people competing for each position.

According to the latest data, judging from the number of people who have passed the review, this year's registration ratio is 1:66. Although it is lower than the situation in the previous two years, it has been among the top few in the past ten years, and the competition is still fierce.

Judging from the number of applicants, this year’s registration ratio reached 1:73.66, which was higher than the 1:67.40 in the same period last year.

In different provinces, the enrollment expansion and competition situation of the national examination are also slightly different.

Among the 31 provinces, compared with 2023, Guangdong has the largest number of students enrolled in the national examination in 2024, at 553.

Beijing and Jilin have reduced their enrollment by 208 and 82 respectively. However, Beijing, as the municipality with the largest number of central agencies and directly affiliated institutions, has always been at the forefront of recruitment.

Judging from the application-to-admission ratio, among the registrations for this year’s national examination, Tibet has the highest score, with an application-to-admission ratio of 141:1, far exceeding Beijing and Guizhou, which ranked second and third.

The lowest is Heilongjiang, with a ratio of 33:1.

The changing papers of the national examination are also reflected in its requirements for academic qualifications and majors.

On the one hand, the academic qualification threshold for the national examination has been raised.

The national examination position list over the years shows that from 2018 to 2024, the proportion of positions that can be applied for with a college degree dropped from 2.6% to 0.1% of the total positions. This means that for college students, the national examination is no longer a relatively friendly "battlefield" for academic qualifications.

At the same time, during these six years, the proportion of national examination positions for undergraduates has also dropped from 52.5% in 2018 to 41.2% in 2024, showing an overall downward trend.

In comparison, the proportion of positions that can only be applied for with a graduate degree has increased overall.

In the 2024 national examination, this proportion rose to 6.7%, 2.8 percentage points more than in 2018. Among them, the number of positions for which only doctoral degree candidates can apply increased to 0.06%, reaching the peak in recent years.

It can be seen that the demand for highly educated talents in government departments is indeed expanding, and the competitiveness of undergraduate degrees is no longer as good as before.

However, it is worth noting that although the proportion of positions for which only undergraduates can apply for the examination has declined, it is still higher than the proportion of positions for which only graduate students apply. Therefore, undergraduates still have more abundant job options in the national examination and have certain advantages. Advantages of applying.

On the other hand, the professional restrictions for the national examination have become more stringent.

One of the most important features of the most popular "three unrestricted" positions in the national examination is that there are no major restrictions. However, official data shows that there will only be 29 and 17 positions without professional restrictions in 2023 and 2024 respectively.

From 2018 to 2022, the number of such positions will always be more than 100. Compared with the past, the number of positions regardless of major has shrunk significantly.

However, the majors most favored by the national examination have not changed much.

The demand for talents in the economic and Internet fields is significant.

In the 2024 national examination, economics, finance, finance, computers, accounting, law, statistics, language and literature, business administration and e-commerce occupy the top ten.

The only difference is that compared with the 2023 national examination rankings, in this year's recruitment, the finance major broke out, with 12,840 people recruited for positions in this major, accounting for 32.5% of the total recruitment.

The reason for this is that in the civil service system, the economic sector has a greater demand for talents, and related majors are more "popular". In recent years, with the development of technology, computer majors have also been favored by the national examination.

The tax bureau has the most jobs, and requirements for fresh graduates are being relaxed

The number of people taking the national examination has increased year by year, but when broken down, the situation is different for different positions.

From the data point of view, the popularity of positions is related to the application requirements. Generally, the competition for positions without working experience requirements or professional requirements is fierce.

In recent years, the positions with the highest application rates for the national examination are mainly concentrated in local tax bureaus and the local survey teams of the National Bureau of Statistics. Among them, the Taxation Bureau is also a major employer. This year, a total of 10,056 positions are open for registration, accounting for 53% of the total, but demand still exceeds supply.

Data from China Public Education Bureau shows that as of 17:30 on October 24, the most competitive position is "First-level Chief Staff Officer and below of the Ningxia Survey Corps Business Division" of the Ningxia Survey Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics, with 3,572 people competing for one position .

At the same time, some positions have many restrictions, making it difficult for people to apply for them.

For example, there are currently no applicants for the position of "Border Inspection Station Level 4 Sheriff" at the Guangzhou Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station. Although there are no work experience restrictions, only graduates with a master's degree in Arabic language and literature can apply.

As for the "Guangzhou Railway Public Security Department Grassroots Police", those with a bachelor's degree or above already meet the requirements, but if they have not served in the military for more than five years, they can only be discouraged.

But overall, such positions are only in the minority. In fact, the restrictions on work experience in the national examination are being relaxed year by year.

Compared with 2021, although there are 599 more positions with restrictions on grass-roots working years this year, the proportion is only 14.6%, a drop of nearly two percentage points.

Requirements for experience in grassroots service projects are also declining.

Despite the overall expansion of enrollment, the number of positions for grassroots service projects such as college student village officials, "three supports and one support" and the special position plan for school teachers in rural compulsory education has decreased significantly.

This is also great news for fresh graduates who lack experience.

After 2022, there will be an obvious trend of tilting the resources for the national examination towards fresh graduates, and the planned enrollment ratio of fresh graduates will remain at about 2/3.

With the increase in the number of college graduates, the civil service examination is an inevitable trend for the expansion of the recruitment of fresh graduates.

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