Building a "New Normal" of Investigation and Research Institutions to Connect with the Masses | Party Members | Compulsory Courses

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:33 AM

Investigation and research are the prerequisite and foundation for correct decision-making, the "golden key" to solving problems, the "bridge" and "link" to closely connect with the masses, and also a "compulsory course" for the vast number of party members and cadres. To master the basic skills of investigation and research, it is necessary to do a good job in four aspects.

Finding the key to solving problems

The problem is the voice of the times. On the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, we must "target", aim at "roadblocks" and "stumbling blocks", and implement accurate and effective policies, which is an important foundation for promoting the continuous development of the cause.

The problem is the manifestation of contradiction in things. The existence of contradiction has objectivity and universality. We should start from the issue of "truth", adhere to dialectical materialism, face the diverse and complex contradictions that constrain high-quality development, focus on difficulties, bottlenecks, and bottlenecks, and identify the root causes and crux of the problems. We should start with the "good" issues, focus on the long-term problems that exist in the practice of reform and development, and the urgent and difficult problems that concern grassroots people. We should adhere to the combination of theory and practice, foresight and timeliness, and foundation and long-term benefits. We should identify the connecting points, key points, and breakthrough points, and lay a solid foundation for solving problems.

Keep your eyes down and listen to the voices of grassroots people when encountering difficulties, complex situations, and sharp contradictions. Avoid sitting in the office "patting your head" or "walking around" when encountering problems.

"Public Opinion" is a compulsory course

The mass line is the lifeline and fundamental work line of our party. To master the compulsory course of investigation and research, we must always adhere to the principle of putting everything for the people, relying on the people, and coming from among the people.

The people are the creators of history. Only by deeply rooted in the fertile soil of the masses can we ensure the flourishing of the Party's cause. Investigation and research need to explore the root causes of problems and seek solutions, and in this process, the people are a crucial link that cannot be bypassed. As creators of material and spiritual life, the people contain infinite wisdom and creativity, which cannot be learned from books, heard in meetings, or imagined in offices.

We should worship the people as our teachers and learn from them. Efforts should be made to solve the most concerning, direct, and practical problems of the masses. Putting down one's airs, throwing oneself down, going deep into reality and grassroots, sitting on a bench next to the people, chatting heartfelt and heartwarming daily life, treating the people with sincerity, sincerely listening to their opinions, comprehensively and truthfully grasping their thoughts, concerns, and other "first-hand information", making the interests of the people the highest interest, and formulating good policies that follow public opinion and warm people's hearts.

Follow effect orientation

The fundamental purpose of investigation is to solve practical problems. Comrade Mao Zedong once vividly pointed out that "investigation is like having a baby in October, and solving problems is like giving birth in one day.". It can be seen that investigation is the prerequisite and foundation for solving problems, and solving problems is the ultimate goal and fundamental purpose of investigation and research.

The effectiveness of research must be tested in practical work. In response to the problems found in the research, we should have a sense of responsibility of "constantly feeling uneasy", sort out and form a list of problems, responsibilities, and tasks one by one, and promote the transformation of research results into practical measures to solve problems and improve work. Solve problems that meet the conditions immediately; For those that are not yet mature, listen to opinions from multiple parties, carefully study and formulate work plans, timely release a "timetable" and "roadmap", and promote early resolution; For those that have already been implemented, continuous tracking and feedback should be provided, and adjustments and optimizations should be made in a timely manner to ensure thorough implementation and achieve practical results.

Investigation and research are valuable in their effectiveness, and problem-solving research is the key to winning people's hearts. The fake approach of not solving problems and the "bonsai style" research that is superficial and detached from reality fundamentally deviate from the nature and purpose of the Party, and may also delay the best time to solve problems, which is unacceptable.

Building a New Normal for Investigation and Research Institutions

The more complex contradictions and problems one faces, the more important it is to find ideas and solutions in investigation and research. Faced with the current "two major situations", the risks, challenges, and difficulties of reform, development, and stability are even more complex. We are more urgent than ever to investigate and study this heirloom of the Party.

The theme education provides important guidance for the excellent tradition of conducting investigations and research for the great rejuvenation of the entire party. We must adhere to the establishment of regulations and systems, continuously improve the normal long-term mechanism, and make investigation and research an important guideline for every party member and cadre to think, make decisions, and handle matters. Based on reality, further improve the "research before decision-making" work system, strengthen the standardization and concretization of work, promote the effective transformation of research results, create a strong research atmosphere, and ensure the implementation and fruitful results of research work.

The majority of Party members and cadres should further enhance their political consciousness of attaching importance to investigation and research, innovate the methods and methods of investigation and research, go deep into the frontline of the grass-roots level through multiple channels, listen to the voice of the masses, find out the situation, follow the pulse, practically improve their ability to respond to and open up new situations through investigation and research, and gather the collective wisdom and powerful force to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

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