Folk voice

"Home delivery" comes first, tracking | Yunda Express: adjust delivery voice notification to consumers | Express | Voice
"Home delivery" comes first, tracking | Yunda Express: adjust delivery voice notification to consumers | Express | Voice

On June 14th, the Liberation Daily Shangguan News published an article titled "618 is approaching, be careful of this delivery phone number! Are consumers really" voluntarily "giving up delivery to their doorstep?" pointing out that Yunda Express's practice of using "consumers hanging up the delivery notification phone number" as "confirming delivery to a temporary storage point" is inappropriate. After the report was published, Yunda Express stated that after verification, it had requested the technical department to make improvements. In the new phone delivery notice, Yunda will follow the order of "if you need to deliver to your doorstep, please press 1, if you want to place it at the collection point, please press 2, and if you want to place it at the express cabinet, please press 3", listen to consumer requests and deliver according to the schedule. Yunda officials also stated that if consumers do not receive delivery notification calls or do not make a selection, the system defaults to "door-to-door delivery". The reporter also noticed that many readers left messages in the background about whether the express delivery was successful or not

Tiktok's new regulations prohibit account agency operation, tracking | crack down on false public welfare qualification of "bad sales" | platform | account
Tiktok's new regulations prohibit account agency operation, tracking | crack down on false public welfare qualification of "bad sales" | platform | account

Not long ago, the Shanghai debunking platform published a draft titled "How to Detect Fake Charity in Short Videos by Supporting Elderly People with 3000 yuan and Recovering 2800 yuan...", exposing accounts attempting to fabricate false scenes and engage in false public welfare activities under the pretext of "helping farmers," "helping the poor," and "helping the disabled.". In response to this phenomenon, Tiktok recently released the latest specification on public welfare content governance, which requires that "if an account initiates charity fundraising on the platform, the subject should hold relevant qualifications and be certified in accordance with the regulations". In addition, the new regulations clearly require that "public welfare accounts are not allowed to engage in profit-making activities such as live streaming tipping and e-commerce sales." Charity fundraising initiated by accounts must be strictly certified. Since 2023, some false public welfare incidents have occurred frequently, such as impersonating low-income groups in live streaming rooms to seek tipping, or daily income, living standards, and so on

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai
Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

Starting from the end of May this year, the hospitalization deposit free policy for low-income earners in Shanghai has finally been implemented, allowing them to enjoy the benefits without application. In Shanghai, low-income earners can enjoy various related assistance benefits according to policies, such as reducing or exempting deposits when hospitalized. However, the procedures for handling the relevant benefits for low-income earners are extremely cumbersome: they must first go to the community affairs acceptance center to issue a paper certificate to prove that they are low-income earners, and they must "handle each matter one by one". A time-consuming and labor-intensive proof has increased the cost of handling affairs for the masses and discounted the policy of benefiting the people. In April of this year, after continuously hearing the opinions of citizens, two social workers from Tianping Road Street in Xuhui District submitted suggestions for improvement to the Municipal Petition Office and the Municipal Collection Office through the channels of soliciting suggestions from the people. On the occasion of carrying out theme education, the Municipal Petition Office and the Municipal Collection Office have collaborated with the city

Be careful of this courier phone number! Are consumers really "actively" giving up on home delivery?, 618 Nearby Consumers | Express | Phone
Be careful of this courier phone number! Are consumers really "actively" giving up on home delivery?, 618 Nearby Consumers | Express | Phone

"Why did the express delivery company deliver the goods to the temporary storage point when they were clearly requested to be delivered to their doorstep? They also claimed that after confirmation by the consumer, what was going on? Recently, Mr. Li, a consumer, complained to the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter about Yunda Express, believing that the express delivery company did not deliver the goods to their doorstep without the consumer's permission.". The investigation found that Yunda's "no delivery to home" policy has a hidden reason: it actually misleads consumers into choosing not to provide door-to-door services through phone settings. The reporter purchased two products online and requested the merchant to use Yunda Express. A few days later, the logistics records showed that all the goods had arrived in Shanghai and were being delivered. Next, the reporter received a call from "95126", with the caller being a robot. The approximate meaning was: "You have a Yunda Express that is currently being delivered. Do you agree to place it at the temporary storage point? If you agree, please hang up. If you disagree, please press 2."

Is there a restaurant fined for it?, Why does someone suffer from shock after eating "cold salad cucumber"? It's a hot topic on the search for cold salad | cucumber | shock
Is there a restaurant fined for it?, Why does someone suffer from shock after eating "cold salad cucumber"? It's a hot topic on the search for cold salad | cucumber | shock

Recently, "cold mixed cucumbers" have been a bit "hot": First, there were media reports that a 67 year old man in Hangzhou had septic shock after consuming a plate of cold mixed cucumbers that were refrigerated overnight. He was rescued and finally recovered; Then, the news that "a number of restaurants in Shanghai were punished for adding cucumber shreds in Liangpi" went on a hot search. Some netizens wondered whether they could not sell "Liangpi+cucumber shreds"? In fact, the core of these topics is not cucumber, but the safety of cold and raw food. The main reason for the punishment of relevant catering enterprises is that "Liangpi+shredded cucumber" and "cold cucumber" belong to the cold food category, and the food safety requirements are high, so the corresponding business license is required. If a catering enterprise produces and sells such products without a license, it means illegal operation and will naturally be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law. Not all restaurants can sell "cold cucumber salad"

600000 brands have been sold quietly, and the vacuum packaging | products | brands have been officially launched in the Zongzi war in Shanghai
600000 brands have been sold quietly, and the vacuum packaging | products | brands have been officially launched in the Zongzi war in Shanghai

"It's crazy! 600000 Zongzi have been sold this year, and the zongmiang in the factory needs to make 1000 Zongzi every day, so we can't pack and deliver them. The Dragon Boat Festival officially started last week, but the gross estimate is that 800000 or even 1 million will be sold by the Dragon Boat Festival." The excitement of Shen Chao, the head of the time-honored brand Shao Wansheng E-commerce, can be heard on the phone - and the reporter made several calls before getting through. These two days, Zongzi has become the leading role of the traditional Dim sum market in Shanghai, appearing in the C position of the display cabinet. It is not difficult to find out that Zongzi is eaten every year, but there are still some changes this year: there are fewer new and unique Zongzi, but consumers' evaluation is high. A small Zongzi once again brings the topic of "inheritance and innovation of traditional Dim sum" to people. Is there a new answer in the market? Which Zongzi is the most popular

What exactly should we do?, Supervision is just a formality... knocking on the "load-bearing wall" has made homeowners feel lucky and report to the community
What exactly should we do?, Supervision is just a formality... knocking on the "load-bearing wall" has made homeowners feel lucky and report to the community

As the backbone of building construction, load-bearing walls support the weight of the upper floors and are an indispensable load-bearing component of the building. However, in order to expand the usage space or achieve one's own decoration effect, the behavior of destroying "load-bearing walls" is common. Since the beginning of this year, several barbaric renovations across the country have once again made "load-bearing walls" a hot topic of discussion. Recently, Ms. Chu, a resident of Shanghai, discovered that since the delivery of her affordable housing community at the end of last year, homeowners have been smashing walls during the renovation process, which has caused her great concern. "Some people connect two houses together and smash the middle wall, isn't it very dangerous?" With a question, she dialed the complaint hotline. In fact, similar concerns are not uncommon. According to relevant laws and regulations, indiscriminate knocking on "load-bearing walls" has long been explicitly prohibited,

Covering over 6.8227 million people! 2023 Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month concludes with Literacy | Enhancement | Skills
Covering over 6.8227 million people! 2023 Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month concludes with Literacy | Enhancement | Skills

On the afternoon of June 8th, 2023, the results exchange activity and closing ceremony of the Shanghai National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month were successfully held in Jiading. According to statistics, this year's promotion month series of activities covered 215 streets and towns in 16 districts and 63 universities in the city, with a total of 1341 activities carried out. The number of people covered online and offline reached over 6.8227 million. During the event, member units, districts, and training bases of the Shanghai Municipal Coordination Mechanism for Enhancing Digital Literacy and Skills for the Whole People fully utilized their own advantages, tailored a series of characteristic activities based on the needs of citizens, focusing on key groups and radiating various scenes, and deeply practicing the theme of "Digital Empowerment and Sharing for All" in the promotion month. For example, the Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, in conjunction with the Municipal Education Commission and Youth League Municipal Committee, held the first session of digital literacy and skills popularization for primary and secondary school students

How can children's voices be heard?, Dare to think, speak, and do! In these communities of Xuhui, children | children | communities
How can children's voices be heard?, Dare to think, speak, and do! In these communities of Xuhui, children | children | communities

As the lingering sound subsided, a unique concert had just come to an end in the small theater on the second floor of the community party and mass service center located in Tianping Street, Xuhui District. A fearless young host, professional children's judges, and 20 fully devoted "little performers" worked together to create a "June 1st memory" specifically for children, and the laughter of the children continued to waft. From February to March 2023, the theme solicitation activity of "I contribute a plan for the construction of a child friendly urban area in Xuhui" was released to the public, and adding children's activity spaces became a hot topic in the proposal. The holding of this community children's concert is a transformation practice in response to the suggestions. With the continuous efforts of Xuhui District in building a child friendly urban area, in recent years, more and more voices from children and adolescents have emerged

It has been over a year since the implementation of electronic license plates that specialize in driving against traffic and running lights: Why are electric delivery trucks still rampaging on the streets of Shanghai? Delivery | Transportation | Running Lights
It has been over a year since the implementation of electronic license plates that specialize in driving against traffic and running lights: Why are electric delivery trucks still rampaging on the streets of Shanghai? Delivery | Transportation | Running Lights

As far as I have noticed, most delivery and delivery vehicles on the streets have already been equipped with electronic license plates. Why are they still running recklessly and driving in danger? Recently, with the Shanghai traffic police department carrying out a new round of special rectification against various traffic violations of delivery and delivery electric bicycles, traffic violations such as riding in the opposite direction, occupying the road, and running red lights on roads in Shencheng have once again attracted the attention of citizens. Many citizens have reported that there are still significant traffic violations on some road sections and hope to receive further rectification. Previously, in the "What You Hate Most about Traffic Violations" voting event held by the traffic police department, delivery drivers and delivery riders received high votes for traffic violations. In order to address the traffic violations committed by riders, Shanghai had already implemented dedicated electronic license plates with embedded chips for riders as early as the end of 2021

Retrieve 2800 yuan... How to identify fake charity in short videos?, "Funding" 3000 yuan project for the elderly | Video | Charity
Retrieve 2800 yuan... How to identify fake charity in short videos?, "Funding" 3000 yuan project for the elderly | Video | Charity

Go to the "most remote" mountain areas, find the "poorest" villagers, shoot "the most humble" houses, and tell "the most tragic" stories... False posing incidents frequently occur on the Internet platform, and many accounts that fabricate false scenes and implement false public welfare are exposed: the fake charity anchor "Yunnan Bobo" shows the rural elderly in Daliang Mountain in the video to "send money", "subsidize" the elderly for 3000 yuan when shooting the video, and recover 2800 yuan after the video is shot; The fake public welfare organization "Korean Language Team" made a little girl perform in a video, crying uncontrollably, pinching and falsely claiming to help mute mothers and children sell domestic apples, but actually selling apples from out of town suppliers... fabricating stories, selling hardships, and attracting fans to make money, such "tragic scams" have become the code for some self media to become rich. They set the drama according to the script

You can still buy ice cream on weekends... but the experience of the Houtan Riverside Trail is not good? After the report, there were more water purchasing trails | Binjiang | Houtan Binjiang
You can still buy ice cream on weekends... but the experience of the Houtan Riverside Trail is not good? After the report, there were more water purchasing trails | Binjiang | Houtan Binjiang

On May 22nd, the Liberation Daily · Shangguan News published a draft titled "Citizens Report Poor Walking and Cycling Experience on the Houtan Riverside Trail, How to Improve It?" which reported that citizens reported poor leisure experience on the Houtan Riverside Trail and inconvenience in taking public transportation to leave midway. Recently, it was learned through a follow-up visit that the situation reflected in the report has improved. In response to the inconvenience of purchasing water before, the reporter learned through follow-up that in the large dog sports area of Dog GO Park, during the opening hours in the afternoon and evening, tourists who are playing on the trail can purchase drinking water from the staff. Tourists can also go to the nearby MANNER coffee shop to get free direct drinking water. The staff of Shanghai World Expo Cultural Park told reporters that the previously reported unoperated water dispensers will be open for operation during peak weekend park traffic,

How can this park in Songjiang be more convenient for the people?, But I can only "get into the dark"! The lights are dim and there are no guardrails, making it a great destination area for summer nights
How can this park in Songjiang be more convenient for the people?, But I can only "get into the dark"! The lights are dim and there are no guardrails, making it a great destination area for summer nights

Entering Wulonghu Park from the intersection of Rongxing Road and Guangfulin Road, as soon as she turned into the fitness trail area, Ms. Ma skillfully took out her phone and pressed the flashlight button. Relying on this small white beam of light, her exercise time was able to start smoothly. Wulong Lake Park is located in the International Ecological Business District of Zhongshan Street, Songjiang District. The park is built along Wulong Lake and has abundant green resources, as well as public facilities such as fitness trails. However, it is such a "good place for summer nights" that in recent days, citizens have repeatedly "roast" that it is too dark! After receiving feedback from the citizens, the reporter went to the scene as soon as possible. At around 21:00 that evening, when the reporter entered the park from the north square located on Guangfulin Road, many citizens had just entered the park. It is understood that Wulonghu Public

Are all 38 civil servants planned to be hired by a department in Shanghai international students? When will self media stop spreading rumors and causing trouble? Shanghai | International Students | Department
Are all 38 civil servants planned to be hired by a department in Shanghai international students? When will self media stop spreading rumors and causing trouble? Shanghai | International Students | Department

Recently, the self media account "Yang Zhifeng's Practice Log" published an article titled "Internet Explosion! The Judicial System is Being Invaded by Western Ideology", claiming that among the first batch of 38 civil servants planned to be hired by the Shanghai Judicial Bureau in 2023, "most of them are international students with Western education backgrounds", and further discussing the various hidden dangers of international students entering the judicial system. The Shanghai debunking platform verified the public announcement documents but found that the list of personnel proposed to be hired by the Shanghai Judicial Bureau in 2023 did not show that they came from overseas universities. On the contrary, the proportion of personnel from domestic universities was not small, and some showed their current employers. On June 5th, the Shanghai debunking platform further inquired with the Shanghai Judicial Bureau about the background of the admitted candidates. The other party replied to the reporter that our unit has conducted qualification review, interviews, physical examinations, and inspections on the candidates, and has evaluated their qualifications

"Shanghai Huibao" insured persons can call the customer service hotline to apply for insurance. The municipal medical insurance and other departments will respond to the issue of unfamiliar characters. Ladies | apply | customer service
"Shanghai Huibao" insured persons can call the customer service hotline to apply for insurance. The municipal medical insurance and other departments will respond to the issue of unfamiliar characters. Ladies | apply | customer service

When Ms. Mu's phone was dialed again, she was following the text message prompts and gradually completing the insurance process for "Shanghai Huibao" through her father's medical insurance account. "Finally, there's a way!" Her tone was filled with relief. On June 5th, the Liberation Daily · Shangguan News published an article titled "Shanghai Citizens Want to Buy a" Shanghai Huibao ", Unexpectedly Faced with Difficulties? In the Digital Era, How Do Rare Names Get Rid of Difficulties", focusing on the online insurance difficulties faced by the rare name group due to the inability to input or recognize rare Chinese characters in the system. After the publication of the report, the municipal medical insurance department and the "Shanghai Huibao" co insurance body attached great importance and immediately contacted the citizens seeking help to assist in resolving the insurance issue. According to staff analysis, there are two main obstacles for Ms. Mu's online insurance application: on the one hand, due to the use of rare Chinese characters in her name, she is unable to pass through

Completely transformed into "playing dumb bags", Taobao quietly changed the rules of "buying one item at a time", tracking: promotion after exposure | consumers | rules
Completely transformed into "playing dumb bags", Taobao quietly changed the rules of "buying one item at a time", tracking: promotion after exposure | consumers | rules

Recently, the Shanghai debunking platform investigated the promotion method of "buy 1 item at a time" on Taobao, pointing out that the "buy 1 item at a time" product displayed on the page is suspected of fabricating the original price, and does not support viewing product details before consumers place an order, which is suspected of infringing on consumers' right to know. After the publication of the report, many readers expressed the same feeling, believing that the platform does not allow consumers to view prices and details, which is a fraudulent promotion and should be exposed and urged to rectify. Most readers expressed dissatisfaction with "buying one item at a time". A follow-up investigation by reporters found that Taobao has recently quietly changed the presentation method of "buying one item at a time": the originally displayed "original price" is missing, and the page only displays the actual purchase price of the product. However, the issue of being unable to view product details, which has been criticized by consumers, remains unresolved. Many consumers have raised concerns that this not only fails to solve the problem