Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:37 PM

Starting from the end of May this year, the hospitalization deposit free policy for low-income earners in Shanghai has finally been implemented, allowing them to enjoy the benefits without application.

In Shanghai, low-income earners can enjoy various related assistance benefits according to policies, such as reducing or exempting deposits when hospitalized. However, the procedures for handling the relevant benefits for low-income earners are extremely cumbersome: they must first go to the community affairs acceptance center to issue a paper certificate to prove that they are low-income earners, and they must "handle each matter one by one". A time-consuming and labor-intensive proof has increased the cost of handling affairs for the masses and discounted the policy of benefiting the people.

In April of this year, after continuously hearing the opinions of citizens, two social workers from Tianping Road Street in Xuhui District submitted suggestions for improvement to the Municipal Petition Office and the Municipal Collection Office through the channels of soliciting suggestions from the people. At the time of carrying out theme education, the Municipal Petition Office and the Municipal Collection Office collaborated with the Municipal Government Office, the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Xuhui District, and the Municipal Big Data Center to conduct research and rectification, and ultimately solved the problem of difficulty in handling affairs for citizens.

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

The collection of suggestions from the people in Shanghai is precisely to provide channels for the full expression of people's demands and ultimately implement them effectively in the realization of people's wishes.

The "real problem" from the grassroots level

Wu Weijia, Deputy Director of the Tianping Road Street Community Affairs Acceptance Center, was one of the proposers. She conducted some statistics and found that in 2022 alone, the Community Affairs Acceptance Center of Tianping Road Street issued 38 proof materials for low-income individuals to apply for hospitalization deposit exemption.

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

△ Proof materials issued by the Tianping Road Street Community Affairs Acceptance Center for low-income individuals.

Some low-income earners are separated from households, with their household registration in Tianping Road Street, but they live in Songjiang and have to travel back and forth to the suburbs to obtain proof; Some people living on subsistence allowances need to be hospitalized frequently because of physical reasons. "One diabetes patient in the community issued five certificates last year alone"; Some low-income earners have limited mobility or live alone, making it quite difficult for them to go to the community affairs center at once. Wu Weijia said that for low-income earners, obtaining this certificate has become their "annoyance"

The original process of applying for hospitalization deposit exemption for low-income individuals has become their "annoyance" by issuing a certificate offline

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

"Why can't we achieve data 'running errands'?" After summarizing the demands of subsistence allowance personnel heard at the service window, Wu Weijia and colleagues submitted a people's suggestion. They suggest providing the list of low-income individuals to hospitals at the data level. When low-income individuals apply for admission, they can provide their ID information and then match it in the background to support their treatment policies; Alternatively, a "certification" function can be developed for low-income individuals on the "Suishenban" platform, eliminating the hassle of running errands to obtain certification.

△ Tianping Road Street Community Affairs Acceptance Center.

"The problems discovered by grassroots cadres often directly point to the pain points and difficulties of the people, which can better understand their thoughts and expectations, and the suggestions accurately align with the demands of the citizens." The staff of the Municipal Proposal Collection Office stated that the "real problems" discovered by grassroots cadres provide a unique perspective for improving government work. To promote the transformation and implementation of public suggestions, we must achieve genuine rectification and resolution.

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

In Shanghai, simplifying and optimizing public service processes for the convenience of grassroots people has been implemented for many years, and "one-stop service" has already achieved online processing of a large number of matters. Why does this subsistence allowance certificate still require offline errands? What are the "bottlenecks" in data sharing and business linkage? Upon investigation, it was discovered that although the civil affairs department has shared the data of subsistence allowance personnel with the big data center, no optimization has been made for related applications; Meanwhile, the hospital's relevant systems are relatively closed and have not been connected to this data. Therefore, only low-income individuals can obtain their own identification.

In Shanghai, simplifying and optimizing public service processes for the convenience of grassroots people has been implemented for many years, and "one-stop service" has already achieved online processing of a large number of matters. Why does this subsistence allowance certificate still require offline errands?

Departmental linkage promotes "real solutions"

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

How to break through bottlenecks and achieve data "running errands"? Over the past month, the Municipal Government Office took the lead in holding multiple special meetings with the Municipal Health Commission, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Xuhui District, and Municipal Big Data Center to discuss improvement measures. There are many solutions envisioned, but each department takes the initiative to step forward and ultimately chooses the most convenient solution for the people. The city suggests that the staff of the solicitation office introduce it, and consensus is reached through multi department consultations - actively promoting the introduction of the "enjoy without application" policy as soon as possible, and translating and implementing public suggestions as soon as possible.

The source of rescue personnel data comes from the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. The civil affairs department uploads various types of social assistance target information to the Civil Affairs Data Sea daily through the Shanghai Social Assistance Management Information System, and synchronizes it with the big data center for relevant departments to access and use. At the same time, provide information query services for subsistence allowance personnel on the "Shanghai Civil Affairs Business Unified Information Management Platform", and open ports for hospitals to verify the information of subsistence allowance personnel; The city's big data center has provided system support to ensure real-time access to hospitals.

On May 27th, Xuhui District took the lead in conducting special training in the district's public medical institution system, and took the lead in implementing the principle of "enjoy without application". The picture shows the entrance and exit processing window of Xuhui District Central Hospital.

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

On the hospital side, the Municipal Health Commission has guided public hospitals to simplify the procedures for handling hospitalization deposits for low-income individuals. Currently, all 425 public hospitals in the city have opened query accounts. On May 27th, Xuhui District took the lead in conducting special training in the district's public medical institution system, and took the lead in implementing the "enjoy without application" policy. On June 13th, the reporter saw at the entrance and exit window of Xuhui District Central Hospital that the computers of the window staff can now access the above-mentioned civil affairs business platform. The staff can verify the identity information of the subsistence allowance personnel by entering their names and ID number on the platform page. After identity confirmation, the window directly waives the hospitalization deposit, achieving "no application and immediate enjoyment" for low-income individuals. The window staff told reporters that after the opening on May 27th, two low-income residents in Xuhui District have experienced the convenience of the deposit reduction policy when handling hospitalization, which allows them to enjoy the benefits without applying.

△ After data sharing, the staff of Xuhui District Central Hospital can check the identity information of the minimum living security personnel by entering their name and ID number on the query platform page.

According to the Municipal Health Commission, by the end of May, all hospital windows in the city will be able to verify information and allow low-income family members to apply for hospitalization without a deposit, truly allowing "more data to run errands and less people to run errands".

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

After improvement, it truly achieves the goal of "running more data and less people".

From "one thing" to "one type of thing"

Doing practical things for the people cannot be based on facts! Is the "annoyance" encountered by a certain group of people in a certain scenario somewhat universal?

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

In the process of promoting the implementation and transformation of suggestions, the Municipal Petition Office and the Municipal Collection Office insist on drawing inferences from one case to another. The staff first conducted a "reasoning": do low-income individuals need to provide proof when handling hospitalization deposit exemption, and do they also need to provide proof when handling other matters? Through analysis, it was found that in the past, every time school started, community affairs centers in the city would issue 26000 certificates for children from low-income families to apply for exemption from tuition and miscellaneous fees. In response to this, the Municipal Education Commission has taken the initiative to improve the process of providing financial assistance to students in the basic education stage in this city, clarifying that children from low-income families who enroll in the new semester do not need to apply for exemption from tuition and miscellaneous fees.

"Inference" goes beyond this: in the daily services of community affairs acceptance centers, besides low-income earners, do other disadvantaged groups also have "proven troubles"? Through comprehensive sorting and investigation, it was found that among the proof materials processed by various community affairs acceptance centers in Shanghai for disadvantaged groups, there are still 6 types of proof materials totaling 7 items that have not yet been digitized, such as the "Shanghai Special Difficult People Certificate", which requires relevant personnel to issue certificates offline in order to continue business. According to statistics, in the past year, nearly 86000 offline certificates were issued for the above 7 materials.

In response to the seven types of certification materials mentioned above, the Municipal Government Office, in conjunction with the Municipal Big Data Center, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, and Municipal Housing Management Bureau, will comprehensively launch electronic certificate issuance and data sharing services. Starting from May 17th, relevant citizen groups can directly print electronic certificates at the community affairs acceptance center. Currently, more than 6500 certificates have been produced. Starting from June 9th, the service will be further upgraded. For six of the certification materials, citizens can apply for electronic certificates online through the "Suishenban" client. When handling business, relevant institutions can scan the QR code in the electronic proof to verify the validity of the electronic proof through the "certificate display" function of the accompanying application. Since the online application function was launched, more than 80 applications have been received. Of course, in order to avoid the "digital divide", the windows of community affairs acceptance centers will continue to retain offline application and certification channels, and the education system will also leave a "reverse selection" channel for reducing and exempting tuition and miscellaneous fees, respecting family education choices.

Shanghai responds by solving the worries of low-income earners, and enjoying assistance no longer requires paper proof! Deposit after two social workers provide suggestions | Personnel | Shanghai

From "doing one thing well" to "solving a type of problem". After comprehensive sorting and investigation, a total of 7 proof materials from 6 categories of community affairs acceptance centers in Shanghai have been digitized. The following are 6 proof materials that citizens can directly apply for and generate on "Suishenban". After the mobile phone lights up the certificate, the relevant department can scan the QR code in the upper left corner to verify its validity.

According to the news from the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau have taken the initiative to further expand the hospital deposit free service. Medical insurance participants in this city are expected to achieve deposit free hospitalization in community health service centers by the end of this year.

From point to line, from line to surface. The joint efforts of multiple departments have turned "doing one thing well" into "solving one type of problem". Through a suggestion from the people, a comprehensive package of convenient policies has been formed to improve a certain type of work, achieving a transformation from handling individual cases to optimizing similar cases, from finding policy personnel to finding policy personnel, and from passive response to proactive advancement. The convenience of the masses in handling affairs and the reduction of grassroots burdens vividly demonstrate the significance of the work of soliciting people's suggestions.

Title: The staff of Xuhui District Central Hospital are operating the "Shanghai Civil Affairs Business Unified Information Management Platform".

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