What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:57 PM

There is a "South Wall" on the Huangpu River shoreline in Pudong, which is the end of a 22 kilometer waterfront public space. Not long ago, the "South Wall" was broken, and the coastline extended two kilometers south from the original "end" to the boundary of Minhang District. Mr. An, a white-collar worker from Qiantan, heard the news and took his two children to experience it on weekdays. Although the weather is hot, the children are enjoying themselves blowing bubbles and climbing nets in the newly built childlike playground. "When children have a place to play, parents are happy. I heard there are many people here on weekends, so it would be even better to build more!" Mr. An said.

Mr. An's family and children are playing in a childlike playground. Photo by Qi Yingpu

In the new round of public opinion projects announced by Shanghai this year, the public spaces on both sides of "One River, One River" have changed from "construction" to "quality improvement". The difference of a few words symbolizes the upgrade of urban spatial development concept. The development of "one river, one river" on both sides not only connects the space, but also allows residents to come, sit down, and play well, truly increasing their sense of happiness and achievement; Not only does it rely on government investment alone, but it also requires the co governance of multiple social entities to truly stimulate urban vitality.

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Recently, reporters visited multiple sections of the waterfront and found that many "gray spaces" are being illuminated, and functional formats are constantly being highlighted. What other expectations do people who live and work here have?

Good space, opening it is just the first step

In Yangpu Binjiang, there is a "coffee tour route". Starting from Teuscher&Yangshupu Cafe, people can listen to the wind and feel the industrial atmosphere by the river here. After ten minutes of traveling east, you will see the Yihe 1915 Cafe, which has a strong Shanghai style atmosphere. Further east, you can experience the fun drinks of Baiqi Cafe. These three coffee shops with vastly different styles have been renovated from Shanghai Shipyard, Yangshupu Textile Factory's Daban Residence, and Shanghai Saponin Factory.

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Special routes reflect the characteristic development trend of the space on both sides of "one river, one river". The waterfront space has been connected for many years, and a single stroll and exercise clearly cannot meet the diverse leisure needs of residents. Pursuing personalization has become a new trend. If you overlook the two mother rivers in Shencheng, you can find that in the waterfront hinterland, scattered stock spaces are being opened up, becoming carriers of new functions.

People flocking to the waterfront space for a walk, exercise, and cycling are endless. Photo by Qi Yingpu

However, how to open up space and position business formats tests the wisdom of grassroots development entities.

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

As the development of the Qiantan area matures, industries, white-collar workers, and residents gradually gather, Dong'an Investment Group is beginning to think about how to introduce more functional supporting facilities. So, the green underground cavity of the eel has a place to be used, but the difficulty also lies in this.

"The cavity is the space left behind when the shoreline is transformed into green space, and it is not a formal building, making it difficult to introduce business models," said Han Yingyun, Deputy Manager of the East Bank Investment and Operations Department. After multi-party coordination, the 18000 square meter cavity was approved through a capacity shortage approval method to dispel enterprise concerns and achieve precise development. At the end of this year, the construction of the Eel Mouth Green Space on the foreshore is about to start. It is planned to combine market-oriented resources to build China-Chic IP Park and time-honored live broadcast base, and provide exhibition and parking space.

A corner of eel mouth space photographed by Qi Yingpu

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Cities are developing, demand is changing, and it is difficult to achieve functional integration overnight. The 80000 ton silo located at Minsheng Wharf was once the largest granary in Asia. With the help of the 2017 Shanghai Urban Space Art Festival, it has transformed into a space for internet celebrity art exhibitions. Combined with the overall energy level improvement in the region, the 80000 ton silo will be upgraded and revitalized.

Zhou Xiang, Deputy General Manager of Lujiazui Group, introduced that the Yangjing Minsheng section, where the 80000 ton silo is located, is an important project for the expansion and efficiency enhancement of Lujiazui Financial City and the "One River, One River" construction plan. It will be built as a historical cultural waterfront and a high-quality waterfront experience space, forming a world-class urban functional composite zone. The eastern region of the sector is about to launch an international plan consultation to improve the quality of planning.

From the Yangpu Riverside, the 80000 ton industrial heritage silo is particularly eye-catching. Photo by Qi Yingpu

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

The hinterland on both sides of Suzhou River is narrow, and almost every public service space needs to be squeezed out. This year, Changning has organically renovated several road class buildings within the Suzhou River Greenway, transforming them into shared stations and comprehensive management stations. The Fengling Station, which has been opened up from the management room, has also added refrigerators, air conditioners, microwaves, etc., becoming a highlight of the Fengling Green Space in Suzhou River.

Wind chime green space has become a public space for people to rest at any time. Photo by Qi Yingpu

Photo by Qi Yingpu of Changning Outer Ring Greenway

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

The Suzhou section of Changning River has become a new destination for young people, with long vines forming melons. The Sky Skateboarding Park has become a new destination for young people. Photo by Qi Yingpu

How can the waterfront public space cluster continue to realize its value when it is newly added? Changning has developed an operable system design. Yu Fu, Deputy Director of the District Construction and Management Committee, introduced that the Suzhou section of Changning has implemented an integrated maintenance system, which includes packaging and maintenance of walkways, flood control walls, greenery, and post stations. At the same time, a series of distinctive regulations such as the "Changning Outer Ring Ecological Greenway Camping Notice" have been introduced to ensure clear rights and responsibilities.

Co construction and sharing, urban temperature hidden in details

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Yangpu Binjiang Qinhuangdao Road Pier is bustling with tourists coming and going. In the "National Intangible Heritage Project - Shanghai Port Wharf Number Display Area" in the dock exhibition hall, people can hear the original sound of the dock number echoing for a long time by wearing headphones, adding a sense of historical significance to this waterfront coastline. This unique detail stems from the suggestion of Chen Danyan, a representative of the Municipal People's Congress: the dock number is a precious cultural heritage that requires matching exhibition space.

The temperature of the city is hidden in every detail. On the banks of the Huangpu River and Suzhou River, many of the "small joys" that people accidentally discover actually stem from the "small suggestions" of ordinary citizens. In the continuous interaction with people, public spaces are constantly optimized and become high-quality carriers for people to create new lives.

Get off the bus stop near Green Hill, and disabled people can reach the riverbank directly without taking a detour in wheelchairs. This detailed renovation comes from the suggestion of a special citizen. "In the process of optimizing accessibility facilities in Yangpu Binjiang, we invited many special groups to personally experience and listen to their opinions and needs," said Wang Haiyan, a staff member of the Yangpu District Disabled Persons' Federation.

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Photo by Qi Yingpu of the Accessible Passage by Yangpu Riverside

You can seek help from the service center at any time through Binjiang Smart Facilities, photographed by Qi Yingpu

Some citizens have suggested that the main way for deaf friends to obtain information is through visualization, but there are not many signs along the riverside, making it time-consuming to find a restroom. Yangpu Binjiang has added touch screen smart facilities for this purpose. In addition to supporting information query assistance, service personnel can also convert voice information into text messages or WeChat messages when hearing-impaired people access voice based call centers, and send them to the hearing-impaired. These detailed optimizations do not only benefit a single group. The reporter saw on site that the low level hand washing sink designed for disabled people has also made it convenient for many children playing nearby.

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Low level pool, children can also use Qi Yingpu's camera

This year, Shanghai also established the "One River, One River" Coastal Area Development Expert Committee and its first seminar. The first batch of 21 experts provided suggestions and suggestions on sustainable development, improving spatial quality, and creating production, living, and ecological spaces.

On the east bank, many builders know that there is a stationmaster named Bai Yuhai in the "Harmony · Family Reception Hall" of No. 8 Wangjiang Post. "Actually, I am a volunteer," Bai Yuhai, a retired resident of Weifang Street, told reporters. In 2020, Bai Yuhai voluntarily signed up to join the volunteer team to provide services for citizens and tourists heading to No. 8 Wangjiang Post. Over the past three years, he has diligently provided guarantees for community activities and public welfare services at the post station, and has also learned professional skills such as using AED defibrillators, receiving unanimous praise from everyone.

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

In addition to responding to the needs of citizens, the construction and management of waterfront spaces are receiving more and more participation from citizens, forming a virtuous cycle of co construction, sharing, and co governance.

If you go to the MorningLab caf é in Yangpu Binjiang, you may get a cup of "Champion Special". This special and fragrant cup of coffee was created by Chen Lulei, the champion of the "Coffee Mixing" project at the 7th National Disability Vocational Skills Competition and a barista at Bear Claw Cafe. Chen Lulei is a resident of Yangpu who is enthusiastic about public welfare. After hearing about the opening of Binjiang Cafe, she came to teach coffee brewing techniques part-time.

Photo taken by Qi Yingpu, the uncles enjoying Chen Lulei's "Champion Special Tune"

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

New expectations emerge, citizens offer suggestions and suggestions

Li Ye, the manager of the Italian restaurant "Tianshui Love", is getting late at work. After the East Bank was connected, I finished work two hours later than before. Guests like to come here to enjoy the night view of the Pujiang River and often wait until the lights are turned off before leaving. This is also a worry of happiness. Li Ye found that the customer flow of the store increased by 30%, and business was even more hot during holidays.

With the injection of commercial activities and cultural tourism, the popularity of waterfront waterfront has begun to gather. The Xuhui Binjiang West Coast International Coffee Life Festival attracted 74000 on-site tourists in just 4 days; The Suzhou River Cruise Project continues to be updated, receiving over 80000 tourists since its opening, and the occupancy rate of individual flights remains around 80%; At the "Art, Fun, Culture and Life Festival" held by Yangpu Binjiang, young musicians from all over the world perform at the Fisherman's Wharf Square every evening

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

New functional carriers are also emerging like mushrooms after rain. Construction of industrial clusters such as Xuhui Binjiang, West Bank Financial City, Digital Valley, Media Port, and Thermal Show; The continuous construction of the "Half Masu River" colorful display belt in Putuo; Located in Yangpu Binjiang, the north museum of Shanghai Museum will build an archaeological themed museum with the Yangtze River Estuary No. 2 Ancient Ship as the core. The once industrial rust belt butterfly has become a hot spot for investment. The construction of Bilibili New Era Industrial Park, Meituan Shanghai Science and Technology Center, and Tiktok Group Binjiang Center has started successively.

Unlike the fleeting nature of sightseeing, as more and more people work and live on the waterfront, many new expectations about spatial quality begin to emerge.

Both sides of the Huangpu River have become important emerging business districts in Shanghai, with office buildings rising from the ground. Some citizens are concerned that existing and under construction transportation facilities can meet future needs. Taking Yangpu Binjiang as an example, this is the future digital economy highland, with Meituan alone having tens of thousands of employees to settle in 2026. If the demand for tidal vehicles cannot be met and diverted in a timely manner, congestion is prone to occur. Therefore, it is necessary to start from the top-level design and comprehensively consider the upgrading and optimization of public transportation and slow traffic system planning.

What other expectations are there?, People who work and live here, exploring the new space of "one river, one river" in Shanghai

Zhang Haijia, the secretary of the Shangshui residential area, grew up by the Yangpu riverbank. With the opening of the shoreline, she was finally able to enjoy the beautiful scenery by the river that she dared not dream of as a child. The only thing that troubles her is that the commercial atmosphere along the coastline is not strong enough, and there are not many people with a strong atmosphere. In addition to high-end restaurants and exquisite beverage shops, introducing more affordable breakfast shops, restaurants, and commercial establishments has become a common expectation for many residents.

In terms of management, the one river, one river space is undergoing overall optimization. The reporter learned from the One River, One River Office of Shanghai that according to the "Regulations on Public Space along the Suzhou Riverside of the Huangpu River", the coastal areas and entities are implementing their territorial management responsibilities. Hongkou, Minhang, Fengxian and other districts have optimized and adjusted their existing management systems based on their respective characteristics, gradually forming an integrated work mechanism for construction, management and maintenance. Pudong, Putuo, and Jing'an continue to optimize the waterfront space management and maintenance work mechanism by combining blocks. Cui Hailing, a member of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, suggested strengthening technological empowerment and continuously improving the management efficiency of waterfront spaces in conjunction with the construction of Shanghai's "two networks".

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Shanghai's banking industry has released a self-discipline convention, scientifically setting interest rate pricing, and not using interest rates as a single means to compete for customer development | industry | interest rates

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A heavy rainstorm is coming, two days earlier than usual, and Shanghai will be in the plum blossom tomorrow | rain belt | a storm

The Shanghai Meteorological Bureau announced today that according to the latest meteorological data analysis, the atmospheric circulation situation in East Asia is currently adjusting, with the subtropical high pressure rising northward and the precipitation process increasing in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Shencheng will officially enter the plum blossom season on June 17th. This year, the onset of the plum blossom season is slightly earlier than usual by two days. In the early stage of the rainy season, the rain bands are unstable and show a north-south oscillation trend. Shanghai also experiences occasional cloudy and rainy weather. The Shanghai center Meteorological Observatory forecast that a heavy to rainstorm was on the way. Affected by the eastward movement of the high trough, there will be a heavy rain to rainstorm process in Shanghai on Sunday and next Monday, accompanied by lightning, short-term heavy rainfall and thunderstorm gales. The main precipitation period occurs from Sunday afternoon to next Monday morning, with uneven distribution of rainfall. The cumulative rainfall is 40 to 60 millimeters, locally 70 to 90 millimeters, and the maximum hourly rainfall intensity is 30 to 50 millimeters. Expected rain belt south next Tuesday

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