The Industrial Expo showcases 9 "killer weapons" for the manufacturing industry, from exploring the sky and entering the sea, to the national economy and people's livelihood

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:47 PM

400 million kilometers - the farthest distance from Earth to Mars. Starting from Earth, the Tianwen-1 Mars orbiter embarked on a journey towards Mars, successfully entering orbit around Mars after 202 days, becoming China's first artificial Mars satellite. On September 19th, the orbiter of the Tianwen-1 Mars exploration mission won the special award at the 23rd Industrial Expo.

A total of 559 exhibits participated in the CIIF Grand Prize selection at this year's Industrial Expo, with a record high number of participating works. In addition to one special CIIF award, there are also 8 exhibits that won this year's CIIF award, including the 8.5-generation TFT-LCD glass substrate, medical heavy ion accelerator, 174000 cubic meters of LNG floating storage and re gasification device, heavy-duty self-propelled cutter suction vessel, carbon fiber Winter Olympics torch pioneering application and integrated technology, independent core large-scale embedded real-time operating system SylixOS, Siemens predictive analysis system, and Xinsorb biodegradable stent.

Made in China: "From Heaven to Sea"

The first independent Mars exploration mission of China, the Tianwen-1 Mars probe, consists of a orbiter and a landing inspector. Within the "Four Leaf Grass", the main component of the Tianwen-1 Mars probe, the orbiter, made its debut at this year's Industrial Expo.

Du Yang, Deputy Director Designer of the Mars Orbiter at the Shanghai Aerospace Technology Research Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, introduced that the Tianwen-1 Mars Orbiter is China's first interstellar flight platform, which has achieved interstellar flight, extraterrestrial planet capture, measurement and control communication at a distance of 400 million kilometers for the first time, and has obtained first-hand Mars exploration data, achieving a leapfrog development of China's spacecraft from the Earth Moon system to the interstellar system.

Tianwen-1 Mars Orbiter

The Industrial Expo showcases 9 "killer weapons" for the manufacturing industry, from exploring the sky and entering the sea, to the national economy and people's livelihood

"In the Mars exploration mission, the Mars Orbiter plays three major roles: an aircraft, a communicator, and a probe, making it a true 'space versatile'." Du Yang said that from launch into orbit to landing on Mars, the Mars Orbiter plays the role of an aircraft, carrying a landing patrol device, completing tasks such as ground fire transfer, Mars braking capture, orbit adjustment, and parking flight exploration. As of now, the Mars Orbiter has successfully completed various engineering tasks and obtained a large amount of first-hand scientific and engineering data from China, accumulating valuable experience for China's planetary exploration projects.

Besides being in heaven, Chinese made products can also enter the sea. The new generation of heavy-duty self-propelled cutter suction dredger "Tiankun" built by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry has won the CIIF Award. The "Tiankun" is the first heavy self-propelled cutter suction dredger in Chinese Mainland with completely independent intellectual property rights from design to construction, and also the largest heavy self-propelled cutter suction dredger in Asia.

The new generation of heavy-duty self-propelled cutter suction dredger "Tiankun" built by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry

Chen Xinhua, the general manager of the construction of the Tiankun, introduced that China's waters are quite unique, with not only mud and sand on the seabed, but also incredibly hard coral reefs and rocks. "If we were to excavate on the seabed, in the past, we could only use blasting to shatter the reefs, but this method obviously would have a devastating impact on marine life in the sea." He said that before 2005, domestic dredging companies relied mainly on imports for their dredgers, and the development of dredger construction technology was constrained by foreign blockades. "The 'Tiankun' has broken this situation. It has powerful functions and advanced configurations, and its excavation ability, excavation depth, and transportation capacity are all at the forefront of the world. At the same time, from a global perspective, its adaptability to adverse sea conditions is also the strongest."

The 174000 cubic meter LNG floating storage and regasification device independently developed, designed, and constructed by Hudong Zhonghua integrates various functions such as LNG transportation, reception, storage, and regasification export. It can serve as an LNG carrier, as well as an LNG receiving terminal and gasification device. This product is the first in China and its overall technical level has reached international advanced level.

Serving the national economy and people's livelihood

The Industrial Expo showcases 9 "killer weapons" for the manufacturing industry, from exploring the sky and entering the sea, to the national economy and people's livelihood

Unlike traditional metal stents, a new type of heart stent is benefiting more patients with coronary heart disease. The Xinsorb, which has won the CIIF Award, is the first biologically absorbable stent with independent intellectual property rights in China, developed by the team of academicians Ge Junbo from Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University and Shandong Huaan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. for 15 years of research and development.

"Xin" is the pinyin for "heart" and "sorb" is the English suffix for "absorption". "Naming it 'Xinsorb' allows people to intuitively feel the biggest feature of this product - it can be absorbed by the heart, and also reflects the Chinese elements of this innovative stent." said Shen Li, Chief Physician of Cardiology at Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University and Deputy Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Interventional Therapy Technology and Device Engineering of the Ministry of Education.

Xinsorb Biodegradable Scaffold

"After implantation into the human body, it can be absorbed and gradually degraded by blood vessels while maintaining stability, without causing permanent pressure and restraint on patients after the metal stent is implanted. At the same time, it can provide support consistent with the metal stent in the early stage. In the long run, after the stent is degraded, there is no inflammation caused by foreign object stimulation in the blood vessels, and the natural elasticity of the blood vessels will be restored." Shen Li vividly described it as a "disappearing stent", "because it quietly leaves after completing its mission without taking away a cloud."

In addition to the "small bracket", the award-winning medical equipment also has a "big block". The "medical heavy ion accelerator", which is jointly developed by the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Lanzhou Kejin Taiji New Technology Co., Ltd., is known as the "national key tool" to eliminate cancer cells. Chen Jinda, Senior Engineer at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced that this is the first medical heavy ion accelerator in China with completely independent intellectual property rights. Its equipment structure is compact, with a synchronous ring circumference of 56 meters, which is the smallest in the world; Compared with foreign devices, it has both point scanning and uniform scanning modes, and the layout of the treatment head is more reasonable and diversified. The product cost is lower than similar imported products, with fast operation and maintenance response, and good international competitiveness.

Medical heavy ion accelerator

The Industrial Expo showcases 9 "killer weapons" for the manufacturing industry, from exploring the sky and entering the sea, to the national economy and people's livelihood

Without its own glass substrate technology, the development of the flat panel display industry is easily constrained by others. The 8.5 generation TFT-LCD glass substrate, which won the CIIF award this time, is a major innovative achievement in the field of raw materials and components in China. This means that China's independently developed high-generation LCD glass substrate has broken foreign monopolies and achieved industrial production. It is of great significance to ensure the supply security of China's trillion yuan display industry chain.

The award-winning "Innovative Application and Integration Technology of Carbon Fiber Winter Olympics Torch" has solved many technical problems such as the development and molding of high-temperature resistant refractory materials required for the Beijing Winter Olympics torch, as well as the mass production of micro hydrogen fuel systems. Nowadays, the carbon fiber independently developed and produced by Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has been successfully applied in subway trains. Data shows that the use of carbon fiber composite materials for train front covers can reduce weight by 35% to 40% compared to aluminum alloy materials of the same module, effectively assisting in weight reduction and speed increase of trains.

Building an Industrial Digital Base

As an award in the industrial field, the CIIF Awards come with "industrial genes". In this award list, there are also many systems and software products that empower the industrial industry.

The industrial operating system is known as the "brain" of major equipment, and is the lowest and most fundamental software in industry. The award-winning independent core large-scale embedded real-time operating system SylixOS comes from Nanjing Yihui Information Technology Co., Ltd., a large-scale industrial operating system research and development enterprise.

Wang Xin, Director of Yihui Information Ecological Cooperation, introduced that unlike the application of general operating systems in fields such as computers and mobile phones, industrial operating systems have complex and extreme application scenarios. Once there is a lag, crash, or loss of control, it will lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, industrial operating systems have the characteristics of high real-time, high stability, and high security. They must provide microsecond or even nanosecond level time accuracy, ensure uninterrupted and stable operation throughout the year, and comply with the highest level of security certification system.

The Industrial Expo showcases 9 "killer weapons" for the manufacturing industry, from exploring the sky and entering the sea, to the national economy and people's livelihood

Yihui SylixOS operating system teaching experimental box

The SylixOS system, kernel, and core components of Yihui Information have achieved a 100% localization rate and obtained the highest level of international security certification. At present, we have served more than 2000 industrial users, and our early projects have been running steadily for over 12 years. In terms of functionality, performance, security, stability, and other aspects, we have reached the international leading level of similar operating systems.

In addition to building a reliable and safe industrial digital base, intelligent predictive maintenance and intelligent fault diagnosis integrated predictive analysis systems for the industrial field also play a crucial role in the normal operation of industrial equipment.

Siemens Predictive Analysis System

SiePA, which won the CIIF award, is a predictive analysis system launched by Siemens based on industrial big data and artificial intelligence technology, which can be applied to factory operation and maintenance management. The relevant person in charge of the enterprise introduced that it is like inviting a "family doctor" to the factory equipment. The running equipment can report its operating status to the SiePA system at all times, and predict the potential "health risks" of the tested equipment through artificial intelligence algorithms.

When "symptoms" are discovered, SiePA will use the constructed knowledge base to identify the cause of the problem, provide targeted prescriptions for the device, and ultimately issue diagnostic results and "prescriptions" through the enterprise management platform and other layers, triggering maintenance operations to help the enterprise effectively control risks and achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

The Industrial Expo showcases 9 "killer weapons" for the manufacturing industry, from exploring the sky and entering the sea, to the national economy and people's livelihood
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