Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:20 PM

The 23rd China International Industrial Expo, which was postponed for two years and prepared for three years, finally bloomed today.

"Ordinary technology and products are ashamed to appear at the Industrial Expo." This is the heartfelt words of "old fan" Delta, who has 15 years of experience attending the conference. In 2020, Delta showcased its "backpack mounted water pump drive system", which was truly eye-catching at the time. In 2022, Delta plans to showcase intelligent manufacturing solutions to impress everyone; This year, fearing that intelligent manufacturing may not quench its thirst, Delta has come up with a "zero carbon factory" plan to connect its entire body's "meridians", which meets the current concerns of the manufacturing industry.

Always bringing cutting-edge information and technology, always providing the industry with the most positive incentives and advancement, this is precisely the charm of the Shanghai International Trade Fair that has been held since 1999.

know one's self and know the enemy

Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

The multi cooperative robot with a load of 25kg is the "Rocket" brought by Sinopec Xinsong this time. It has crossed the threshold of poor performance of domestic cooperative robots once the load becomes larger, and once again becomes the first one in China. However, recently it has been heard that peers have also claimed to dominate the 25kg class, but only their voices have been heard and no products have been seen. "I want to see if our competitors live up to their reputation and know ourselves and our competitors through participating in exhibitions," said the relevant person in charge of Zhongke Xinsong.

The four major families of robots worldwide also need to know themselves and their opponents. This time, Fanuc, ABB, Kuka, and Yaskawa have all arrived, eager to catch a glimpse of the progress of China's collaborative robot overtaking on bends through the Industrial Expo.

In the view of Rong Zhiqin, Deputy Director of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, the Industrial Expo has witnessed the rise of domestic robots along the way. Compared with the industrial robots that are the main focus of the "Four Families", collaborative robots take a more aggressive approach, occupy less land, do not have fences, and advocate for close range human-machine collaboration of "I bring water to irrigate the garden". They have low deployment costs and are safe and easy to use. This year, the robot exhibition area of the Industrial Expo has exceeded 50000 square meters. Among them, leading domestic robot machine companies in China, such as Eston, Xinshida, Jieka, and Xinsong, are on the same stage as the "four major families," but they are not afraid of the stage.

Collaborative robots are competing with industrial robots for job opportunities and have unlocked scenarios such as gluing 3C products such as Bluetooth earphones, wind turbine blade inspection, automotive, semiconductor, and metal processing. However, physical tasks such as palletizing and handling require high loads, fast pace, high precision, and high stability, which are always obstacles for collaborative robots. In 2018, Zhongke Xinsong's multi cooperative robot took the lead in capturing a load of 20 kilograms in China, and then advanced towards 25 kilograms. The multi collaborative robot 25kg palletizing workstation showcased at the Industrial Expo this time features the protagonist GCR25-1800, which has an arm span of 1.8 meters and can be flexibly used in narrow spaces, meeting the requirements of palletizing scenarios with a maximum pallet size of 1.2 meters x 1.1 meters.

Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

Multi collaborative robot 25 kg palletizing workstation.

In fact, crossing such "hills" is not an easy task. It is not only necessary to have a global optimization design concept, but also to ensure the comprehensive performance of the robot at the software and control algorithm level, especially to overcome the technical difficulties of high power density electromechanical integrated joints. The ability to cross the 25 kilogram threshold is a prominent manifestation of China's local collaborative robots achieving an overall leap in technology and supply chain collaboration driven by demand in recent years.

The "dark horse" is far more than just Zhongke Xinsong, benefiting from the centralized display and mutual learning function of the Industrial Expo platform. In recent years, Shanghai's local robot production and proportion have always maintained a leading position in the country. Shanghai is also the first city in China to include robot density in statistics, with a robot density of 260 units per 10000 people in enterprises above designated size, which is more than twice the world average robot density.

Insight into pain points

Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

Established in 2016, Heihu Technology has participated in the Industrial Expo for the fifth time this year.

"Black Lake Intelligent Manufacturing" is the flagship product of Black Lake Technology. This SaaS software operation service is serving the digital collaboration between multiple factories within enterprise groups such as Mengniu and Nongfu Spring. For example, Nongfu Spring, which has five major water sources and nearly 30 factories nationwide, relies on "Black Lake Intelligent Manufacturing" cloud native technology to achieve efficient allocation of production capacity and marketing behavior.

Fate is indescribable. At the 2019 Industrial Expo, "Black Lake Intelligent Manufacturing" made its debut, but a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises came to inquire: Is there an industrial software suitable for small factories with 30-40 people? "Inspired by this, we officially launched the 'Black Lake Small Work Order' at the end of 2020, which has now served more than 10000 small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. 'Liu Yiyi, the brand director of Black Lake Technology, told reporters that the core pain point of these small and medium-sized enterprises is that a large amount of data is still on paper, and through lightweight deployment, the' Black Lake Small Work Order 'can quickly accomplish three things - clear employee salary payment, clear production schedule management, and clear matching of remaining production capacity with new orders.".

This year, Zhenkunxing, who is also participating in the fifth exhibition, brings a "one-stop digital supply chain solution for industrial supplies" to all participants in the industrial value chain.

Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

Zhenkunxing is like "Amazon in the industrial product industry". It connects upstream suppliers and downstream enterprises with the Internet and digitalization to achieve transparent and comparable goods. At present, it has established 17 million SKUs, serving 100000 customers in total, and achieving significant cost reduction and efficiency increase for customers. At this Industrial Expo, Zhenkunxing will debut with its intelligent warehousing brand "Kuntong Intelligent Warehousing" and others. Kuntong Intelligent Warehousing focuses on intelligent management of materials and deploys intelligent small warehouses and intelligent management platforms right next to the enterprise's production lines. It is reported that Kuntong has independently developed more than 20 series of "smart small warehouses" and "smart unmanned warehouses" products, and has deployed more than 6000 devices, serving over a thousand Fortune 500, central state-owned enterprises, and advanced manufacturing enterprises.

Kuntong Intelligent Warehousing.

For Zhenkunxing, the Industrial Expo is undoubtedly the most timely and effective channel to understand the needs of the manufacturing industry. Chen Long, Chairman of Zhenkunxing, has keenly sensed the desire of domestic manufacturing customers for "domestic substitution" and "small order quick response" during multiple sessions of participating in the Industrial Expo. For example, 20% of high-end fasteners still rely on imports, and customers require a large number of non-standard customized long tail products, which have pain points of slow or even impossible production. Therefore, as a channel oriented company, Zhenkunxing went up to manufacturing and established a 31000 square meter research and intelligent manufacturing base in Taicang. Chen Long's logic in this regard is, "Industrial e-commerce holds data and understands the needs and urgency of customers the most. We plan to use intelligent manufacturing for rapid response, which can create greater value for customers and expand the depth of services."

Ge Dongbo, the chief engineer of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, introduced that in addition to the advantages of financing costs, talent acquisition, business environment and so on, manufacturing in Shanghai also has the advantages of industrial Internet in many fields, such as Zhenkunxing, Yunhan Core City, and Microspectrum Chemical, to give deep empowerment to industrial upgrading. At present, the development of Shanghai's industrial Internet platform has formed a trillion scale. In the latest national top 100 B2B list, Shanghai's B2B platform accounts for nearly 50%.

Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

Feeling thrust

As the largest, most advanced, and influential national level exhibition in China's equipment manufacturing industry, the Industrial Expo has attracted more than 2800 companies from 30 countries and regions around the world to participate in a retaliatory manner this year. The core exhibition area of the conference has surpassed similar exhibition areas at this year's Hanover Industrial Expo in Germany.

The "Exhibition King" with a booth area of over 1000 square meters also emerged, such as Siemens from Germany and Jinan Bond Laser. Siemens has been participating in exhibitions continuously since 2003, and this year it has brought many debut products such as Siemens' new generation servo systems; Jinan Bangde Laser is also a ten-year veteran and industry invisible champion. Its laser cutting machine has ranked among the top sales in the world for four consecutive years, with half of its products sold overseas. It is truly "Made in China, Used in the World".

Why did "Zhan Wang" exert so much effort and effort? Mitsubishi Electric Automation Co., Ltd.'s intelligent manufacturing strategy executive, Sugiyama Sugiyama, seems to know the reason. Japanese native Sugiyama Su arrived in China in April last year. Over the past year, he has been shocked by the urgency of introducing digital technology into China's manufacturing industry. "Once a demand is identified, it is immediately responded to, a factory is built, and wiring is done," which Sugiyama Su, with 25 years of automation experience, has not seen in other countries.

Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

In Sugiyama Su's view, the demand for intelligence, greenness, and integration of Chinese manufacturing is precisely the reason why the exhibition area of the Industrial and Commercial Expo continues to reach new highs and "exhibition kings" are emerging. This year's Industrial Expo, Mitsubishi Electric's 400 square meter booth will focus on launching the E-JIT green intelligent manufacturing solution, which also includes energy visualization. Through real-time data collection and cross analysis, energy consumption points can be captured and causes can be identified, solving the core problem of Chinese factories needing to save energy and produce efficiently. According to the practice of Mitsubishi Electric's circuit breaker workshop, the layout of the workshop has exceeded 1200 monitoring points. Through real-time data uploading and diagnosis optimization, the workshop has reduced electricity consumption by 22% while increasing production by 26%.

Mitsubishi Electric Intelligent Manufacturing Science and Technology Innovation Center · Shanghai.

Sugiyama Su has been responsible for the introduction of new engine factories for global automotive giants in many parts of Europe and America, but the Chinese market undoubtedly gives him a strong push. In Shanghai alone, it is difficult to find young factories under the age of 20 among approximately 600 core automotive parts companies. But unfortunately, these "old trees" love to develop "new branches", and the density of robots in the Shanghai automotive industry is as high as 1045 per 10000 people. Last year, the output value of Shanghai's automobile industry exceeded 800 billion yuan, and it alone supported 20% of the total output value of large-scale industries in the city. In the past three years, Shanghai has built 100 intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, and by 2025, an additional 200 will be built, achieving the completion of intelligent manufacturing assessment and diagnosis for all 10000 factories above designated size in the city.

The larger goal is for Shanghai to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy, and strive to achieve industrial added value accounting for more than 25% of GDP by 2025.

Japanese experts understand, are non cutting-edge technologies too shy to appear? Regarding the Industrial Expo, German giants compete with Laser Hidden Crown to become the exhibition king | China | cutting-edge technology

And part of this 25% confidence comes from the China International Industrial Expo that Shanghai has been persistently hosting for many years. As Wu Jincheng, Director of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, said, "For more than 20 years, the Industrial Expo has become a golden business card of Shanghai, an important window and platform to showcase the city's image, promote the development of the real economy, and help China's manufacturing industry move towards high-quality development."

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Is there a market for wearing VR headsets to visit "Cloud Park"?, Shanghai Park will have over a thousand parks during the 14th Five Year Plan period | Shanghai | Cloud Park

As of the end of 2022, Shanghai has included 670 types of parks under the management of the urban and rural park directory, including 438 urban parks, 172 pocket parks, 59 rural parks, and 1 theme park. By the end of 2025, Shanghai will add more than 600 new parks through construction or renovation, bringing the total number of parks to over 1000. How can the landscaping industry assist Shanghai in building a "park city"? How can we contribute to the implementation of the "dual carbon" goals? At the 19th China International Landscape Industry Trade Expo, which opened on June 29th, many enterprises were eager to give it a try and rubbed their hands together. Walking around the park without leaving home, wearing a virtual reality headset display device, the Mianqing Park, built and opened earlier this year, will come into view. With the control handle, you can stroll around the park

Shanghai's banking industry has released a self-discipline convention, scientifically setting interest rate pricing, and not using interest rates as a single means to compete for customer development | industry | interest rates
Shanghai's banking industry has released a self-discipline convention, scientifically setting interest rate pricing, and not using interest rates as a single means to compete for customer development | industry | interest rates

Under the guidance of the Shanghai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, the Shanghai Interbank Association recently formulated and released the Self Discipline Convention on Creating a Sustainable Credit Market Environment for the Shanghai Banking Industry, which applies to all member units of the Shanghai Interbank Association engaged in credit business. The Self Discipline Convention emphasizes that member units should adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, operate in accordance with the law and regulations, based on changes in the interest rate market and the strategic positioning of the bank, adhere to the principle of deposit to loan, play the guiding role of LPR in loan interest rates, and reasonably determine the pricing level of interest rates. Interest rates should not be used as a single means to attract customers, while balancing the social responsibility and commercial sustainability of banking institutions, and maintaining the bottom line of avoiding systemic risks. Member units should establish a healthy, compliant, and sustainable performance concept, adhere to the origin of financial services for the real economy, scientifically formulate interest rate pricing strategies, and

A heavy rainstorm is coming, two days earlier than usual, and Shanghai will be in the plum blossom tomorrow | rain belt | a storm
A heavy rainstorm is coming, two days earlier than usual, and Shanghai will be in the plum blossom tomorrow | rain belt | a storm

The Shanghai Meteorological Bureau announced today that according to the latest meteorological data analysis, the atmospheric circulation situation in East Asia is currently adjusting, with the subtropical high pressure rising northward and the precipitation process increasing in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Shencheng will officially enter the plum blossom season on June 17th. This year, the onset of the plum blossom season is slightly earlier than usual by two days. In the early stage of the rainy season, the rain bands are unstable and show a north-south oscillation trend. Shanghai also experiences occasional cloudy and rainy weather. The Shanghai center Meteorological Observatory forecast that a heavy to rainstorm was on the way. Affected by the eastward movement of the high trough, there will be a heavy rain to rainstorm process in Shanghai on Sunday and next Monday, accompanied by lightning, short-term heavy rainfall and thunderstorm gales. The main precipitation period occurs from Sunday afternoon to next Monday morning, with uneven distribution of rainfall. The cumulative rainfall is 40 to 60 millimeters, locally 70 to 90 millimeters, and the maximum hourly rainfall intensity is 30 to 50 millimeters. Expected rain belt south next Tuesday

Welcome foreign institutions to China for business expansion. In these four financial fields, Li Yunze said finance | management | welcome
Welcome foreign institutions to China for business expansion. In these four financial fields, Li Yunze said finance | management | welcome

At the 14th Lujiazui Forum held today, Li Yunze, Director of the State Administration for Financial Regulation and Co rotating Chairman of the Forum, stated that he will always adhere to the unwavering opening up of the financial industry to the outside world, and the door to the opening up of the financial industry will only continue to widen. Recently, Faba Bank Wealth Management will open in Shanghai. "We will continue to adhere to the combination of 'bringing in' and 'going out', steadily promote high-level opening up of the financial industry to the outside world, and continue to create a market-oriented, legal, and international business environment." Li Yunze said that in areas such as wealth management, green finance, elderly care and health, and asset management, we warmly welcome foreign-funded institutions with stable operations and excellent qualifications to come to China for business development, and encourage eligible foreign-funded institutions to participate in various business pilot projects. Implement high-quality regional comprehensive economic partnership agreements and continuously improve the level of institutional openness in the financial industry. Optimize cross-border

What high-quality public resources will be implemented?, The collection of public building and landscape project proposals for the five new cities in Shanghai this year concludes with Architecture | New City | Public Buildings
What high-quality public resources will be implemented?, The collection of public building and landscape project proposals for the five new cities in Shanghai this year concludes with Architecture | New City | Public Buildings

On June 7th, the Shanghai Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau announced that the design plans for 15 public buildings and landscape projects in five new cities in 2023 have come to an end, and will accelerate the gathering of high-quality public resources in the new cities. 15 public building and landscape projects have attracted 45 design units from 9 countries to participate. A batch of excellent design proposals stood out in the layers of evaluation. The proposals presented this time have basically demonstrated the planning and design trends of the new city. For example, highlighting "people's cities" and caring for the needs of the people. In March of this year, relevant departments in Shanghai held an event to solicit opinions from citizens on the construction of the new city. As of March 31, a total of 3786 proposals have been received. These suggestions revolve around transportation facilities, ecological environment, public services, outdoor public spaces, etc., and are provided to the design team in the early stage of the design, as the focus of the scheme design

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