
72000 job resumes analysis: why and what talents do elderly people need when they continue to work? | Elderly people | Job seeking
72000 job resumes analysis: why and what talents do elderly people need when they continue to work? | Elderly people | Job seeking

Lao Zhang stepped on his bicycle and put his wife and daughter's complaints behind him. He was holding a fire in his heart and rode faster and faster, fearing that if he did not have time to take the path to "smuggle" to work in the factory, he would have to leave the city at home because of the epidemic to help take care of his grandson. After being stopped by the police on the road, he took out his work certificate and willingly carried his clothes into the dormitory of the factory. He got up at a fixed time every day, ate breakfast, and then began to work as soon as he brushed the bowl. "You let me stay at home, I feel uncomfortable". Lao Zhang, currently 61 years old, is still active in the workplace with his ability of mechanical drawing. There are not a few elderly people like him who expect to return to the workplace after retirement. In 1999, the United Nations put forward the slogan "Building a society for all ages"; 24 years later

Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have raised their minimum wage standards; The largest range of high temperature weather has hit this year | high temperature | standard
Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have raised their minimum wage standards; The largest range of high temperature weather has hit this year | high temperature | standard

The largest range of high temperature weather this year is coming to big cities. Check out the high temperature clock in calendar and see where the ultra long standby time is. The largest range of high temperature weather this year is about to be launched! From July 5th to early next week, North China, Huanghuai and other regions will welcome a new round of super long standby hot weather, and Jiangnan, South China and other regions will also join the "high temperature group chat", resulting in phased sauna weather. During this process, some areas in the north will once again reach 40 ℃, and local areas such as Hebei and Liaoning may experience extreme high temperatures. In the next week, in major northern cities, high temperatures may occur every day in Shijiazhuang and Jinan, with temperatures reaching up to 40 ℃ in Shijiazhuang around 6 days ago; The extreme high temperature in Zhengzhou is the most prominent, with the highest temperature reaching 41 ℃ for two consecutive days from the 7th to the 8th, resembling an oven outdoors. The period with the highest temperature and the largest impact range during this process will occur from the 5th to the 7th; From the 8th to the 10th, subject to surrender

Today's data selection: In the first half of the year, the per capita earnings of A-shares were 39000 yuan; More than 20% of South Korean netizens support the scale of single person tax | South Korea | A-shares
Today's data selection: In the first half of the year, the per capita earnings of A-shares were 39000 yuan; More than 20% of South Korean netizens support the scale of single person tax | South Korea | A-shares

The "largest scale" centralized procurement has come to an end, and traditional Chinese medicine enterprises will face a major "reshuffle"? Recently, the results of the nationwide traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations collection, which is known as "the largest in history", has relatively complex rules and takes a long time, have been released recently, with an average price reduction of 49%. The overall price reduction is in line with expectations and relatively moderate, lower than the average reduction of 56% in the previous eight batches of nationwide drug procurement. It is reported that this is also the first time in China that traditional Chinese medicine has been collected in a centralized manner. The selected products have complete specifications and involve 6 treatment fields such as internal medicine and ophthalmology. Based on the winning results of the centralized procurement, a total of 63 enterprises and 68 representative products were selected, with a winning rate of 71.6%; The average decrease is 49.36%, and it is expected to save over 4.5 billion yuan in drug costs annually. For traditional Chinese medicine enterprises, centralized procurement of traditional Chinese medicine can achieve standardization through unified procurement and negotiation

Today's data selection: 95s and 00s are experiencing a trend of getting married and publishing in newspapers; Hainan's strict prevention of college entrance examination immigration year-on-year | export | data
Today's data selection: 95s and 00s are experiencing a trend of getting married and publishing in newspapers; Hainan's strict prevention of college entrance examination immigration year-on-year | export | data

Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week

Today's data selection: The average wholesale price of 28 vegetables in China has increased by over 20% year-on-year; Housing prices in Baicheng continue to decline in months | month on month | wholesale
Today's data selection: The average wholesale price of 28 vegetables in China has increased by over 20% year-on-year; Housing prices in Baicheng continue to decline in months | month on month | wholesale

On July 1st, data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs showed that due to adverse weather conditions, vegetable prices in June increased both month on month and year on year. In June, the national wholesale average price of 28 vegetables monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was 4.99 yuan per kilogram, a month on month increase of 3.3% and a year-on-year increase of 22.9%. Experts say that due to the higher field area of vegetables in China this summer compared to the same period last year, and the large number of cold vegetables in northern production areas being launched, vegetable prices across the country began to recover from a seasonal downward trend in late June. However, in the future, vegetable prices will continue to fluctuate with increasing high temperatures and rainy weather. More than 40 Chinese tourists were attacked in France. According to CCTV News on July 1st, on June 30th local time, the French Ministry of the Interior announced the deployment of 4

Today's data selection: The RMB exchange rate has hit a new low since November last year; Xiaomi responds to India's intensive layoffs. India | RMB | new low
Today's data selection: The RMB exchange rate has hit a new low since November last year; Xiaomi responds to India's intensive layoffs. India | RMB | new low

The RMB exchange rate has fallen below 7.28, setting a new low since November last year. Experts say it is expected to remain stable in the second half of the year. On June 28th, the offshore RMB/USD fell below the 7.28 mark, falling more than 100 points within the day, setting a new low since November 2022. Experts believe that the changes in interest rate spreads caused by the divergence of monetary policies between China and the United States, as well as the phased strengthening of the US dollar exchange rate, have brought short-term and phased pressure to the RMB exchange rate. With the steady recovery of the domestic economy and the resilience of foreign trade, the RMB assets have long-term attractiveness, and the stability of the RMB exchange rate is supported by solid fundamentals. In the second half of the year, the RMB exchange rate is expected to continue to maintain basic stability at a reasonable equilibrium level. Xiaomi responds to India's intensive layoffs on June 30th, with news suggesting that Xiaomi India is undergoing large-scale layoffs. A Xiaomi print

Today's data selection: Aspartame may cause cancer; Jingcheng Iron Mine has concealed at least 17 miners' deaths and is aware of them | human | data
Today's data selection: Aspartame may cause cancer; Jingcheng Iron Mine has concealed at least 17 miners' deaths and is aware of them | human | data

Aspartame may cause cancer, do you dare to drink sugar free drinks? On June 29th, according to Reuters, insiders revealed that one of the most common artificial sweeteners in the world, aspartame, may be listed as a "possible carcinogen" by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, starting in July. Currently, aspartame is widely used in foods such as sugar free cola and chewing gum, which is also of great concern to consumers. As a non carbohydrate artificial sweetener, aspartame is widely used in beverages, ice cream, frozen desserts, infant and toddler food, milk powder, soy milk powder, candies, pharmaceutical preparations, and other products. Public data shows that aspartame has annual sales of up to $1 billion and is adopted by thousands of products. Due to its low calorie, high sweetness, and pure sweetness, aspartame is popular in sugar free drinks

Today's data selection: The lifelong infertility rate of women in China is 5.16%; Naps can delay brain aging by 7 years for women | Lifetime infertility rate | China
Today's data selection: The lifelong infertility rate of women in China is 5.16%; Naps can delay brain aging by 7 years for women | Lifetime infertility rate | China

According to the analysis of census data, the lifelong infertility rate of women in China is 5.16%. According to a study by the China Population and Development Research Center under the National Health Commission, in 2020, the lifelong infertility rate of 49 year old women in China was 5.16%, lower than the average level of the United States and EU countries. Research has found that women with higher levels of education have a higher lifelong infertility rate. In 2020, the lifelong infertility rate of 49 year old women with primary and secondary education levels was close to 5%, while the lifelong infertility rates of 49 year old women with high school and college education levels and above were 6.46% and 7.98%, respectively. The real estate purchase restriction policy is expected to further loosen. Nearly 20 cities in China have relaxed their housing purchase restrictions. Recently, many regions in China have adjusted and relaxed their restrictive housing purchase policies. According to statistics from Zhongzhi Research Institute, in 2023

Be careful when you see these names! The Naming Trick of 392 "Wild Chicken Universities" Revealed: Economics | Management | Names
Be careful when you see these names! The Naming Trick of 392 "Wild Chicken Universities" Revealed: Economics | Management | Names

Some fake universities are indeed easy to identify, but some are a bit difficult - for example, China University of Economics and Trade, Beijing University of Economics and Trade, China University of Economics and Trade, and Capital University of Economics and Trade Management. They all look like dogs, but in the end, they are all "wild chicken schools" without educational qualifications, enrollment qualifications, and social recognition. As the results of the college entrance examination are gradually announced, filling out voluntary applications has become a top priority for candidates and parents. However, if one is not careful, they may fall into the trap of "fake universities". The reporter sorted and analyzed the list of 392 exposed "wild chicken universities" to see what tricks they played in their names? Why is it difficult to distinguish a "fake university" from a "real university" at first glance? Because its names all stem from "real universities". "Transfer flowers and trees"

Today's data selection: 40℃ high temperature makes air conditioners sell out; pearl prices soar. This year|China|High temperature
Today's data selection: 40℃ high temperature makes air conditioners sell out; pearl prices soar. This year|China|High temperature

Pearls have returned to the fashion circle, sales are booming and prices have soared. How to identify "real" pearls is a difficult problem. "Poor on the third night of September, the dew is like pearls and the moon is like a bow." Pearls, as an ancient jewelry ornament, have been active since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. in the fashionable life of Chinese people. After being popular all over China in the last century, this trend receded and pearls became "earth". But in recent years, together with Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece "Girl with a Pearl Earring", pearl jewelry seems to have started a "Renaissance" in the fashion world. While it is loved by young people, its prices have also risen. . Affected by factors such as shortage of supply and demand, the pearl market has started a price increase. "Pearls started to rise slightly in the second half of last year. In March this year, there was a sharp rise in China. The price of seawater pearls increased by about 50%. Until now.

Today's data selection: ChatGPT traffic growth rate has plummeted; Nissan Auto Continuously Rises Prices | Car | ChatGPT
Today's data selection: ChatGPT traffic growth rate has plummeted; Nissan Auto Continuously Rises Prices | Car | ChatGPT

Did the AI turn off? The sharp decline in the growth rate of ChatGPT traffic has caused a global AI boom, and ChatGPT seems to have entered a bottleneck period. According to the website data analysis tool SimilarWeb, the growth rate of ChatGPT traffic in the early stage was astonishing, with a month on month growth rate of 131.6% in January, 62.5% in February, and 55.8% in March. It slowed down significantly in April, with a month on month growth rate of 12.6%. By May, this number had become 2.8%. The month on month growth rate in June may be negative. However, not only ChatGPT, but the entire AI sector seems to be in a state of stalling. Bank of America strategist Michael Hartnett stated in his latest report that there are preliminary signs that investors

Today's data selection: A new round of ultra-high temperature weather is about to be launched; Omicron Discovered and High Lethal Virus Recombination Seminar | Virus | Weather
Today's data selection: A new round of ultra-high temperature weather is about to be launched; Omicron Discovered and High Lethal Virus Recombination Seminar | Virus | Weather

On the afternoon of June 23, when Omikjon was found and the virus recombination with a mortality rate of 35%, the seminar on "From the research and development of COVID-19 vaccine to the prevention and treatment of new and recurrent infectious diseases" directed by the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology was held in Shanghai. Talking about new infectious diseases in the future, Jiang Shibo, professor of the School of Basic Medicine of Fudan University and director of the Institute of Pathogenic Microorganisms, warned at the seminar that Omikjon may be recombined with MERS virus, which has already occurred in AIDS patients in the Middle East. "If this recombinant virus spreads globally, it would be terrifying because the mortality rate of MERS is as high as 35%, but its transmission power is very low, while the mortality rate of Omicron is very low, but its transmission power is very strong. There is a possibility of 'strong alliance' in their recombination. Regarding the possibility of recombination transmission of the two viruses, Jiang Shibo calls for scientific research."

Today's data selection: 106 million domestic tourism trips during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday; Pig breeding talents can earn over 100000 yuan per month, and recovery is possible. | Muyuan | Data
Today's data selection: 106 million domestic tourism trips during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday; Pig breeding talents can earn over 100000 yuan per month, and recovery is possible. | Muyuan | Data

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, 106 million domestic tourists visited China. During the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the cultural and tourism industries showed strong recovery momentum, and the overall holiday market in China was safe, stable, and orderly. According to comprehensive calculations by the Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of domestic tourism trips in China reached 106 million, a year-on-year increase of 32.3%, and has recovered to 112.8% of the same period in 2019 according to comparable standards; Realized a domestic tourism revenue of 37.31 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.5%, and restored to 94.9% of the same period in 2019 according to comparable standards. El Ni ñ o causes frequent heavy rainfall in southern China. In the summer of the beginning of El Ni ñ o, the subtropical high in the western Pacific often leans towards the south and is stronger, resulting in more precipitation in the southern region of China. The frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall in Jiangnan, South China and other areas recently is a manifestation of the influence of El Ni ñ o conditions

Today's data selection: Are high temperatures exceeding 40 ℃ becoming increasingly frequent; News of the median age of the US population reaching a new high | for the first time | Population
Today's data selection: Are high temperatures exceeding 40 ℃ becoming increasingly frequent; News of the median age of the US population reaching a new high | for the first time | Population

Is the high temperature exceeding 40 ℃ becoming more and more frequent? According to the China Weather Network, at 13:36 on June 23, the temperature at the Observatory in the southern suburbs of Beijing once again exceeded 40 ℃. This is the first time in the history of Beijing's observation that the temperature has reached above 40 ℃ for two consecutive days. Recently, Beijing is experiencing the third high temperature weather process this year. The Beijing Meteorological Observatory has issued the highest level of high temperature red warning signal at 7 o'clock this morning. The last time Beijing issued a high-temperature red warning was on May 29, 2014, nine years ago. According to statistics, the extreme maximum temperature since the establishment of the Observatory in the southern suburbs of Beijing was 41.9 ℃, which appeared on July 24, 1999. Secondly, the daily maximum temperature was 41.1 ℃, which appeared on July 14, 2002, May 29, 2014 and June 22, 2023.

Today's data selection: HM frequently closes stores in multiple cities; Chinese electric fans have become popular in Europe. Songshan | barley | HM
Today's data selection: HM frequently closes stores in multiple cities; Chinese electric fans have become popular in Europe. Songshan | barley | HM

Following the frequent closure of the Beijing Sanlitun store, the H&M store located on Jinsha Tianjie in Longhu, Hangzhou, has recently also hung a sign indicating its upcoming relocation. In recent years, H&M has frequently closed its stores and offered crazy discounts before closing. Last June, the first H&M store in China on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai closed down, and the action of withdrawing the store also involved multiple cities such as Hangzhou and Guangzhou. According to third-party monitoring data, H&M's stores in China have dropped from 479 in 2020 to 360 in 2022, a decrease of over 100 stores in about two years. Chinese electric fans became popular in Europe in early June this year, with the global average temperature reaching a new record high for the same period. Recently, a series of heatstroke prevention products such as air conditioners, fans, and sunscreen clothing have been exported in China. The person in charge of an electrical appliance manufacturer in Shenzhen introduced that they produce

Today's data selection: The demand for taxis during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday increased by 50% year-on-year; 1 new confirmed case of monkeypox in Hong Kong Writing | AI | Demand
Today's data selection: The demand for taxis during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday increased by 50% year-on-year; 1 new confirmed case of monkeypox in Hong Kong Writing | AI | Demand

The artificial intelligence industry is in urgent need of personnel, and AI talents can earn nearly 420000 yuan per year. Since the end of last year, the wave of applications represented by generative AI has been constantly fermenting, and new applications are constantly emerging. The supply-demand contradiction of related talents is becoming increasingly prominent. According to data from a certain recruitment platform, this year's new artificial intelligence positions for fresh graduates ranked first among more than a dozen emerging industry recruitment positions, with a year-on-year growth of over 170%. Among them, the average annual salary for deep learning related positions was nearly 420000 yuan, ranking first among all types of positions. Both fresh graduates and social recruitment have seen a significant increase in demand for artificial intelligence related recruitment in the past three years. Putuo District in Shanghai has gathered over 2000 software information service enterprises. According to relevant departments, in recent years, these enterprises have undergone a significant transformation towards artificial intelligence, resulting in a significant talent gap. Therefore, the government

Today's data selection: More and more fresh graduates are returning to the county to take the civil service exam; Zongzi gift box mix and match to reproduce 980 yuan high price county | system | selection
Today's data selection: More and more fresh graduates are returning to the county to take the civil service exam; Zongzi gift box mix and match to reproduce 980 yuan high price county | system | selection

More and more fresh graduates return to the county to take public examinations. In recent years, the employment focus of college graduates has gradually sunk, and they have entered prefecture-level cities and below to work. The work in the county system has attracted more and more graduates. The latest report released by MyKeSi shows that the focus of employment of fresh college students continues to sink. The proportion of fresh college students employed in municipalities directly under the central government and sub-provincial cities has shown a downward trend. Among them, the undergraduate class decreased from 17% and 30% in the 2018 class to 13% and 28% in the 2022 class, and the higher vocational class decreased from 11% and 28% in the 2018 class to 9% and 25% in the 2022 class. Of course, this change itself is also related to the expansion of college enrollment and the increase of graduates year by year. Data show that the total number of college graduates will reach 10.76 million in 2022, exceeding 10 million for the first time,

"Only 4 days of work this week" is the top trending topic! Why is "compensatory leave" constantly controversial? Methods | Proposals | Disputes
"Only 4 days of work this week" is the top trending topic! Why is "compensatory leave" constantly controversial? Methods | Proposals | Disputes

The arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday has sparked another round of debate about compensatory time off. Although we only have 4 days of work this week, we need to work continuously for 6 days starting from Sunday. This news has prompted many netizens to call for "refusal of compensatory leave". Small and long holidays allow people to have a longer period of vacation, but with it comes a slightly chaotic period of compensatory time off before and after the holiday. Employees and students who are taking compensatory time off need to make up for the missed work and courses on weekends. In an interview, Zhang, a sophomore in high school this year who originally only had one day off per week, stated that if he were to take a day off, the day off would be occupied and he would face the situation of having to attend 14 consecutive classes. "I've made up for all the holidays on Saturday and Sunday, so why don't we take any more leave? It's better not to take it anymore!" Xiao Zhang said angrily. The "compensatory leave" system: from its emergence to continuous discussion in history

Today's data selection: The growth rate of postgraduate entrance examination applications is the lowest in nearly eight years; The direct economy class ticket price between China and the United States has been reduced to below 20000 yuan | Talent | Data
Today's data selection: The growth rate of postgraduate entrance examination applications is the lowest in nearly eight years; The direct economy class ticket price between China and the United States has been reduced to below 20000 yuan | Talent | Data

The growth rate of postgraduate entrance examination applications is the lowest in nearly eight years. In 2023, the number of national master's students applying continues to rise slightly, but the growth rate is the lowest in nearly eight years. In the past 27 years, after experiencing slow growth or even a temporary decline, the number of candidates taking the postgraduate entrance examination entered a high growth stage after 2016. From 2015 to 2022, the average annual growth rate of the number of people taking the postgraduate entrance examination reached 15.8%, and in 2022, it achieved high growth at a high level, with a growth rate of over 21%. According to the latest news on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on June 18, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing, which mentioned that "the two sides agreed to encourage the expansion of cultural and educational exchanges between the two countries, actively discuss the increase of passenger flights between China and the United States, and welcome more students, scholars, and business circles

Today's data selection: Beijing heat stroke has entered a high incidence period; Vietnam's Three Star Apple Factory Affected by Thermal Shock | High Temperature | High incidence Period
Today's data selection: Beijing heat stroke has entered a high incidence period; Vietnam's Three Star Apple Factory Affected by Thermal Shock | High Temperature | High incidence Period

Beijing heat stroke into the high incidence of heat stroke is a severe heat stroke, clinical, heat stroke patients to the elderly and outdoor work groups. Traffic police, firefighters, construction workers, sanitation workers and other outdoor workers are prone to heatstroke due to long-term high-temperature environment, while many elderly people are not used to turning on air conditioners, resulting in excessive indoor temperature and rising humidity, which eventually leads to the occurrence of heat stroke. "Elderly people are highly susceptible to heat stroke due to inadequate thermoregulation. Most elderly people also have underlying diseases that, once they suffer from heat stroke, can cause abnormal liver function, kidney function, coagulation and respiratory failure, which are likely to be fatal." Zhang Qing, deputy chief physician of the emergency department of Chaoyang Hospital, said that family members should remind the elderly who live with them to turn on the air conditioner in time to cool down when they are at home in hot weather and ventilate frequently. Recent

Today's data selection: Young people are planning the Dragon Boat Festival with three days off and eight days off; India's labor participation rate is only 51%, far lower than China's India | participation rate | young people
Today's data selection: Young people are planning the Dragon Boat Festival with three days off and eight days off; India's labor participation rate is only 51%, far lower than China's India | participation rate | young people

There is no need to worry about India's population surpassing China. Experts say that India's labor force participation rate is only 51%, far lower than China's. On June 16th, Zhai Zhenwu, President of the China Population Association, compared the population situation of India, the world's largest and second most populous country, with China. He proposed that due to the significantly lower labor force participation rate of the working age population in India compared to China, the labor force size will not exceed China in the first half of the 21st century, and China can continue to maintain its position as the world's largest labor force country with a higher labor force participation rate. Zhai Zhenwu stated that although India's total population exceeds that of China, its impact on economic development is not as significant in reality. The labor participation rate in India is very low, and a large population of working age does not necessarily mean a large labor force. In 2021, the working age population of China and India were 986 million and 950 million respectively, with a difference of only 3%

Today's data selection: Global chocolate prices have risen by 14%; A cup of milk tea generates 87 data budgets | nationwide | global
Today's data selection: Global chocolate prices have risen by 14%; A cup of milk tea generates 87 data budgets | nationwide | global

What is the reason for the year-on-year increase of approximately 33% in national fiscal revenue in May? In the first five months of this year, the national general public budget revenue approached 10 trillion yuan, maintaining a double-digit high growth rate, which is related to economic recovery and special factors such as a low base in the same period last year. In May, the Chinese economy continued to recover, but many economic indicators weakened. However, due to the low base in the previous period, fiscal revenue still maintained high growth. On June 16th, the Ministry of Finance announced the financial revenue and expenditure situation for May 2023. According to data from the Ministry of Finance, the national general public budget revenue in May this year was 1652.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 33%. In May, the national general public budget revenue maintained a double-digit high growth rate, mainly due to the low base in the same period last year. Since April last year, China has implemented a large-scale value-added tax retention policy

Today's data selection: Second hand housing prices across the country fell in May; About 110 million people worldwide are forcibly displaced Google | Nationwide | House prices
Today's data selection: Second hand housing prices across the country fell in May; About 110 million people worldwide are forcibly displaced Google | Nationwide | House prices

The real estate market has yet to recover, and in May, the national second-hand housing prices fell across the board. At the beginning of the year, the national real estate market showed signs of warmth, but then returned to the downward trend again. In May, the price increase of newly-built commercial residential properties nationwide fell comprehensively, while the price of second-hand residential properties changed from rising to falling. On June 15th, the National Bureau of Statistics announced the changes in the sales prices of commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities in May, displaying the above information. From February to March, stimulated by various favorable policies in the real estate market, the backlog of housing demand during the epidemic control period and the Spring Festival holiday was released, and housing prices stabilized. The transaction volume of the national real estate market increased significantly month on month. But the recovery momentum showed signs of fatigue in April, with the national housing price increase falling and transaction volume decreasing month on month. The real estate market continued to decline in May, with an increasing number of cities experiencing a decline in housing prices. In terms of newly-built commercial residential buildings, the sales prices in first and second tier cities in May were respectively around

Will the summer in Shanghai this year be scorching hot after the end of the rainy season? It is said that El Ni ñ o brings high temperatures | Shanghai | El Ni ñ o
Will the summer in Shanghai this year be scorching hot after the end of the rainy season? It is said that El Ni ñ o brings high temperatures | Shanghai | El Ni ñ o

Today is another scorching day in the north, while the rainy season in Shanghai continues. According to data from the National Meteorological Administration, since June this year, a total of 183 national meteorological stations in China have experienced daily maximum temperatures exceeding monthly extremes, and 46 stations have exceeded historical extremes. For example, in Beijing, as of the 22nd, the number of days with high temperatures in June reached 7.9, the highest in history since 1961, with the highest temperature reaching 41.1 ℃. In the south, there is widespread heavy rainfall. 16 rivers in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan and other areas have experienced over alert floods. Such abnormal weather seems to be related to El Ni ñ o. The heavy rainfall continued in June this year, and the precipitation in Shanghai can be described as astonishing. According to the annual water situation reports from the Shanghai Municipal Water Bureau, as of June 25th, the average precipitation in Shanghai in June this year has reached

Today's data selection: The production of Yangmei in Zhejiang Province has increased by 15% this year; El Ni ñ o return process accelerates year-on-year | electricity consumption | Yangmei
Today's data selection: The production of Yangmei in Zhejiang Province has increased by 15% this year; El Ni ñ o return process accelerates year-on-year | electricity consumption | Yangmei

The National Energy Administration releases the latest data! On June 14th, the latest data released by the National Energy Administration showed that the total electricity consumption in May exceeded 7%, with a year-on-year increase of 7.4%. Looking at different industries, the electricity consumption of the primary industry was 10.3 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 16.9%; The electricity consumption of the secondary industry was 495.8 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 4.1%; The electricity consumption of the tertiary industry was 128.5 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 20.9%; The daily electricity consumption of urban and rural residents was 87.6 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 8.2%. This year, the production of waxberries in Zhejiang has increased by 15%. As June enters, waxberries in major production areas in Zhejiang have gradually matured and started to go on the market in large quantities. Plum farmers are also working hard to pick them. In Lanxi, Zhejiang, the Yangmei greenhouse of Ni Xiaoming's family farm is abundant

What is the charm of the Shanghai International Film Festival, where everyone is vying for tickets? Number of posts | Movies | Charm
What is the charm of the Shanghai International Film Festival, where everyone is vying for tickets? Number of posts | Movies | Charm

The 25th Shanghai International Film Festival will be held from June 9th to 18th. 41 cinemas will screen over 400 films during the film festival, with an estimated screening of over 1300 times. At present, the Weibo topic "Shanghai International Film Festival" has 2.883 million discussions and 2.75 billion views. We have sorted out the four highlights of this year's Shanghai International Film Festival using data. Highlight 1: The film has a stronger reputation and high scoring works frequently appear. As the first competitive international film festival in China, the high quality of the exhibited films has always been highly anticipated by audiences. Except for some premiere films that have not been rated yet, the rating distribution range for most of the films showcased at this year's film festival is also above 6 points, and some films have entered the 9-point range. At 12:00 noon on June 2nd, the Shanghai International Film Festival was screened

Today's data selection: Global warming leading to increased airplane turbulence; The mortgage interest rate is about to decrease. Sales | Pickups | Global
Today's data selection: Global warming leading to increased airplane turbulence; The mortgage interest rate is about to decrease. Sales | Pickups | Global

The increase in social financing in China in May reached 1.56 trillion yuan, an increase of 331.2 billion yuan from the previous month. According to data released by the People's Bank of China on the 13th, preliminary statistics show that the increase in social financing scale in May 2023 was 1.56 trillion yuan, an increase of 331.2 billion yuan from the previous month and a decrease of 1.31 trillion yuan from the same period last year. Among them, RMB loans issued to the real economy increased by 1.22 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 617.3 billion yuan. In addition, as of the end of May 2023, the stock of social financing scale was 36.1.42 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.5%. Among them, the balance of RMB loans issued to the real economy was 225.62 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.3%. Wen Bin, Chief Economist of China Minsheng Bank, stated that under the high base effect, the year-on-year growth rate of social financing scale in May has declined.

Today's Data Selection: Top 10 Travel Destinations for College Entrance Examination Students Released; Seoul's real estate market transaction volume plummeted by 70% in history | Answer | Top 10
Today's Data Selection: Top 10 Travel Destinations for College Entrance Examination Students Released; Seoul's real estate market transaction volume plummeted by 70% in history | Answer | Top 10

Exclusive to the entire network? Recently, the gang sold the real questions and answers of the senior high school entrance exam to make a profit of 200000 yuan. Recently, the Jiangsu police found that someone openly sold the test papers and answers of the simulated junior high school entrance exam in many places across the country in short videos. However, some cities have not yet carried out the joint exam. The police joined the relevant QQ group as candidates and found that the purchased test papers and answers were genuine, costing only 20-30 yuan per subject. After obtaining evidence, the police arrested four suspects. Sun confessed that he discovered business opportunities by buying answers online during his student years, and used the time difference between exams in various schools to collect and sell real exam questions. Since August last year, he has illegally profited nearly 200000 yuan. At present, four people have been taken compulsory measures for the crime of illegal use of information networks. Shenzhen Futian District provides a subsidy of 5000 to 15000 yuan for individual consumers to purchase new cars: total amount control, first

Today's data selection: Last year's number of marriages hit a new low in 37 years; Vietnam Power Crisis or Impact on Global Industry Chain | Women's Doubles | Vietnam
Today's data selection: Last year's number of marriages hit a new low in 37 years; Vietnam Power Crisis or Impact on Global Industry Chain | Women's Doubles | Vietnam

Congratulations! On June 11th, Beijing time, in the women's doubles final of the 2023 French Open, Wang Xinyu and Xie Shuwei, the "Strait Combination" Wang Xinyu and Xie Shuwei, rebounded strongly after losing one set first, and won two consecutive sets, defeating Canadian player Fernandez and American player Thomson 1:6, 7:6, and 6:1 to win the French Open women's doubles championship. Be wary of "lychee disease"! Eating too many lychees can cause hypoglycemia. In summer, lychees are sold in large quantities, but eating too many lychees can easily lead to lychee disease. Litchi disease is a hypoglycemic disorder caused by excessive intake of lychees, which leads to excessive secretion of insulin. Mild symptoms may include palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, and sweating, while severe symptoms may include convulsions, coma, and even life-threatening symptoms. Doctor's advice: Try to avoid eating lychees on an empty stomach and avoid eating them every time

Today's data selection: 12306 trial online shop selection service; Permanent chemical substances detected in the blood of residents in Tokyo. USD exchange rate | RMB | Residents
Today's data selection: 12306 trial online shop selection service; Permanent chemical substances detected in the blood of residents in Tokyo. USD exchange rate | RMB | Residents

The reporter learned from China Railway Group that starting from yesterday, the 12306 website and mobile client will pilot online berth selection services, selecting 230 high-speed and conventional passenger trains that can reach all regions of the country as pilot programs. Online autonomous berth selection services will be provided for soft and hard sleeper trains, as well as soft sleeper, first class sleeper, and second class sleeper trains on conventional trains. At the same time, priority allocation of lower berths will be provided for key passengers aged 60 and above. The countdown to the closure of H&M's flagship store in Sanlitun, Beijing. One of the largest flagship stores in China, H&M's store in Sanlitun, Beijing, has announced the recent cessation of operations, highlighting the difficulties and challenges faced by the brand in the Chinese market. H&M's inability to adapt to the rapid changes in the Chinese clothing market and the lack of online marketing on social platforms have exacerbated the brand's shortcomings