
Be careful when you see these names! The Naming Trick of 392 "Wild Chicken Universities" Revealed: Economics | Management | Names
Be careful when you see these names! The Naming Trick of 392 "Wild Chicken Universities" Revealed: Economics | Management | Names

Some fake universities are indeed easy to identify, but some are a bit difficult - for example, China University of Economics and Trade, Beijing University of Economics and Trade, China University of Economics and Trade, and Capital University of Economics and Trade Management. They all look like dogs, but in the end, they are all "wild chicken schools" without educational qualifications, enrollment qualifications, and social recognition. As the results of the college entrance examination are gradually announced, filling out voluntary applications has become a top priority for candidates and parents. However, if one is not careful, they may fall into the trap of "fake universities". The reporter sorted and analyzed the list of 392 exposed "wild chicken universities" to see what tricks they played in their names? Why is it difficult to distinguish a "fake university" from a "real university" at first glance? Because its names all stem from "real universities". "Transfer flowers and trees"

Today's data selection: The lifelong infertility rate of women in China is 5.16%; Naps can delay brain aging by 7 years for women | Lifetime infertility rate | China
Today's data selection: The lifelong infertility rate of women in China is 5.16%; Naps can delay brain aging by 7 years for women | Lifetime infertility rate | China

According to the analysis of census data, the lifelong infertility rate of women in China is 5.16%. According to a study by the China Population and Development Research Center under the National Health Commission, in 2020, the lifelong infertility rate of 49 year old women in China was 5.16%, lower than the average level of the United States and EU countries. Research has found that women with higher levels of education have a higher lifelong infertility rate. In 2020, the lifelong infertility rate of 49 year old women with primary and secondary education levels was close to 5%, while the lifelong infertility rates of 49 year old women with high school and college education levels and above were 6.46% and 7.98%, respectively. The real estate purchase restriction policy is expected to further loosen. Nearly 20 cities in China have relaxed their housing purchase restrictions. Recently, many regions in China have adjusted and relaxed their restrictive housing purchase policies. According to statistics from Zhongzhi Research Institute, in 2023

Today's data selection: Aspartame may cause cancer; Jingcheng Iron Mine has concealed at least 17 miners' deaths and is aware of them | human | data
Today's data selection: Aspartame may cause cancer; Jingcheng Iron Mine has concealed at least 17 miners' deaths and is aware of them | human | data

Aspartame may cause cancer, do you dare to drink sugar free drinks? On June 29th, according to Reuters, insiders revealed that one of the most common artificial sweeteners in the world, aspartame, may be listed as a "possible carcinogen" by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, starting in July. Currently, aspartame is widely used in foods such as sugar free cola and chewing gum, which is also of great concern to consumers. As a non carbohydrate artificial sweetener, aspartame is widely used in beverages, ice cream, frozen desserts, infant and toddler food, milk powder, soy milk powder, candies, pharmaceutical preparations, and other products. Public data shows that aspartame has annual sales of up to $1 billion and is adopted by thousands of products. Due to its low calorie, high sweetness, and pure sweetness, aspartame is popular in sugar free drinks

Today's data selection: The RMB exchange rate has hit a new low since November last year; Xiaomi responds to India's intensive layoffs. India | RMB | new low
Today's data selection: The RMB exchange rate has hit a new low since November last year; Xiaomi responds to India's intensive layoffs. India | RMB | new low

The RMB exchange rate has fallen below 7.28, setting a new low since November last year. Experts say it is expected to remain stable in the second half of the year. On June 28th, the offshore RMB/USD fell below the 7.28 mark, falling more than 100 points within the day, setting a new low since November 2022. Experts believe that the changes in interest rate spreads caused by the divergence of monetary policies between China and the United States, as well as the phased strengthening of the US dollar exchange rate, have brought short-term and phased pressure to the RMB exchange rate. With the steady recovery of the domestic economy and the resilience of foreign trade, the RMB assets have long-term attractiveness, and the stability of the RMB exchange rate is supported by solid fundamentals. In the second half of the year, the RMB exchange rate is expected to continue to maintain basic stability at a reasonable equilibrium level. Xiaomi responds to India's intensive layoffs on June 30th, with news suggesting that Xiaomi India is undergoing large-scale layoffs. A Xiaomi print

Today's data selection: The average wholesale price of 28 vegetables in China has increased by over 20% year-on-year; Housing prices in Baicheng continue to decline in months | month on month | wholesale
Today's data selection: The average wholesale price of 28 vegetables in China has increased by over 20% year-on-year; Housing prices in Baicheng continue to decline in months | month on month | wholesale

On July 1st, data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs showed that due to adverse weather conditions, vegetable prices in June increased both month on month and year on year. In June, the national wholesale average price of 28 vegetables monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was 4.99 yuan per kilogram, a month on month increase of 3.3% and a year-on-year increase of 22.9%. Experts say that due to the higher field area of vegetables in China this summer compared to the same period last year, and the large number of cold vegetables in northern production areas being launched, vegetable prices across the country began to recover from a seasonal downward trend in late June. However, in the future, vegetable prices will continue to fluctuate with increasing high temperatures and rainy weather. More than 40 Chinese tourists were attacked in France. According to CCTV News on July 1st, on June 30th local time, the French Ministry of the Interior announced the deployment of 4

Today's data selection: 95s and 00s are experiencing a trend of getting married and publishing in newspapers; Hainan's strict prevention of college entrance examination immigration year-on-year | export | data
Today's data selection: 95s and 00s are experiencing a trend of getting married and publishing in newspapers; Hainan's strict prevention of college entrance examination immigration year-on-year | export | data

Under high-frequency data, the living radius of economic residents in June slightly rebounded. From June to June, the daily average subway passenger volume in the top ten cities in China was 56.66 million, a slight increase of 0.8% compared to the average in May. The weekly data are 5516, 5574, 5666, 5366, and 62.34 million people respectively. Except for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the overall trend is gradually increasing, and it is more obvious in the fourth week. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that the number of cases began to increase in late April and entered a low-level wave like epidemic trend after mid May. On June 30th, real estate sales in the city continued to be weak, but did not decline unilaterally. The monthly daily transaction area is 416000 cubic meters, slightly lower than the daily average transactions of 426000 and 428000 cubic meters from April to May. Among them, weekly data were recorded with 48,36,38,34,640000 cubic meters, respectively. In the last week

Today's data selection: In the first half of the year, the per capita earnings of A-shares were 39000 yuan; More than 20% of South Korean netizens support the scale of single person tax | South Korea | A-shares
Today's data selection: In the first half of the year, the per capita earnings of A-shares were 39000 yuan; More than 20% of South Korean netizens support the scale of single person tax | South Korea | A-shares

The "largest scale" centralized procurement has come to an end, and traditional Chinese medicine enterprises will face a major "reshuffle"? Recently, the results of the nationwide traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations collection, which is known as "the largest in history", has relatively complex rules and takes a long time, have been released recently, with an average price reduction of 49%. The overall price reduction is in line with expectations and relatively moderate, lower than the average reduction of 56% in the previous eight batches of nationwide drug procurement. It is reported that this is also the first time in China that traditional Chinese medicine has been collected in a centralized manner. The selected products have complete specifications and involve 6 treatment fields such as internal medicine and ophthalmology. Based on the winning results of the centralized procurement, a total of 63 enterprises and 68 representative products were selected, with a winning rate of 71.6%; The average decrease is 49.36%, and it is expected to save over 4.5 billion yuan in drug costs annually. For traditional Chinese medicine enterprises, centralized procurement of traditional Chinese medicine can achieve standardization through unified procurement and negotiation

Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have raised their minimum wage standards; The largest range of high temperature weather has hit this year | high temperature | standard
Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have raised their minimum wage standards; The largest range of high temperature weather has hit this year | high temperature | standard

The largest range of high temperature weather this year is coming to big cities. Check out the high temperature clock in calendar and see where the ultra long standby time is. The largest range of high temperature weather this year is about to be launched! From July 5th to early next week, North China, Huanghuai and other regions will welcome a new round of super long standby hot weather, and Jiangnan, South China and other regions will also join the "high temperature group chat", resulting in phased sauna weather. During this process, some areas in the north will once again reach 40 ℃, and local areas such as Hebei and Liaoning may experience extreme high temperatures. In the next week, in major northern cities, high temperatures may occur every day in Shijiazhuang and Jinan, with temperatures reaching up to 40 ℃ in Shijiazhuang around 6 days ago; The extreme high temperature in Zhengzhou is the most prominent, with the highest temperature reaching 41 ℃ for two consecutive days from the 7th to the 8th, resembling an oven outdoors. The period with the highest temperature and the largest impact range during this process will occur from the 5th to the 7th; From the 8th to the 10th, subject to surrender

72000 job resumes analysis: why and what talents do elderly people need when they continue to work? | Elderly people | Job seeking
72000 job resumes analysis: why and what talents do elderly people need when they continue to work? | Elderly people | Job seeking

Lao Zhang stepped on his bicycle and put his wife and daughter's complaints behind him. He was holding a fire in his heart and rode faster and faster, fearing that if he did not have time to take the path to "smuggle" to work in the factory, he would have to leave the city at home because of the epidemic to help take care of his grandson. After being stopped by the police on the road, he took out his work certificate and willingly carried his clothes into the dormitory of the factory. He got up at a fixed time every day, ate breakfast, and then began to work as soon as he brushed the bowl. "You let me stay at home, I feel uncomfortable". Lao Zhang, currently 61 years old, is still active in the workplace with his ability of mechanical drawing. There are not a few elderly people like him who expect to return to the workplace after retirement. In 1999, the United Nations put forward the slogan "Building a society for all ages"; 24 years later

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday
Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

From 1921 to 1924, Yu Songhua was stationed in Berlin, where he served as a joint special correspondent for the Beijing Morning Post and the Shanghai Current Affairs News. He was one of the first foreign correspondents of the Republic of China. Yu Songhua was born on March 9, 1893 in Shanghai, originally from Taicang City, Jiangsu Province. His original name was Yu Qingyao, and his pen names were Danlu, Yao, and others. Starting from 1905, Yu Songhua, who was 12 years old, and Hu Shi, who was 14 years old, were classmates and principal Cai Yuanpei at Shanghai Chengzhong School. In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out, and 18-year-old Yu Songhua was a student of Fudan Public School. He participated in the battlefield rescue team organized by his brother Yu Fengbin and rushed to the Battle of Nanjing. He braved gunfire and rushed to the front of Zijin Mountain to rescue the wounded. On December 2nd, he captured Nanjing City and was commended by General Li of the military. He went through the baptism of revolutionary war, and nine years later,

Today's data selection: Summer outings usher in the first peak of flight booking; Longevity Protein Helps Elderly Monkeys Restore Memory in China | Policy | Booking
Today's data selection: Summer outings usher in the first peak of flight booking; Longevity Protein Helps Elderly Monkeys Restore Memory in China | Policy | Booking

In the first half of the year, more than 300 policies related to stabilizing the real estate market were introduced in various parts of China. In the first half of the year, there was a high frequency of supportive policies related to the real estate industry in various parts of China, with many places implementing a combination of policies to stabilize the real estate market, including relaxing restrictive policies, providing housing purchase subsidies, and optimizing housing provident fund policies. A study released by the China Index Research Institute on the 5th showed that more than 100 regions in China have optimized their real estate regulation policies over 300 times in the first half of the year. Among them, in the first four months of this year, the frequency of policy introduction was relatively high, about 60 times per month. In May and June, the frequency of policy introduction related to the real estate market significantly slowed down, dropping to 36 times in June, the lowest in the first half of the year. From different cities, third and fourth tier cities have introduced more policies in the early stage, and the policy space has been compressed. Since May, real estate related support has been provided

Today's data selection: another batch of banks lowering deposit interest rates; The first domestically produced innovative antidepressant drug has been approved, with a benchmark of fixed deposits and interest rates
Today's data selection: another batch of banks lowering deposit interest rates; The first domestically produced innovative antidepressant drug has been approved, with a benchmark of fixed deposits and interest rates

The average price of domestic air tickets during the summer has exceeded 1000 yuan, and there are sufficient 100 yuan routes in Southeast Asia. According to data from FlightAI market insight platform under Ctrip, the passenger volume at domestic airports in the first five days of the summer travel was nearly 9 million, an increase of nearly 14% compared to the same period in 2019. According to data from Ctrip, domestic air ticket orders reached a historic high in the first five days of summer travel, while outbound air ticket orders increased six times year-on-year. As of July 5th, the orders for peripheral and long-distance trips in the first five days of summer travel increased by 29% and 64% respectively compared to June. Due to the high demand, the average price of domestic air tickets has further increased, reaching 1032 yuan, and the 100 yuan route in Southeast Asia is still sufficient. Jay Chou's concert in Haikou generates three times more tourism revenue than the Dragon Boat Festival. The just concluded Jay Chou 2023 Carnival World Tour Haikou Station attracted 154600 people in just four days

Is the rate of studying abroad at prestigious universities too high? Is studying abroad equivalent to talent loss? Data tells you the truth, teaching support | explanation | data
Is the rate of studying abroad at prestigious universities too high? Is studying abroad equivalent to talent loss? Data tells you the truth, teaching support | explanation | data

Recently, some self media outlets have raised the issue that the rate of graduates from northern China studying abroad is as high as 80%, causing a stir online. The discussion about whether the proportion of graduates from prestigious universities studying abroad is too high has sparked heated discussions. Is it true that there are endless rumors about top domestic universities "cultivating talents for foreign countries" and "wasting educational resources"? The average study abroad rate of C9 universities is only 13.1%. The first thing that can dispel rumors is that the study abroad rate of graduates from several top universities, including Tsinghua, is not high. At present, Tsinghua University has officially refuted the claim that "the rate of going abroad is as high as 80%". As of 2022, only 14% of Tsinghua graduates choose to study abroad/abroad, including going to Hong Kong, China for further education. 80% of the data only comes from continuing their undergraduate studies after graduation

Today's data selection: Hong Kong housing prices have fallen by 13%; Multiple merchants fined mortgages, loans, and housing prices for selling food in nuclear radiation zones
Today's data selection: Hong Kong housing prices have fallen by 13%; Multiple merchants fined mortgages, loans, and housing prices for selling food in nuclear radiation zones

On July 7th, the President of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Yu Wei wen, announced the decision to adjust the countercyclical macro prudential supervision measures for property mortgage loans, which will take effect immediately. He pointed out that the mortgage rate for residential properties for personal use will be increased, the mortgage rate for properties priced below 15 million yuan will be relaxed to 70%, the mortgage rate for properties priced above 15 million to 30 million yuan will be increased to 60%, and the mortgage rate for properties priced above 30 million yuan will remain unchanged at 50%. Affected by the COVID-19 and rising interest rates, residential property prices began to adjust in 2022, and rebounded at the beginning of this year. However, market data showed that by the end of June, the overall residential property prices had fallen 13% from the 2021 high. According to China News Agency, the Land Registry of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced on the 4th that land registrations will be submitted in June 2023

Today's data selection: Only 30% of young people believe they have no social difficulties; Global average temperature reaches 3 new highs in 4 days | Youth | Social | Difficulty
Today's data selection: Only 30% of young people believe they have no social difficulties; Global average temperature reaches 3 new highs in 4 days | Youth | Social | Difficulty

Only 30% of young people think they have no social difficulties. Recently, a media survey shows that 59.4 percent of the interviewees feel that there are many "ineffective social interactions" in their circle of friends, and 64.2 percent of the interviewees feel that they have psychological or operational "social blocking". Among them, 26.7 percent of the interviewees feel that they have obstacles in offline social interaction, and 17.0 percent of the interviewees feel that there are obstacles in online social interaction, 20.5 percent of the young people interviewed felt that they had problems online and offline. Only 30 percent of young people do not think they have social difficulties. To reduce the burden on the circle of friends, "eager to be noticed, but afraid of being seen through", nowadays young people are trying every means to pull out from the complicated relationship, shielding friends and colleagues, the circle of friends can be seen for three days... People are social animals, social interaction is the survival instinct of people. Actually

Today's data selection: Global cruise tourists this year may exceed 2019;
Today's data selection: Global cruise tourists this year may exceed 2019;

According to a recent research report released by the International Cruise Association, global cruise tourists this year may exceed 2019. More and more tourists prefer to spend a few more days, slow down their travel pace, and enjoy delicious food while enjoying the beautiful scenery on the cruise ship. Some large cruise ships also offer various entertainment facilities and performances. Would you choose a cruise? The Fukushima nuclear wastewater contains over 60 radioactive nuclides. The Japanese government has unilaterally decided to discharge the nuclear wastewater into the sea this summer. The Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan has produced over 1.3 million tons of contaminated water, with approximately 100 tons of new water being produced daily. It is expected to be discharged into the ocean for up to 30 years. In addition, the Japanese government plans to complete the retirement of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant within 30-40 years. Here

Today's data selection: The price of scalpers visiting Qingbei has significantly increased; A Case of Monkeypox Discovered in Xi'an Review | Appointment | Yellow Bull
Today's data selection: The price of scalpers visiting Qingbei has significantly increased; A Case of Monkeypox Discovered in Xi'an Review | Appointment | Yellow Bull

Starting from the 8th, Peking University and Tsinghua University will open visits to tourists who have made advance reservations in order to meet the demand for summer public visits, as the price of scalpers visiting Qingbei has significantly increased. On social media platforms, many netizens have posted that the campus visit appointment for Peking University and Tsinghua University is "not available in a second"; A netizen said, "I can't even grab three or four mobile phones every day."; Some netizens have also inquired about other ways to enter the school. With the popularity of the Peking University and Tsinghua University reservation channels, some scalpers selling tickets to "prestigious schools" have reappeared. According to a survey conducted by @ Beijing Youth Daily, it was found that there are still a few merchants on third-party platforms who have committed crimes against the wind, claiming to be able to "help" schedule visits to Tsinghua and Peking University. Some social media platforms also have scalpers actively soliciting customers. Moreover, due to the current peak summer travel season, the price of "scalpers" visiting the Qingbei campus on behalf of others has significantly increased,

Today's data selection: A total of 10 cases of monkeypox have been reported in multiple regions; Youth Travel Service responded by rejecting patients aged 35 and above | Number | Youth Travel Service
Today's data selection: A total of 10 cases of monkeypox have been reported in multiple regions; Youth Travel Service responded by rejecting patients aged 35 and above | Number | Youth Travel Service

A total of 10 cases of monkeypox have been reported in many places. From the current data, the number of reported cases of monkeypox infection in China has increased to 10. Some relevant experts told 21 reporters that monkeypox virus invades the human body through mucous membranes and damaged skin. Humans are infected primarily through contact with diseased exudates, blood, other body fluids, or by bites or scratches from infected animals. The transmission between people is mainly through close contact, but also through droplets. Contact with items contaminated by the virus may also be infected, and it can also be transmitted vertically through the placenta. However, sexual transmission cannot be ruled out at this time. "People who live with or have close contact with monkeypox patients, or who have frequent contact with potentially infected animals, are at greatest risk of infection. While newborns, young children, and patients with potential immunodeficiency

Today's data selection: The average ticket price for the Hangzhou Asian Games does not exceed 160 yuan; Young people are beginning to fall in love with end-of-life consumption real-time | CPI | tickets
Today's data selection: The average ticket price for the Hangzhou Asian Games does not exceed 160 yuan; Young people are beginning to fall in love with end-of-life consumption real-time | CPI | tickets

The average price of tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games does not exceed 160 yuan. The real-time sales phase of tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games will start from August 14th and end on October 8th. It is reported that ticket prices for the Hangzhou Asian Games range from 20 to 1000 yuan, with over 60% of tickets priced at no more than 100 yuan and the average ticket price not exceeding 160 yuan. On the day of pre-sale, all 113700 pre-sale tickets were sold out, including popular diving events that sold out within 1 minute of being sold out, swimming events that sold out within 90 seconds of being sold out, and judoka events that sold out in 15 minutes. On July 11th, the French government announced that it will distribute bonuses to encourage people to repair old clothes and shoes, rather than throwing them away, starting from October. The French throw away 700000 tons of clothing every year, of which one-third

What are the main reasons for Shanghai's double-digit positive growth in exports in the first half of the year? | New energy | Exports
What are the main reasons for Shanghai's double-digit positive growth in exports in the first half of the year? | New energy | Exports

In the first half of this year, China's foreign trade overall continued to maintain a stable and positive trend, but the two consecutive months of decline in exports in May and June also posed challenges for post pandemic recovery. However, Shanghai seems to have taken a different curve from the whole country. After the weakness from January to March, Shanghai's performance in April and May was impressive. Although there was a slight decline in June, the year-on-year growth rate of Shanghai's exports in the first half of the year reached 15.2%, far higher than the national level. Even considering the low base of the same period last year, the total export volume for three consecutive months has exceeded the historical record set before the epidemic, indicating that Shanghai's exports have achieved tangible growth and improvement under external pressure. Foreign trade is difficult, but is it really difficult to limit it to certain commodities? Sakura, who is engaged in clothing foreign trade, did feel the chill: "Half a year has passed, and we..."

Today's data selection: The penetration rate of new energy vehicles has exceeded 30%; Penetration rate of encouraging people to work remotely in southern European countries under high temperatures | new energy vehicles | penetration rate
Today's data selection: The penetration rate of new energy vehicles has exceeded 30%; Penetration rate of encouraging people to work remotely in southern European countries under high temperatures | new energy vehicles | penetration rate

China's new energy vehicle penetration rate exceeded 30% new energy vehicle penetration rate exceeded 30%. According to the latest data from the Federation of passengers, the domestic retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles reached 35.1 percent in June this year, up 7.8 percentage points from the same period last year. In the first half of the year, the cumulative retail sales volume reached 3.086 million vehicles, up 37.3 per cent year-on-year, with a penetration rate of 32.4 per cent. According to the goal of the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan", my country's new energy vehicle sales will account for 20% in 2025, and the penetration rate will exceed 20% in 2022, completing the target three years ahead of schedule. Fang Jianhua, president of the New Energy Vehicle Fund of the National Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund, believes that the production and sales of new energy vehicles in my country will exceed 9 million this year. By 2025, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles will exceed 50%. The flow of talent in the first half of the year

Today's data selection: 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China in June; Doctor's Reminder on the Risk of Poor Health Preservation from Sunbathing on the Back during the Three Fu Days | Case | Data
Today's data selection: 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China in June; Doctor's Reminder on the Risk of Poor Health Preservation from Sunbathing on the Back during the Three Fu Days | Case | Data

Is it necessary to be vigilant when 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in China and abroad in June? Lu Hongzhou, president of Shenzhen Third People's Hospital and director of the National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, told Interface News that the monkeypox virus enters the human body from broken skin and mucous membranes, so it spreads mainly from person to person through close contact. The reported cases are mainly transmitted through sexual behavior, especially by men who have sex with men. However, other modes of transmission, such as respiratory droplet transmission, mother-to-child vertical transmission, and indirect contact transmission of pollutants, cannot be ruled out. Lu Hongzhou believes that according to the current situation, there is a possibility of further increase in local cases in a short period of time, but even if the scale of cases expands, it will reach the peak in a short period of time and gradually decline, and the risk of a large-scale epidemic in the future is very low. Lu Hongzhou thinks

Today's data selection: The number of cities with declining housing prices in June continues to increase; 122 million new global hunger cases | University of Science and Technology of China | House prices | Global
Today's data selection: The number of cities with declining housing prices in June continues to increase; 122 million new global hunger cases | University of Science and Technology of China | House prices | Global

On July 15th, the National Bureau of Statistics released data on housing prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities for June 2023. According to data, in June 2023, the sales prices of commercial residential properties in 70 large and medium-sized cities increased month on month, while the number of cities decreased. The sales prices of new commercial residential properties in all major cities remained unchanged or slightly decreased month on month, while the sales prices of second-hand residential properties decreased month on month. Zhang Dawei, Chief Analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, said that the recent market cooling is due to the fact that the supply and demand fundamentals have not been completely improved. Although policies to stabilize the real estate market are still being introduced, their marginal effects have decreased, and the confidence of both supply and demand sides has not been restored. The vice president of a bank received a salary of several hundred yuan and wanted to work to subsidize his family, but was dismissed. In the eyes of most people, working in a bank earns high salaries and social status, but in a bank, people

Today's data selection: Beijing Medical Beauty refund can enjoy a 7-day cooling off period; Multiple locations implement a 3-day registration management committee | Railway department | Data
Today's data selection: Beijing Medical Beauty refund can enjoy a 7-day cooling off period; Multiple locations implement a 3-day registration management committee | Railway department | Data

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, in conjunction with the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, jointly issued a demonstration text of the "Beijing Medical Aesthetics Service Contract". Medical beauty institutions shall not create appearance anxiety, nor shall they charge a one-time fee exceeding 5 times the cost of a single treatment. If medical beauty services are not implemented within 7 days of payment, consumers have the right to request a one-time full refund. The high-speed railway station with an investment of over 40 million yuan has not been put into operation for many years. The railway department believes that there will be serious losses after its opening. On February 2nd of this year, some netizens consulted the progress of the opening of Haitou Station through the "Leadership Message Board" on People's Daily. The netizen said, "The Haitou High Speed Rail Station has never been in operation since the opening of the West Ring High Speed Rail in 2015. I hope to open the Haitou High Speed Rail Station so that it can be convenient for Haitou Town, Bangxi Town, Qifang Town, and Rongbang in Baisha County."

Today's data selection: The summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan; Hollywood Actors Strike Boycott AI Subway | Market | Box Office
Today's data selection: The summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan; Hollywood Actors Strike Boycott AI Subway | Market | Box Office

Summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan, according to statistics, as of now, the 2023 summer box office has exceeded 9 billion yuan, and multiple high-quality film works continue to stimulate the vitality of the film market. The recently released satisfaction survey results of Chinese film audiences show that domestic films "Chang'an 30000 Li" and "Octagonal Cage" received high satisfaction ratings of 85.1 and 84.5, respectively. The summer season saw a continuous increase in popularity driven by high-quality and high satisfaction domestic films. The summer passenger flow of multi city subways has surged: Beijing and Shenzhen have risen by one million, while Guangzhou has exceeded ten million. According to interface news, in the past month, the subway passenger flow in most cities has increased, and the overall subway passenger flow in the country has also been higher than the same period last month. Based on the 30 subway cities within the statistical scope, the overall passenger flow was 8950 last Friday

Today's data selection: A bus carrying 21 Chinese tourists overturned in Vietnam; Tesla Toy Car First Batch of Real Car Tourists Arriving in Shanghai | Fake Orders | Bus
Today's data selection: A bus carrying 21 Chinese tourists overturned in Vietnam; Tesla Toy Car First Batch of Real Car Tourists Arriving in Shanghai | Fake Orders | Bus

A tourist bus carrying 21 Chinese tourists overturned in Vietnam. According to the Consulate General of China in Ho Chi Minh City, on July 18th, a tourist bus carrying 21 Chinese tourists overturned in Qinghe Province, Vietnam. After receiving the report, our embassy immediately activated the emergency response mechanism for consular protection of Chinese citizens, coordinated foreign affairs and public security departments in Qinghe Province to fully carry out rescue efforts, and contacted personnel from nearby Chinese enterprises to go to the incident site and hospitals to assist in rescue and treatment. At the same time, personnel have been arranged to fly to Qinghe Province to coordinate rescue and treatment. According to preliminary reports from the Vietnamese side, the accident has resulted in 4 deaths, 8 seriously injured individuals have been transferred to Qinghe Provincial General Hospital for rescue, and the remaining lightly injured individuals have been sent to local hospitals for treatment. The first batch of Tesla toy cars arrived in Shanghai with a selling price of 11990 yuan. On July 18th, they arrived at Tesla Middle School on Yan'an West Road in Shanghai

Today's data selection: Product and technology research and development end positions have become the most popular positions; South Korea's minimum hourly wage will increase to 56 yuan situation | News | Product
Today's data selection: Product and technology research and development end positions have become the most popular positions; South Korea's minimum hourly wage will increase to 56 yuan situation | News | Product

Product and technology research and development positions have become the top popular positions. On July 19th, 51job pointed out in its "2023 Employment Trends for College Graduates" that in 2023, more than half of the 95's employees accounted for over 25%, an increase of four percentage points year-on-year. The Trend shows that retail, Internet and semiconductor/integrated circuit enterprises have the most young employees; Software/network services, semiconductor/integrated circuit, and financial enterprises have the highest number of highly educated employees; The number of overseas graduates in FMCG, Internet and electronic/electrical industries is the largest. In 2023, the top three most popular industries among college students are fast-moving consumer goods/professional retail, insurance/banking/securities, and mechanical manufacturing/industrial equipment. Over the past year, there have also been changes in popular positions. In 2023, the most popular among graduates

Today's data selection: CNKI has opened an online collection of thesis remuneration; Musk said Tesla may continue to lower its remuneration | grade | paper
Today's data selection: CNKI has opened an online collection of thesis remuneration; Musk said Tesla may continue to lower its remuneration | grade | paper

On July 20th, a joint investigation team was established in Xi'an to verify the situation of returning students. The Education Bureau of Xi'an issued a statement stating that in response to the online rumors of "85800 students enrolled in the seventh grade in 2020" and "87000 students taking the eighth grade academic level exam in 2022", after verification, the number of seventh grade students enrolled in Xi'an in 2020 was 108712, the number of students taking the eighth grade academic level exam in 2022 was 107012, and the number of students taking the middle school entrance exam in Xi'an this year was 103031. In response to some parents reporting issues such as fake qualifications for "returning students" and illegal operations by intermediary agencies, the Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Public Security Bureau have established a joint investigation team to verify the registration qualifications of "returning students" one by one. Any illegal or irregular behavior discovered will be dealt with seriously, resolutely cracked down on, and eradicated

Why are there so many opportunities in these majors, and the difficulty data of different majors getting into the civil service exam reveals the competition | degree | data
Why are there so many opportunities in these majors, and the difficulty data of different majors getting into the civil service exam reveals the competition | degree | data

The end of the universe is the civil service examination. Although the number of civil servants recruited has expanded in recent years, this does not mean that they will not pass the civil service examination. Year after year, the group of people taking the civil service exam is visibly growing stronger. In 2023, the number of people who passed the national entrance examination reached nearly 2.6 million, which has almost doubled in five years. The number of applicants for the provincial examination has increased from 2.46 million in 2019 to 5.2 million in 2023, more than doubling. How difficult is it to get ashore? What are the differences in difficulty levels among different regions, departments, and positions? What professional talents do civil servants need and what conditions should they possess? Which is more difficult to get close to the first step of the civil service exam: choosing the national exam or the provincial exam? The full name of the national examination is the central government and its affiliated institutions

Today's data selection: Shanghai suspended the processing of online ride hailing transportation certificates; The leakage industry of a large amount of arsenic containing wastewater during the transfer process in Japan | ride hailing | transportation certificate
Today's data selection: Shanghai suspended the processing of online ride hailing transportation certificates; The leakage industry of a large amount of arsenic containing wastewater during the transfer process in Japan | ride hailing | transportation certificate

Forbes: The growth rate of China's unicorn enterprises has once again surpassed that of the US market. On July 21, Yan Gewen, Chief Strategy Officer of Forbes China Group, released the latest "Global Unicorn Trends Report" at the 2023 Yangtze River Unicorn Summit held in Hangzhou. The report pointed out that the growth rate of China's unicorn enterprises has once again surpassed the US market after three years of epidemic, demonstrating stronger resilience and vitality. Industrial capital has played a crucial role in promoting the incubation of unicorns. The report points out that the United States still has the largest number of unicorn companies, with a total of 768, followed closely by China with 394 unicorn companies. The number of unicorns added by the two countries in the first half of the year accounted for 90% of the global total. Shanghai suspends the processing of online ride hailing transportation certificates. Is online ride hailing still a way out for middle-aged people