We should make good use of "big ideological and political courses", experts: strengthen the values ​​education of college students in the new era

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 21:16 PM

Recently, the forum "Chinese and Foreign Values ​​Education and Reform and Innovation of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities in the New Era" was held at East China University of Political Science and Law. Ying Peili, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of East China University of Political Science and Law, attended the meeting.

Professor Yang Xiaohui, former Secretary of the Party Committee of Northeast Normal University and Vice President of the Chinese Education Society, took the title "International Comparison and Reflection on Values ​​Education of College Students" to analyze the current characteristics of college students' value identification and put forward the influencing factors for the cultivation of college students' values. At the same time, through the evaluation of the effects of college students' values ​​education, it is pointed out that the values ​​education of college students in the new era should be strengthened, and feasible suggestions are put forward for contemporary families, schools, and society to coordinate and link up to promote college students' values ​​education.

Professor Michael J. Nakkula, a world-renowned psychologist, educator, and doctoral tutor at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania, systematically elaborated on thoughts and actions in his keynote speech on "The Power of Discourse in the Development of Life Possibilities: How to Transform Language into Action" relationship, how to develop possibilities and other issues, and provides a "five-step model" to further realize the possibilities of life development: explore interests, optimize interests, plan actions based on interests, take actions according to plans, and evaluate progress to promote More people get opportunities for development.

Professor Jiang Fei, executive director of the International Comparative Research Center for Youth Moral Education in Jilin Province and the Ideological and Political Education Research Center of Northeast Normal University, believes that through long-term exploration and practice, countries around the world have formed unique theoretical and practical characteristics of values ​​education, and they also face some common problems. Bottlenecks and challenges. Compared with Western countries, my country's ideal and belief education plays a special role in leading college students to establish lofty ideals and altruistic ideals, reflecting unique institutional advantages. In the future, we should continue to unswervingly educate college students about their ideals and beliefs, and explore them as unique experiences for cross-cultural exchanges and mutual learning, thereby contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions.

Participants believed that in an era of cultural diversity and deep globalization, values ​​education has shown diversity and richness. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen research on educational psychology, especially the reform and innovation of traditional ideological and political education models. In the past, our country placed more emphasis on the role of schools in terms of values ​​education. But judging from foreign experience, the role of family and society cannot be underestimated. Therefore, we must make good use of the "big ideological and political courses" to form a synergy among families, schools, and society. This forum provides reference for the reform and innovation of values ​​education in colleges and universities and ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the new era, and provides strong guidance for further promoting the values ​​education of college students in my country.

The forum was chaired by Professor Zhao Qingsi, Dean of the School of Marxism at East China University of Political Science and Law. Heads of the Marxist Schools from Fudan University, Donghua University, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, and representatives of teachers and students from the Marxist School of East China University of Political Science and Law attended the forum.

We should make good use of "big ideological and political courses", experts: strengthen the values ​​education of college students in the new era
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