Too realistic!, An inconspicuous detail in "All in One": network | telecommunications | details

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:47 PM

The record breaking movie "All for One" has become popular, not only because the plot exposes the truth that scammers least want you to know, and shows the thrilling Chinese police's cross-border arrest of telecommunications fraud gangs, but also because many people buy tickets for the promotional slogan "more people watch, less people are deceived". The line "people have two hearts, greed and unwillingness" in the film has become a classic line, urging people to stay away from online gambling.

But some netizens also believe that the form of telecom fraud in "All for One" is online gambling. If one does not participate in online gambling, they are neither greedy nor unwilling, can they avoid the scam?

Not necessarily.

There is an inconspicuous detail in the movie that answers this question - a victim says, "I just want to earn some money to buy groceries.". However, it is precisely because of the small and seemingly ungrateful wish of "earning some money to buy groceries" that we are gradually trapped.

In the eyes of most people, "grocery money" is just a small amount of money, far from online gambling and ball games that often involve bets of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of yuan. However, it is not known that many telecommunications scams initially target low amounts of "grocery money".

For example, in many online brushing scams, the initial "reward" may only be 2 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, and at most only 100 yuan, which is what many people see as "vegetable money" and can be redeemed. Some retirees feel that they can earn some money by moving their fingers to buy groceries, so they enjoy it tirelessly.

But as they repeatedly earned "grocery money", the scam slowly unfolded. At this point, these potential victims increasingly believe in the benefits of "online brushing" and the introduction of so-called "customer service". After continuous brainwashing by "customer service", they are gradually attracted by the rhetoric of "high investment, high return" and fall into the trap of "completing upgrade tasks and obtaining high rewards". Then, the victim who only wanted to "earn money from buying groceries", in order to fulfill the "high return" of the upgrade task, "recharged" thousands of yuan according to the guidance of "customer service", until they could not withdraw and "customer service" disappeared, only then did they realize that they had been deceived.

Too realistic!, An inconspicuous detail in "All in One": network | telecommunications | details

It can be seen that the seemingly non greedy idea of "earning some money to buy groceries" can also give rise to greed after being induced by scammers. As another classic line from the movie goes, for scammers, they are "not afraid of you making money, but afraid of you not playing.". After several attempts to earn some money from buying groceries, it becomes a bottomless trap of online fraud.

In fact, in "All in One", there are many details that are mutually verified with the cases and reminders previously disclosed by the public security department. Some details may just flash by, but they reveal the truth of online fraud and reveal the key points of the vast majority of telecommunications fraud traps.

Firstly, do not trust the messages sent by iMessage on your phone and do not click on emails with unknown origins.

In the film, the bait for online gambling includes small advertisements scattered on the roadside, iMessage messages received on mobile phones, and emails claiming to be easy to make money, which many victims fall for.

In daily life, the bait for online fraud traps is similar to it. So, public security departments in many places have issued reminders that if the public has no special usage needs, they can turn off the iMessage function on their phones, and do not open emails of unknown origin without trust, such as "easy money making" and "high salaries overseas".

Secondly, do not believe in insider information.

The scene of college graduate student A Tian committing suicide and being seriously injured due to falling into online gambling in the film is heartbreaking. The important reason why he fell for it is because the beautiful Dutch official Anna had insider information and made a profit. As the plot progresses, the audience already understands that there is no "insider information", only a scam tailored for A Tian. The fraudster arrogantly says, "If I want him to win, he will win, if I want him to lose, he will lose.". It can be seen that so-called "internal information" and "guaranteed profits" are just tricks to gain the trust of victims.

Too realistic!, An inconspicuous detail in "All in One": network | telecommunications | details

In real life, the trap of using "insider information" as bait is not uncommon. Some criminals fabricate statements such as "internal personnel of wealth management companies have insider information, which makes it inconvenient to operate, so they entrust operations" and use tactics such as "insider information," "guaranteed profits," and "high returns" to lure the target audience. The fact proves that these statements are all false.

Finally, don't try to "turn the tables", it's difficult to "land".

In the film, many people want to "go ashore" - Anna wants to complete the task and leave the fraud gang; A Tian made a desperate decision to turn the tables and never gamble again... but they all failed. One of the reasons is that in the traps constructed by criminals, the banker only wins but not loses, and will not let the victim "turn the tables", let alone "get ashore".

Tian's girlfriend, Xiaoyu, felt that she had missed the opportunity for Tian to turn the tables and make a comeback because she did not bet on the game for Tian. She expressed confusion and even regret to Officer Zhao about this. But Officer Zhao told her that there was no chance of a comeback, as the fraudsters would modify the odds the moment the ball was shot in and ultimately not cash in on the bet.

The fact is exactly so. In online fraud, only the banker can make a steady profit without losing money, and participants do not have the opportunity to turn the tables and make a comeback.

These seemingly inconspicuous details reflect the practical significance of "All in One": for ordinary people, do not think that online gambling and telecom fraud are far away. The idea of "making some money to buy groceries" or a small advertisement on your phone or email may lead you into a trap carefully designed by scammers. It is difficult to retreat completely, but the most effective way is to remain vigilant and remember that "pie will not fall from the sky". Even if you are concerned about "buying groceries", do not take chances.

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