Today's data selection: The 2023 summer box office exceeded 20 billion yuan; Five more suspects of wire fraud in Myanmar are being deported back to Russia | Box office | Data

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:41 PM

The 2023 summer box office exceeded 20 billion yuan

According to data from Caixin News Agency on August 26th, as of 21:56 on August 26th, the total box office of the 2023 summer season has exceeded 20 billion yuan, with "The Disappearing She", "The Lost One", "Fengshen Part 1", "In the Octagonal Cage", and "30000 Miles in Chang'an" ranking among the top five in the summer season.

Five more suspects of wire fraud in Myanmar have been escorted back to their home country

Yesterday, five more suspect of telecommunications fraud were transferred from Myanmar police to the Chinese police working group at Yangon International Airport and escorted home. At this point, 24 suspects of wire fraud in Myanmar were escorted back to their home country within 4 days.

894 Russian companies have been approved to export aquatic products to China

On August 24th, the Japanese government unilaterally initiated the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The General Administration of Customs of China, in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the World Trade Organization, announced a comprehensive suspension of imports of Japanese aquatic products from the 25th onwards. According to Reuters on the 26th, in this context, the Russian government hopes to expand its exports of aquatic products to China.

Reuters reported that in a statement released by the Russian Federation Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision Agency on the evening of the 25th local time, the Chinese market has a broad prospect for Russian aquatic products. Russia hopes to increase the number of Russian enterprises and ships allowed to export aquatic products to China, as well as the scope and quantity of aquatic products exported to China. According to reports, the department stated in July this year that Russia is one of China's largest suppliers of aquatic products, with 894 Russian companies approved to export aquatic products to China.

High speed rail employees profit 190000 yuan from selling celebrity itineraries

Starting from January 2019, the defendant Chen and others took advantage of their position as railway station attendants to search for personal information such as the travel time, train number, and seats of the sales "star". Chen made a total profit of about 190000 yuan. The court sentenced the defendants Chen and others to imprisonment ranging from 9 months to 3 years and 8 months and a fine for the crime of infringing on personal information of citizens. After the first instance verdict of the case was announced, the defendant Chen and others filed an appeal, which was ultimately rejected and the original verdict was upheld.

Cathay Pacific plans to recruit 200 to 300 mainland flight attendants

"We hope to further develop and serve the mainland market, better integrate into the overall development of the country, and strengthen the connection between Hong Kong and the mainland and around the world." At the first mainland talent recruitment fair of Cathay Pacific Limited held in Shenzhen on the 25th, Lin Shaobo, CEO of Cathay Pacific Group, said.

Cathay Pacific recently announced the launch of the "2023 Mainland Talent Recruitment Plan", and flight attendant recruitment is the first step of this plan. The job fair will last for six days and plans to recruit 200 to 300 mainland flight attendants. Cathay Pacific will also provide more business positions such as flight trainees, information technology personnel, and ground crew to the mainland. It is expected that the number of talents recruited in the mainland will reach about 4000 by 2025.

"We have strengthened our Mandarin proficiency training and encouraged our team to learn Mandarin. If we pass the test, we will provide some allowances every month." Lin Shaobo introduced that currently, out of the company's team of more than 6000 flight attendants, there are 2500 who can speak Mandarin. Starting from August, we will ensure that every flight back and forth to the local area has Mandarin cabin broadcasts.

Today's data selection: Manufacturing PMI continued to rebound in July; Internet Factory Launches 2024 Autumn Recruitment China | Website | Continuation
Today's data selection: Manufacturing PMI continued to rebound in July; Internet Factory Launches 2024 Autumn Recruitment China | Website | Continuation

National Cyberspace Office: Focusing on violations and strengthening law enforcement, the Associated Press of Finance reported on July 31 that in the first half of 2023, according to the official account of WeChat of NetEase China, the national Cyberspace system will focus on key points and take comprehensive measures to investigate and deal with all kinds of online violations according to law, with a total of 5518 websites interviewed, 188 websites with functions suspended or updated, 120 mobile applications off the shelf, 87 small programs closed, and 7704 illegal websites will be cancelled or filed with the competent telecommunications department, and 39100 illegal accounts will be closed by relevant website platforms in accordance with the law. IPhone with old Twitter icon priced at $25000. According to IT Home, Twitter changed its name to X last week and if it wants to become a new logo, it must update the app

Why don't we love watching Hollywood blockbusters anymore? Second tier | blockbusters | Hollywood
Why don't we love watching Hollywood blockbusters anymore? Second tier | blockbusters | Hollywood

This summer, the box office of movies has exceeded 100 million yuan every day for 40 consecutive days. This number has set a new record in the history of Chinese cinema, breaking through 100 million yuan in consecutive days. But amidst the heat, there is also a sense of coolness: as of July 28th, the box office of "Spider Man: Crosses the Universe" and "Mission Impossible 7: Deadly Reckoning" were only 356 million and 316 million yuan, far behind the one week release of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The once popular Hollywood blockbusters are no longer popular. The attractiveness has long declined. In fact, the cooling off of Hollywood blockbusters was not sudden, but had early signs. Looking back at the top 15 Chinese film box office rankings over the years, it can be found that the number of Hollywood films is decreasing and gradually being replaced by domestic films. As early as 2015, Hollywood movies almost dominated the top 15 lists

Today's data selection: Homestays have become a new employment choice for young people; Global natural disaster losses hit a 12 year high in the first half of the year | Germany | Choice
Today's data selection: Homestays have become a new employment choice for young people; Global natural disaster losses hit a 12 year high in the first half of the year | Germany | Choice

In the first half of the year, global natural disaster losses reached a 12 year high, with frequent global natural disasters causing economic losses that have reached a new high in recent years. One of the world's largest insurance groups, Yian, released its latest report on the 21st. In the first half of 2023, natural disasters including earthquakes, droughts, storms, floods, tropical cyclones, and wildfires were estimated to have caused economic losses of $194 billion worldwide, far higher than the average level of $128 billion since the 21st century, the fifth highest on record and the highest since 2011. The TFBOYS concert has driven a 30 fold increase in accommodation bookings in Xi'an. The TFBOYS concert has led to a peak of multiple bookings for accommodation in Xi'an, and many hotels along subway lines 3 and 14 have already been fully booked in advance. Meituan and Dianping from Volkswagen

Today's data selection: The number of cities with declining housing prices in June continues to increase; 122 million new global hunger cases | University of Science and Technology of China | House prices | Global
Today's data selection: The number of cities with declining housing prices in June continues to increase; 122 million new global hunger cases | University of Science and Technology of China | House prices | Global

On July 15th, the National Bureau of Statistics released data on housing prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities for June 2023. According to data, in June 2023, the sales prices of commercial residential properties in 70 large and medium-sized cities increased month on month, while the number of cities decreased. The sales prices of new commercial residential properties in all major cities remained unchanged or slightly decreased month on month, while the sales prices of second-hand residential properties decreased month on month. Zhang Dawei, Chief Analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate, said that the recent market cooling is due to the fact that the supply and demand fundamentals have not been completely improved. Although policies to stabilize the real estate market are still being introduced, their marginal effects have decreased, and the confidence of both supply and demand sides has not been restored. The vice president of a bank received a salary of several hundred yuan and wanted to work to subsidize his family, but was dismissed. In the eyes of most people, working in a bank earns high salaries and social status, but in a bank, people

Today's data selection: 106 million domestic tourism trips during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday; Pig breeding talents can earn over 100000 yuan per month, and recovery is possible. | Muyuan | Data
Today's data selection: 106 million domestic tourism trips during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday; Pig breeding talents can earn over 100000 yuan per month, and recovery is possible. | Muyuan | Data

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, 106 million domestic tourists visited China. During the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the cultural and tourism industries showed strong recovery momentum, and the overall holiday market in China was safe, stable, and orderly. According to comprehensive calculations by the Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of domestic tourism trips in China reached 106 million, a year-on-year increase of 32.3%, and has recovered to 112.8% of the same period in 2019 according to comparable standards; Realized a domestic tourism revenue of 37.31 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.5%, and restored to 94.9% of the same period in 2019 according to comparable standards. El Ni ñ o causes frequent heavy rainfall in southern China. In the summer of the beginning of El Ni ñ o, the subtropical high in the western Pacific often leans towards the south and is stronger, resulting in more precipitation in the southern region of China. The frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall in Jiangnan, South China and other areas recently is a manifestation of the influence of El Ni ñ o conditions