Building modern civilization of the Chinese nation, drawing on the wisdom of traditional cultural governance, and governing together | social governance | new culture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:53 AM

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the cultural inheritance and development symposium that it is necessary to "make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture, explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovations", and "promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation."

Chinese excellent traditional culture, as the root and soul of the Chinese nation, is a rich soil for promoting theoretical and institutional innovation. We must fully utilize the precious resources of excellent traditional Chinese culture, achieve the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and achieve the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. As the key to opening the treasure house of Chinese civilization, TCM carries the most comprehensive and important information of Chinese traditional culture, represents the core concepts and values of Chinese civilization, and embodies the wisdom of Chinese philosophy and the essence of Chinese civilization.

An in-depth explanation of the ideological origins and connotations of "treating the body and the country together" in traditional Chinese medicine

The path of medicine is connected to the path of governance, which has a long history since ancient times. As early as the Spring and Autumn period, the concept of "treating the country first, followed by treating the sick" was proposed in the "National Language: Jin Yu". The Lv Family's Spring and Autumn Annals: An Overview of Review and Separation holds the view that "governing the body and governing the country by the husband is a matter of one principle.". The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, Su Wen, once proposed the viewpoint of "treating illness without treatment, treating disorder without treatment"; The Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, Lingshu, also contains records of "governing the people from the top, governing the body from the bottom, ensuring that the people are disease-free, harmonious from the top to the bottom, and virtuous and virtuous from the bottom. The descendants are carefree and will be passed down to future generations", and "governing the people and self governance by the husband... governing the country and the family, there is no reverse that can be governed". It can be seen that ancient people equated "treating diseases" with "governing chaos", "governing the body" with "governing the people", "governing the country" with "governing the family", and believed that the basic concepts were consistent. As the Ming Dynasty physician Li Shizhen once said, "To govern the body is to govern the world, and to prolong the life of the country is to prolong the life of the people." During the Republic of China period, the physician Qiu Jisheng also argued that "a good doctor is equal to a good minister, and governing the people is originally to govern the country.".

We need to further explore the concept of "treating the body and the country together" in traditional Chinese medicine literature according to the characteristics and requirements of the times. Based on this, we will sort out, summarize, and deeply explain the ideological connotation of "treating the body and the country together" in traditional Chinese medicine, and study and condense the essence of governance contained in traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Providing Wisdom Support for Modernization of Social Governance through the Cultural Values of Traditional Chinese Medicine

As a specific embodiment of Chinese path to modernization in the field of social governance, the modernization of social governance needs not only new ideas and experience of modern social governance, but also the wisdom support of excellent traditional culture, and also the nutrients of social governance from excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Traditional Chinese medicine is rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese culture, deeply imprinted with the imprint of Chinese culture, and embodies the unique spiritual value and philosophical wisdom of the Chinese nation. The holistic views of life, body and mind, and heaven and humanity upheld by traditional Chinese medicine are highly consistent with the values of classical literature such as the Book of Changes, Tao Te Ching, Analects, and Zhuangzi. The values of "Dao follows nature" and "correspondence between heaven and man" pursued by traditional Chinese medicine, the therapeutic goals of "balancing yin and yang, promoting harmony in the middle", the dialectical thinking of "comparing symptoms and treating diseases" and "treating based on syndrome differentiation", and the medical ethics of "medicine is benevolent" and "great medicine is sincere" all embody the profound philosophical wisdom of Chinese culture, reflect the unique way of thinking of the Chinese nation, reflect the profound humanistic spirit of the Chinese nation, and carry the rich connotations and distinctive characteristics of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Therefore, based on the connotation of the concept of "governing the body and the country together" in traditional Chinese medicine, combined with the actual governance of contemporary China, we will deeply explore the essence of governance contained in traditional Chinese medicine culture, such as exploring and explaining the concept of "people-oriented" in traditional Chinese medicine, the concept of "treating diseases before they occur" in traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment methods of treating both symptoms and root causes in traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment concept of "going with the flow but not going against the flow" in traditional Chinese medicine, the holistic thinking of "heaven, earth, and people" in traditional Chinese medicine, the dialectical thinking of "yin and yang theory" in traditional Chinese medicine, and the concept of "respecting the middle and promoting harmony" in traditional Chinese medicine. We will draw governance wisdom from it, enrich governance resources, and.

Providing Wisdom Support for Global Governance Today with the Cultural Values of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The world is currently undergoing unprecedented changes, with profound and drastic changes in the global governance system, increasing uncertainty and instability, frequent risks, ongoing conflicts, and overlapping problems. To improve the global governance system, it requires not only political, economic, and technological perspectives, but also cultural, civilized, and value considerations.

Traditional Chinese medicine, as an important component of China's excellent traditional culture, embodies profound philosophical wisdom, including the simple "worldview" of Chinese civilization and the profound concept of "world harmony". For example, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the concept of "harmony between heaven and man", regards humans and nature as a whole, believes that human health maintenance and disease prevention must conform to nature, reflecting the philosophical wisdom of Chinese culture's Dao following nature; Traditional Chinese medicine upholds the therapeutic principle of "discord with others" and highlights the traditional cultural concept of "advocating harmony and seeking great harmony" of the Chinese nation; Traditional Chinese Medicine advocates the medical ethics and style of "medicine is benevolent" and "great medicine is sincere", reflecting the ethical and moral values of Chinese culture of putting life first and benefiting the people and the world. These will provide useful insights and references for today's global governance.

Based on this, we need to actively explore the ideological connotations and contemporary values contained in traditional Chinese medicine culture, activate its inherent strong vitality, use the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine culture to resolve conflicts between countries, promote world peace and development, maintain international fairness and justice, and provide intelligent support for global governance.

Building on the profound foundation of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization, we must open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture. Based on the new era, we need to further explore the governance essence contained in traditional Chinese medicine culture, help promote the modernization of social governance, provide intelligent support for global governance, achieve the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine culture, and provide spiritual impetus for the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

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