Why do 19100 Taiwanese funded enterprises choose to settle in Shanghai? Taiwanese businessmen want to ride a ride on high-tech | Shanghai | Enterprises

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 08:40 AM

"In the past two years, our company's revenue has exceeded 1 billion yuan," Lin Shao'an, Deputy General Manager of Qiaoshan China Headquarters, a Taiwanese owned enterprise, told reporters. This is not only due to the optimization of the company's business policy - more attention to business opportunities in the mainland market, but also due to Shanghai's strong support for Taiwanese enterprises. As early as 2021, Qiaoshan Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd. was awarded the "Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies" certificate, thus enjoying a series of preferential policies in Shanghai.

Shanghai is a gathering place for Taiwanese compatriots and a highland for Taiwanese enterprise investment. Data shows that Shanghai has approved a total of 19100 Taiwanese funded enterprises, attracting a total contract amount of 46.11 billion US dollars. From January to May this year, the total import and export trade volume between Shanghai Port and Taiwan reached 20.071 billion US dollars, and Taiwanese enterprises are increasingly becoming an important force in Shanghai's economic development.

Both sides of the Taiwan Strait are close to each other. In recent years, Shanghai has actively implemented the policy of equal treatment for Taiwanese compatriots and enterprises, further optimized the business environment related to Taiwan, and helped Taiwanese businesses and enterprises take root in Shanghai and develop better, continuing to contribute Shanghai's strength in deepening the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Forming a joint force to promote the transformation and development of Taiwanese enterprises

At the beginning of this month, nearly 20 representatives of Taiwanese businessmen were invited to participate in the Shanghai Business Environment Symposium. Faced with the heads of units such as the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, the Municipal Commission of Commerce, and the Municipal Bureau of Justice, Taiwanese businessmen have proposed suggestions to strengthen corporate financial support, improve the efficiency of government services, and optimize talent policies. The responsible person of the relevant department responded on site, even if some questions could not be answered on the spot, they recorded the contact information of the Taiwanese business for better follow-up services.

Why do 19100 Taiwanese funded enterprises choose to settle in Shanghai? Taiwanese businessmen want to ride a ride on high-tech | Shanghai | Enterprises

At the venue, many Taiwanese businessmen who have been deeply involved in Shanghai admitted that the development of their enterprises has reached a time when they must take a leap. At this stage, not only do we need to work hard ourselves, but we also hope that the government can provide necessary support to help enterprises transform and develop.

"Taiwanese compatriots have their calls, and we need to respond accordingly. The Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office should play a leading role in Taiwan related economic work, work together with other departments to form a joint force, and continue to provide good service for Taiwanese businesses and enterprises in Shanghai, truly becoming the 'shop assistants' for the development of Taiwanese enterprises." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office said.

In response to the financing needs of listed companies in Shanghai and Taiwan, the Taiwan Affairs Office communicates and coordinates with the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Municipal Finance Bureau to provide professional support and guidance for Taiwan enterprises. Currently, there are a total of 13 Taiwanese companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and many of them are preparing to do so; For Taiwanese companies hoping to achieve industry university integration, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office and relevant departments analyzed the needs of the companies and the advantages of universities, and successively facilitated the integration of companies and schools, such as Shida Food and Shanghai Ocean University, Delta Electronics and Shanghai University, and Dongsen Natural Beauty and Shanghai Tourism University, to enhance the R&D capabilities of the enterprises.

At the same time, facing the increasingly urgent transformation and upgrading demands of Taiwanese enterprises, Shanghai is actively guiding Taiwanese businesses to seize new opportunities for high-quality development. Not long ago, the Taiwan Compatriot Investment Enterprise Association in Shanghai held the 2023 Digital Economy Industry Summit Forum to introduce new developments in the construction of the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center to its members. Ye Zizhen, Executive Vice President of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Association and Chairman of the Science and Technology Innovation Industry Working Committee, introduced that Taiwanese enterprises should leverage their own advantages, seize the opportunity of Shanghai's development, and enhance their industrial capabilities.

This kind of docking has achieved results. Nowadays, there are 30 regional headquarters and 30 research and development centers of Taiwanese enterprises in Shanghai. The Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office will also provide cross disciplinary services to help more eligible Taiwanese enterprises apply for regional headquarters, research and development centers, and high-tech enterprises, helping them integrate into Shanghai's modern industrial system.

Why do 19100 Taiwanese funded enterprises choose to settle in Shanghai? Taiwanese businessmen want to ride a ride on high-tech | Shanghai | Enterprises

Building a platform to effectively convey policy information

In mid July, Liu Dawei, the president of the Shanghai Chiayi Hometown Association from the largest island in China, visited the third largest island to participate in the "Taiwanese businessmen entering Chongming" event. "The land here is good, the water is good, and the air is good, which is very suitable for the development of leisure agriculture and sightseeing agriculture." During the visit, Taiwan enterprise Daluge Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Changxing Island Country Park, Taiwan enterprise Gengwang Horticulture, Chongming District Zhongxing Town People's Government, the Municipal Taiwan Association Cultural and Creative Industry Working Committee, and Chongming District Homestay Association.

Prior to this, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office coordinated with Taiwanese investment needs and organized more than 300 Taiwanese enterprises to "enter" cities such as Jiading, Fengxian, Jinshan, Qingpu, Baoshan, and Songjiang. Organizing such activities stems from the issue of "information asymmetry" mentioned by some Taiwanese businessmen - how can the new policy of benefiting Taiwan in Shanghai and the industrial layout of various regions be quickly and accurately transmitted to Taiwanese enterprises? They bluntly stated, "I hope to have more investment information, regulations and policies.".

So, in addition to the down-to-earth "Taiwanese businessmen entering" event, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office has also set up a "Taiwanese businessman lecture hall" platform that connects to the antenna, inviting departments such as the Municipal Commission of Commerce, Financial Bureau, and Customs to give lectures to help Taiwanese businessmen understand macro policies. Currently, 18 sessions have been held. For example, in March this year, the "Taiwan Business Lecture Hall - Tax and Trade Cooperation Special Session" was held, inviting officials from the Municipal Taxation Bureau to introduce the city's export tax rebate policies and create a favorable business environment for Taiwanese export enterprises.

In addition, since the beginning of last year, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office has sorted out more than 130 policies related to the development of Taiwanese enterprises, and produced guidelines including "registration, project application, investment resources", etc. Taiwanese businesses can easily find them in the "Shanghai Taiwan Connect" mini program. In the future, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office will continue to collect information and update it in a timely manner according to policy changes.

Why do 19100 Taiwanese funded enterprises choose to settle in Shanghai? Taiwanese businessmen want to ride a ride on high-tech | Shanghai | Enterprises

Service desk youth, sharing the dividends of Shanghai's development

The future of both sides lies in young people. Nowadays, more and more Taiwanese youth are coming to Shanghai for employment, entrepreneurship, and business.

In the past, when Taiwan compatriots came to the mainland, it took at least a few weeks to get mobile phone cards and bank cards from the mainland to bind Alipay and WeChat. Since the beginning of this year, Shanghai's government and enterprises have collaborated to optimize overseas user service plans. Taiwanese compatriots in mainland China can use Taiwan bank cards to bind mobile payment software, truly achieving the goal of "traveling across the mainland with one mobile phone.".

Tai Qing is unfamiliar with Shanghai, how can he quickly enter the workplace? In recent years, Shanghai has actively built a "direct train" between students and enterprises. For example, this summer, 144 young people from Taiwan interned at eight institutions including the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai Futures Exchange, Bank of Communications, and Fuhua Bangyi Bank. There, they can experience the workplace atmosphere in mainland China, reserve workplace skills, and accumulate experience for future work in Shanghai.

As for those Taiwanese youth who aspire to start their own businesses in Shanghai, they can choose to participate in the Shanghai Cross Strait Youth Entrepreneurship Competition. This not only provides more exposure opportunities, but also facilitates project incubation by connecting with the Shanghai Bay Area High tech Zone Science and Technology Innovation Park after the competition. For example, last year's third prize "Senmin Antibacterial Peptide" project landed in the park and won the first round of strategic investment. Wu Xiaojing, Chairman of Shanghai Jinshan High tech Park Development Co., Ltd., said, "We hope to create opportunities for more Taiwanese youth to come to the mainland and share the development dividends here through our efforts."

Why do 19100 Taiwanese funded enterprises choose to settle in Shanghai? Taiwanese businessmen want to ride a ride on high-tech | Shanghai | Enterprises

In addition, Minhang District has established a shared space platform for Taiwan enterprise parks, achieving information interconnection, resource sharing, and market sharing within the 10 residential areas of the district, and helping different Taiwan enterprises grow together. Huang Baida, the general manager of Taiwan owned Hechuan Real Estate, was very emotional about this. "We feel the good business environment in Shanghai and welcome more villagers to come here to start businesses and embrace development opportunities."

The UK has formed the largest exhibition group, with over 2200 companies from 28 of the top 30 countries and regions participating in the Service Trade Fair. Institutions | Organizations | Enterprises
The UK has formed the largest exhibition group, with over 2200 companies from 28 of the top 30 countries and regions participating in the Service Trade Fair. Institutions | Organizations | Enterprises

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The National Grand Theatre has built the world's largest theater complex, and the three major buildings of the Beijing Urban Sub center have been fully completed. The museum | Beijing | Conclusion

25 kilometers east of Beijing, the water of the Grand Canal flows leisurely. On both sides of the canal, large-scale greening is quietly spreading, and the three major buildings of Beijing's urban sub center are rising from the ground. On the 15th, the reporter visited the three major buildings that were about to be completed. The Beijing Art Center, which looks like a big curtain, shimmers with silver under the sunlight. The Grand Canal Museum seems to be covered with five sails scattered all over the roof, and the Beijing City Library, supported by 144 "ginkgo tree trunks," looks like a sea of forests. At the end of September, the "Three Major Buildings" met the conditions for completion and acceptance. Sha Gang, Deputy General Manager of the Three Major Construction Project Department of Beitou Group's Urban Sub center, introduced that as of now, the main structure and exterior facade decoration works of the three major construction projects have been fully completed. 95% of indoor electromechanical engineering has been completed, 90% of indoor decoration engineering has been completed, and 80% of outdoor municipal and landscape engineering has been completed

More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people
More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people

On the evening of August 8th, it was learned from the Beijing Railway Bureau of China that after 71 hours of emergency repair, at around 18:30 on August 8th, as the track rolling locomotive slowly passed through the Zhuwo Station of the Fengsha Railway, the Fengsha Railway finally resumed traffic. The Fengsha Railway was completed and opened to traffic on June 30, 1955. It is a mountainous railway and the first mainline railway in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. It is also an important channel for transporting coal from Shanxi to other regions. On July 30, affected by rainstorm for several days, some sections of Fengsha Railway located in Mentougou District of Beijing were seriously damaged. Train K1178, K396 and Z180 were stranded in the mountains, and nearly 3000 passengers and attendants were stranded. After the joint cooperation of the railway department, armed police soldiers, and firefighters, all passengers and crew members were able to escape from the trap for 5 days and arrived at Beijing West Station and Beijing Fengtai Station respectively

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences releases major achievements on a monthly basis, and the "History | Theory | Series of the Party's Centennial Struggle Historical Experience Series" is published
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences releases major achievements on a monthly basis, and the "History | Theory | Series of the Party's Centennial Struggle Historical Experience Series" is published

The key publication of the Central Propaganda Department's theme publication, "A Series of Historical Experience of the Party's Centenary Struggle," has been released recently. On the morning of the 4th, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences organized a "Monthly Conference on Major Achievements of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences" in Beijing, focusing on introducing this theoretical achievement. The "Historical Experience Series of the Party's Centennial Struggle" is a masterpiece that examines and summarizes the history of the CPC from the perspective of historical experience. It is based on the historical resolution passed at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, deeply implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and based on the ten historical experiences accumulated from the Party's century long struggle clearly pointed out in the resolution, it is independently written from ten aspects: Party leadership, people first, theoretical innovation, independence and autonomy, the Chinese path, embracing the world, exploring and innovating, daring to struggle, united front, and self revolution. According to the introduction, the Party

The millennium old traditional customs in Nanzhao are rejuvenated, with "golden leaves" flourishing, and the body of mugwort picking during the Dragon Boat Festival | modern | tradition
The millennium old traditional customs in Nanzhao are rejuvenated, with "golden leaves" flourishing, and the body of mugwort picking during the Dragon Boat Festival | modern | tradition

During the Dragon Boat Festival, there has been a custom of picking mugwort in Chinese folk culture since ancient times. The "Jingchu Suishi Ji" from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period records: "On the fifth day of the fifth month, picking mugwort as a person, hanging it on the door to ward off poisonous gas." To this day, many regions still retain the custom of picking mugwort on the Dragon Boat Festival. In Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, a large number of people go up the mountains to pick mugwort around the Dragon Boat Festival every year. The collected mugwort leaves are made into various mugwort products by local enterprises and sold nationwide. Recently, the Aicao Culture Festival was held in Nanzhao County, and reporters visited several local traditional Chinese medicine enterprises. Here, the traditional custom of picking mugwort during the Dragon Boat Festival is being given new vitality by the thriving modern traditional Chinese medicine industry in the local area. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of Artemisia argyi has been given new vitality by the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of mugwort has a long history of use in China. At the Xiaokong Mountain Site in Nanzhao County, archaeology