How can Party building achieve effective coverage?, This employment group has a total of nearly 100 million professors | organizations | groups

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 12:33 PM

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to strengthen the construction of new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups. On August 23rd, the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China,, and Alibaba Research Institute jointly hosted an academic seminar on "Party Building for New Business Forms and Employment Groups: Cognition, Issues, and Prospects" to exchange and discuss relevant theoretical and practical issues. Li Hongzhen, member of the Standing Committee of the Putuo District Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of the Organization Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Xiao Shuixian, Secretary of the Party Committee and Senior Vice President, introduced the basic situation of enterprise party building. Unlike e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and Taobao, belongs to real-time e-commerce, with a fulfillment period usually ranging from half an hour to one hour, and is expanding from providing food and beverage to providing everything. "Someone once asked me, 'Some companies have to push for party building, but why do you take the initiative to do it?' Xiao Shuixian said. On the one hand, in terms of the number of people, the total number of new employment groups has reached nearly 100 million, and such a large group cannot become a gap in party building. On the other hand, it is also necessary for the development of Pingtai enterprises themselves. Riders are the most core assets of enterprises, and retaining people and giving them development space cannot be separated from party building guidance.". For the long-term development of enterprises, strong party building and strong business are indispensable.

Chen Shirui, Associate Professor of the Party Building Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, found through analysis that currently, academic research on new employment groups mainly focuses on labor rights protection, with relatively less research on Party building. The new employment form is essentially an atypical employment form, and the current new employment form mainly refers to the platform work form. Compared with the traditional employment mode of "employers+workplaces+employees", the new employment form takes the Internet platform as the technical support and adopts the resource allocation mode of "platform+registration+individuals", which brings revolutionary challenges to the labor law theory and traditional labor relations theory. He believes that in the future, we should start from the dialectical unity of the Party's long-term governance logic, the healthy development logic of new business models, and the political participation logic of Party members to promote the Party building of new employment groups.

In the experience exchange segment, Gu Xiaopeng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the People's Congress Working Committee of Changfeng Xincun Street in Putuo District, He Haiying, Director of the Community Party and Mass Service Center in Wanli Street, Putuo District, Qin Lei, Deputy Secretary and Vice President of the Party Committee of Shentong Express Group, and Jin Zhen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Editor in Chief of Qutoutiao, delivered speeches titled "Empowering the Party Building Cohesion of New Employment Groups through the Four" New "Measures", "Activating the" Neighborhood "Cohesion to Write" New "Answers," The "Party Building Password" for High Quality Development, "and" Firmly Grasping Political Construction Goals and Effectively Doing Party Building Work for New Business Forms and New Employment Groups. ".

Experts attending the meeting believe that the party building work for new business formats and new employment groups is a "new field" of party building positions and a new growth point for the party building of "two new organizations". Professor Zhao Gangyin, Director of the Party Building Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, pointed out that unlike traditional organized Party building, the Party building of new business forms and new employment groups exhibits the characteristics of low organization and atomization. Therefore, its focus is on "discovering organizations" and "creating organizations". Especially for the new employment group, behind them are usually platforms, so it is necessary to build "branches on the platform" and achieve a transformation from "party building platform" to "platform party building". Li Weili, Associate Professor of the School of Marxism at Fudan University, believes that the party building of new business formats and new employment groups should be done well in "one table, one li". The so-called "table" means that in the face of new employment groups, party building work must first adapt to the changes in their work and life, and do related work well; The so-called "li" refers to the fact that although most of the new employment groups belong to the "gig economy," they still have labor relations and enterprises serve as the background for their work. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously focus on the party building of logistics enterprises.

How can Party building achieve effective coverage?, This employment group has a total of nearly 100 million professors | organizations | groups

Wu Zhijie, Deputy Director of the Party Building Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Xue Yali, Associate Researcher of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Zhao Dapeng, Associate Professor of the Party Building Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, respectively gave speeches on the problems faced by the development and management of party members in new business formats and new employment groups, new paths for party building work in social organizations, and enhancing the organizational strength of party organizations in new employment groups.

Professor Zeng Jun, Vice President of the Shanghai Municipal Party School, gave a summary of the meeting. He stated that new business models mainly refer to industrial forms, and the resulting new employment groups reflect distinct industrial characteristics. At present, the new employment group can be divided into two categories: organized, such as delivery guys, and unorganized, such as online anchors. Therefore, party building work should be carried out according to the different characteristics of the group. It should be pointed out that in this process, the relationship between commonality and individuality should be handled well. The so-called "commonality" is mainly reflected in the consistency between function and goal; The so-called "personality" is mainly reflected in the way and method. In the future, we should further promote the transformation of party building for new industries and employment groups from tangible coverage to effective coverage.

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