The 2nd Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival closed with more than 10 million participants

Release time:Jun 12, 2024 17:35 PM

On June 12, the closing ceremony of the 2nd Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival, co-organized by the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Municipal Party Committee's Rule of Law Office, the Municipal Law Publicity Office, and the Municipal Justice Bureau, was held at the Songjiang G60 Science and Technology Innovation Building.

The second Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival, which lasted for more than a month, focused on the three major themes of "Sticking to the Red Original Intention", "Lighting up Thousands of Lights", and "Gathering New Quality Momentum". It launched more than a thousand online and offline activities, with a cumulative number of participants exceeding 10 million, allowing citizens to further strengthen their belief in the rule of law, appreciate the power of the rule of law, and improve their legal literacy through in-depth experience.

Offline, in addition to the extensive learning and publicity activities on party regulations by party regulations research institutions and grassroots contact points; a series of activities such as the "Paw Patrol, Assemble" rail transit K9 police dog show, the "Protect the Chinese sturgeon, protect the beauty of the Yangtze River" endangered and rare aquatic organisms reproduction and release, the Shanghai Shangxin "Maple" view special court check-in, the Urban Management "French" style Citywalk, and the "Sharing the Rule of Law and Love in Shanghai" legal publicity theme for people with disabilities attracted tens of thousands of people to sign up and participate.

Online, the number of people participating in discussions and readings on rule of law culture activities such as Douyin's "Everyone is a Legal Education Person" Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival theme short video creation, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions' legal services for workers in new employment forms "Public Welfare and Happy Learning·Cloud Legal Education", and the Xuhui District Yuanmeng Star "Star Treasure Guardian" rule of law culture map collection and creation exceeded 10 million.

At the closing ceremony, the Shanghai Socialist Rule of Law Culture Brand Position Map was officially released. This year's Rule of Law Culture Festival also launched the establishment of Shanghai's Red Rule of Law Resource Directory for the first time, established the Yangtze River Delta Rule of Law Culture Co-construction and Sharing Alliance and the Shanghai University Rule of Law Culture Education Alliance for the first time, and released AI legal education digital people "Fa Shen Shen" and "Ning Ning AI Law" digital legal education ambassadors for the first time.

The 2nd Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival closed with more than 10 million participants
Summer drowning accidents among teenagers have decreased by 26% year-on-year, and the number of drowning incidents and deaths in Shanghai have both decreased
Summer drowning accidents among teenagers have decreased by 26% year-on-year, and the number of drowning incidents and deaths in Shanghai have both decreased

The Shanghai Public Security Bureau Border Defense and Port and Shipping Public Security Sub bureau have established a normalized joint logistics model of police type linkage, police medical linkage, and waterfront linkage to weave a dense network of emergency response measures on water and minimize the occurrence of drowning accidents. Data shows that from early April to the end of August this year, the number of drowning police officers and drowning victims in Shanghai showed a significant downward trend, especially during the summer when the number of teenage drowning accidents and deaths decreased by 26% and 35% respectively compared to the same period last year. With the support of the "One River, One River" Office of the Municipal Government, the Border Defense Port and Navigation Bureau has led the establishment of a special team for water related departments such as regional bureaus, maritime affairs, customs, and water affairs to optimize the mechanisms of hazard rectification, inspection and protection, and emergency rescue. Mr. Sun, a citizen, accidentally discovered during a ferry ride that although stainless steel railings were installed at the connection between the embankment and the pontoon bridge for protection, the gap between them was too large

Prosecutors step forward to urge the film studio to rectify | Prosecutors outside of the prosecutor ①, female college students encounter photo "assassins" after Wan Li | Prosecutor | Film Studio
Prosecutors step forward to urge the film studio to rectify | Prosecutors outside of the prosecutor ①, female college students encounter photo "assassins" after Wan Li | Prosecutor | Film Studio

When it comes to prosecutors, most people's impression may be that they are "national prosecutors" handling criminal cases, dressed in uniforms, accusing crimes. In the recently popular TV series "Public Prosecution", Dilraba portrayed the prosecutor Anna in this image. In recent years, procuratorial organs have increasingly attached importance to the functions of civil, administrative, and public interest litigation procuratorial organs, and they have also formed the "four major procuratorial functions" in the new era together with criminal procuratorial organs. In the recent procuratorial competition organized by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation competitions were added for the first time. After fierce competition, several civil, administrative, and public interest litigation prosecutors in Shanghai have been awarded the title of business model. The story of prosecutors outside of the prosecutor is equally exciting. Through their stories, perhaps we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the profession of prosecutors and gain a deeper understanding of prosecutors

In 2023, the "first tiger" was double-opened to seek benefits for his son. He wanted to be an official and get rich. He wanted to be expelled from the party | Chairman | Benefits
In 2023, the "first tiger" was double-opened to seek benefits for his son. He wanted to be an official and get rich. He wanted to be expelled from the party | Chairman | Benefits

At the same time, the four "tigers" were reported as "double opening"! On July 27th at 16:00, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission issued four disciplinary notices. Jiao Xiaoping, former member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Commander of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Yi Pengfei, former member and Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Ji Binchang, former Secretary and Chairman of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Hao Hongjun, former Secretary and Chairman of the Dalian Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, were respectively expelled from the Party and held public positions. On June 28th of this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also reported on the same day that four central management cadres had been punished. Zhang Xiaopei, former vice chairman of the Jilin Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, has been expelled from the Party. Li Chunsheng, former deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, Fu Zhongwei, former director of the Shenyang Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, and Zhang Fusheng, former deputy director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, have been expelled from the Party and held public office. This time it was "double opened"

Suspected of two crimes and prosecuted, not only selling tea but also fighting thrush birds. The man opened a teahouse owner | gambling | teahouse in the center of Shanghai
Suspected of two crimes and prosecuted, not only selling tea but also fighting thrush birds. The man opened a teahouse owner | gambling | teahouse in the center of Shanghai

Why does a tea house located in the center of Shanghai always bring a birdcage with people who come to drink tea? Recently, the reporter learned from the People's Procuratorate of Jing'an District, Shanghai that the owner actually engaged in bird fighting gambling under the pretext of opening a tea house. Wang, nicknamed "Wang Laowu", sold thrush birds in the flower and bird market in his early years. He loved fighting birds and even more gambling. In February 2021, after the thrush was included in the National Key Protected Wildlife List, the market did not allow the sale of thrush, so he found another way out. Starting from November 10, 2022, he acquired a piece of land on the second floor of a building in the city center and opened a tea house. In addition to selling tea, customers can also bring their beloved birds to the tea house for a walk, or buy some bird food. The admission fee is 15 yuan per visit, and a monthly package of 350 yuan is also available. The teahouse has just opened,

What is the reason? Road traffic will be affected! These types of accidents and illegal activities are frequent, and Shanghai has officially entered the ambush of trucks | traffic | accidents
What is the reason? Road traffic will be affected! These types of accidents and illegal activities are frequent, and Shanghai has officially entered the ambush of trucks | traffic | accidents

Today, Shanghai has officially entered the ambush. With the increase of temperature and severe convective weather, the order of urban road traffic will also be significantly affected, and the hidden dangers of traffic accidents will become more prominent. Traffic violations such as drunk driving and drunk driving are becoming more frequent. According to statistics from the public security and traffic police department, since June, the daily average motor vehicle travel volume in the city has slightly decreased compared to the previous month, but the traffic flow in logistics transportation, summer tourism, and other areas has continued to increase. The average motor vehicle travel volume on weekends has slightly increased, and the overall traffic flow in Shanghai will show a seasonal growth trend. With the increase of entertainment and dining activities among citizens, the summer is a period of frequent traffic violations such as drunk driving and drunk driving. In addition, there has been a rebound in illegal activities such as motor vehicle racing, street bombing, non motorized vehicle reckless riding, and pedestrians running red lights. At the same time, Shanghai has entered the main flood season with strong convection