[Guangming Times Comment] The outstanding industrial "report card" demonstrates the strong momentum and resilience of development | Industrial production | Comment] Outstanding

Release time:Jun 24, 2024 12:54 PM

The economic data released by the National Bureau of Statistics recently showed that in May, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 5.6% year-on-year; from a system perspective, among the 41 major industrial sectors, the added value of 33 sectors increased year-on-year, accounting for 80.5% of the growth rate; from a regional perspective, among the 31 regions in the country, the added value of 28 regions increased year-on-year, accounting for 90.3% of the growth rate. From January to May, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.2% year-on-year. This industrial "report card" is very impressive. Industry is the "ballast stone" of economic development and the "display" of comprehensive national strength. The steady growth of industrial production further demonstrates the strong driving force of China's economic development.

The national policies continue to exert their strength, providing a strong driving force for industrial growth. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should insist on focusing on the development of the real economy, promote new industrialization, and accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing country, a strong quality country, a strong aerospace country, a strong transportation country, a strong network country, and a digital China. Since the beginning of the year, the country has continued to exert its strength in accelerating the promotion of new industrialization and has formulated and issued a series of policy measures. In January this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and seven other departments jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Innovation and Development of Future Industries", which clearly laid out the comprehensive layout of future industries, accelerated technological innovation and industrialization, and focused on promoting the development of six major directions such as future manufacturing. In March, the State Council issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-Scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement", which proposed four major actions and clarified 20 key tasks in five aspects, providing policy guidance and institutional guarantees for releasing stronger development momentum. With the continuous advancement of policies, in May, the added value of radio and television equipment manufacturing and communication equipment manufacturing industries increased by 30.7% and 15.7% year-on-year respectively. It is believed that the growth effect brought by the policy will be further manifested.

The confidence of micro-entities has been improved, injecting vitality into industrial production. Enterprises are micro-entities in market operations. Over the past period of time, my country has taken various practical measures to boost the confidence of business entities. The financial department has continued to reduce taxes and fees, effectively alleviating difficulties for various business entities; market supervision departments have continued to work hard to create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment, and continue to stimulate the endogenous motivation of business entities. In the promotion and implementation of policies, the expectations and confidence of business entities have continued to increase steadily. Judging from the China Purchasing Managers' Index in May 2024, manufacturing companies have good production expectations. Since the beginning of this year, the production and operation activity expectation index has always remained at a high operating level of 54.0% and above, and in May it rose to 54.3%, reflecting that manufacturing companies' expectations for market development are generally stable and companies are confident.

Technological innovation continues to empower and strengthen the competitive advantage of industry. Innovation is the first driving force for development. International experience shows that most cutting-edge technological innovation is concentrated in the field of industry, especially advanced manufacturing. With the rapid development of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum information, and biotechnology, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation continues to evolve, promoting the continuous transformation of my country's manufacturing industry to high-end and intelligent. On the one hand, the proportion of high-tech products has increased, and the pace of high-end development of manufacturing has accelerated. In May, the added value of high-tech manufacturing industries above designated size increased by 10.0% year-on-year, 4.4 percentage points faster than all industries above designated size. Among them, the electronic and communication equipment manufacturing industry increased by 13.7%, and has maintained double-digit growth since the beginning of this year; the output of high-tech products such as integrated circuits, 3D printing equipment, and full container ships has increased rapidly. On the other hand, the digital economy is booming, and the level of intelligent manufacturing is constantly improving. At present, the number of artificial intelligence companies in my country has exceeded 4,500, and innovative achievements such as smart chips and general large models are emerging rapidly. Intelligent infrastructure is constantly being consolidated, and the construction of smart factories and smart workshops is accelerating. In May, the added value of the intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing industry increased by 75.0% year-on-year, and the added value of the intelligent vehicle equipment manufacturing industry increased by 19.7%.

The coordinated strengthening of the industrial system promotes the improvement of industrial resilience. my country has a complete industrial system and is the only country with all industrial categories in the United Nations industrial classification. In recent years, through the coordinated development of regional industrial clusters, various industrial clusters have been formed at a faster pace, and the complete industrial chain and upstream, midstream and downstream supporting cooperation relationships have become more mature. In addition, under the background of digital transformation, many industrial enterprises use digital technology to optimize the supply chain, realize the intelligent management of all links in the supply chain, promote information sharing and collaborative work between enterprises and partners such as suppliers and distributors, improve the response speed and flexibility of the entire supply chain, reduce production stagnation caused by supply chain disruptions, and further enhance the resilience of industrial production.

The latest industrial data not only fully demonstrates the momentum of continued recovery and strengthening of market confidence, but also reflects the strong momentum and vitality of my country's economic development. In the future, the accumulation of multiple favorable factors will further release the superposition effect, promote the accelerated formation of new quality productivity, and help the high-quality development of the economy and society.

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