Chinese IPs such as "Joy of Life" are popular overseas, and China and France launched the "Read and Appreciate Paris" plan

Release time:Jun 22, 2024 16:45 PM

On the morning of June 21st, local time, the 10th China-France Brand Summit Forum opened at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. As the only representative of the cultural industry group in China, China Literature Group signed an IP co-creation cooperation agreement with the Eiffel Foundation and the China-France Brand Aesthetics Center, aiming to enhance cultural and creative exchanges between the two countries and promote Chinese IP to France and the world.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China-France Cultural Tourism Year. Paris will also host the 33rd Summer Olympics. As one of the official series of activities for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, this forum is themed "The Journey from Chinese Brands to Global Brands". At the scene, China Literature Group, the Eiffel Foundation of France, and the Sino-French Brand Aesthetics Center jointly launched the "Read and Appreciate Paris" plan. The plan invited the famous French illustrator Antoine Cabino to design it, integrating Chinese IP characters such as Fan Xian from "Celebrating Yu Nian", Ye Xiu from "The King's Avatar", and Klein Moretti from "Lord of Mysteries" into French landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and Louvre, renewing the IP image in the context of the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, and extending the development of diversified IP derivatives such as cards.

Antoine Cabinot said that he hopes to present an interesting collision and integration of Eastern and Western cultures through this design, so that the cultural IPs of China and France can shine together on the world stage. Philippe Cuperi Eiffel, chairman of the Association of Friends of Gustave Eiffel, believes that this cooperation is an innovative way of interactive dialogue, "because it can create resonance between different cultures and countries and promote cross-cultural exchanges."

The forum also announced the list of "60 Chinese and French brands in the field of global innovation cooperation", which aims to recognize brands that have contributed to the cultural communication between the two countries. China Literature Group was selected. As a representative enterprise of Sino-French cultural exchanges, China Literature authorized the local online literature platform Chireads to translate and publish works such as "Fights Break Sphere" and "Douluo Dalu", which were loved by French readers. In June this year, animation works such as "Fights Break Sphere" were also unveiled at the Annecy Animation Festival in France, attracting many fans to support. China Literature also brought the IP industry model to France. Its overseas portal Qidian International has trained more than 2,000 French online literature writers, and outstanding works such as "The Road to the Oracle" have emerged.

Chinese IP characters combined with French landmarks

In recent years, new carriers represented by online literature, online dramas, and online games have swept the world with a "Chinese style", which is called the "new three" of cultural going overseas. The three major IPs of this "Read and Appreciate Paris" plan are representatives of going overseas. The first season of the eponymous drama "Celebrating More Than Years" landed in 27 countries and regions on five continents around the world. The second season is the most popular Chinese mainland drama ever broadcast on Disney's streaming platform Disney. It is currently being translated into 12 languages ​​for distribution in more overseas markets. The novel "The King's Avatar" is available in 13 languages ​​overseas, and the English version alone has been read electronically more than 130 million times. It has also been adapted into multiple forms such as audio, comics, and animation. "Lord of the Mysteries" integrates oriental culture into the world's customs and is the Chinese online novel with the highest overseas reading volume under Yuewen in 2023.

It is reported that the first batch of IP concept peripherals of the "Read and Appreciate Paris" plan will be unveiled at the "China-France Brand Cooperation Achievement Exhibition" held at the Eiffel Tower on June 24.

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