Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

Release time:Jun 24, 2024 05:27 AM

Career development depends on innovation; the only way to innovate is to win people.

"The entire history of science and technology has proved that whoever has first-class innovative talents and first-class scientists will have an advantage in scientific and technological innovation." General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the General Secretary has visited scientific research institutes, universities, and high-tech enterprises many times, attended the National Science and Technology Awards Conference and presented awards to winners, and wrote back to representatives of scientists and scientific and technological workers, etc., showing great care and high hopes for the vast number of scientific and technological workers.

"Micro-Observation of Current Affairs" will relive with you the touching stories between General Secretary Xi Jinping and scientific and technological workers, and feel the General Secretary's kind care and earnest exhortations.

"The country's wealth, the people's pride, the nation's glory"

On January 9, 2015, the 2014 National Science and Technology Awards Conference was held in Beijing's Great Hall of the People with warm applause.

Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

Academician Yu Min, the "Father of the Hydrogen Bomb" in China, who is nearly 90 years old, was pushed onto the podium in a wheelchair by staff. General Secretary Xi Jinping smiled and bowed to present him with the certificate of the highest national science and technology award, and shook hands with him warmly to express congratulations. This scene moved the audience inside and outside the venue.

△On January 9, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the award to Yu Min, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who won the 2014 National Highest Science and Technology Award.

There are many more scenes of treating older scientists with courtesy:

On November 17, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping took a group photo with more than 600 representatives who attended the National Spiritual Civilization Construction Commendation Conference. Seeing Academician Huang Xuhua, who was over 90 years old, standing among the representatives, the General Secretary took his hand and smiled and asked him to sit next to him.

On November 3, 2021, at the 2020 National Science and Technology Awards Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping presented a medal and certificate to Academician Gu Songfen of China Aviation Industry Corporation Limited, who won the country's highest science and technology award, shook hands with him warmly to express congratulations, and invited him to take a seat on the rostrum. After the conference, the General Secretary walked over to Academician Gu Songfen, who was unable to move, shook hands with him again, and had a cordial exchange.

△On November 3, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the award to Academician Gu Songfen of China Aviation Industry Corporation Limited, who won the 2020 National Highest Science and Technology Award.

Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

“The heavy frost is all the blood in my heart, sprinkled on the red autumn leaves on thousands of peaks.” On May 28, 2018, at the 19th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted this ancient poem and praised the academicians of the two academies for being “the wealth of the country, the pride of the people, and the glory of the nation.”

The General Secretary said affectionately: "Many of our academicians have the deep sentiment of 'worrying about the world before worrying about themselves, and rejoicing after the world rejoices', and are all national heroes who 'do earth-shaking things and remain anonymous'!" He asked the Party committees and governments at all levels to care about the academicians politically, support them in their work, and care about their lives, and be good logistics ministers. We must do a good job in the work of retired academicians, ensure their treatment and courtesy, and encourage them to continue to play a role.

“Extraordinary achievements require extraordinary people.” General Secretary Xi Jinping has set an example himself and encouraged the whole society to cultivate an environment that recognizes, loves, respects and uses talents.

“Our country’s education is capable of producing masters”

In January 2016, at the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, the highly anticipated first prize of the National Natural Science Award was awarded to the "Multi-photon Entanglement and Interference Measurement" project by the team of Academician Pan Jianwei from the University of Science and Technology of China.

As the first person to complete the project, Pan Jianwei, at the age of 45, broke the record set by Zhi Zhiming, who won the first prize of the Nature Award at the age of 49 in 2006. This year, the youngest first person to complete the Nature Award and the Invention Award was 39 years old, while the youngest first person to complete the Progress Award was 38 years old.

Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

"Our country's education is capable of training masters, and we must have this confidence!" General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the training of young scientific and technological talents. During his local inspections, he visited enterprises many times and communicated face-to-face with young R&D personnel.

△ On July 5, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with young R & D personnel of the enterprise in Suzhou Huaxing Yuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd.

"They are all very energetic!" Last July, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Jiangsu Suzhou Huaxingyuanchuang Technology Co., Ltd. The general secretary was very pleased to see young faces in the company's R&D workshops, optoelectronic laboratories, and next to cutting-edge instruments and equipment.

"What school did you graduate from?" "How many years have you been working?" "What major did you study?" General Secretary kindly asked.

The company manager introduced that the average age of employees in the company is only 32 years old. They also established a "Mount Everest Business Unit" with young people as the main force, accelerating core technology breakthroughs and bravely climbing scientific and technological peaks.

"What you are doing here is climbing to the top, which is very meaningful. Young people can display your talents, which is great!" General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged.

Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

△Scientists from the New Nuclide Team of the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences are observing and recording the status of the equipment.

The General Secretary has repeatedly expressed his support for young talents to take on important responsibilities, emphasizing that "young people should be encouraged to innovate boldly and have the courage to innovate, so that young talents can burst out like springs."

The "unveiling of a list and appointing a leader" and "horse racing system" support scientists in their bold exploration, and more young scientists take the lead in major scientific research tasks; breaking the "four only" phenomenon of "only papers, only titles, only academic qualifications, and only awards" and "setting new standards" are used as breakthroughs to loosen the constraints and reduce the burden on scientific researchers; a talent evaluation system oriented towards innovative value, ability, and contribution is being established to activate the "pool of spring water" of scientific and technological innovation... Under the care and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, more and more young talents are thriving on the front line of scientific and technological innovation.

“After becoming general secretary, I was the first to come to the science and technology group.”

This was General Secretary Xi Jinping's opening remarks when he attended the joint group meeting of the Science and Technology Association and members of the science and technology community at the National People's Congress in 2013. His cordial words were full of his high regard for and earnest expectations for science and technology work.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is surging, and scientific and technological innovation has become a key issue in China's modernization construction.

Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

"Focus on cultivating a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission", "Strive to become a major scientific center and innovation highland in the world", "Strive to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement"... From domestic inspections to attending important events, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward clear requirements.

On May 12, 2020, the General Secretary inspected and investigated Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Precision Strip Co., Ltd. In the production workshop, he picked up a piece of "hand-torn steel" with a thickness of only 0.02 mm, twisted it gently, and praised it, saying: "The steel has been tempered a hundred times and it is so soft that it can be twisted around your fingers." The General Secretary had a cordial exchange with the worker representatives who gathered around him, "I hope you will continue to work hard, continue to climb to new heights in high-end manufacturing technology innovation, and take new and greater steps in supporting advanced manufacturing."

Nowadays, the thickness of "hand-torn steel" produced by TISCO has reached 0.015 mm. It is widely used in aerospace, medical equipment and other fields and is a very important key basic material.

In March this year, less than a week after the end of the National People's Congress, the General Secretary visited Hunan and put forward clear requirements for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces, "We must lead industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation and actively cultivate and develop new quality productive forces."

In April, the General Secretary walked into the exhibition hall of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development achievements in the mountain city of Chongqing. Hearing that the localization rate of the developed offshore wind turbines was 99%, he was very emotional: "When I was working in Fujian, China did not have offshore wind power. It was a long time ago!"

△On April 22, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the exhibition of Chongqing’s scientific and technological innovation and industrial development achievements.

Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

"Zhurong" explores Mars, "Chang'e" embraces the moon, "Beidou" builds a network, and "Fendouzhe" explores the ocean... In order to accelerate the construction of a strong country in science and technology and achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, the vast number of scientific and technological workers are working hard to tackle key problems and move forward unremittingly.

△In June 2024, the five-star red flag was unfolded on the Chang'e-6 probe that landed on the back of the moon.

The tide of scientific and technological innovation is surging, and those who advance courageously will win.

The vast number of scientific and technological workers in our country bear in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and are shouldering the responsibilities entrusted by the times with a spirit of keeping pace with the times, the courage to innovate, and the determination to persevere. They are writing their papers on the land of the motherland and applying their scientific and technological achievements to the great cause of realizing modernization.

Practice has proved that my country's independent innovation has great potential! my country's scientific and technological workers have great potential!

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Only with the right people can technology move forward丨The way to innovation

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