"A real breakthrough document"! What does the newly signed treaty between Russia and North Korea focus on?

Release time:Jun 19, 2024 18:31 PM

Chinanews.com, June 19 (TASS) reported that on June 19 local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in Pyongyang. What does this treaty contain? How do the Russian and North Korean leaders comment on it?

Putin called the treaty a "truly breakthrough document."

According to reports, Putin pointed out that the treaty will bring the interaction between Russia and North Korea to a "new level", but it goes beyond that. He said that the treaty "sets ambitious goals and guidelines for deepening long-term relations between Russia and North Korea", covering issues in many fields such as politics, trade and investment, culture and humanities, and security.

In addition, according to the treaty signed by Russia and North Korea, when one side is invaded, the other side needs to provide assistance.

In this context, Putin mentioned the statement of the United States and other NATO countries on providing high-precision long-range weapon systems, F16 fighter jets and other weapons and equipment for striking Russian territory. He said that NATO's statement is "not just a statement", but what is happening, all of which seriously violates the constraints that Western countries have imposed on themselves within the framework of various international obligations.

Putin said that both Russia and North Korea pursue independent foreign policies and do not accept intimidation and coercion. "We will continue to oppose the Western practice of sanctions and strangulation, which the West hopes to use to maintain its hegemony in politics, economy and other fields."

In addition, Putin also stated that "the possibility of developing military and technological cooperation with North Korea is not ruled out."

Russian media said that Kim Jong-un pointed out that a "most powerful treaty" had been reached between North Korea and Russia.

The Kremlin said the new document will comply with all basic principles of international law, will not be confrontational in nature or directed against any country, but will aim to ensure stability in Northeast Asia.

"A real breakthrough document"! What does the newly signed treaty between Russia and North Korea focus on?
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