Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: China and the United States need to explore the correct way of getting along in the new era Xie Feng | National Committee on US China Trade | Xie Feng: China and the United States need to

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:20 PM

On June 7, 2023, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was invited to attend the welcome event held by the National Committee on US China Trade for his inauguration and delivered a keynote speech. Xie Feng emphasized that China has brought rare stability and urgently needed certainty to the turbulent world. China and the United States should respect each other, coexist peacefully, cooperate for mutual benefit, and explore the correct way for China and the United States to coexist in the new era. If we use "risk reduction" as a cover for "decoupling", it will bury more nails in the relationship between the two countries. Maintaining stability in China US relations and safeguarding the interests of each country go hand in hand, and promoting economic and trade cooperation and common development between the two countries complement each other.

On June 7, 2023, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was invited to attend the welcome event held by the National Committee on US China Trade for his inauguration and delivered a keynote speech.

China brings rare stability and urgently needed certainty to the world

Xie Feng said that China's major policies are open and transparent, with clear and clear paths. The 20th National Congress of the CPC mapped out a grand blueprint for China's future development, and the National Two Sessions drew "construction drawings". The central task is to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.China will strive to be a better version of itself and continuously meet the people's aspirations for a better life. The Chinese nation has no genes of aggression and hegemony, no ambition to dominate the world, and no intention of challenging or replacing other countries.

Xie Feng said that China's economic recovery is strong and powerful, and the development prospects are promising. In the first quarter, the gross domestic product increased by 4.5% year-on-year, and the import and export of goods increased by 4.8%. During the Golden Week of May Day, China had over 270 million people traveling, nearly 80% of the US population. China's super large market, complete industrial system, high-quality human resources, and predictable business environment are irreplaceable. Airbus has announced the construction of a second production line in Tianjin, while Tesla has built a new energy storage super factory in Shanghai. They have cast a vote of confidence in the Chinese economy through their actions.

Xie Feng said that China is steadfast in opening up to the outside world and has unprecedented opportunities. China is the largest trading country for goods, the largest inflow of foreign investment, and the world manufacturing center. It is the main export market for more than 50 countries and regions, and a major trading partner for more than 140 countries and regions. It is deeply integrated into the international industrial and supply chain. China has no reason to close its doors. China will increase its efforts to open up the modern service industry, attract and utilize foreign investment, and align with high standard international economic and trade rules. China's overall population of 1.4 billion is moving towards modernization, and the middle-income group will exceed 800 million in the next 15 years, which will be a miracle in human development history and bring unprecedented opportunities to countries around the world.

Xie Feng said that China adheres to the path of peaceful development and its role is irreplaceable. China firmly adheres to an independent and peaceful foreign policy, and is committed to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.Under the promotion of China, Saudi Arabia and Iran have reconciled and resumed diplomatic relations. The first China Asia Summit was a complete success, and political figures from Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and Latin America came in droves. The Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative were widely welcomed, contributing Chinese wisdom and solutions to the cause of human peace and development.

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: China and the United States need to explore the correct way of getting along in the new era Xie Feng | National Committee on US China Trade | Xie Feng: China and the United States need to

China and the United States need to explore the correct way of getting along in the new era

Xie Feng said that he is delighted to have come to the United States to work for the third time in 13 years. Compared to the previous two times, time has changed and it is touching. The current world is full of turmoil and interweaving, and the relationship between China and the United States is facing severe challenges. Whether to stop the decline and stabilize, find the right way to get along, or spiral down and fall into the abyss of conflict and confrontation, we are once again standing at a crossroads of where to go. In the past two weeks of fulfilling my duties, I have been working tirelessly and have had extensive contact with people from all walks of life in the United States. The most common concern I have heard is that China and the United States are embroiled in conflict and confrontation, and my greatest wish is for China US relations to stop falling and stabilize. If the world gets better, the relationship between China and the United States cannot continue to deteriorate.

The Earth is large enough to accommodate the individual and common development of China and the United States.Mutual respect is a prerequisite, peaceful coexistence is the bottom line, and cooperation and win-win are the goals. As always, China attaches great importance to China US relations and is willing to work together with the US to grasp the correct direction, promote dialogue and cooperation, dismantle dangerous explosive points, implement the important consensus reached at the Bali meeting of the two heads of state with practical actions, and strive for the early return of China US relations to the right track.

Xie Feng said that the United States should respect the development path, political system, and development rights chosen by the Chinese people, respect China's core interests and major concerns, and ensure that China US relations move forward in the right direction without conflict, confrontation, or a new cold war.The biggest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait lies in the Taiwan authorities' reliance on the United States for independence and some American voices advocating for Taiwan to contain China.

On June 7, 2023, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was invited to attend the welcome event held by the National Committee on US China Trade for his inauguration and delivered a keynote speech.

The door to dialogue between the Chinese side is always open, and the key is to do a good job in the entire process management

Xie Feng said that China and the United States have established over 100 dialogue and exchange mechanisms, but due to well-known reasons, they have come to a standstill. Two years ago, my American friend reminded me not to use the word dialogue anymore, as it is almost taboo in the United States and I find it unbelievable and difficult to understand.Just to prepare for the Bali meeting, the Chinese side held 8 rounds of over 24 hour consultations with colleagues from the US side. Less than a month after the meeting, the Chinese side invited Kang Dazhuqing and Senior Director Rosenberg to have a 10 hour in-depth communication in Langfang, Hebei. Later, the airship incident and Tsai Ing wen's visit to the United States disrupted the cooperation agenda and once again interrupted the dialogue process, leaving China deeply disappointed. The US recently expressed its hope to strengthen high-level contacts between the two countries, return to the consensus and agenda of the Bali meeting, and find ways to ease tensions, stabilize and improve bilateral relations. The Chinese side attaches great importance to this and has responded positively. Director Wang Yi held candid, in-depth, substantive, and constructive meetings with Assistant Sullivan, State Councilor Qin Gang, Ambassador Burns, Minister Wang Wentao, and Minister Raymond respectively.

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: China and the United States need to explore the correct way of getting along in the new era Xie Feng | National Committee on US China Trade | Xie Feng: China and the United States need to

Xie Feng said that there is a Chinese saying that goes "sincerity leads to spirit", and dialogue and cooperation should respect each other and be result oriented. It is unacceptable to put the other party on the sanctions list while demanding dialogue and cooperation. Dialogue for the sake of dialogue, returning to talk and doing, not only fails to solve the problem, but also backfires. In high-level communication, it is particularly important to manage the entire process well, create a good atmosphere before the dialogue, accumulate positive results during the dialogue, and solidly promote implementation after the dialogue.

We need to identify the people who support China US relations one by one

Xie Feng said that after arriving in the United States, I gave a speech to Chinese and American media, and American netizens enthusiastically left comments and posts on Twitter. Some people said that those who support US China relations are still there, but they are all hiding and need ambassadors to find them one by one. I do feel that many American friends have pressure and concerns about promoting Sino US cooperation, and are worried about being criticized for being politically incorrect.

Xie Feng said that only with a good overall environment can everyone feel at ease and make a fortune; The deterioration of Sino US relations has been borne first by the business community. We are all stakeholders and cannot sit idly by. We should devote ourselves, contribute our efforts, and speak out to safeguard common interests, uphold the principles of free trade and open markets, and maintain the stability of global industrial and supply chains. I hope everyone will uphold a rational and pragmatic attitude, firmly oppose the politicization of economic issues, and promote the resolution of specific issues such as increasing flights between China and the United States, adjusting travel plans to China, and facilitating visas. This will inject more positive factors into China US relations and benefit the people of both countries.

Xie Feng said, I really hope to meet and communicate with you more, and more is beneficial. The problem is that I am often constrained by the difficulties in bilateral relations, and I feel that working 24 hours a day is not enough. I hope that with everyone's joint efforts, obstacles will be eliminated as soon as possible, troubles will gradually decrease, and China US relations will stabilize. This will give me more time to focus on cooperation with everyone and inject more positive energy into China US relations.

Cannot use "de risk" as a cover for "decoupling"

Xie Feng said that recently the US has stated that it does not seek to "decouple" from China, but has also proposed "de risk". Chinese people feel that there is no difference between the two, it's just changing the soup without changing the medicine. What is risk? Where are the risks? How to take risks? They are concerned that this is a real decoupling under the guise of risk reduction. There is an inscription at the entrance of the US Department of Commerce Library that reads "Work with Everyone to Promote Peace and Commerce.". The United States has vigorously promoted globalization, market economy, and free trade, requiring other countries to open their doors and integrate into the global economy. Why do we have to turn back and set restrictions now?

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: China and the United States need to explore the correct way of getting along in the new era Xie Feng | National Committee on US China Trade | Xie Feng: China and the United States need to

Xie Feng said that every country values national security, but it cannot be generalized, let alone used as an excuse to promote protectionism and contain and suppress opponents. If national security is treated as a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The security of a country cannot be built on the insecurity of other countries, and the stability of a country's industrial chain cannot be built on the instability of the global industrial chain. The United States has included over 1300 Chinese entities in various control and sanctions lists, and has introduced measures such as tariffs, export controls, and investment reviews. The trade war is not over yet, and there are also industrial and technological wars. Can the United States really be safer? Is it really in the interest of the United States?

On June 7, 2023, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was invited to attend the welcome event held by the National Committee on US China Trade for his inauguration and delivered a keynote speech.

Maintaining the stability of China US relations and safeguarding the interests of each country go hand in hand

Xie Feng said that the deep integration of industries between China and the United States, coupled with mutually beneficial cooperation, has helped American families reduce their living costs, and American companies have gained substantial profits. The 2023 US Export Report to China released by the US China Trade Commission shows that US exports to China have created over 1 million jobs for the US. China is KFC's largest market and Est é e Lauder's second largest market, with Starbucks operating over 6200 stores in China. In the past five years, the return on foreign direct investment in China has reached 9.1%. More than 70000 American companies have invested and started businesses in China, with nearly 90% of their businesses in China achieving profitability.

Xie Feng said that more than 50 years ago, the leaders of the two countries insisted on seeking common ground while reserving differences, finding common interests between countries with different systems, ending the 22 year long hostile isolation, and promoting the realization of a win-win situation between China and the United States and the world. Today, the ups and downs of China US relations are linked to the well-being of the 1.7 billion people of both countries and the future of the world. Preventing conflicts and confrontation between China and the United States, and striving for stable development of China US relations, is to safeguard the common interests of both countries and peoples, and to make significant contributions to world peace and prosperity.


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