What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:17 PM

On June 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Inner Mongolia Hohhot Central Industrial Park for investigation and research.

He emphasized that promoting the transformation and upgrading of the traditional energy industry, vigorously developing green energy, and expanding and strengthening important national energy bases are the top priorities for Inner Mongolia's development.

△ On June 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Central Industrial Park in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.

Inner Mongolia is an important national energy and strategic resource base, as well as a production base for agricultural and livestock products. For many years, Inner Mongolia's energy economy has consistently ranked first in the country in multiple indicators: actual coal production capacity ranked first in the country, total installed capacity of electricity ranked first in the country, new energy installed capacity ranked first in the country, coal export ranked first in the country, electricity export ranked first in the country, and electricity export capacity ranked first in the country.

It is not difficult to see from these "national firsts" that Inner Mongolia's position in ensuring national energy security is very prominent. Facing the new situation, it is urgent to promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional energy industry.

What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

△ Huiteng Xile Grassland Wind Turbine in Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia

In the past, when people mentioned Inner Mongolia, they would think of the four words "sheep, coal, soil, and gas". "Sheep, coal, soil, and gas" refer to Inner Mongolia's abundant natural resources, while also representing traditional industries, low-end industries, and other old development routines. The once extensive development of industries has brought a series of problems to Inner Mongolia, such as decentralization, low efficiency, and resource dependence.

Five years ago, when participating in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation of the National Two Sessions in 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping said clearly: "The development of Inner Mongolia's industry must not only focus on sheep, coal, soil, and gas, but must vigorously cultivate new industries, new kinetic energy, and new growth. pole."

In recent years, Inner Mongolia has seized the opportunities for the development of new energy, promoted the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, and created a highland for the new energy industry in China and even the world, achieving a transformation from "sheep, coal, soil, and gas" to "proud".

At present, the photovoltaic desertification control area in Inner Mongolia has accumulated 200000 acres; The exploitable amount of wind energy resource technology is 1.46 billion kilowatts, accounting for approximately 57% of the national total; The exploitable amount of solar energy resource technology is 9.4 billion kilowatts, accounting for approximately 21% of the national total.

What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

The Central Industrial Park inspected by General Secretary Xi Jinping this time is the world's best quality, the largest monomer scale, and the country's leading integrated circuit semiconductor monocrystalline silicon and photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon manufacturing base.

Entering the park, the sparkling monocrystalline silicon rods and crystal clear quartz crucibles are particularly eye-catching. This is an important window for understanding the transformation and upgrading of Inner Mongolia's energy industry.

At the same time, the relevant data of the industrial park is also very uplifting - last year, the total industrial output value of the industrial park exceeded 50 billion yuan, and the employment number exceeded 12000 people. The industrial park has 10 high-tech enterprises, 1 national technology innovation demonstration enterprise, and 1 main board listed enterprise.

Seeing Inner Mongolia promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional energy industry and vigorously developing green energy, the General Secretary affirmed, "In this regard, Inner Mongolia has a clear direction, a right path, and a promising future. It has great potential and great prospects."

Why is it so important to accelerate the optimization of industrial structure and actively develop advantageous and characteristic industries?

What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

△ On April 12, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited a new energy vehicle company in Guangdong.

In April, during his inspection in Guangdong, General Secretary visited the Southern Base of Seawater Breeding Seed Engineering, Litchi Plantation, and New Energy Vehicle Assembly Workshop. He pointed out that Guangdong should always adhere to the principle of building a province with manufacturing, attach greater importance to the development of the real economy, accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, promote the upgrading of industrial foundations and modernization of industrial chains, develop strategic emerging industries, and build a modern industrial system with more international competitiveness.

In May, during his inspection in Hebei, the General Secretary went to the coal port terminal of Huanghua Port to understand the integration and development of the port, the China Electronics Technology Industry Basic Research Institute inspected the chip production process, and the Shijiazhuang International Biomedical Park Planning Exhibition Hall conducted research on drug research and development production. He emphasized the need to consolidate and strengthen the foundation of the real economy, prioritize the development of strategic emerging industries such as integrated circuits, network security, biopharmaceuticals, power equipment, and security emergency equipment, and focus on building world-class advanced manufacturing clusters.

Shortly after the investigation in Hebei, when listening to the work report of the provincial party committee and the provincial government in Shaanxi, the general secretary stressed that we should speed up the construction of a modern industrial system with intelligent, green, integrated characteristics and in line with the requirements of integrity, progressiveness and security, and strengthen and optimize the modern energy industry cluster.

From this, it can be seen that General Secretary has requested that all regions focus on regional characteristics and strategic positioning, vigorously develop advantageous and characteristic industries, and ultimately aim to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects the unique advantages of each region.

What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

2-12 inch silicon polishing pads placed in the exhibition hall of the Central Industrial Park

The modern industrial system is the material support for a modernized country. Throughout the process of modernization in human society, the modernization of the industrial system is the core of modernization and a key factor in determining the rise and fall of a great country. Accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system is necessary to solidify the foundation of the new development pattern, enhance the security initiative of development, and make the momentum of high-quality development more abundant.

One of the key focuses of China's economic work this year is to improve internal skills, establish a solid foothold, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. China has the world's most complete industrial system and the largest potential domestic demand market. We need to effectively improve the resilience and security level of the industrial and supply chains, and make up for shortcomings and forge strengths.

Seize the new opportunities nurtured in the process of global industrial structure and layout adjustment, and bravely explore new fields and win new tracks

The construction of China's modern industrial system is entering a fast lane, which is related to our strategic initiative in future development and international competition, and will also lay a more solid material and technological foundation for building a socialist modernized strong country in all respects.

What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

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What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

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