Focus Interview丨Keep in mind the General Secretary’s instructions to have both people and wealth prosperous and feel happy

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 21:06 PM

Common prosperity is the common aspiration of the people, and the most arduous and arduous task of promoting common prosperity still lies in rural areas. In the process of promoting comprehensive rural revitalization, we must not only increase farmers' income and embark on the path of common prosperity, but also make farmers' daily lives comfortable and smooth. Zhejiang has insisted on inheriting and developing the "Maple Bridge Experience" for more than 60 years and has continued to implement the "Ten Million Project" for more than 20 years, making the countryside both vibrant, stable and orderly. In Lizu Village, Yiwu, rural tourism is booming, and farmers' incomes are booming. In Zhuji Fengqiao Town, small matters do not leave the village, major issues do not leave the town, and conflicts are not handed over. Not only do you feel satisfied, but your life is smooth. If the grassroots are strong, the country will be strong, and if the grassroots are safe, the world will be safe. We first went to Li Zucun in Yiwu to have a look.

Jin Jing is mainly responsible for investment promotion in Lizu Village, Yiwu, Zhejiang. She said that rural resources should be turned into financial resources, rural traffic into output, and mountainous areas into scenic spots, so as to help more villages revitalize and achieve common prosperity.

In 2018, with the support of the two village committees, Jin Jing planned a project with the village. 30 villagers pooled 500,000 yuan to open a restaurant in partnership. In recent years, there have been more and more tourists in Lizu Village, and the restaurant business is very booming. At the end of 2023, a dividend of 600,000 yuan will be distributed to the villagers, which in the past, the villagers would not dare to think of.

Over the years, the village has undergone tremendous changes. In 2023, there is one thing that will be even more unforgettable for the villagers.

On the morning of September 20, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Li Zucun, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province for inspection and research. He said that Li Zucun's solid promotion of common prosperity is a microcosm of the remarkable results of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project", and it is necessary to continue its efforts to achieve greater results in promoting rural revitalization.

The changes in Li Zucun have benefited from the consistent “Ten Million Project” over the past 20 years. In 2003, Comrade Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, personally planned, deployed, and promoted the multi-million-dollar project of "demonstration in thousands of villages and improvement of ten thousand villages", which not only changed the appearance of the countryside, but also bulged the pockets of the villagers.

In 2017, Li Zucun seized the new opportunity of building a beautiful rural boutique line and hired a group of rural operation planners to carry out micro-transformation and fine-tuning of the village.

During the National Day in 2023, the passenger flow of Li Zucun reached 130,000. More and more tourists come to Lizu Village to drink a cup of coffee, do tie-dying, experience farming activities and enjoy the most primitive rural life in the ancient village.

In order to accommodate more tourists, the two committees of the village set out to develop the homestay industry, arranging dedicated personnel to inspect the idle old houses in the village and create unique homestays.

Opening restaurants and building B&Bs has increased the economic income of the villagers, but these alone are not enough. In the past few years, Li Zucun has continued to explore rural characteristics, develop agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, rural tourism and other tourism projects, and actively develop emerging business formats, attracting many young entrepreneurs who have returned to their hometowns or went to the countryside.

Zhu Jiali is a new farmer born in 1985. She has worked as a Chinese teacher and in foreign trade. Four years ago, she brought her family to Lizu Village, contracted 18 acres of land, and became the hostess of the farm. In the first two years, I mainly focused on flowers. At that time, I lost many varieties. I kept investing money, but there was no hope of harvest, and I felt very confused.

After learning about this situation, the two village committees arranged for experienced planners to connect with Zhu Jiali, and everyone worked together to make suggestions to help her solve this difficult problem.

From the initial cultivation of flowers to the cultivation of crops and the development of research projects, Zhu Jiali's farm not only underwent a comprehensive transformation, but also introduced farm experience classes. Half a year later, the farm welcomed its first guests.

After finding the right path, Zhu Jiali's organic farm has grown bigger and bigger, with a turnover of 1.5 million in 2023 alone. It has also led more than ten people in the village to participate in the project and become rich together.

Lizu Village provides a good entrepreneurial environment for young people, and more importantly, it promotes common prosperity for the villagers. Villagers do not have to go out to work, they can find jobs and make money at home.

With the support and incubation mechanism of the two village committees, Li Zucun has attracted more than 200 entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, and 62 different business formats have been cultivated and incubated.

At present, Yiwu Houzhai Sub-district is starting to build the Great Lizu Common Wealth Alliance, linking the six surrounding villages, and driving other villages to common prosperity by exploring the unique cultural heritage of each village.

To build a beautiful new countryside, in addition to bulging people's pockets, we must also make people feel at ease. Creating a harmonious living environment is an important part of grassroots governance.

At the "Village Gala", a New Year's mass cultural activity in Zhuji, Zhejiang, the sketch "Fengqiao is a Bridge" tells the real scene of policeman Lao Yang from the Fengqiao Police Station approaching retirement and passing on his experience to his apprentices. And an old man in the audience is Lao Yang in real life.

Lao Yang is 74 years old this year. He is a retired policeman from Fengqiao Police Station. He has been engaged in grassroots work for 24 years. After retirement, he became a people's mediator. He also established the Lao Yang Mediation Center and is busy solving problems for the people every day. , is now recognized as the "old uncle" by the local people from all over the country.

On the afternoon of September 20, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Fengqiao Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province for investigation and research. He came to Fengqiao Town, Zhuji City, the birthplace of Fengqiao Experience, to visit the Fengqiao Experience Exhibition Hall, and learned about the vivid practice of Fengqiao Experience in the new era. .

"Small things don't leave the village, big things don't go out of the town, and conflicts don't get handed over." In the 1960s, Fengqiao, Zhuji, Zhejiang Province resolved conflicts on the spot by mobilizing and relying on the masses, insisting on not handing over conflicts, and achieved the goal of "arresting fewer people, "Good public security", and the resulting "Maple Bridge Experience" has become a "golden business card" on the political and legal front. In October 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions on upholding and developing the "Maple Bridge Experience", "uphold and develop the 'Maple Bridge Experience' well, and uphold and implement the party's mass line." Spanning more than half a century century, the "golden business card" of "Maple Bridge Experience" has gained a higher gold content.

The general secretary's attention to grassroots governance has made everyone's work more energetic. In the Lao Yang Mediation Center, the "Four Thousand Spirits" are hung on the wall, visiting thousands of households, speaking thousands of words, enduring countless hardships, and thinking of every possible way. Over the past 30 years, Lao Yang and his team have visited 185 administrative villages, and each village has left the mark of mediation.

Different from judicial litigation, the content of Lao Yang's mediation is the civil part of the case, and he advocates resolving issues before litigation. This requires fully listening to the opinions of the parties concerned, and acting in accordance with emotion, reason, and law.

Today, the Fengqiao Town Joint Mediation Center has developed into a mediation team of more than 300 people, including 138 mediators from social organizations. Gradually, a new pattern of joint mediation has been formed, with the police station mediation center as the main body, and the police station mediation room, village-enterprise mediation meeting, comprehensive management center and volunteers participating.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a series of important instructions on grassroots governance. Various localities have closely relied on the masses to explore and innovate, forming effective experiences and practices, writing vivid stories of grassroots governance, and paving bridges that connect the hearts of the party and the people.

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